.. MediaGoblin Documentation Written in 2011, 2012 by MediaGoblin contributors To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring rights to this software to the public domain worldwide. This software is distributed without any warranty. You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along with this software. If not, see . ========================================= Considerations for Production Deployments ========================================= This document contains a number of suggestions for deploying MediaGoblin in actual production environments. Consider ":doc:`deploying`" for a basic overview of how to deploy MediaGoblin. Deploy with Paste ----------------- The instance configured with ``./lazyserver.sh`` is not ideal for a production MediaGoblin deployment. Ideally, you should be able to use an "init" or "control" script to launch and restart the MediaGoblin process. Use the following command as the basis for such a script: :: CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER=true \ /srv/mediagoblin.example.org/mediagoblin/bin/paster serve \ /srv/mediagoblin.example.org/mediagoblin/paste.ini \ --pid-file=/var/run/mediagoblin.pid \ --server-name=fcgi fcgi_host= fcgi_port=26543 The above configuration places MediaGoblin in "always eager" mode with Celery, this means that submissions of content will be processed synchronously, and the user will advance to the next page only after processing is complete. If we take Celery out of "always eager mode," the user will be able to immediately return to the MediaGoblin site while processing is ongoing. In these cases, use the following command as the basis for your script: :: CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER=false \ /srv/mediagoblin.example.org/mediagoblin/bin/paster serve \ /srv/mediagoblin.example.org/mediagoblin/paste.ini \ --pid-file=/var/run/mediagoblin.pid \ --server-name=fcgi fcgi_host= fcgi_port=26543 Separate Celery --------------- While the ``./lazyserer.sh`` configuration provides an efficient way to start using a MediaGoblin instance, it is not suitable for production deployments for several reasons: In nearly every scenario, work on the Celery queue will need to balance with the demands of other processes, and cannot proceed synchronously. This is a particularly relevant problem if you use MediaGoblin to host video content. Processing with Celery ought to be operationally separate from the MediaGoblin application itself, this simplifies management and support better workload distribution. Basically, if you're doing anything beyond a trivial workload, such as image hosting for a small set of users, or have limited media types such as "ASCII art" or icon sharing, you will need to run ``celeryd`` as a separate process. Build an :ref:`init script ` around the following command:: CELERY_CONFIG_MODULE=mediagoblin.init.celery.from_celery ./bin/celeryd Modify your existing MediaGoblin and application init scripts, if necessary, to prevent them from starting their own ``celeryd`` processes. .. _init-script: Use an Init Script ------------------ Look in your system's ``/etc/init.d/`` or ``/etc/rc.d/`` directory for examples of how to build scripts that will start, stop, and restart MediaGoblin and Celery. These scripts will vary by distribution/operating system. In the future, MediaGoblin will provide example scripts as examples. .. TODO insert init script here .. TODO are additional concerns ? .. Other Concerns .. --------------