.. MediaGoblin Documentation Written in 2011, 2012, 2013 by MediaGoblin contributors To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring rights to this software to the public domain worldwide. This software is distributed without any warranty. You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along with this software. If not, see . .. _deploying-chapter: ===================== Deploying MediaGoblin ===================== GNU MediaGoblin is fairly new and so at the time of writing, there aren't easy package-manager-friendly methods to install MediaGoblin. However, doing a basic install isn't too complex in and of itself. There's an almost infinite way to deploy things... for now, we'll keep it simple with some assumptions and use a setup that combines mediagoblin + virtualenv + fastcgi + nginx on a .deb or .rpm based GNU/Linux distro. .. note:: These tools are for site administrators wanting to deploy a fresh install. If instead you want to join in as a contributor, see our `Hacking HOWTO `_ instead. There are also many ways to install servers... for the sake of simplicity, our instructions below describe installing with nginx. For more recipes, including Apache, see `our wiki `_. Prepare System -------------- Dependencies ~~~~~~~~~~~~ MediaGoblin has the following core dependencies: - Python 2.7 - `python-lxml `_ - `git `_ - `SQLite `_/`PostgreSQL `_ - `Python Imaging Library `_ (PIL) - `virtualenv `_ On a DEB-based system (e.g Debian, gNewSense, Trisquel, Ubuntu, and derivatives) issue the following command:: sudo apt-get install git-core python python-dev python-lxml \ python-imaging python-virtualenv On a RPM-based system (e.g. Fedora, RedHat, and derivatives) issue the following command:: yum install python-paste-deploy python-paste-script \ git-core python python-devel python-lxml python-imaging \ python-virtualenv Configure PostgreSQL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. note:: MediaGoblin currently supports PostgreSQL and SQLite. The default is a local SQLite database. This will "just work" for small deployments. For medium to large deployments we recommend PostgreSQL. If you don't want/need postgres, skip this section. These are the packages needed for Debian Wheezy (stable):: sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-client python-psycopg2 The installation process will create a new *system* user named ``postgres``, it will have privilegies sufficient to manage the database. We will create a new database user with restricted privilegies and a new database owned by our restricted database user for our MediaGoblin instance. In this example, the database user will be ``mediagoblin`` and the database name will be ``mediagoblin`` too. To create our new user, run:: sudo -u postgres createuser -A -D mediagoblin then create the database all our MediaGoblin data should be stored in:: sudo -u postgres createdb -E UNICODE -O mediagoblin mediagoblin where the first ``mediagoblin`` is the database owner and the second ``mediagoblin`` is the database name. .. caution:: Where is the password? These steps enable you to authenticate to the database in a password-less manner via local UNIX authentication provided you run the MediaGoblin application as a user with the same name as the user you created in PostgreSQL. More on this in :ref:`Drop Privileges for MediaGoblin `. .. _drop-privileges-for-mediagoblin: Drop Privileges for MediaGoblin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MediaGoblin does not require special permissions or elevated access to run. As such, the preferred way to run MediaGoblin is to create a dedicated, unprivileged system user for the sole purpose of running MediaGoblin. Running MediaGoblin processes under an unpriviledged system user helps to keep it more secure. The following command (entered as root or with sudo) will create a system account with a username of ``mediagoblin``. You may choose a different username if you wish.:: adduser --system mediagoblin No password will be assigned to this account, and you will not be able to log in as this user. To switch to this account, enter either:: sudo -u mediagoblin /bin/bash # (if you have sudo permissions) or:: su mediagoblin -s /bin/bash # (if you have to use root permissions) You may get a warning similar to this when entering these commands:: warning: cannot change directory to /home/mediagoblin: No such file or directory You can disregard this warning. To return to your regular user account after using the system account, just enter ``exit``. .. note:: Unless otherwise noted, the remainder of this document assumes that all operations are performed using this unpriviledged account. .. _create-mediagoblin-directory: Create a MediaGoblin Directory ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You should create a working directory for MediaGoblin. This document assumes your local git repository will be located at ``/srv/mediagoblin.example.org/mediagoblin/``. Substitute your prefered local deployment path as needed. Setting up the working directory requires that we first create the directory with elevated priviledges, and then assign ownership of the directory to the unpriviledged system account. To do this, enter either of the following commands, changing the defaults to suit your particular requirements:: sudo mkdir -p /srv/mediagoblin.example.org && sudo chown -hR mediagoblin: /srv/mediagoblin.example.org or (as the root user):: mkdir -p /srv/mediagoblin.example.org && chown -hR mediagoblin: /srv/mediagoblin.example.org Install MediaGoblin and Virtualenv ---------------------------------- .. note:: MediaGoblin is still developing rapidly. As a result the following instructions recommend installing from the ``master`` branch of the git repository. Eventually production deployments will want to transition to running from more consistent releases. We will now clone the MediaGoblin source code repository and setup and configure the necessary services. Modify these commands to suit your own environment. As a reminder, you should enter these commands using your unpriviledged system account. Change to the MediaGoblin directory that you just created:: cd /srv/mediagoblin.example.org Clone the MediaGoblin repository and set up the git submodules:: git clone git://gitorious.org/mediagoblin/mediagoblin.git -b stable cd mediagoblin git submodule init && git submodule update Set up the hacking environment:: ./bootstrap.sh && ./configure && make The above provides an in-package install of ``virtualenv``. While this is counter to the conventional ``virtualenv`` configuration, it is more reliable and considerably easier to configure and illustrate. If you're familiar with Python packaging you may consider deploying with your preferred method. Assuming you are going to deploy with FastCGI, you should also install flup:: ./bin/easy_install flup (Sometimes this breaks because flup's site is flakey. If it does for you, try):: ./bin/easy_install https://pypi.python.org/pypi/flup/1.0.3.dev-20110405 This concludes the initial configuration of the development environment. In the future, when you update your codebase, you should also run:: git submodule update && ./bin/python setup.py develop --upgrade && ./bin/gmg dbupdate Note: If you are running an active site, depending on your server configuration, you may need to stop it first or the dbupdate command may hang (and it's certainly a good idea to restart it after the update) Deploy MediaGoblin Services --------------------------- Edit site configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A few basic properties must be set before MediaGoblin will work. First make a copy of ``mediagoblin.ini`` for editing so the original config file isn't lost:: cp mediagoblin.ini mediagoblin_local.ini Then: - Set ``email_sender_address`` to the address you wish to be used as the sender for system-generated emails - Edit ``direct_remote_path``, ``base_dir``, and ``base_url`` if your mediagoblin directory is not the root directory of your vhost. Configure MediaGoblin to use the PostgreSQL database ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you are using postgres, edit the ``[mediagoblin]`` section in your ``mediagoblin_local.ini`` and put in:: sql_engine = postgresql:///mediagoblin if you are running the MediaGoblin application as the same 'user' as the database owner. Update database data structures ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Before you start using the database, you need to run:: ./bin/gmg dbupdate to populate the database with the MediaGoblin data structures. Test the Server ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At this point MediaGoblin should be properly installed. You can test the deployment with the following command:: ./lazyserver.sh --server-name=broadcast You should be able to connect to the machine on port 6543 in your browser to confirm that the service is operable. .. _webserver-config: FastCGI and nginx ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This configuration example will use nginx, however, you may use any webserver of your choice as long as it supports the FastCGI protocol. If you do not already have a web server, consider nginx, as the configuration files may be more clear than the alternatives. Create a configuration file at ``/srv/mediagoblin.example.org/nginx.conf`` and create a symbolic link into a directory that will be included in your ``nginx`` configuration (e.g. "``/etc/nginx/sites-enabled`` or ``/etc/nginx/conf.d``) with one of the following commands (as the root user):: ln -s /srv/mediagoblin.example.org/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/ ln -s /srv/mediagoblin.example.org/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ Modify these commands and locations depending on your preferences and the existing configuration of your nginx instance. The contents of this ``nginx.conf`` file should be modeled on the following:: server { ################################################# # Stock useful config options, but ignore them :) ################################################# include /etc/nginx/mime.types; autoindex off; default_type application/octet-stream; sendfile on; # Gzip gzip on; gzip_min_length 1024; gzip_buffers 4 32k; gzip_types text/plain text/html application/x-javascript text/javascript text/xml text/css; ##################################### # Mounting MediaGoblin stuff # This is the section you should read ##################################### # Change this to update the upload size limit for your users client_max_body_size 8m; # prevent attacks (someone uploading a .txt file that the browser # interprets as an HTML file, etc.) add_header X-Content-Type-Options nosniff; server_name mediagoblin.example.org www.mediagoblin.example.org; access_log /var/log/nginx/mediagoblin.example.access.log; error_log /var/log/nginx/mediagoblin.example.error.log; # MediaGoblin's stock static files: CSS, JS, etc. location /mgoblin_static/ { alias /srv/mediagoblin.example.org/mediagoblin/mediagoblin/static/; } # Instance specific media: location /mgoblin_media/ { alias /srv/mediagoblin.example.org/mediagoblin/user_dev/media/public/; } # Theme static files (usually symlinked in) location /theme_static/ { alias /srv/mediagoblin.example.org/mediagoblin/user_dev/theme_static/; } # Plugin static files (usually symlinked in) location /plugin_static/ { alias /srv/mediagoblin.example.org/mediagoblin/user_dev/plugin_static/; } # Mounting MediaGoblin itself via FastCGI. location / { fastcgi_pass; include /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params; # our understanding vs nginx's handling of script_name vs # path_info don't match :) fastcgi_param PATH_INFO $fastcgi_script_name; fastcgi_param SCRIPT_NAME ""; } } The first four ``location`` directives instruct Nginx to serve the static and uploaded files directly rather than through the MediaGoblin process. This approach is faster and requires less memory. .. note:: The user who owns the Nginx process, normally ``www-data``, requires execute permission on the directories ``static``, ``public``, ``theme_static`` and ``plugin_static`` plus all their parent directories. This user also requires read permission on all the files within these directories. This is normally the default. Now, nginx instance is configured to serve the MediaGoblin application. Perform a quick test to ensure that this configuration works. Restart nginx so it picks up your changes, with a command that resembles one of the following (as the root user):: sudo /etc/init.d/nginx restart sudo /etc/rc.d/nginx restart Now start MediaGoblin. Use the following command sequence as an example:: cd /srv/mediagoblin.example.org/mediagoblin/ ./lazyserver.sh --server-name=fcgi fcgi_host= fcgi_port=26543 Visit the site you've set up in your browser by visiting . You should see MediaGoblin! .. note:: The configuration described above is sufficient for development and smaller deployments. However, for larger production deployments with larger processing requirements, see the ":doc:`production-deployments`" documentation. Apache ~~~~~~ Instructions and scripts for running MediaGoblin on an Apache server can be found on the `MediaGoblin wiki `_. Security Considerations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. warning:: The directory ``user_dev/crypto/`` contains some very sensitive files. Especially the ``itsdangeroussecret.bin`` is very important for session security. Make sure not to leak its contents anywhere. If the contents gets leaked nevertheless, delete your file and restart the server, so that it creates a new secret key. All previous sessions will be invalidated. .. Local variables: fill-column: 70 End: