========================== Git, Cloning and Patches ========================== GNU MediaGoblin uses git for all our version control and we have the repositories hosted on `Gitorious `_. We have two repositories. One is for the project and the other is for the project website. How to clone the project ======================== Do:: git clone git://gitorious.org/mediagoblin/mediagoblin.git How to send in patches ====================== All patches should be tied to issues in the `issue tracker `_. That makes it a lot easier for everyone to track proposed changes and make sure your hard work doesn't get dropped on the floor! If there isn't an issue for what you're working on, please create one. The better the description of what it is you're trying to fix/implement, the better everyone else is able to understand why you're doing what you're doing. There are two ways you could send in a patch. How to send in a patch from a publicly available clone ------------------------------------------------------ Add a comment to the issue you're working on with the following bits of information: * the url for your clone * the revs you want looked at * any details, questions, or other things that should be known How to send in a patch if you don't have a publicly available clone ------------------------------------------------------------------- Assuming that the remote is our repository on gitorious and the branch to compare against is master, do the following: 1. checkout the branch you did your work in 2. do:: git format-patch -o patches origin/master 3. either: * tar up and attach the tarball to the issue you're working on, OR * attach the patch files to the issue you're working on one at a time How to learn git ================ Check out :ref:`hacking-howto-git`!