.. _contributing-howto-chapter: ==================== Contributing HOWTO ==================== .. contents:: Sections :local: .. _join-the-community-section: Join the community! =================== We're super glad you want to join our community! See `the join page on the website `_ for where we hang out. There are a variety of ways you can help us and become part of the team. We're not just looking for coders! We're also looking for documentation writers, users, testers, evangelists, user-interface designers, graphics designers, user-experience designers, system administrators, friends, painters, bakers, candle-stick makers... Here are some things you can do today: **Hang out with us** You should hang out with us! We like people like you! At a bare minimum, join the `mailing list `_ and say, "Hi!" We also hang out on IRC in ``#mediagoblin`` on Freenode.net. **File bugs** Filing bugs is a critical part of any project. For more information on filing bugs, see :ref:`filing-bugs`. **Write/Fix some code** If you are a coder and you're looking to code, check out the :ref:`hacking-howto`. We even have tips on *becoming* a coder and we're willing to help you! **Send encouragement** A nice word from you could send someone into a tizzy of productive work. Ten nice words could complete a feature. One hundred nice words could get us to the next milestone. Send it to the `mailing list `_ or hop into ``#mediagoblin`` on Freenode.net and let us know. **Spread the word** The seductive call of Free Software services is a powerful one, but many cannot hear it because it's drowned out by the rush hour traffic honking of proprietary walled gardens and faux free services. Yuck! Be the sweet chirrup of the bird amidst the din! Tell others that there is a better way to live! FIXME - do we want to talk about ways to spread the word? FIXME - how can people notify us that they're spreading the word? We're still working on project infrastructure. We hope to have the bits in place for these additional things to do in the coming months: **Become a user** We're building GNU MediaGoblin for us and for you but really you're one of us and I am you and we are we and GNU MediaGoblin is the walrus. Sign up for an account. Use the service. Relish in the thought that this service comes with a heaping side of Freedom and you can salt and pepper it to your liking. **Help other users** Have you spent time with GNU MediaGoblin? If so, your experience and wisdom are invaluable and you're the best person we can think of to help other users with their questions. **Run your own instance** Are there things about our instance you want to change? Are there things about other instances you wish were different? Want to test upcoming changes? Want to create patches to implement things you need? That's great---you can run your own instance! For more information on deploying your own instance, see :ref:`deployment-howto`. **Translate GNU MediaGoblin** Knowing more than one language is an important skill. If you are multi-lingual and are interested in translating GNU MediaGoblin, see :ref:`translating`. **Create a theme** As people deploy their own GNU MediaGoblin instances, good themes are a must have! For more information on theming, see :ref:`theming-howto`. Contributing thank you drawings / copyright assignment ====================================================== Copyright assignment with GNU MediaGoblin to the `FSF `_ is highly encouraged but not mandatory. To incentivize both this and people to make cool contributions to our project, if you make useful contributions to GNU MediaGoblin *and* do a copyright assignment to the Free Software Foundation, the founder of the project, Chris Webber, will make a custom drawing of a goblin dedicated specifically to you. For why we're doing copyright assignment, see the :ref:`design-decisions-chapter`. .. _filing-bugs: File bugs ========= GNU MediaGoblin uses a bug tracker called `Redmine `_. The bug tracker is at ``_. A good bug report has the following things in it: 1. A short summary that's 60 characters or less. 2. A description that describes the issue (bug, feature request, ...) as well as the context. * If it's a bug, can you reproduce it? Is the issue specific to a browser, computer, image, ...? * If it's a feature request, are there related links on the Internet for more information? Would you be willing to help implement or test the feature? That's it! When someone looks into the issue and has questions, they'll contact you! If you don't hear from anyone in a couple of weeks, find someone on IRC. .. _translating: Translate GNU MediaGoblin ========================= Coming soon when we set up translation infrastructure. Where to go when you get stuck ============================== Go to `our Web site `_ where we list the various places we hang out and how to get a hold of us.