# A docker-compose recipe for MediaGoblin hacking. # # Tested on Trisquel 8. Currently runs Python 3 and works for photos and video. # Audio raises an exception "NameError: name 'audiolab' is not defined". # docker-compose up --build # docker-compose run --rm web bin/python # docker-compose start [service] # docker-compose stop [service] # docker-compose down version: '2' services: web: build: context: . dockerfile: Dockerfile-python3 # Is user required here, or does it just pick up from the last USER in Dockerfile? user: www-data # Consider running dbupdate here (at runtime), rather than in Dockerfile. command: ./lazyserver.sh --server-name=broadcast volumes: # Mount your local copy of the source for hecking on MediaGoblin. - ./mediagoblin:/opt/mediagoblin/mediagoblin # Mount your local media/secrets. Requires some initial setup: # # $ mkdir user_dev/media user_dev/crypto # $ chmod 777 user_dev/media user_dev_crypto - ./user_dev:/opt/mediagoblin/user_dev ports: - "6543:6543"