#!/usr/bin/env python3 import json import re import warnings import time from diaspy.streams import Outer from diaspy.models import Aspect from diaspy import errors from diaspy import search def sephandle(handle): """Separate Diaspora* handle into pod pod and user. :returns: two-tuple (pod, user) """ if re.match('^[a-zA-Z]+[a-zA-Z0-9_-]*@[a-z0-9.]+\.[a-z]+$', handle) is None: raise errors.InvalidHandleError('{0}'.format(handle)) handle = handle.split('@') pod, user = handle[1], handle[0] return (pod, user) class User(): """This class abstracts a D* user. This object goes around the limitations of current D* API and will extract user data using black magic. However, no chickens are harmed when you use it. The parameter fetch should be either 'posts', 'data' or 'none'. By default it is 'posts' which means in addition to user data, stream will be fetched. If user has not posted yet diaspy will not be able to extract the information from his/her posts. Since there is no official way to do it we rely on user posts. If this will be the case user will be notified with appropriate exception message. If fetch is 'data', only user data will be fetched. If the user is not found, no exception will be returned. When creating new User() one can pass either guid, handle and/or id as optional parameters. GUID takes precedence over handle when fetching user stream. When fetching user data, handle is required. """ @classmethod def parse(cls, connection, data): person = data.get('person') if person is None: raise errors.KeyMissingFromFetchedData('person', data) guid = person.get('guid') if guid is None: raise errors.KeyMissingFromFetchedData('guid', person) handle = person.get('diaspora_id') if handle is None: raise errors.KeyMissingFromFetchedData('diaspora_id', person) person_id = person.get('id') if person_id is None: raise errors.KeyMissingFromFetchedData('id', person) return User(connection, guid, handle, id, data=data) def __init__(self, connection, guid='', handle='', fetch='posts', id=0, data=None): self._connection = connection self.stream = [] self.data = { 'guid': guid, 'diaspora_id': handle, 'id': id, } self.photos = [] if data: self.data.update( data ) if fetch: self._fetch(fetch) def __getitem__(self, key): return self.data[key] def __str__(self): return self.data.get('guid', '') def __repr__(self): return '{0} ({1})'.format(self.handle(), self.guid()) def handle(self): return self.data.get('diaspora_id', 'Unknown Diaspora ID') def guid(self): return self.data.get('guid', '') def id(self): return self.data['id'] def _fetchstream(self): self.stream = Outer(self._connection, guid=self['guid']) def _fetch(self, fetch): """Fetch user posts or data. """ if fetch == 'posts': if self.handle() and not self['guid']: self.fetchhandle() else: self.fetchguid() elif fetch == 'data' and self['diaspora_id']: self.fetchprofile() def _finalize_data(self, data): """Adjustments are needed to have similar results returned by search feature and fetchguid()/fetchhandle(). """ return data def _postproc(self, request): """Makes necessary modifications to user data and sets up a stream. :param request: request object :type request: request """ if request.status_code != 200: raise Exception('wrong error code: {0}'.format(request.status_code)) data = request.json() self.data.update(self._finalize_data(data)) def fetchhandle(self): """Fetch user data and posts using Diaspora ID (previously known as handle). """ self.fetchprofile() self._fetchstream() def fetchguid(self, fetch_stream=True): """Fetch user data and posts (if fetch_stream is True) using guid. """ if self['guid']: request = self._connection.get('people/{0}.json'.format(self['guid'])) self._postproc(request) if fetch_stream: self._fetchstream() else: raise errors.UserError('GUID not set') def fetchprofile(self): """Fetches user data. """ data = search.Search(self._connection).user(self.handle()) if not data: raise errors.UserError('user with handle "{0}" has not been found on pod "{1}"'.format(self.handle(), self._connection.pod)) else: self.data.update( data[0] ) def aspectMemberships(self): """Returns a list with aspect memberships :returns: list """ if 'contact' in self.data: return self.data.get('contact', {}).get('aspect_memberships', []) else: return self.data.get('aspect_memberships', []) def getPhotos(self): """Gets and sets this User()'s photo data. :returns: dict --> GET /people/{GUID}/photos.json HTTP/1.1 <-- HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "photos":[ { "id":{photo_id}, "guid":"{photo_guid}", "created_at":"2018-03-08T23:48:31.000Z", "author":{ "id":{author_id}, "guid":"{author_guid}", "name":"{author_name}", "diaspora_id":"{diaspora_id}", "avatar":{"small":"{avatar_url_small}","medium":"{avatar_url_medium}","large":"{avatar_url_large}"} }, "sizes":{ "small":"{photo_url}", "medium":"{photo_url}", "large":"{photo_url}" }, "dimensions":{"height":847,"width":998}, "status_message":{ "id":{post_id} } },{ .. } if there are no photo's it returns: {"photos":[]} """ request = self._connection.get('/people/{0}/photos.json'.format(self['guid'])) if request.status_code != 200: raise errors.UserError('could not fetch photos for user: {0}'.format(self['guid'])) json = request.json() if json: self.photos = json['photos'] return json['photos'] def getHCard(self): """Returns json containing user HCard. --> /people/{guid}/hovercard.json?_={timestamp} <-- HTTP/2.0 200 OK { "id":123, "guid":"1234567890abcdef", "name":"test", "diaspora_id":"batman@test.test", "contact":false, "profile":{ "avatar":"https://nicetesturl.url/image.jpg", "tags":["tag1", "tag2", "tag3", "tag4", "tag5"]} } """ timestamp = int(time.mktime(time.gmtime())) request = self._connection.get('/people/{0}/hovercard.json?_={}'.format(self['guid'], timestamp)) if request.status_code != 200: raise errors.UserError('could not fetch hcard for user: {0}'.format(self['guid'])) return request.json() def deletePhoto(self, photo_id): """ :param photo_id: Photo ID to delete. :type photo_id: int --> DELETE /photos/{PHOTO_ID} HTTP/1.1 <-- HTTP/1.1 204 No Content """ request = self._connection.delete('/photos/{0}'.format(photo_id)) if request.status_code != 204: raise errors.UserError('could not delete photo_id: {0}'.format(photo_id)) class Me(): """Object represetnting current user. """ _userinfo_regex = re.compile(r'window.current_user_attributes = ({.*})') _userinfo_regex_2 = re.compile(r'gon.user=({.*});gon.preloads') def __init__(self, connection): self._connection = connection def getInfo(self): """This function returns the current user's attributes. :returns: dict """ request = self._connection.get('bookmarklet') userdata = self._userinfo_regex.search(request.text) if userdata is None: userdata = self._userinfo_regex_2.search(request.text) if userdata is None: raise errors.DiaspyError('cannot find user data') userdata = userdata.group(1) return json.loads(userdata) class Contacts(): """This class represents user's list of contacts. """ def __init__(self, connection, fetch=False, set=''): self._connection = connection self.contacts = None if fetch: self.contacts = self.get(set) def __getitem__(self, index): return self.contacts[index] def addAspect(self, name, visible=False): """Add new aspect. :param name: aspect name to add :type name: str :param visible: sets if contacts in aspect are visible for each and other :type visible: bool :returns: JSON from request --> POST /aspects HTTP/1.1 --> {"person_id":null,"name":"test","contacts_visible":false} <-- HTTP/1.1 200 OK """ data = { 'person_id': None, 'name': name, 'contacts_visible': visible } headers={'content-type': 'application/json', 'accept': 'application/json' } request = self._connection.tokenFrom('contacts').post('aspects', headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)) if request.status_code == 400: raise errors.AspectError('duplicate record, aspect alreadt exists: {0}'.format(request.status_code)) elif request.status_code != 200: raise errors.AspectError('wrong status code: {0}'.format(request.status_code)) new_aspect = request.json() self._connection.userdata()['aspects'].append( new_aspect ) return new_aspect def deleteAspect(self, aspect_id): """Deletes a aspect with given ID. :param aspect_id: Aspect ID to delete. :type aspect_id: int --> POST /aspects/{ASPECT_ID} HTTP/1.1 _method=delete&authenticity_token={TOKEN} Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded <-- HTTP/1.1 302 Found Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 """ request = self._connection.tokenFrom('contacts').delete('aspects/{}'.format( aspect_id )) if request.status_code != 200: # since we don't post but delete raise errors.AspectError('wrong status code: {0}'.format(request.status_code)) def add(self, user_id, aspect_ids): """Add user to aspects of given ids. :param user_id: user id (not guid) :type user_id: str :param aspect_ids: list of aspect ids :type aspect_ids: list :returns: dict """ # TODO update self.contacts for aid in aspect_ids: new_aspect_membership = Aspect(self._connection, aid).addUser(user_id) # user. if new_aspect_membership: for user in self.contacts: if int(user.data['person_id']) == int(user_id): user.data['aspect_memberships'].append( new_aspect_membership ) return new_aspect_membership def remove(self, user_id, aspect_ids): """Remove user from aspects of given ids. :param user_id: user id :type user_id: str :param aspect_ids: list of aspect ids :type aspect_ids: list """ for aid in aspect_ids: Aspect(self._connection, aid).removeUser(user_id) def get(self, set='', page=0): """Returns list of user contacts. Contact is a User() who is in one or more of user's aspects. By default, it will return list of users who are in user's aspects. If `set` is `all` it will also include users who only share with logged user and are not in his/hers aspects. If `set` is `only_sharing` it will return users who are only sharing with logged user and ARE NOT in his/hers aspects. # On "All contacts" button diaspora on the time of testing this I had 20 contacts and 10 that where only sharing with me. So 30 in total. --> GET /contacts?set=all HTTP/1.1 <-- HTTP/1.1 200 OK returned 25 contacts (5 only sharing with me) --> GET /contacts.json?page=1&set=all&_=1524410225376 HTTP/1.1 <-- HTTP/1.1 200 OK returned the same list as before. --> GET /contacts.json?page=2&set=all&_=1524410225377 HTTP/1.1 <-- HTTP/1.1 200 OK returned the other 5 that where only sharing with me. --> GET /contacts.json?page=3&set=all&_=1524410225378 HTTP/1.1 <-- HTTP/1.1 200 OK returned empty list. It appears that /contacts?set=all returns a maximum of 25 contacts. So if /contacts?set=all returns 25 contacts then request next page until page returns a list with less then 25. I don't see a reason why we should request page=1 'cause the previous request will be the same. So begin with page=2 if /contacts?set=all returns 25. :param set: if passed could be 'all' or 'only_sharing' :type set: str :param page: page number to get, default 0. :type page: int """ params = {} if set: params['set'] = set params['_'] = int(time.mktime(time.gmtime())) if page: params['page'] = page request = self._connection.get('contacts.json', params=params) if request.status_code != 200: raise Exception('status code {0}: cannot get contacts'.format(request.status_code)) json = request.json() users = [User.parse(self._connection, each) for each in json] if len(json) == 25: if not page: page = 1 users += self.get(set=set, page=page+1) return users