import requests class Post: """This class represents a post. .. note:: Remember that you need to have access to the post. :params post_id: id or guid of the post :type post_id: str :params client: client object used to authenticate :type client: Client .. note:: The login function of the client should be called, before calling any of the post functions. """ def __init__(self, post_id, client): self._client = client r = self._client.session.get(self._client.pod + '/posts/' + post_id + '.json') if r.status_code == 200: = r.json() else: raise Exception('wrong status code: ' + str(r.status_code)) def like(self): """This function likes a post :returns: dict -- json formatted like object. """ data = {'authenticity_token': self._client.get_token()} r = + "/posts/" + str(['id']) + "/likes", data=data, headers={'accept': 'application/json'}) return r.json() def rmlike(self): """This function removes a like from a post """ data = {'authenticity_token': self._client.get_token()} r = self._client.session.delete(self._client.pod + '/posts/' + str(['id']) + '/likes/' + str(['interactions'] ['likes'][0]['id']), data=data) def reshare(self): """This function reshares a post """ data = {'root_guid':['guid'], 'authenticity_token': self._client.get_token()} r = + "/reshares", data=data) return r.json() def comment(self, text): """This function comments on a post :param post_id: id of the post to comment on. :type post_id: str :param text: text to comment. :type text: str """ data = {'text': text, 'authenticity_token': self._client.get_token()} r = + '/posts/' + str(['id']) + '/comments', data=data) return r.json() def rmcomment(self, comment_id): """This function removes a comment from a post :param post_id: id of the post to remove the like from. :type post_id: str :param like_id: id of the like to remove. :type like_id: str """ data = {'authenticity_token': self._client.get_token()} r = self._client.session.delete(self._client.pod + '/posts/' + str(['id']) + '/comments/' + comment_id, data=data)