#!/usr/bin/env python3 """This module contains custom exceptions that are raised by diaspy. These are not described by DIASPORA* protocol as exceptions that should be raised by API implementations but are specific to this particular implementation. If your program should catch all exceptions raised by diaspy and does not need to handle them specifically you can use following code: # this line imports all errors from diaspy.errors import * try: # your code... except DiaspyError as e: # your error handling code... finally: # closing code... """ import warnings class DiaspyError(Exception): """Base exception for all errors raised by diaspy. """ pass class LoginError(DiaspyError): """Exception raised when something bad happens while performing actions related to logging in. """ pass class TokenError(DiaspyError): pass class CSRFProtectionKickedIn(TokenError): pass class DataError(DiaspyError): pass class InvalidDataError(DataError): pass class KeyMissingFromFetchedData(InvalidDataError): pass class UserError(DiaspyError): """Exception raised when something related to users goes wrong. """ pass class InvalidHandleError(DiaspyError): """Raised when invalid handle is found. """ pass class SearchError(DiaspyError): """Exception raised when something related to search goes wrong. """ pass class ConversationError(DiaspyError): """Exception raised when something related to conversations goes wrong. """ pass class AspectError(DiaspyError): """Exception raised when something related to aspects goes wrong. """ pass class UserIsNotMemberOfAspect(AspectError): pass class PostError(DiaspyError): """Exception raised when something related to posts goes wrong. """ pass class StreamError(DiaspyError): """Exception raised when something related to streams goes wrong. """ pass class SettingsError(DiaspyError): """Exception raised when something related to settings goes wrong. """ pass class SearchError(DiaspyError): """Exception raised when something related to searching goes wrong. """ pass class TagError(DiaspyError): """Exception raised when something related to settings goes wrong. """ pass def react(r, message='', accepted=[200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206], exception=DiaspyError): """This method tries to decide how to react to a response code passed to it. If it's an error code it will raise an exception (it will call `throw()` method. If response code is not accepted AND cannot be matched to any exception, generic exception (DiaspyError) is raised (provided that `exception` param was left untouched). By default `accepted` param contains all HTTP success codes. User can force type of exception to raise by passing `exception` param. :param r: response code :type r: int :param message: message for the exception :type message: str :param accepted: list of accepted error codes :type accepted: list :param exception: preferred exception to raise :type exception: valid exception type (default: DiaspyError) """ warnings.warn(DeprecationWarning) if r in accepted: e = None else: e = DiaspyError if e is not None: e = exception throw(e, message=message) def throw(e, message=''): """This function throws an error with given message. If None is passed as `e` throw() will not raise anything. :param e: exception to throw :type e: any valid exception type or None :param message: message for exception :type message: str """ warnings.warn(DeprecationWarning) if e is None: pass else: raise e(message)