import requests import re import json import diaspy.models class Client: """This is the client class to connect to Diaspora. """ def __init__(self, pod, username, password): """ :param pod: The complete url of the diaspora pod to use. :type pod: str :param username: The username used to log in. :type username: str :param password: The password used to log in. :type password: str """ self._token_regex = re.compile(r'content="(.*?)"\s+name="csrf-token') self.pod = pod self.session = requests.Session() self._post_data = {} self._setlogindata(username, password) def get_token(self): """This function gets a token needed for authentication in most cases :returns: string -- token used to authenticate """ r = self.session.get('{0}/stream'.format(self.pod)) token = return token def _setlogindata(self, username, password): """This function is used to set data for login. .. note:: It should be called before _login() function. """ #r = self.session.get(self.pod + '/users/sign_in') #token = self._username, self._password = username, password self._login_data = { 'user[username]': self._username, 'user[password]': self._password, 'authenticity_token': self.get_token(), } def _login(self): """This function is used to connect to the pod and log in. """ r ='{0}/users/sign_in'.format(self.pod), data=self._login_data, headers={'accept': 'application/json'}) if r.status_code != 201: raise Exception('{0}: Login failed.'.format(r.status_code)) def _set_post_data(self, text, aspect_id, photos): """This method prepares data for post. :param text: Text to post. :type text: str :param aspect_id: Aspect id to send post to. :type aspect_id: str """ data = {'aspect_ids': aspect_id, 'status_message': {'text': text}} if photos: data['photos'] = photos self._post_data = data def _send_post(self): """This method sends a post to an aspect. It uses `self._post_data`. .. note:: _set_post_data() must be called before. """ def post(self, text, aspect_id='public', photos=None): """This function sends a post to an aspect :param text: Text to post. :type text: str :param aspect_id: Aspect id to send post to. :type aspect_id: str :returns: diaspy.models.Post -- the Post which has been created """ self._set_post_data(text, aspect_id, photos) r ='{0}/status_messages'.format(self.pod), data=json.dumps(self._post_data), headers={'content-type': 'application/json', 'accept': 'application/json', 'x-csrf-token': self.get_token()}) if r.status_code != 201: raise Exception('{0}: Post could not be posted.'.format(r.status_code)) return diaspy.models.Post(str(r.json()['id']), self) def get_user_info(self): """This function returns the current user's attributes. :returns: dict -- json formatted user info. """ r = self.session.get('{0}/bookmarklet'.format(self.pod)) regex = re.compile(r'window.current_user_attributes = ({.*})') userdata = json.loads( return userdata def post_picture(self, filename): aspects = self.get_user_info()['aspects'] params = {} params['photo[pending]'] = 'true' params['set_profile_image'] = '' params['qqfile'] = filename for i, aspect in enumerate(aspects): params['photo[aspect_ids][%d]' % (i)] = aspect['id'] data = open(filename, 'rb') headers = {'content-type': 'application/octet-stream', 'x-csrf-token': self.get_token(), 'x-file-name': filename} r ='{0}/photos'.format(self.pod), params=params, data=data, headers=headers) return r def get_stream(self): """This functions returns a list of posts found in the stream. :returns: list -- list of Post objects. """ data = {'authenticity_token': self.get_token()} r = self.session.get('{0}/stream.json'.format(self.pod)) if r.status_code != 200: raise Exception('wrong status code: {0}'.format(r.status_code)) stream = r.json() posts = [] for post in stream: posts.append(diaspy.models.Post(str(post['id']), self)) return posts def get_notifications(self): """This functions returns a list of notifications. :returns: list -- list of json formatted notifications """ data = {'authenticity_token': self.get_token()} r = self.session.get('{0}/notifications.json'.format(self.pod)) if r.status_code != 200: raise Exception('wrong status code: {0}'.format(r.status_code)) notifications = r.json() return notifications def get_mentions(self): """This functions returns a list of posts the current user is being mentioned in. :returns: list -- list of Post objects """ data = {'authenticity_token': self.get_token()} r = self.session.get('/mentions.json'.format(self.pod)) if r.status_code != 200: raise Exception('wrong status code: {0}'.format(r.status_code)) mentions = r.json() posts = [] for post in mentions: posts.append(diaspy.models.Post(str(post['id']), self)) return posts def get_tag(self, tag): """This functions returns a list of posts containing the tag. :param tag: Name of the tag :type tag: str :returns: list -- list of Post objects """ data = {'authenticity_token': self.get_token()} r = self.session.get('{0}/tags/{1}.json'.format(self.pod, tag)) if r.status_code != 200: raise Exception('wrong status code: {0}'.format(r.status_code)) tagged_posts = r.json() posts = [] for post in tagged_posts: posts.append(diaspy.models.Post(str(post['id']), self)) return posts def add_user_to_aspect(self, user_id, aspect_id): """ this function adds a user to an aspect. :param user_id: User ID :type user_id: str :param aspect_id: Aspect ID :type aspect_id: str """ data = {'authenticity_token': self.get_token(), 'aspect_id': aspect_id, 'person_id': user_id} r ='{0}/aspect_memberships.json'.format(self.pod), data=data) if r.status_code != 201: raise Exception('wrong status code: {0}'.format(r.status_code)) return r.json() def remove_user_from_aspect(self, user_id, aspect_id): """ this function removes a user from an aspect. :param user_id: User ID :type user_id: str :param aspect_id: Aspect ID :type aspect_id: str """ data = {'authenticity_token': self.get_token(), 'aspect_id': aspect_id, 'person_id': user_id} r = self.session.delete('{0}/aspect_memberships/42.json'.format(self.pod), data=data) if r.status_code != 200: raise Exception('wrong status code: {0}'.format(r.status_code)) return r.json() def add_aspect(self, aspect_name, visible=0): """ This function adds a new aspect. """ data = {'authenticity_token': self.get_token(), 'aspect[name]': aspect_name, 'aspect[contacts_visible]': visible} r ='{0}/aspects'.format(self.pod), data=data) if r.status_code != 200: raise Exception('wrong status code: {0}'.format(r.status_code)) def remove_aspect(self, aspect_id): """ This function adds a new aspect. """ data = {'authenticity_token': self.get_token()} r = self.session.delete('{0}/aspects/{1}'.format(self.pod, aspect_id), data=data) if r.status_code != 404: raise Exception('wrong status code: {0}'.format(r.status_code)) def get_mailbox(self): """This functions returns a list of messages found in the conversation. :returns: list -- list of Conversation objects. """ data = {'authenticity_token': self.get_token()} r = self.session.get('{0}/conversations.json'.format(self.pod)) if r.status_code != 200: raise Exception('wrong status code: {0}'.format(r.status_code)) mailbox = r.json() conversations = [] for conversation in mailbox: conversations.append(diaspy.conversations.Conversation(str(conversation['conversation']['id']), self)) return conversations def new_conversation(self, contacts, subject, text): """ start a new conversation :param contacts: recipients ids, no guids, comma sperated. :type contacts: str :param subject: subject of the message. :type subject: str :param text: text of the message. :type text: str """ data = {'contact_ids': contacts, 'conversation[subject]': subject, 'conversation[text]': text, 'utf8': '✓', 'authenticity_token': self.get_token()} r ='{0}/conversations/'.format(self.pod), data=data, headers={'accept': 'application/json'}) if r.status_code != 200: raise Exception('{0}: Conversation could not be started.'.format(r.status_code)) return r.json()