$library) { $actions = array(); if ($library['vendor url']) { $actions[] = l('Homepage', $library['vendor url']); } if ($library['download url']) { $actions[] = l('Download', $library['download url']); } $rows[] = array( 'data' => array( l($library['name'], 'admin/reports/libraries/' . $machine_name), ($library['installed'] ? t('OK') : drupal_ucfirst($library['error'])), (isset($library['version']) ? $library['version'] : ''), libraries_admin_get_provider_with_type($library), implode(' | ', $actions), ), 'class' => ($library['installed'] ? array('ok') : array('error')), ); } $form['libraries']['list'] = array( '#theme' => 'table', '#header' => $header, '#rows' => $rows, '#empty' => t('There are currently no libraries installed'), ); return $form; } /** * Form generation callback for the status overview for a single library. * * This is a form instead of a page to allow easier extending in contributed * modules. * * @param array $form * An associative array containing the structure of the form. * @param array $form_state * A keyed array containing the current state of the form. * @param array $library * A library information array. * * @return array|null * The form array for the status form or NULL if the library was not found. * * @todo Add some var_export($library)-style output */ function libraries_admin_library_status_form(array $form, array &$form_state, $library) { drupal_set_title(t('Status report for library %library', array('%library' => $library['name'])), PASS_THROUGH); if ($library['installed']) { drupal_set_message(t('The %name library is installed correctly.', array('%name' => $library['name']))); $form['status'] = libraries_admin_status_table($library); } else { drupal_set_message($library['error message'], 'error'); switch ($library['error']) { case 'not found': $form['instructions'] = libraries_admin_instructions_missing($library); break; case 'not detected': $form['instructions'] = libraries_admin_instructions_undetected($library);; break; case 'not supported': $form['instructions'] = libraries_admin_instructions_unsupported($library); break; case 'missing dependency': $form['instructions']['instruction']['#markup'] = t('There a missing dependency in your configuration that prevent this library to work properly.') . '
'; break; case 'incompatible dependency': $form['instructions']['instruction']['#markup'] = t('There an incompatible dependency in your configuration that prevent this library to work properly.') . '
'; break; } } return $form; } /** * Displays a table of status information about a library. * * @param array $library * A library information array. * * @return array * A renderable array containing a table with status information. */ function libraries_admin_status_table(array $library) { $header = array(array( // @todo The title implies that other type of information is displayed, as // well, but this is currently not the case. // @todo Use CSS instead of a element. 'data' => '' . t('General information') . '', 'colspan' => 2, 'class' => 'table-heading', 'no_striping' => TRUE, )); $rows = array(); // @todo Use CSS instead of elements. $rows['name'] = array('' . t('Name') . '', check_plain($library['name'])); $rows['machine_name'] = array('' . t('Machine name') . '', check_plain($library['machine name'])); if ($library['vendor url']) { $rows['vendor_url'] = array('' . t('Vendor URL') . '', l($library['vendor url'], $library['vendor url'])); } if ($library['download url']) { $rows['download_url'] = array('' . t('Download URL') . '', l($library['download url'], $library['download url'])); } $rows['provider'] = array('' . t('Provider') . '', libraries_admin_get_provider_with_type($library)); $rows['library_path'] = array('' . t('Library path') . '', $library['library path']); $rows['version'] = array('' . t('Version') . '', $library['version']); if (!empty($library['variants'])) { $rows['variants'] = array('' . t('Variants') . '', implode(', ', array_keys($library['variants']))); } return array( '#theme' => 'table', '#header' => $header, '#rows' => $rows, ); } /** * Returns instructions for dealing with a missing library. * * @param array $library * A library information array. * * @return array * A renderable array containing the instructions. */ function libraries_admin_instructions_missing(array $library) { $build = array(); $build['instruction']['#markup'] = t('Follow these steps to install the library:'); $items = array(); // 1. Download the library. // If no supported versions are specified, the latest version is // recommended. if (empty($library['versions'])) { $items[] = t('Download the latest version of the library here.', array( '@download-url' => $library['download url'], )); } // Otherwise, the latest supported version is recommended. else { $versions = array_keys($library['versions']); usort($versions, 'version_compare'); $versions = array_reverse($versions); $version = $versions[0]; $items[] = t('Download version %version of the library here.', array( '%version' => $version, '@download-url' => $library['download url'], )); } // 2. Unpack it. $items[] = t('If the library is an archive, i.e. if the file ending is for example .tar.gz or .zip, unpack it.'); // 3. Create the libraries folder. $items[] = t('In the %library-directory directory of your Drupal installation create a %library directory.', array( '%library-directory' => 'sites/all/libraries', '%library' => $library['machine name'], )); // 4. Upload it. // If the library has variant-independent files, give the user the // location of an example file to check his filesystem against. if ($directory_layout = libraries_admin_directory_layout($library)) { $items[] = t('Upload the whole library (which can consist of multiple directories) into the newly created %library-path directory. The following files and directories should be contained in that directory: !directory-layout', array( '%library-path' => 'sites/all/libraries/' . $library['machine name'], '!directory-layout' => drupal_render($directory_layout), )); } else { $items[] = t('Upload the whole library (which can consist of multiple directories) into the newly created %library-path directory.', array( '%library-path' => 'sites/all/libraries/' . $library['machine name'], )); } // 5. Reload. $items[] = t('Reload the page. If successful, you should see status information about this library.'); $build['steps'] = array( '#theme' => 'item_list', '#items' => $items, '#type' => 'ol' ); return $build; } /** * Returns instructions for dealing with an undetected library. * * @param array $library * A library information array. * * @return array * A renderable array containing the instructions. */ function libraries_admin_instructions_undetected($library) { $build = array(); // Re-check location. // @todo Avoid usage of
elements. $build['instruction']['#markup'] = t('Check that the whole library is located at %library-path.', array( '%library-path' => $library['library path'], )) . '
'; // If the library has variant-independent files, give the user the // exact location of the files to check against. // @todo It should be possible to display even variant-specific files // in case the variant is installed, but libraries_detect() does not // detect variants if the library version cannot be detected. if ($directory_layout = libraries_admin_directory_layout($library)) { $build['directory_layout'] = $directory_layout; $build['directory_layout']['#prefix'] = t('The following files and directories should be contained in that directory:'); } // If the library is placed correctly the library information is // incorrect. // This switch could be avoided by using $library['info type'], but that would // hinder properly translating these strings. $build['reload']['#markup'] = t('If you have moved any files, reload the page. If successful, you should see status information about this library.') . '
'; $build['notice']['#markup'] = t('If the files are placed correctly and the version can still not be detected, the library information is incorrect.') . '
'; $provider = libraries_admin_get_provider($library); switch ($library['info type']) { case 'module': $build['contact']['#markup'] = t('Contact the maintainer of the %module module to correct this.', array( '%module' => $provider, )) . '
'; break; case 'theme': $build['contact']['#markup'] = t('Contact the maintainer of the %theme theme to correct this.', array( '%theme' => $provider, )) . '
'; break; case 'info file': $build['contact']['#markup'] = t('Contact the maintainer of the %info-file info file to correct this.', array( '%info-file' => $provider, )) . '
'; break; } return $build; } /** * Returns instructions for dealing with an unsupported library. * * @param array $library * A library information array. * * @return array * A renderable array containing the instructions. */ function libraries_admin_instructions_unsupported($library) { $build = array(); $items = array(); // Either download a different version of the library... $versions = array_keys($library['versions']); usort($versions, 'version_compare'); $versions = array_reverse($versions); $version = $versions[0]; $build['instruction']['#markup'] = t('Please install version %version of the library by following the following steps:', array( '%version' => $version, )); // 1. Delete the old library. $items[] = t('Delete the entire contents of the %library-path directory.', array( '%library-path' => $library['library path'], )); // 2. Download the new library. $items[] = t('Download version %version of the library here.', array( '%version' => $version, '@download-url' => $library['download url'], )); // 3. Unpack it. $items[] = t('If the library is an archive, i.e. if the file ending is for example .tar.gz or .zip, unpack it.'); // 4. Upload the new library. // If the library has variant-independent files, give the user the // location of an example file to check his filesystem against. if ($directory_layout = libraries_admin_directory_layout($library)) { $items[] = t('Upload the new files into the %library-path directory. The following files and directories should be contained in that directory: !directory-layout', array( '%library-path' => $library['library path'], '!directory-layout' => drupal_render($directory_layout), )); } else { $items[] = t('Upload the new files into the %library-path directory.', array( '%library-path' => $library['library path'], )); } // 5. Reload. $items[] = t('Reload the page. If successful, you should see status information about this library.'); $build['steps'] = array( '#theme' => 'item_list', '#items' => $items, '#type' => 'ol', ); // ...or contact the maintainer of the library information. $provider = libraries_admin_get_provider($library); switch ($library['info type']) { case 'module': $build['contact']['#markup'] = t('If you are bound to version @version of the library, ask the maintainer of the %module module to provide support for it.', array( '@version' => $library['version'], '%module' => $provider, )) . '
'; break; case 'theme': $build['contact']['#markup'] = t('If you are bound to version @version of the library, ask the maintainer of the %theme theme to provide support for it.', array( '@version' => $library['version'], '%theme' => $provider, )) . '
'; break; case 'info file': $build['contact']['#markup'] = t('If you are bound to version @version of the library, ask the maintainer of the %info-file info file to provide support for it.', array( '@version' => $library['version'], '%info-file' => $provider, )) . '
'; break; } return $build; } /** * Returns the directory layout of the library, if possible. * * The result of this function can help users to verify that they have uploaded * the library to the correct location. * * @param array $library * A library information array. * * @return array|false * A renderable array containing the directory layout of the library or FALSE * if a directory layout could not be generated. */ function libraries_admin_directory_layout(array $library) { $build = array( '#theme' => 'item_list', '#type' => 'ul', '#items' => array(), ); $items = &$build['#items']; if ($library['path']) { $items = &libraries_admin_path_to_tree($items, $library['path']); } foreach (array('js', 'css', 'php') as $type) { if (!empty($library['files'][$type])) { $files = array_keys($library['files'][$type]); foreach ($files as $file) { // Skip JavaScript settings. if (is_int($file)) { continue; } $children = &$items; libraries_admin_path_to_tree($children, $file); } } } return $build['#items'] ? $build : FALSE; } /** * Converts a file path into a tree structure for use in an item list. * * For example, the path 'foo/bar/baz' will be converted into the tree structure * represented by the following list: * - foo * - bar * - baz * * The $items array that is modified by reference or returned (see below) can * be used as the 'items' variable for theme_item_list(). * * This function modifies passed-in $items array, so that multiple paths can * be placed into the same tree structure easily. * * @code * $items = array(); * foreach ($paths as $path) { * libraries_admin_path_to_tree($items, $path); * } * @endcode * * It also returns the last item by reference, so that it can also be used to * traverse into a sub-structure and add further children there. * * @code * $items = array(); * $children = &libraries_admin_path_to_tree($items, $path); * foreach ($sub_paths as $sub_path) { * libraries_admin_path_to_tree($children, $sub_path); * } * @endcode * * @param array $items * @param string $path * * @return array */ function &libraries_admin_path_to_tree(array &$items, $path) { $part = strtok($path, '/'); while ($part) { if (!isset($items[$part])) { $items[$part] = array( 'data' => $part, 'children' => array(), ); } $items = &$items[$part]['children']; $part = strtok('/'); } return $items; } /** * Sorts libraries by name. * * This function can be used as a callback for usort() or uasort(). * * @param array $a * The first library information array. * @param array $b * The second library information array. * * @return int * Returns -1 if $a is considered smaller than $b, 1 if $a considered greater * than $b and 0 if $a and $b are considered equal. * * @see strnatcasecmp() * @see usort() * @see uasort() */ function libraries_admin_sort_title(array $a, array $b) { return strnatcasecmp($a['name'], $b['name']); } /** * Returns the library's provider. * * The provider can be a module, a theme, or an info file. * * @param array $library * A library information array. * * @return string * The provider. */ function libraries_admin_get_provider($library) { $provider = ''; switch ($library['info type']) { case 'module': case 'theme': $info = system_get_info($library['info type'], $library[$library['info type']]); $provider = $info['name']; break; case 'info file': $provider = basename($library['info file']); break; } return $provider; } /** * Returns the library's provider and provider type. * * The provider type is either 'module', 'theme', or 'info file'. * * @param array $library * A library information array. * * @return string * The provider and provider type. */ function libraries_admin_get_provider_with_type($library) { $provider = libraries_admin_get_provider($library); $provider_with_type = ''; // This switch could be avoided by using $library['info type'], but that would // hinder properly translating these strings. switch ($library['info type']) { case 'module': $provider_with_type = t('%module module', array('%module' => $provider)); break; case 'theme': $provider_with_type = t('%theme theme', array('%theme' => $provider)); break; case 'info file': $provider_with_type = t('%info-file info file', array('%info-file' => $provider)); break; } return $provider_with_type; }