{literal} {/literal} {* You might have a specific page that displays more information that the form. This is an example (taken from http://www.etownhall.eu) that assumes that there is a Drupal node that contains a cck field 'petitionid'. This node is going to be used for the social networks promotion instead of the form. This is an example of how to fetch content from a Drupal node (that contains a cck field 'petitionid') You will want to customise it based on your configuration. How to install ? Create a custom template folder and copy this file into CRM/Campaign/Page/Petition/SocialNetwork.tpl This assumes you are on Drupal, have installed the fb module (drupal.org/project/fb), and in general, is very unlikely to work directly. Please consider this as an example, and modify to fit your specific configuration. *} {php} /** * Function to get Petition Drupal Node Path/Alias * * @param int $surveyId * @static */ function &getPetitionDrupalNodeData( $surveyId ) { /* Other approach: using the view $view=views_get_view("node_petition"); //replace with the name of your view $view->set_arguments(array($surveyId)); $view->build('default'); //use "default" if you want to retrieve the default display of your view, if not, the name of the specific display $view->execute(); foreach($view->result as $result) { //$result // Do something with $result here. Each result is an object, so for example you can access the nid using $result->nid } */ $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton( ); $surveyId = (int)$surveyId;// sql injection protection // if Drupal node uses cck integer field petitionid // there will be a 'content_field_petitionid' table in the Drupal database // that stores field_petitionid_value against nid (node id) $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM content_type_petition WHERE field_petitionid_value = " . $surveyId); global $base_url; $petition = array(); $data = db_fetch_array ($result); if (!$data) { return null; } $petition_node = node_load ($data['nid']); $petition_node->url = $base_url . "/" . drupal_get_path_alias("node/".$data['nid']); $petition_node->title = node_page_title(node_load($data['nid'])); return array_merge ((array)$petition_node,(array)$data); } global $base_url; $this->assign('base_url', $base_url); $email = $this->get_template_vars('email'); $noscript = $this->get_template_vars('noscript'); $petition_id = $this->get_template_vars('petition_id'); $node = getPetitionDrupalNodeData($petition_id); $this->assign_by_ref('node', $node); {/php} {if $node.nid} {* print additional thank you email text from Drupal petition node if there is a cck text field 'email' *} {if $email}
{$node.field_email.0.value} {/if}

Help spread the word about "{$node.title}"

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Do you use Facebook or Twitter ?

{if $noscript}

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Tweet {/if}

Do you have a website for your organisation or yourself?

You can write a story about it - don't forget to add the link to {$node.url}. {/if}