"memberdir.netscape.com", // "name" => "Netcenter Member Directory", // "base" => "ou=member_directory,o=netcenter.com"); // you have an option to chose between javascript or html version of // address book searching. // true = javascript // false = html global $default_use_javascript_addr_book; $default_use_javascript_addr_book = false; // these next two options set the defaults for the way that the users see // their folder list. // $default_unseen_notify specifies whether or not the users will see // the number of unseen in each folder by default // and alsy which folders to do this to. // 1=none, 2=inbox, 3=all // $default_unseen_type specifies the type of notification to give the // users by default. // 1=(4), 2=(4,25) global $default_unseen_notify, $default_unseen_type; $default_unseen_notify = 2; $default_unseen_type = 1; // If you are running on a machine that doesn't have the tm_gmtoff // value in your time structure and if you are in a time zone that // has a negative offset, you need to set this value to 1. // This is typically people in the US that are running Solaris 7. global $invert_time; $invert_time = false; global $plugins; // To install plugins, just add elements to this array that have // the plugin directory name relative to the /plugins/ directory. // For instance, for the "sqclock" plugin, you'd put a line like // the following: // $plugins[0] = "sqclock"; // $plugins[1] = "attachment_common"; // Do not add the closing PHP tag here just because we want to avoid // the potential for parsing errors if there is a newline added