#!/usr/bin/env perl # conf.pl # Luke Ehresman (luke@squirrelmail.org) # # A simple configure script to configure squirrelmail # # $Id$ ############################################################ $conf_pl_version = "1.2.0"; ############################################################ # Check what directory we're supposed to be running in, and # change there if necessary. File::Basename has been in # Perl since at least 5.003_7, and nobody sane runs anything # before that, but just in case. ############################################################ if (eval q{require "File/Basename.pm"}) { my $dir = File::Basename::dirname($0); chdir($dir); } ############################################################ # Some people try to run this as a CGI. That's wrong! ############################################################ if(defined($ENV{'PATH_INFO'}) || defined($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}) || defined($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'})) { print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n"; print "You must run this script from the command line."; exit; } ############################################################ # First, lets read in the data already in there... ############################################################ if ( -e "config.php") { open (FILE, "config.php"); while ($line = ) { $line =~ s/^\s+//; $line =~ s/^\$//; $var = $line; $var =~ s/=/EQUALS/; if ($var =~ /^([a-z]|[A-Z])/) { @o = split(/\s*EQUALS\s*/, $var); if ($o[0] eq "config_version") { $o[1] =~ s/[\n|\r]//g; $o[1] =~ s/[\'|\"];\s*$//; $o[1] =~ s/;$//; $o[1] =~ s/^[\'|\"]//; $config_version = $o[1]; close (FILE); } } } close (FILE); if ($config_version ne $conf_pl_version) { system "clear"; print $WHT."WARNING:\n".$NRM; print " The file \"config/config.php\" was found, but it is for\n"; print " an older version of SquirrelMail. It is possible to still\n"; print " read the defaults from this file but be warned that many\n"; print " preferences change between versions. It is recommended that\n"; print " you start with a clean config.php for each upgrade that you\n"; print " do. To do this, just move config/config.php out of the way.\n"; print "\n"; print "Continue loading with the old config.php [y/N]? "; $ctu = ; if (($ctu !~ /^y\n/i) || ($ctu =~ /^\n/)) { exit; } print "\nDo you want me to stop warning you [y/N]? "; $ctu = ; if ($ctu =~ /^y\n/i) { $print_config_version = $conf_pl_version; } else { $print_config_version = $config_version; } } else { $print_config_version = $config_version; } $config = 1; open (FILE, "config.php"); } elsif (-e "config_default.php") { open (FILE, "config_default.php"); while ($line = ) { $line =~ s/^\s+//; $line =~ s/^\$//; $var = $line; $var =~ s/=/EQUALS/; if ($var =~ /^([a-z]|[A-Z])/) { @o = split(/\s*EQUALS\s*/, $var); if ($o[0] eq "config_version") { $o[1] =~ s/[\n|\r]//g; $o[1] =~ s/[\'|\"];\s*$//; $o[1] =~ s/;$//; $o[1] =~ s/^[\'|\"]//; $config_version = $o[1]; close (FILE); } } } close (FILE); if ($config_version ne $conf_pl_version) { system "clear"; print $WHT."WARNING:\n".$NRM; print " You are trying to use a 'config_default.php' from an older\n"; print " version of SquirrelMail. This is HIGHLY unrecommended. You\n"; print " should get the 'config_default.php' that matches the version\n"; print " of SquirrelMail that you are running. You can get this from\n"; print " the SquirrelMail web page by going to the following URL:\n"; print " http://www.squirrelmail.org.\n"; print "\n"; print "Continue loading with old config_default.php (a bad idea) [y/N]? "; $ctu = ; if (($ctu !~ /^y\n/i) || ($ctu =~ /^\n/)) { exit; } print "\nDo you want me to stop warning you [y/N]? "; $ctu = ; if ($ctu =~ /^y\n/i) { $print_config_version = $conf_pl_version; } else { $print_config_version = $config_version; } } else { $print_config_version = $config_version; } $config = 2; open (FILE, "config_default.php"); } else { print "No configuration file found. Please get config_default.php\n"; print "or config.php before running this again. This program needs\n"; print "a default config file to get default values.\n"; exit; } # Read and parse the current configuration file # (either config.php or config_default.php). while ($line = ) { $line =~ s/^\s+//; $line =~ s/^\$//; $var = $line; $var =~ s/=/EQUALS/; if ($var =~ /^([a-z]|[A-Z])/) { @options = split(/\s*EQUALS\s*/, $var); $options[1] =~ s/[\n|\r]//g; $options[1] =~ s/[\'|\"];\s*$//; $options[1] =~ s/;$//; $options[1] =~ s/^[\'|\"]//; if ($options[0] =~ /^theme\[[0-9]+\]\[['|"]PATH['|"]\]/) { $sub = $options[0]; $sub =~ s/\]\[['|"]PATH['|"]\]//; $sub =~ s/.*\[//; if (-e "../themes") { $options[1] =~ s/^\.\.\/config/\.\.\/themes/; } $theme_path[$sub] = $options[1]; } elsif ($options[0] =~ /^theme\[[0-9]+\]\[['|"]NAME['|"]\]/) { $sub = $options[0]; $sub =~ s/\]\[['|"]NAME['|"]\]//; $sub =~ s/.*\[//; $theme_name[$sub] = $options[1]; } elsif ($options[0] =~ /^plugins\[[0-9]+\]/) { $sub = $options[0]; $sub =~ s/\]//; $sub =~ s/^plugins\[//; $plugins[$sub] = $options[1]; } elsif ($options[0] =~ /^ldap_server\[[0-9]+\]/) { $sub = $options[0]; $sub =~ s/\]//; $sub =~ s/^ldap_server\[//; $continue = 0; while (($tmp = ) && ($continue != 1)) { if ($tmp =~ /\);\s*$/) { $continue = 1; } if ($tmp =~ /^\s*[\'|\"]host[\'|\"]/i) { $tmp =~ s/^\s*[\'|\"]host[\'|\"]\s*=>\s*[\'|\"]//i; $tmp =~ s/[\'|\"],?\s*$//; $tmp =~ s/[\'|\"]\);\s*$//; $host = $tmp; } elsif ($tmp =~ /^\s*[\'|\"]base[\'|\"]/i) { $tmp =~ s/^\s*[\'|\"]base[\'|\"]\s*=>\s*[\'|\"]//i; $tmp =~ s/[\'|\"],?\s*$//; $tmp =~ s/[\'|\"]\);\s*$//; $base = $tmp; } elsif ($tmp =~ /^\s*[\'|\"]charset[\'|\"]/i) { $tmp =~ s/^\s*[\'|\"]charset[\'|\"]\s*=>\s*[\'|\"]//i; $tmp =~ s/[\'|\"],?\s*$//; $tmp =~ s/[\'|\"]\);\s*$//; $charset = $tmp; } elsif ($tmp =~ /^\s*[\'|\"]port[\'|\"]/i) { $tmp =~ s/^\s*[\'|\"]port[\'|\"]\s*=>\s*[\'|\"]//i; $tmp =~ s/[\'|\"],?\s*$//; $tmp =~ s/[\'|\"]\);\s*$//; $port = $tmp; } elsif ($tmp =~ /^\s*[\'|\"]maxrows[\'|\"]/i) { $tmp =~ s/^\s*[\'|\"]maxrows[\'|\"]\s*=>\s*[\'|\"]//i; $tmp =~ s/[\'|\"],?\s*$//; $tmp =~ s/[\'|\"]\);\s*$//; $maxrows = $tmp; } elsif ($tmp =~ /^\s*[\'|\"]name[\'|\"]/i) { $tmp =~ s/^\s*[\'|\"]name[\'|\"]\s*=>\s*[\'|\"]//i; $tmp =~ s/[\'|\"],?\s*$//; $tmp =~ s/[\'|\"]\);\s*$//; $name = $tmp; } } $ldap_host[$sub] = $host; $ldap_base[$sub] = $base; $ldap_name[$sub] = $name; $ldap_port[$sub] = $port; $ldap_maxrows[$sub] = $maxrows; $ldap_charset[$sub] = $charset; } else { ${$options[0]} = $options[1]; } } } close FILE; if ($useSendmail ne "true") { $useSendmail = "false"; } if (!$sendmail_path) { $sendmail_path = "/usr/sbin/sendmail"; } if (!$default_unseen_notify) { $default_unseen_notify = 2; } if (!$default_unseen_type) { $default_unseen_type = 1; } if (!$config_use_color) { $config_use_color = 0; } if (!$invert_time) { $invert_time = "false"; } if (!$force_username_lowercase) { $force_username_lowercase = "false"; } if (!$optional_delimiter) { $optional_delimiter = "detect"; } if (!$use_authenticated_smtp) { $use_authenticated_smtp = "false"; } if (!$auto_create_special) { $auto_create_special = "false"; } if(!$default_use_priority) { $default_use_priority = "true"; } if(!$hide_sm_attributions) { $hide_sm_attributions = "false"; } if ($ARGV[0] eq '--install-plugin') { print "Activating plugin " . $ARGV[1] . "\n"; push @plugins, $ARGV[1]; save_data(); exit(0); } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '--remove-plugin') { print "Removing plugin " . $ARGV[1] . "\n"; foreach $plugin (@plugins) { if ($plugin ne $ARGV[1]) { push @newplugins, $plugin; } } @plugins = @newplugins; save_data(); exit(0); } ##################################################################################### if ($config_use_color == 1) { $WHT = "\x1B[37;1m"; $NRM = "\x1B[0m"; } else { $WHT = ""; $NRM = ""; $config_use_color = 2; } while (($command ne "q") && ($command ne "Q")) { system "clear"; print $WHT."SquirrelMail Configuration : ".$NRM; if ($config == 1) { print "Read: config.php"; } elsif ($config == 2) { print "Read: config_default.php"; } print " ($print_config_version)\n"; print "---------------------------------------------------------\n"; if ($menu == 0) { print $WHT."Main Menu --\n".$NRM; print "1. Organization Preferences\n"; print "2. Server Settings\n"; print "3. Folder Defaults\n"; print "4. General Options\n"; print "5. Themes\n"; print "6. Address Books (LDAP)\n"; print "7. Message of the Day (MOTD)\n"; print "8. Plugins\n"; print "9. Database\n"; print "\n"; print "D. Set pre-defined settings for specific IMAP servers\n"; print "\n"; } elsif ($menu == 1) { print $WHT."Organization Preferences\n".$NRM; print "1. Organization Name : $WHT$org_name$NRM\n"; print "2. Organization Logo : $WHT$org_logo$NRM\n"; print "3. Organization Title : $WHT$org_title$NRM\n"; print "4. Signout Page : $WHT$signout_page$NRM\n"; print "5. Default Language : $WHT$squirrelmail_default_language$NRM\n"; print "6. Top Frame : $WHT$frame_top$NRM\n"; print "\n"; print "R Return to Main Menu\n"; } elsif ($menu == 2) { print $WHT."Server Settings\n".$NRM; print "1. Domain : $WHT$domain$NRM\n"; print "2. IMAP Server : $WHT$imapServerAddress$NRM\n"; print "3. IMAP Port : $WHT$imapPort$NRM\n"; print "4. Use Sendmail/SMTP : $WHT"; if ($useSendmail eq "true") { print "Sendmail"; } else { print "SMTP"; } print "$NRM\n"; if ($useSendmail eq "true") { print "5. Sendmail Path : $WHT$sendmail_path$NRM\n"; } else { print "6. SMTP Server : $WHT$smtpServerAddress$NRM\n"; print "7. SMTP Port : $WHT$smtpPort$NRM\n"; print "8. Authenticated SMTP : $WHT$use_authenticated_smtp$NRM\n"; } print "9. Server : $WHT$imap_server_type$NRM\n"; print "10. Invert Time : $WHT$invert_time$NRM\n"; print "11. Delimiter : $WHT$optional_delimiter$NRM\n"; print "\n"; print "R Return to Main Menu\n"; } elsif ($menu == 3) { print $WHT."Folder Defaults\n".$NRM; print "1. Default Folder Prefix : $WHT$default_folder_prefix$NRM\n"; print "2. Show Folder Prefix Option : $WHT$show_prefix_option$NRM\n"; print "3. Trash Folder : $WHT$trash_folder$NRM\n"; print "4. Sent Folder : $WHT$sent_folder$NRM\n"; print "5. Drafts Folder : $WHT$draft_folder$NRM\n"; print "6. By default, move to trash : $WHT$default_move_to_trash$NRM\n"; print "7. By default, move to sent : $WHT$default_move_to_sent$NRM\n"; print "8. By default, save as draft : $WHT$default_save_as_draft$NRM\n"; print "9. List Special Folders First : $WHT$list_special_folders_first$NRM\n"; print "10. Show Special Folders Color : $WHT$use_special_folder_color$NRM\n"; print "11. Auto Expunge : $WHT$auto_expunge$NRM\n"; print "12. Default Sub. of INBOX : $WHT$default_sub_of_inbox$NRM\n"; print "13. Show 'Contain Sub.' Option : $WHT$show_contain_subfolders_option$NRM\n"; print "14. Default Unseen Notify : $WHT$default_unseen_notify$NRM\n"; print "15. Default Unseen Type : $WHT$default_unseen_type$NRM\n"; print "16. Auto Create Special Folders : $WHT$auto_create_special$NRM\n"; print "\n"; print "R Return to Main Menu\n"; } elsif ($menu == 4) { print $WHT."General Options\n".$NRM; print "1. Default Charset : $WHT$default_charset$NRM\n"; print "2. Data Directory : $WHT$data_dir$NRM\n"; print "3. Attachment Directory : $WHT$attachment_dir$NRM\n"; print "4. Directory Hash Level : $WHT$dir_hash_level$NRM\n"; print "5. Default Left Size : $WHT$default_left_size$NRM\n"; print "6. Usernames in Lowercase : $WHT$force_username_lowercase$NRM\n"; print "7. Allow use of priority : $WHT$default_use_priority$NRM\n"; print "8. Hide SM attributions : $WHT$hide_sm_attributions$NRM\n"; print "\n"; print "R Return to Main Menu\n"; } elsif ($menu == 5) { print $WHT."Themes\n".$NRM; print "1. Change Themes\n"; for ($count = 0; $count <= $#theme_name; $count++) { print " > $theme_name[$count]\n"; } print "2. CSS File : $WHT$theme_css$NRM\n"; print "\n"; print "R Return to Main Menu\n"; } elsif ($menu == 6) { print $WHT."Address Books (LDAP)\n".$NRM; print "1. Change Servers\n"; for ($count = 0; $count <= $#ldap_host; $count++) { print " > $ldap_host[$count]\n"; } print "2. Use Javascript Address Book Search : $WHT$default_use_javascript_addr_book$NRM\n"; print "\n"; print "R Return to Main Menu\n"; } elsif ($menu == 7) { print $WHT."Message of the Day (MOTD)\n".$NRM; print "\n$motd\n"; print "\n"; print "1 Edit the MOTD\n"; print "\n"; print "R Return to Main Menu\n"; } elsif ($menu == 8) { print $WHT."Plugins\n".$NRM; print " Installed Plugins\n"; $num = 0; for ($count = 0; $count <= $#plugins; $count++) { $num = $count + 1; print " $num. $plugins[$count]\n"; } print "\n Available Plugins:\n"; opendir(DIR, "../plugins"); @files = readdir(DIR); $pos=0; @unused_plugins = (); for ($i=0; $i <= $#files; $i++) { if ( -d "../plugins/" . $files[$i] && $files[$i] !~ /^\./ && $files[$i] ne "CVS") { $match = 0; for ($k=0; $k<=$#plugins; $k++) { if ($plugins[$k] eq $files[$i]) { $match = 1; } } if ($match == 0) { $unused_plugins[$pos] = $files[$i]; $pos++; } } } for ($i=0; $i<=$#unused_plugins; $i++) { $num = $num + 1; print " $num. $unused_plugins[$i]\n"; } closedir DIR; print "\n"; print "A Sanitize all plugins for use with Squirrelmail 1.2\n"; print "\n"; print "R Return to Main Menu\n"; } elsif ($menu == 9) { print $WHT."Database\n".$NRM; print "1. DSN for Address Book : $WHT$addrbook_dsn$NRM\n"; print "2. Table for Address Book : $WHT$addrbook_table$NRM\n"; print "\n"; print "S Save data\n"; print "R Return to Main Menu\n"; } if ($config_use_color == 1) { print "C. Turn color off\n"; } else { print "C. Turn color on\n"; } print "S Save data\n"; print "Q Quit\n"; print "\n"; print "Command >> ".$WHT; $command = ; $command =~ s/[\n|\r]//g; $command =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; print "$NRM\n"; # Read the commands they entered. if ($command eq "r") { $menu = 0; } elsif ($command eq "s") { save_data (); print "Press enter to continue..."; $tmp = ; $saved = 1; } elsif (($command eq "q") && ($saved == 0)) { print "You have not saved your data.\n"; print "Save? [".$WHT."Y".$NRM."/n]: "; $save = ; if (($save =~ /^y/i) || ($save =~ /^\s*$/)) { save_data (); } } elsif ($command eq "c") { if ($config_use_color == 1) { $config_use_color = 2; $WHT = ""; $NRM = ""; } else { $config_use_color = 1; $WHT = "\x1B[37;1m"; $NRM = "\x1B[0m"; } } elsif ($command eq "d" && $menu == 0) { set_defaults (); } else { $saved = 0; if ($menu == 0) { if (($command > 0) && ($command < 10)) { $menu = $command; } } elsif ($menu == 1) { if ($command == 1) { $org_name = command1 (); } elsif ($command == 2) { $org_logo = command2 (); } elsif ($command == 3) { $org_title = command3 (); } elsif ($command == 4) { $signout_page = command4 (); } elsif ($command == 5) { $squirrelmail_default_language = command5(); } elsif ($command == 6) { $frame_top = command6(); } } elsif ($menu == 2) { if ($command == 1) { $domain = command11 (); } elsif ($command == 2) { $imapServerAddress = command12 (); } elsif ($command == 3) { $imapPort = command13 (); } elsif ($command == 4) { $useSendmail = command14 (); } elsif ($command == 5) { $sendmail_path = command15 (); } elsif ($command == 6) { $smtpServerAddress = command16 (); } elsif ($command == 7) { $smtpPort = command17 (); } elsif ($command == 8) { $use_authenticated_smtp = command18 (); } elsif ($command == 9) { $imap_server_type = command19 (); } elsif ($command == 10) { $invert_time = command110 (); } elsif ($command == 11) { $optional_delimiter = command111 (); } } elsif ($menu == 3) { if ($command == 1) { $default_folder_prefix = command21 (); } elsif ($command == 2) { $show_prefix_option = command22 (); } elsif ($command == 3) { $trash_folder = command23a (); } elsif ($command == 4) { $sent_folder = command23b (); } elsif ($command == 5) { $draft_folder = command23c (); } elsif ($command == 6) { $default_move_to_trash = command24a (); } elsif ($command == 7) { $default_move_to_sent = command24b (); } elsif ($command == 8) { $default_save_as_draft = command24c (); } elsif ($command == 9) { $list_special_folders_first = command27 (); } elsif ($command == 10) { $use_special_folder_color = command28 (); } elsif ($command == 11) { $auto_expunge = command29 (); } elsif ($command == 12) { $default_sub_of_inbox = command210(); } elsif ($command == 13) { $show_contain_subfolders_option = command211(); } elsif ($command == 14) { $default_unseen_notify = command212(); } elsif ($command == 15) { $default_unseen_type = command213(); } elsif ($command == 16) { $auto_create_special = command214(); } } elsif ($menu == 4) { if ($command == 1) { $default_charset = command31 (); } elsif ($command == 2) { $data_dir = command33a (); } elsif ($command == 3) { $attachment_dir = command33b (); } elsif ($command == 4) { $dir_hash_level = command33c (); } elsif ($command == 5) { $default_left_size = command35 (); } elsif ($command == 6) { $force_username_lowercase = command36 (); } elsif ($command == 7) { $default_use_priority = command37 (); } elsif ($command == 8) { $hide_sm_attributions = command38 (); } } elsif ($menu == 5) { if ($command == 1) { command41 (); } elsif ($command == 2) { $theme_css = command42 (); } } elsif ($menu == 6) { if ($command == 1) { command61(); } elsif ($command == 2) { command62(); } } elsif ($menu == 7) { if ($command == 1) { $motd = command71(); } } elsif ($menu == 8) { if ($command =~ /^[0-9]+/) { @plugins = command81(); } elsif ($command eq "a") { command8s(); } } elsif ($menu == 9) { if ($command == 1) { $addrbook_dsn = command91(); } elsif ($command == 2) { $addrbook_table = command92(); } } } } #################################################################################### # org_name sub command1 { print "We have tried to make the name SquirrelMail as transparent as\n"; print "possible. If you set up an organization name, most places where\n"; print "SquirrelMail would take credit will be credited to your organization.\n"; print "\n"; print "[$WHT$org_name$NRM]: $WHT"; $new_org_name = ; if ($new_org_name eq "\n") { $new_org_name = $org_name; } else { $new_org_name =~ s/[\r|\n]//g; } return $new_org_name; } # org_logo sub command2 { print "Your organization's logo is an image that will be displayed at\n"; print "different times throughout SquirrelMail. This is asking for the\n"; print "literal (/usr/local/squirrelmail/images/logo.jpg) or relative\n"; print "(../images/logo.jpg) path to your logo.\n"; print "\n"; print "[$WHT$org_logo$NRM]: $WHT"; $new_org_logo = ; if ($new_org_logo eq "\n") { $new_org_logo = $org_logo; } else { $new_org_logo =~ s/[\r|\n]//g; } return $new_org_logo; } # org_title sub command3 { print "A title is what is displayed at the top of the browser window in\n"; print "the titlebar. Usually this will end up looking something like:\n"; print "\"Netscape: $org_title\"\n"; print "\n"; print "[$WHT$org_title$NRM]: $WHT"; $new_org_title = ; if ($new_org_title eq "\n") { $new_org_title = $org_title; } else { $new_org_title =~ s/[\r|\n]//g; } return $new_org_title; } # signout_page sub command4 { print "When users click the Sign Out button they will be logged out and\n"; print "then sent to signout_page. If signout_page is left empty,\n"; print "(hit space and then return) they will be taken, as normal,\n"; print "to the default and rather sparse SquirrelMail signout page.\n"; print "\n"; print "[$WHT$signout_page$NRM]: $WHT"; $new_signout_page = ; if ($new_signout_page eq "\n") { $new_signout_page = $signout_page; } else { $new_signout_page =~ s/[\r|\n]//g; $new_signout_page =~ s/^\s+$//g; } return $new_signout_page; } # Default language sub command5 { print "SquirrelMail attempts to set the language in many ways. If it\n"; print "can not figure it out in another way, it will default to this\n"; print "language. Please use the two-letter code for the desired language.\n"; print "\n"; print "[$WHT$squirrelmail_default_language$NRM]: $WHT"; $new_signout_page = ; if ($new_signout_page eq "\n") { $new_signout_page = $squirrelmail_default_language; } else { $new_signout_page =~ s/[\r|\n]//g; $new_signout_page =~ s/^\s+$//g; } return $new_signout_page; } # Default top frame sub command6 { print "SquirrelMail defaults to using the whole of the browser window.\n"; print "This allows you to keep it within a specified frame. The default\n"; print "is '_top'\n"; print "\n"; print "[$WHT$frame_top$NRM]: $WHT"; $new_frame_top = ; if ($new_frame_top eq "\n") { $new_frame_top = '_top'; } else { $new_frame_top =~ s/[\r|\n]//g; $new_frame_top =~ s/^\s+$//g; } return $new_frame_top; } #################################################################################### # domain sub command11 { print "The domain name is the suffix at the end of all email messages. If\n"; print "for example, your email address is jdoe\@myorg.com, then your domain\n"; print "would be myorg.com.\n"; print "\n"; print "[$WHT$domain$NRM]: $WHT"; $new_domain = ; if ($new_domain eq "\n") { $new_domain = $domain; } else { $new_domain =~ s/[\r|\n]//g; } return $new_domain; } # imapServerAddress sub command12 { print "This is the address where your IMAP server resides.\n"; print "[$WHT$imapServerAddress$NRM]: $WHT"; $new_imapServerAddress = ; if ($new_imapServerAddress eq "\n") { $new_imapServerAddress = $imapServerAddress; } else { $new_imapServerAddress =~ s/[\r|\n]//g; } return $new_imapServerAddress; } # imapPort sub command13 { print "This is the port that your IMAP server is on. Usually this is 143.\n"; print "[$WHT$imapPort$NRM]: $WHT"; $new_imapPort = ; if ($new_imapPort eq "\n") { $new_imapPort = $imapPort; } else { $new_imapPort =~ s/[\r|\n]//g; } return $new_imapPort; } # useSendmail sub command14 { print "You now need to choose the method that you will use for sending\n"; print "messages in SquirrelMail. You can either connect to an SMTP server\n"; print "or use sendmail directly.\n"; if ($useSendmail eq "true") { $default_value = "1"; } else { $default_value = "2"; } print "\n"; print " 1. Sendmail\n"; print " 2. SMTP\n"; print "Your choice [1/2] [$WHT$default_value$NRM]: $WHT"; $use_sendmail = ; if (($use_sendmail =~ /^1\n/i) || (($use_sendmail =~ /^\n/) && ($default_value eq "1"))) { $useSendmail = "true"; } else { $useSendmail = "false"; } return $useSendmail; } # sendmail_path sub command15 { if ($sendmail_path[0] !~ /./) { $sendmail_path = "/usr/sbin/sendmail"; } print "Specify where the sendmail executable is located. Usually /usr/sbin/sendmail\n"; print "[$WHT$sendmail_path$NRM]: $WHT"; $new_sendmail_path = ; if ($new_sendmail_path eq "\n") { $new_sendmail_path = $sendmail_path; } else { $new_sendmail_path =~ s/[\r|\n]//g; } return $new_sendmail_path; } # smtpServerAddress sub command16 { print "This is the location of your SMTP server.\n"; print "[$WHT$smtpServerAddress$NRM]: $WHT"; $new_smtpServerAddress = ; if ($new_smtpServerAddress eq "\n") { $new_smtpServerAddress = $smtpServerAddress; } else { $new_smtpServerAddress =~ s/[\r|\n]//g; } return $new_smtpServerAddress; } # smtpPort sub command17 { print "This is the port to connect to for SMTP. Usually 25.\n"; print "[$WHT$smtpPort$NRM]: $WHT"; $new_smtpPort = ; if ($new_smtpPort eq "\n") { $new_smtpPort = $smtpPort; } else { $new_smtpPort =~ s/[\r|\n]//g; } return $new_smtpPort; } # authenticated server sub command18 { print "Do you wish to use an authenticated SMTP server? Your server must\n"; print "support this in order for SquirrelMail to work with it. We implemented\n"; print "it according to RFC 2554.\n"; $YesNo = 'n'; $YesNo = 'y' if ($use_authenticated_smtp eq "true"); print "Use authenticated SMTP server (y/n) [$WHT$YesNo$NRM]: $WHT"; $new_use_authenticated_smtp = ; $new_use_authenticated_smtp =~ tr/yn//cd; return "true" if ($new_use_authenticated_smtp eq "y"); return "false" if ($new_use_authenticated_smtp eq "n"); return $use_authenticated_smtp; } # imap_server_type sub command19 { print "Each IMAP server has its own quirks. As much as we tried to stick\n"; print "to standards, it doesn't help much if the IMAP server doesn't follow\n"; print "the same principles. We have made some work-arounds for some of\n"; print "these servers. If you would like to use them, please select your\n"; print "IMAP server. If you do not wish to use these work-arounds, you can\n"; print "set this to \"other\", and none will be used.\n"; print " cyrus = Cyrus IMAP server\n"; print " uw = University of Washington's IMAP server\n"; print " exchange = Microsoft Exchange IMAP server\n"; print " courier = Courier IMAP server\n"; print " other = Not one of the above servers\n"; print "[$WHT$imap_server_type$NRM]: $WHT"; $new_imap_server_type = ; if ($new_imap_server_type eq "\n") { $new_imap_server_type = $imap_server_type; } else { $new_imap_server_type =~ s/[\r|\n]//g; } return $new_imap_server_type; } # invert_time sub command110 { print "Sometimes the date of messages sent is messed up (off by a few hours\n"; print "on some machines). Typically this happens if the system doesn't support\n"; print "tm_gmtoff. It will happen only if your time zone is \"negative\".\n"; print "This most often occurs on Solaris 7 machines in the United States.\n"; print "By default, this is off. It should be kept off unless problems surface\n"; print "about the time that messages are sent.\n"; print " no = Do NOT fix time -- almost always correct\n"; print " yes = Fix the time for this system\n"; $YesNo = 'n'; $YesNo = 'y' if ($invert_time eq "true"); print "Fix the time for this system (y/n) [$WHT$YesNo$NRM]: $WHT"; $new_invert_time = ; $new_invert_time =~ tr/yn//cd; return "true" if ($new_invert_time eq "y"); return "false" if ($new_invert_time eq "n"); return $invert_time; } sub command111 { print "This is the delimiter that your IMAP server uses to distinguish between\n"; print "folders. For example, Cyrus uses '.' as the delimiter and a complete\n"; print "folder would look like 'INBOX.Friends.Bob', while UW uses '/' and would\n"; print "look like 'INBOX/Friends/Bob'. Normally this should be left at 'detect'\n"; print "but if you are sure you know what delimiter your server uses, you can\n"; print "specify it here.\n"; print "\nTo have it autodetect the delimiter, set it to 'detect'.\n\n"; print "[$WHT$optional_delimiter$NRM]: $WHT"; $new_optional_delimiter = ; if ($new_optional_delimiter eq "\n") { $new_optional_delimiter = $optional_delimiter; } else { $new_optional_delimiter =~ s/[\r|\n]//g; } return $new_optional_delimiter; } # MOTD sub command71 { print "\nYou can now create the welcome message that is displayed\n"; print "every time a user logs on. You can use HTML or just plain\n"; print "text. If you do not wish to have one, just make it blank.\n\n(Type @ on a blank line to exit)\n"; $new_motd = ""; do { print "] "; $line = ; $line =~ s/[\r|\n]//g; if ($line ne "@") { $line =~ s/ /\ \ /g; $line =~ s/\t/\ \ \ \ /g; $line =~ s/$/ /; $line =~ s/\'/\\\'/g; $new_motd = $new_motd . $line; } } while ($line ne "@"); return $new_motd; } ################# PLUGINS ################### sub command81 { $command =~ s/[\s|\n|\r]*//g; if ($command > 0) { $command = $command - 1; if ($command <= $#plugins) { @newplugins = (); $ct=0; while ($ct <= $#plugins) { if ($ct != $command) { @newplugins = (@newplugins, $plugins[$ct]); } $ct++; } @plugins = @newplugins; } elsif ($command <= $#plugins + $#unused_plugins + 1) { $num = $command - $#plugins - 1; @newplugins = @plugins; $ct=0; while ($ct <= $#unused_plugins) { if ($ct == $num) { @newplugins = (@newplugins, $unused_plugins[$ct]); # sanitize the plugin $dir = $unused_plugins[$ct]; `./ri_once.pl ../plugins/$dir`; } $ct++; } @plugins = @newplugins; } } return @plugins; } sub command8s { print "This command will sanitize all plugins for use with\n"; print "Squirrelmail 1.2. That is, it will rewrite some php-\n"; print "constructs that are *incompatible* with the 1.2 design\n"; print "into ones that are *compatible*\n"; print "Do you wish to issue this command [y/N]? "; $ctu = ; if ($ctu =~ /^y\n/i) { `./ri_once.pl ../plugins`; } } ################# FOLDERS ################### # default_folder_prefix sub command21 { print "Some IMAP servers (UW, for example) store mail and folders in\n"; print "your user space in a separate subdirectory. This is where you\n"; print "specify what that directory is.\n"; print "\n"; print "EXAMPLE: mail/"; print "\n"; print "NOTE: If you use Cyrus, or some server that would not use this\n"; print " option, you must set this to 'none'.\n"; print "\n"; print "[$WHT$default_folder_prefix$NRM]: $WHT"; $new_default_folder_prefix = ; if ($new_default_folder_prefix eq "\n") { $new_default_folder_prefix = $default_folder_prefix; } else { $new_default_folder_prefix =~ s/[\r|\n]//g; } if (($new_default_folder_prefix =~ /^\s*$/) || ($new_default_folder_prefix =~ /none/i)) { $new_default_folder_prefix = ""; } else { $new_default_folder_prefix =~ s/\/*$//g; $new_default_folder_prefix =~ s/$/\//g; } return $new_default_folder_prefix; } # Show Folder Prefix sub command22 { print "It is possible to set up the default folder prefix as a user\n"; print "specific option, where each user can specify what their mail\n"; print "folder is. If you set this to false, they will never see the\n"; print "option, but if it is true, this option will appear in the\n"; print "'options' section.\n"; print "\n"; print "NOTE: You set the default folder prefix in option '1' of this\n"; print " section. That will be the default if the user doesn't\n"; print " specify anything different.\n"; print "\n"; if ($show_prefix_option eq "true") { $default_value = "y"; } else { $default_value = "n"; } print "\n"; print "Show option (y/n) [$WHT$default_value$NRM]: $WHT"; $new_show = ; if (($new_show =~ /^y\n/i) || (($new_show =~ /^\n/) && ($default_value eq "y"))) { $show_prefix_option = "true"; } else { $show_prefix_option = "false"; } return $show_prefix_option; } # Trash Folder sub command23a { print "You can now specify where the default trash folder is located.\n"; print "On servers where you do not want this, you can set it to anything\n"; print "and set option 6 to false.\n"; print "\n"; print "This is relative to where the rest of your email is kept. You do\n"; print "not need to worry about their mail directory. If this folder\n"; print "would be ~/mail/trash on the filesystem, you only need to specify\n"; print "that this is 'trash', and be sure to put 'mail/' in option 1.\n"; print "\n"; print "[$WHT$trash_folder$NRM]: $WHT"; $new_trash_folder = ; if ($new_trash_folder eq "\n") { $new_trash_folder = $trash_folder; } else { $new_trash_folder =~ s/[\r|\n]//g; } return $new_trash_folder; } # Sent Folder sub command23b { print "This is where messages that are sent will be stored. SquirrelMail\n"; print "by default puts a copy of all outgoing messages in this folder.\n"; print "\n"; print "This is relative to where the rest of your email is kept. You do\n"; print "not need to worry about their mail directory. If this folder\n"; print "would be ~/mail/sent on the filesystem, you only need to specify\n"; print "that this is 'sent', and be sure to put 'mail/' in option 1.\n"; print "\n"; print "[$WHT$sent_folder$NRM]: $WHT"; $new_sent_folder = ; if ($new_sent_folder eq "\n") { $new_sent_folder = $sent_folder; } else { $new_sent_folder =~ s/[\r|\n]//g; } return $new_sent_folder; } # Draft Folder sub command23c { print "You can now specify where the default draft folder is located.\n"; print "On servers where you do not want this, you can set it to anything\n"; print "and set option 9 to false.\n"; print "\n"; print "This is relative to where the rest of your email is kept. You do\n"; print "not need to worry about their mail directory. If this folder\n"; print "would be ~/mail/drafts on the filesystem, you only need to specify\n"; print "that this is 'drafts', and be sure to put 'mail/' in option 1.\n"; print "\n"; print "[$WHT$draft_folder$NRM]: $WHT"; $new_draft_folder = ; if ($new_draft_folder eq "\n") { $new_draft_folder = $draft_folder; } else { $new_draft_folder =~ s/[\r|\n]//g; } return $new_draft_folder; } # default move to trash sub command24a { print "By default, should messages get moved to the trash folder? You\n"; print "can specify the default trash folder in option 3. If this is set\n"; print "to false, messages will get deleted immediately without moving\n"; print "to the trash folder.\n"; print "\n"; print "Trash folder is currently: $trash_folder\n"; print "\n"; if ($default_move_to_trash eq "true") { $default_value = "y"; } else { $default_value = "n"; } print "By default, move to trash (y/n) [$WHT$default_value$NRM]: $WHT"; $new_show = ; if (($new_show =~ /^y\n/i) || (($new_show =~ /^\n/) && ($default_value eq "y"))) { $default_move_to_trash = "true"; } else { $default_move_to_trash = "false"; } return $default_move_to_trash; } # default move to sent sub command24b { print "By default, should messages get moved to the sent folder? You\n"; print "can specify the default sent folder in option 4. If this is set\n"; print "to false, messages will get sent and no copy will be made.\n"; print "\n"; print "Trash folder is currently: $sent_folder\n"; print "\n"; if ($default_move_to_sent eq "true") { $default_value = "y"; } else { $default_value = "n"; } print "By default, move to sent (y/n) [$WHT$default_value$NRM]: $WHT"; $new_show = ; if (($new_show =~ /^y\n/i) || (($new_show =~ /^\n/) && ($default_value eq "y"))) { $default_move_to_sent = "true"; } else { $default_move_to_sent = "false"; } return $default_move_to_sent; } # default save as draft sub command24c { print "By default, should the save to draft option be shown? You can\n"; print "specify the default drafts folder in option 5. If this is set\n"; print "to false, users will not be shown the save to draft option.\n"; print "\n"; print "Drafts folder is currently: $draft_folder\n"; print "\n"; if ($default_move_to_draft eq "true") { $default_value = "y"; } else { $default_value = "n"; } print "By default, save as draft (y/n) [$WHT$default_value$NRM]: $WHT"; $new_show = ; if (($new_show =~ /^y\n/i) || (($new_show =~ /^\n/) && ($default_value eq "y"))) { $default_save_as_draft = "true"; } else { $default_save_as_draft = "false"; } return $default_save_as_draft; } # List special folders first sub command27 { print "SquirrelMail has what we call 'special folders' that are not\n"; print "manipulated and viewed like normal folders. Some examples of\n"; print "these folders would be INBOX, Trash, Sent, etc. This option\n"; print "Simply asks if you want these folders listed first in the folder\n"; print "listing.\n"; print "\n"; if ($list_special_folders_first eq "true") { $default_value = "y"; } else { $default_value = "n"; } print "\n"; print "List first (y/n) [$WHT$default_value$NRM]: $WHT"; $new_show = ; if (($new_show =~ /^y\n/i) || (($new_show =~ /^\n/) && ($default_value eq "y"))) { $list_special_folders_first = "true"; } else { $list_special_folders_first = "false"; } return $list_special_folders_first; } # Show special folders color sub command28 { print "SquirrelMail has what we call 'special folders' that are not\n"; print "manipulated and viewed like normal folders. Some examples of\n"; print "these folders would be INBOX, Trash, Sent, etc. This option\n"; print "wants to know if we should display special folders in a\n"; print "color than the other folders.\n"; print "\n"; if ($use_special_folder_color eq "true") { $default_value = "y"; } else { $default_value = "n"; } print "\n"; print "Show color (y/n) [$WHT$default_value$NRM]: $WHT"; $new_show = ; if (($new_show =~ /^y\n/i) || (($new_show =~ /^\n/) && ($default_value eq "y"))) { $use_special_folder_color = "true"; } else { $use_special_folder_color = "false"; } return $use_special_folder_color; } # Auto expunge sub command29 { print "The way that IMAP handles deleting messages is as follows. You\n"; print "mark the message as deleted, and then to 'really' delete it, you\n"; print "expunge it. This option asks if you want to just have messages\n"; print "marked as deleted, or if you want SquirrelMail to expunge the \n"; print "messages too.\n"; print "\n"; if ($auto_expunge eq "true") { $default_value = "y"; } else { $default_value = "n"; } print "Auto expunge (y/n) [$WHT$default_value$NRM]: $WHT"; $new_show = ; if (($new_show =~ /^y\n/i) || (($new_show =~ /^\n/) && ($default_value eq "y"))) { $auto_expunge = "true"; } else { $auto_expunge = "false"; } return $auto_expunge; } # Default sub of inbox sub command210 { print "Some IMAP servers (Cyrus) have all folders as subfolders of INBOX.\n"; print "This can cause some confusion in folder creation for users when\n"; print "they try to create folders and don't put it as a subfolder of INBOX\n"; print "and get permission errors. This option asks if you want folders\n"; print "to be subfolders of INBOX by default.\n"; print "\n"; if ($default_sub_of_inbox eq "true") { $default_value = "y"; } else { $default_value = "n"; } print "Default sub of INBOX (y/n) [$WHT$default_value$NRM]: $WHT"; $new_show = ; if (($new_show =~ /^y\n/i) || (($new_show =~ /^\n/) && ($default_value eq "y"))) { $default_sub_of_inbox = "true"; } else { $default_sub_of_inbox = "false"; } return $default_sub_of_inbox; } # Show contain subfolder option sub command211 { print "Some IMAP servers (UW) make it so that there are two types of\n"; print "folders. Those that contain messages, and those that contain\n"; print "subfolders. If this is the case for your server, set this to\n"; print "true, and it will ask the user whether the folder they are\n"; print "creating contains subfolders or messages.\n"; print "\n"; if ($show_contain_subfolders_option eq "true") { $default_value = "y"; } else { $default_value = "n"; } print "Show option (y/n) [$WHT$default_value$NRM]: $WHT"; $new_show = ; if (($new_show =~ /^y\n/i) || (($new_show =~ /^\n/) && ($default_value eq "y"))) { $show_contain_subfolders_option = "true"; } else { $show_contain_subfolders_option = "false"; } return $show_contain_subfolders_option; } # Default Unseen Notify sub command212 { print "This option specifies where the users will receive notification\n"; print "about unseen messages by default. This is of course an option that\n"; print "can be changed on a user level.\n"; print " 1 = No notification\n"; print " 2 = Only on the INBOX\n"; print " 3 = On all folders\n"; print "\n"; print "Which one should be default (1,2,3)? [$WHT$default_unseen_notify$NRM]: $WHT"; $new_show = ; if ($new_show =~ /^[1|2|3]\n/i) { $default_unseen_notify = $new_show; } $default_unseen_notify =~ s/[\r|\n]//g; return $default_unseen_notify; } # Default Unseen Type sub command213 { print "Here you can define the default way that unseen messages will be displayed\n"; print "to the user in the folder listing on the left side.\n"; print " 1 = Only unseen messages (4)\n"; print " 2 = Unseen and Total messages (4/27)\n"; print "\n"; print "Which one should be default (1,2)? [$WHT$default_unseen_type$NRM]: $WHT"; $new_show = ; if ($new_show =~ /^[1|2]\n/i) { $default_unseen_type = $new_show; } $default_unseen_type =~ s/[\r|\n]//g; return $default_unseen_type; } # Auto create special folders sub command214 { print "Would you like the Sent, Trash, and Drafts folders to be created\n"; print "automatically print for you when a user logs in? If the user\n"; print "accidentally deletes their special folders, this option will\n"; print "automatically create it again for them.\n"; print "\n"; if ($auto_create_special eq "true") { $default_value = "y"; } else { $default_value = "n"; } print "Auto create special folders? (y/n) [$WHT$default_value$NRM]: $WHT"; $new_show = ; if (($new_show =~ /^y\n/i) || (($new_show =~ /^\n/) && ($default_value eq "y"))) { $auto_create_special = "true"; } else { $auto_create_special = "false"; } return $auto_create_special; } ############# GENERAL OPTIONS ##################### # Default Charset sub command31 { print "This option controls what character set is used when sending\n"; print "mail and when sending HTML to the browser. Do not set this\n"; print "to US-ASCII, use ISO-8859-1 instead. For cyrillic, it is best\n"; print "to use KOI8-R, since this implementation is faster than most\n"; print "of the alternatives\n"; print "\n"; print "[$WHT$default_charset$NRM]: $WHT"; $new_default_charset = ; if ($new_default_charset eq "\n") { $new_default_charset = $default_charset; } else { $new_default_charset =~ s/[\r|\n]//g; } return $new_default_charset; } # Data directory sub command33a { print "It is a possible security hole to have a writable directory\n"; print "under the web server's root directory (ex: /home/httpd/html).\n"; print "For this reason, it is possible to put the data directory\n"; print "anywhere you would like. The path name can be absolute or\n"; print "relative (to the config directory). It doesn't matter. Here\n"; print "are two examples:\n"; print " Absolute: /usr/local/squirrelmail/data/\n"; print " Relative: ../data/\n"; print "\n"; print "[$WHT$data_dir$NRM]: $WHT"; $new_data_dir = ; if ($new_data_dir eq "\n") { $new_data_dir = $data_dir; } else { $new_data_dir =~ s/[\r|\n]//g; } if ($new_data_dir =~ /^\s*$/) { $new_data_dir = ""; } else { $new_data_dir =~ s/\/*$//g; $new_data_dir =~ s/$/\//g; } return $new_data_dir; } # Attachment directory sub command33b { print "Path to directory used for storing attachments while a mail is\n"; print "being sent. There are a few security considerations regarding this\n"; print "directory:\n"; print " 1. It should have the permission 733 (rwx-wx-wx) to make it\n"; print " impossible for a random person with access to the webserver\n"; print " to list files in this directory. Confidential data might\n"; print " be laying around in there.\n"; print " 2. Since the webserver is not able to list the files in the\n"; print " content is also impossible for the webserver to delete files\n"; print " lying around there for too long.\n"; print " 3. It should probably be another directory than the data\n"; print " directory specified in option 3.\n"; print "\n"; print "[$WHT$attachment_dir$NRM]: $WHT"; $new_attachment_dir = ; if ($new_attachment_dir eq "\n") { $new_attachment_dir = $attachment_dir; } else { $new_attachment_dir =~ s/[\r|\n]//g; } if ($new_attachment_dir =~ /^\s*$/) { $new_attachment_dir = ""; } else { $new_attachment_dir =~ s/\/*$//g; $new_attachment_dir =~ s/$/\//g; } return $new_attachment_dir; } sub command33c { print "The directory hash level setting allows you to configure the level\n"; print "of hashing that Squirremail employs in your data and attachment\n"; print "directories. This value must be an integer ranging from 0 to 4.\n"; print "When this value is set to 0, Squirrelmail will simply store all\n"; print "files as normal in the data and attachment directories. However,\n"; print "when set to a value from 1 to 4, a simple hashing scheme will be\n"; print "used to organize the files in this directory. In short, the crc32\n"; print "value for a username will be computed. Then, up to the first 4\n"; print "digits of the hash, as set by this configuration value, will be\n"; print "used to directory hash the files for that user in the data and\n"; print "attachment directory. This allows for better performance on\n"; print "servers with larger numbers of users.\n"; print "\n"; print "[$WHT$dir_hash_level$NRM]: $WHT"; $new_dir_hash_level = ; if ($new_dir_hash_level eq "\n") { $new_dir_hash_level = $dir_hash_level; } else { $new_dir_hash_level =~ s/[\r|\n]//g; } if ((int($new_dir_hash_level) < 0) || (int($new_dir_hash_level) > 4) || !(int($new_dir_hash_level) eq $new_dir_hash_level )) { print "Invalid Directory Hash Level.\n"; print "Value must be an integer ranging from 0 to 4\n"; print "Hit enter to continue.\n"; $enter_key = ; $new_dir_hash_level = $dir_hash_level; } return $new_dir_hash_level; } sub command35 { print "This is the default size (in pixels) of the left folder list.\n"; print "Default is 200, but you can set it to whatever you wish. This\n"; print "is a user preference, so this will only show up as their default.\n"; print "\n"; print "[$WHT$default_left_size$NRM]: $WHT"; $new_default_left_size = ; if ($new_default_left_size eq "\n") { $new_default_left_size = $default_left_size; } else { $new_default_left_size =~ s/[\r|\n]//g; } return $new_default_left_size; } sub command36 { print "Some IMAP servers only have lowercase letters in the usernames\n"; print "but they still allow people with uppercase to log in. This\n"; print "causes a problem with the user's preference files. This option\n"; print "transparently changes all usernames to lowercase."; print "\n"; if ($force_username_lowercase eq "true") { $default_value = "y"; } else { $default_value = "n"; } print "Convert usernames to lowercase (y/n) [$WHT$default_value$NRM]: $WHT"; $new_show = ; if (($new_show =~ /^y\n/i) || (($new_show =~ /^\n/) && ($default_value eq "y"))) { return "true"; } return "false"; } sub command37 { print ""; print "\n"; if ($default_use_priority eq "true") { $default_value = "y"; } else { $default_value = "n"; } print "Allow users to specify priority of outgoing mail (y/n) [$WHT$default_value$NRM]: $WHT"; $new_show = ; if (($new_show =~ /^y\n/i) || (($new_show =~ /^\n/) && ($default_value eq "y"))) { return "true"; } return "false"; } sub command38 { print ""; print "\n"; if ($default_hide_attribution eq "true") { $default_value = "y"; } else { $default_value = "n"; } print "Hide SM attributions (y/n) [$WHT$default_value$NRM]: $WHT"; $new_show = ; if (($new_show =~ /^y\n/i) || (($new_show =~ /^\n/) && ($default_value eq "y"))) { return "true"; } return "false"; } sub command41 { print "\nNow we will define the themes that you wish to use. If you have added\n"; print "a theme of your own, just follow the instructions (?) about how to add\n"; print "them. You can also change the default theme.\n"; print "[theme] command (?=help) > "; $input = ; $input =~ s/[\r|\n]//g; while ($input ne "d") { if ($input =~ /^\s*l\s*/i) { $count = 0; while ($count <= $#theme_name) { if ($count == $theme_default) { print " *"; } else { print " "; } $name = $theme_name[$count]; $num_spaces = 25 - length($name); for ($i = 0; $i < $num_spaces;$i++) { $name = $name . " "; } print " $count. $name"; print "($theme_path[$count])\n"; $count++; } } elsif ($input =~ /^\s*m\s*[0-9]+/i) { $old_def = $theme_default; $theme_default = $input; $theme_default =~ s/^\s*m\s*//; if (($theme_default > $#theme_name) || ($theme_default < 0)) { print "Cannot set default theme to $theme_default. That theme does not exist.\n"; $theme_default = $old_def; } } elsif ($input =~ /^\s*\+/) { print "What is the name of this theme: "; $name = ; $name =~ s/[\r|\n]//g; $theme_name[$#theme_name+1] = $name; print "Be sure to put ../themes/ before the filename.\n"; print "What file is this stored in (ex: ../themes/default_theme.php): "; $name = ; $name =~ s/[\r|\n]//g; $theme_path[$#theme_path+1] = $name; } elsif ($input =~ /^\s*-\s*[0-9]?/) { if ($input =~ /[0-9]+\s*$/) { $rem_num = $input; $rem_num =~ s/^\s*-\s*//g; $rem_num =~ s/\s*$//; } else { $rem_num = $#theme_name; } if ($rem_num == $theme_default) { print "You cannot remove the default theme!\n"; } else { $count = 0; @new_theme_name = (); @new_theme_path = (); while ($count <= $#theme_name) { if ($count != $rem_num) { @new_theme_name = (@new_theme_name, $theme_name[$count]); @new_theme_path = (@new_theme_path, $theme_path[$count]); } $count++; } @theme_name = @new_theme_name; @theme_path = @new_theme_path; if ($theme_default > $rem_num) { $theme_default--; } } } elsif ($input =~ /^\s*t\s*/i) { print "\nStarting detection...\n\n"; opendir(DIR, "../themes"); @files = grep { /\.php$/i } readdir(DIR); $cnt = 0; while ($cnt <= $#files) { $filename = "../themes/" . $files[$cnt]; if ($filename ne "../themes/index.php") { $found = 0; for ($x=0; $x <= $#theme_path; $x++) { if ($theme_path[$x] eq $filename) { $found = 1; } } if ($found != 1) { print "** Found theme: $filename\n"; print " What is its name? "; $nm = ; $nm =~ s/[\n|\r]//g; $theme_name[$#theme_name+1] = $nm; $theme_path[$#theme_path+1] = $filename; } } $cnt++; } print "\n"; for ($cnt=0; $cnt <= $#theme_path; $cnt++) { $filename = $theme_path[$cnt]; if (! (-e $filename)) { print " Removing $filename (file not found)\n"; $offset = 0; @new_theme_name = (); @new_theme_path = (); for ($x=0; $x < $#theme_path; $x++) { if ($theme_path[$x] eq $filename) { $offset = 1; } if ($offset == 1) { $new_theme_name[$x] = $theme_name[$x+1]; $new_theme_path[$x] = $theme_path[$x+1]; } else { $new_theme_name[$x] = $theme_name[$x]; $new_theme_path[$x] = $theme_path[$x]; } } @theme_name = @new_theme_name; @theme_path = @new_theme_path; } } print "\nDetection complete!\n\n"; closedir DIR; } elsif ($input =~ /^\s*\?\s*/) { print ".-------------------------.\n"; print "| t (detect themes) |\n"; print "| + (add theme) |\n"; print "| - N (remove theme) |\n"; print "| m N (mark default) |\n"; print "| l (list themes) |\n"; print "| d (done) |\n"; print "`-------------------------'\n"; } print "[theme] command (?=help) > "; $input = ; $input =~ s/[\r|\n]//g; } } # Theme - CSS file sub command42 { print "You may specify a cascading style-sheet (CSS) file to be included\n"; print "on each html page generated by SquirrelMail. The CSS file is useful\n"; print "for specifying a site-wide font. If you're not familiar with CSS\n"; print "files, leave this blank.\n"; print "\n"; print "To clear out an existing value, just type a space for the input.\n"; print "\n"; print "[$WHT$theme_css$NRM]: $WHT"; $new_theme_css = ; if ($new_theme_css eq "\n") { $new_theme_css = $theme_css; } else { $new_theme_css =~ s/[\r|\n]//g; } $new_theme_css =~ s/^\s*//; return $new_theme_css; } sub command61 { print "You can now define different LDAP servers.\n"; print "[ldap] command (?=help) > "; $input = ; $input =~ s/[\r|\n]//g; while ($input ne "d") { if ($input =~ /^\s*l\s*/i) { $count = 0; while ($count <= $#ldap_host) { print "$count. $ldap_host[$count]\n"; print " base: $ldap_base[$count]\n"; if ($ldap_charset[$count]) { print " charset: $ldap_charset[$count]\n"; } if ($ldap_port[$count]) { print " port: $ldap_port[$count]\n"; } if ($ldap_name[$count]) { print " name: $ldap_name[$count]\n"; } if ($ldap_maxrows[$count]) { print " maxrows: $ldap_maxrows[$count]\n"; } print "\n"; $count++; } } elsif ($input =~ /^\s*\+/) { $sub = $#ldap_host + 1; print "First, we need to have the hostname or the IP address where\n"; print "this LDAP server resides. Example: ldap.bigfoot.com\n"; print "hostname: "; $name = ; $name =~ s/[\r|\n]//g; $ldap_host[$sub] = $name; print "\n"; print "Next, we need the server root (base dn). For this, an empty\n"; print "string is allowed.\n"; print "Example: ou=member_directory,o=netcenter.com\n"; print "base: "; $name = ; $name =~ s/[\r|\n]//g; $ldap_base[$sub] = $name; print "\n"; print "This is the TCP/IP port number for the LDAP server. Default\n"; print "port is 389. This is optional. Press ENTER for default.\n"; print "port: "; $name = ; $name =~ s/[\r|\n]//g; $ldap_port[$sub] = $name; print "\n"; print "This is the charset for the server. Default is utf-8. This\n"; print "is also optional. Press ENTER for default.\n"; print "charset: "; $name = ; $name =~ s/[\r|\n]//g; $ldap_charset[$sub] = $name; print "\n"; print "This is the name for the server, used to tag the results of\n"; print "the search. Default it \"LDAP: hostname\". Press ENTER for default\n"; print "name: "; $name = ; $name =~ s/[\r|\n]//g; $ldap_name[$sub] = $name; print "\n"; print "You can specify the maximum number of rows in the search result.\n"; print "Default is unlimited. Press ENTER for default.\n"; print "maxrows: "; $name = ; $name =~ s/[\r|\n]//g; $ldap_maxrows[$sub] = $name; print "\n"; } elsif ($input =~ /^\s*-\s*[0-9]?/) { if ($input =~ /[0-9]+\s*$/) { $rem_num = $input; $rem_num =~ s/^\s*-\s*//g; $rem_num =~ s/\s*$//; } else { $rem_num = $#ldap_host; } $count = 0; @new_ldap_host = (); @new_ldap_base = (); @new_ldap_port = (); @new_ldap_name = (); @new_ldap_charset = (); @new_ldap_maxrows = (); while ($count <= $#ldap_host) { if ($count != $rem_num) { @new_ldap_host = (@new_ldap_host, $ldap_host[$count]); @new_ldap_base = (@new_ldap_base, $ldap_base[$count]); @new_ldap_port = (@new_ldap_port, $ldap_port[$count]); @new_ldap_name = (@new_ldap_name, $ldap_name[$count]); @new_ldap_charset = (@new_ldap_charset, $ldap_charset[$count]); @new_ldap_maxrows = (@new_ldap_maxrows, $ldap_maxrows[$count]); } $count++; } @ldap_host = @new_ldap_host; @ldap_base = @new_ldap_base; @ldap_port = @new_ldap_port; @ldap_name = @new_ldap_name; @ldap_charset = @new_ldap_charset; @ldap_maxrows = @new_ldap_maxrows; } elsif ($input =~ /^\s*\?\s*/) { print ".-------------------------.\n"; print "| + (add host) |\n"; print "| - N (remove host) |\n"; print "| l (list hosts) |\n"; print "| d (done) |\n"; print "`-------------------------'\n"; } print "[ldap] command (?=help) > "; $input = ; $input =~ s/[\r|\n]//g; } } sub command62 { print "Some of our developers have come up with very good javascript interface\n"; print "for searching through address books, however, our original goals said\n"; print "that we would be 100% HTML. In order to make it possible to use their\n"; print "interface, and yet stick with our goals, we have also written a plain\n"; print "HTML version of the search. Here, you can choose which version to use.\n"; print "\n"; print "This is just the default value. It is also a user option that each\n"; print "user can configure individually\n"; print "\n"; if ($default_use_javascript_addr_book eq "true") { $default_value = "y"; } else { $default_use_javascript_addr_book = "false"; $default_value = "n"; } print "Use javascript version by default (y/n) [$WHT$default_value$NRM]: $WHT"; $new_show = ; if (($new_show =~ /^y\n/i) || (($new_show =~ /^\n/) && ($default_value eq "y"))) { $default_use_javascript_addr_book = "true"; } else { $default_use_javascript_addr_book = "false"; } return $default_use_javascript_addr_book; } sub command91 { print "If you want to store your users address book details in a database then\n"; print "you need to set this DSN to a valid value. The format for this is:\n"; print "mysql://user:pass\@hostname/dbname\n"; print "Where mysql can be one of the databases PHP supports, the most common\n"; print "of these are mysql, msql and pgsql\n"; print "If the DSN is left empty (hit space and then return) the database\n"; print "related code for address books will not be used\n"; print "\n"; if ($addrbook_dsn eq "") { $default_value = "Disabled"; } else { $default_value = $addrbook_dsn; } print "[$WHT$addrbook_dsn$NRM]: $WHT"; $new_dsn = ; if ($new_dsn eq "\n") { $new_dsn = ""; } else { $new_dsn =~ s/[\r|\n]//g; $new_dsn =~ s/^\s+$//g; } return $new_dsn; } sub command92 { print "This is the name of the table you want to store the address book\n"; print "data in, it defaults to 'address'\n"; print "\n"; print "[$WHT$addrbook_table$NRM]: $WHT"; $new_table = ; if ($new_table eq "\n") { $new_table = $addrbook_table; } else { $new_table =~ s/[\r|\n]//g; } return $new_table; } sub save_data { $tab = " "; if(open (CF, ">config.php")) { print CF " '$ldap_host[$count]',\n"; print CF " 'base' => '$ldap_base[$count]'"; if ($ldap_name[$count]) { print CF ",\n"; print CF " 'name' => '$ldap_name[$count]'"; } if ($ldap_port[$count]) { print CF ",\n"; print CF " 'port' => '$ldap_port[$count]'"; } if ($ldap_charset[$count]) { print CF ",\n"; print CF " 'charset' => '$ldap_charset[$count]'"; } if ($ldap_maxrows[$count]) { print CF ",\n"; print CF " 'maxrows' => '$ldap_maxrows[$count]'"; } print CF "\n"; print CF ");\n"; print CF "\n"; } print CF "\nglobal \$addrbook_dsn, \$addrbook_table;\n"; print CF "\$addrbook_dsn = '$addrbook_dsn';\n"; print CF "\$addrbook_table = '$addrbook_table';\n\n"; print CF "/**\n"; print CF " * Make sure there are no characters after the PHP closing\n"; print CF " * tag below (including newline characters and whitespace).\n"; print CF " * Otherwise, that character will cause the headers to be\n"; print CF " * sent and regular output to begin, which will majorly screw\n"; print CF " * things up when we try to send more headers later.\n"; print CF " */\n"; print CF "?>"; close CF; print "Data saved in config.php\n"; } else { print "Error saving config.php: $!\n"; } } sub set_defaults { system "clear"; print $WHT."SquirrelMail Configuration : ".$NRM; if ($config == 1) { print "Read: config.php"; } elsif ($config == 2) { print "Read: config_default.php"; } print "\n"; print "---------------------------------------------------------\n"; print "While we have been building SquirrelMail, we have discovered some\n"; print "preferences that work better with some servers that don't work so\n"; print "well with others. If you select your IMAP server, this option will\n"; print "set some pre-defined settings for that server.\n"; print "\n"; print "Please note that you will still need to go through and make sure\n"; print "everything is correct. This does not change everything. There are\n"; print "only a few settings that this will change.\n"; print "\n"; $continue = 0; while ($continue != 1) { print "Please select your IMAP server:\n"; print " cyrus = Cyrus IMAP server\n"; print " uw = University of Washington's IMAP server\n"; print " exchange = Microsoft Exchange IMAP server\n"; print " courier = Courier IMAP server\n"; print " quit = Do not change anything\n"; print "Command >> "; $server = ; $server =~ s/[\r|\n]//g; print "\n"; if ($server eq "cyrus") { $imap_server_type = "cyrus"; $default_folder_prefix = ""; $trash_folder = "INBOX.Trash"; $sent_folder = "INBOX.Sent"; $draft_folder = "INBOX.Drafts"; $show_prefix_option = false; $default_sub_of_inbox = true; $show_contain_subfolders_option = false; $optional_delimiter = "."; $disp_default_folder_prefix = ""; $continue = 1; } elsif ($server eq "uw") { $imap_server_type = "uw"; $default_folder_prefix = "mail/"; $trash_folder = "Trash"; $sent_folder = "Sent"; $draft_folder = "Drafts"; $show_prefix_option = true; $default_sub_of_inbox = false; $show_contain_subfolders_option = true; $optional_delimiter = "/"; $disp_default_folder_prefix = $default_folder_prefix; $continue = 1; } elsif ($server eq "exchange") { $imap_server_type = "exchange"; $default_folder_prefix = ""; $default_sub_of_inbox = true; $trash_folder = "INBOX/Deleted Items"; $sent_folder = "INBOX/Sent Items"; $drafts_folder = "INBOX/Drafts"; $show_prefix_option = false; $show_contain_subfolders_option = false; $optional_delimiter = "detect"; $disp_default_folder_prefix = ""; $continue = 1; } elsif ($server eq "courier") { $imap_server_type = "courier"; $default_folder_prefix = "INBOX."; $trash_folder = "Trash"; $sent_folder = "Sent"; $draft_folder = "Drafts"; $show_prefix_option = false; $default_sub_of_inbox = false; $show_contain_subfolders_option = false; $optional_delimiter = "."; $disp_default_folder_prefix = $default_folder_prefix; $continue = 1; } elsif ($server eq "quit") { $continue = 1; } else { $disp_default_folder_prefix = $default_folder_prefix; print "Unrecognized server: $server\n"; print "\n"; } print " imap_server_type = $imap_server_type\n"; print " default_folder_prefix = $disp_default_folder_prefix\n"; print " trash_folder = $trash_folder\n"; print " sent_folder = $sent_folder\n"; print " draft_folder = $draft_folder\n"; print " show_prefix_option = $show_prefix_option\n"; print " default_sub_of_inbox = $default_sub_of_inbox\n"; print "show_contain_subfolders_option = $show_contain_subfolders_option\n"; print " optional_delimiter = $optional_delimiter\n"; } print "\nPress any key to continue..."; $tmp = ; }