# Please report any translation errors on one of the following: # Mailing list: https://groups.google.com/d/forum/kiwiirc # IRC: irc.freenode.net #kiwiirc # # Want to translate into your own language? Please send your translated file to the # mailing list mentioned above and we will upload it to our translation manager - # http://poeditor.com/. An account will be set up for you to make any further changes # as the Kiwi project progresses. msgid "" msgstr "" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "X-Generator: POEditor.com\n" "Project-Id-Version: Kiwi\n" "Language: fr\n" #: client/assets/src/applets/chanlist.js msgid "client_applets_chanlist_channelname" msgstr "Canal" #: msgid "client_applets_chanlist_users" msgstr "Utilisateurs" #: msgid "client_applets_chanlist_topic" msgstr "Sujet" #: msgid "client_applets_chanlist_channellist" msgstr "Liste des canaux" #: client/assets/src/applets/scripteditor.js msgid "client_applets_scripteditor_save" msgstr "Enregistrer" #: msgid "client_applets_scripteditor_error" msgstr "Erreur de script : %s." #: msgid "client_applets_scripteditor_saved" msgstr "Votre script a été sauvegardé et est désormais actif." #: msgid "client_applets_scripteditor_title" msgstr "Éditeur de Script" #: client/assets/src/applets/settings.js msgid "client_applets_settings_channelview_tabs" msgstr "Onglets" #: msgid "client_applets_settings_channelview_list" msgstr "Liste" #: msgid "client_applets_settings_channelview_list_notice" msgstr "pour un grand nombre de canaux" #: msgid "client_applets_settings_notification_joinpart" msgstr "Notifications de join/part" #: msgid "client_applets_settings_timestamp" msgstr "Horodatage" #: msgid "client_applets_settings_notification_sound" msgstr "Mettre en sourdine les notifications" #: msgid "client_applets_settings_history_length" msgstr "Messages dans l'historique" #: msgid "client_applets_settings_default_client" msgstr "Client IRC par défaut" #: msgid "client_applets_settings_default_client_enable" msgstr "Faire de Kiwi mon client IRC par défaut" #: msgid "client_applets_settings_locale_restart_needed" msgstr "Note : Les changements ne prendront effet qu'après un rechargement de la page." #: msgid "client_applets_settings_default_client_notice" msgstr "Note : Les utilisateurs des navigateurs Chrome ou Chromium peuvent avoir besoin de regarder leur paramètres via %s si rien ne se passe." #: msgid "client_applets_settings_title" msgstr "Paramètres" #: client/assets/src/models/applet.js msgid "client_models_applet_unknown" msgstr "Applet inconnu." #: msgid "client_models_applet_loading" msgstr "Chargement..." #: msgid "client_models_applet_notfound" msgstr "Introuvable." #: client/assets/src/models/application.js msgid "client_models_application_reconnecting" msgstr "Vous avez été déconnecté. Tentative de reconnexion en cours." #: msgid "client_models_application_reconnect_in_x_seconds" msgstr "Vous avez été déconnecté. Tentative de reconnexion dans %d secondes." #: msgid "client_models_application_reconnect_successfully" msgstr "Super, vous êtes connecté de nouveau !" #: msgid "client_models_application_settings_saved" msgstr "Paramètres sauvegardés." #: msgid "client_models_application_ignore_title" msgstr "Pseudonymes ignorés" #: msgid "client_models_application_ignore_none" msgstr "Vous n'ignorez personne." #: msgid "client_models_application_ignore_nick" msgstr "Ignorer %s" #: msgid "client_models_application_ignore_stop_notice" msgstr "Specifiez le pseudonyme que vous souhaitez arrêter d'ignorer" #: msgid "client_models_application_ignore_stopped" msgstr "Vous n'ignorez plus %s." #: msgid "client_models_application_applet_notfound" msgstr "L'applet \"%s\" n'existe pas." #: msgid "client_models_application_encoding_changed" msgstr "Encodage modifié : %s." #: msgid "client_models_application_encoding_invalid" msgstr "%s n'est pas un encodage valide." #: msgid "client_models_application_encoding_notspecified" msgstr "Encodage non spécifié." #: msgid "client_models_application_encoding_usage" msgstr "Utilisation: /encoding [NOUVEAU-ENCODAGE]" #: msgid "client_models_application_connection_create" msgstr "Nouvelle connexion" #: msgid "client_models_application_connection_connecting" msgstr "Connexion à %s:%s..." #: msgid "client_models_application_connection_error" msgstr "Erreur de connexion à %s:%s (%s)." #: client/assets/src/models/channel.js msgid "client_models_channel_join" msgstr "%s a rejoint" #: msgid "client_models_channel_quit" msgstr "%s a quitté %s" #: msgid "client_models_channel_kicked" msgstr "%s a été expulsé par %s : %s" #: msgid "client_models_channel_selfkick" msgstr "Vous avez été expulsé par %s : %s." #: msgid "client_models_channel_part" msgstr "%s est parti du canal %s" #: client/assets/src/models/network.js msgid "client_models_network_channel_invalid_name" msgstr "%s n'est pas un nom de canal valide." #: msgid "client_models_network_disconnected" msgstr "Déconnecté du réseau IRC." #: msgid "client_models_network_nickname_changed" msgstr "%s est désormais connu comme %s" #: msgid "client_models_network_topic" msgstr "Sujet défini par %s le %s" #: msgid "client_models_network_selfmode" msgstr "%s a modifié les modes : %s" #: msgid "client_models_network_mode" msgstr "%s a modifié les modes : %s" #: msgid "client_models_network_channels" msgstr "Canaux : %s" #: msgid "client_models_network_server" msgstr "Connecté au serveur : %s %s" #: msgid "client_models_network_idle_and_signon" msgstr "Inactif depuis %s, connecté le %s" #: msgid "client_models_network_away" msgstr "Absent : %s" #: msgid "client_models_network_idle" msgstr "Inactif depuis %s" #: msgid "client_models_network_nickname_notfound" msgstr "Pseudonyme introuvable" #: msgid "client_models_network_banned" msgstr "Vous êtes banni de %s : %s." #: msgid "client_models_network_channel_badkey" msgstr "Mauvaise clef pour le canal %s." #: msgid "client_models_network_channel_inviteonly" msgstr "%s est sur invitation uniquement." #: msgid "client_models_network_channel_limitreached" msgstr "%s est rempli." #: msgid "client_models_network_nickname_alreadyinuse" msgstr "Le pseudonyme \"%s\" est déjà utilisé. Veuillez en choisir un autre." #: msgid "client_models_network_badpassword" msgstr "Mot de passe incorrect." #: client/assets/src/views/application.js msgid "client_views_application_close_notice" msgstr "Ceci fermera toutes les conversations KiwiIRC. Êtes vous sur de vouloir fermer cette fenêtre ?" #: client/assets/src/views/channel.js msgid "client_views_channel_joining" msgstr "Connexion au canal..." #: msgid "client_views_channel_topic" msgstr "Le sujet de %s est : %s." #: client/assets/src/views/mediamessage.js msgid "client_views_mediamessage_close" msgstr "Fermer le média" #: msgid "client_views_mediamessage_notfound" msgstr "Introuvable." #: msgid "client_views_mediamessage_load_tweet" msgstr "Chargement du Tweet" #: msgid "client_views_mediamessage_load_image" msgstr "Chargement de l'image" #: msgid "client_views_mediamessage_load_reddit" msgstr "Chargement du sujet Reddit" #: msgid "client_views_mediamessage_load_gist" msgstr "Chargement du Gist" #: client/assets/src/views/nickchangegbox.js msgid "client_views_nickchangebox_new" msgstr "Nouveau pseudonyme" #: msgid "client_views_nickchangebox_change" msgstr "Changer" #: msgid "client_views_nickchangebox_cancel" msgstr "Annuler" #: client/assets/src/views/panel.js msgid "client_views_panel_activity" msgstr "Des gens parlent !" #: client/assets/src/views/serverselect.js msgid "client_views_serverselect_form_title" msgstr "Choisissez un pseudonyme..." #: msgid "client_views_serverselect_nickname" msgstr "Pseudonyme" #: msgid "client_views_serverselect_enable_password" msgstr "J'ai un mot de passe" #: msgid "client_views_serverselect_password" msgstr "Mot de passe" #: msgid "client_views_serverselect_channel" msgstr "Canal" #: msgid "client_views_serverselect_channelkey" msgstr "Clef du canal" #: msgid "client_views_serverselect_channelkey_required" msgstr "Le canal est protégé par une clef." #: msgid "client_views_serverselect_key" msgstr "Clef" #: msgid "client_views_serverselect_connection_start" msgstr "Démarrer…" #: msgid "client_views_serverselect_server_and_network" msgstr "Serveur et réseau" #: msgid "client_views_serverselect_server" msgstr "Serveur" #: msgid "client_views_serverselect_port" msgstr "Port" #: msgid "client_views_serverselect_poweredby" msgstr "Propulsé par Kiwi IRC" #: msgid "client_views_serverselect_nickname_error_empty" msgstr "Choisissez un pseudonyme en premier !" #: msgid "client_views_serverselect_connection_successfully" msgstr "Connecté" #: msgid "client_views_serverselect_connection_trying" msgstr "Connexion…" #: msgid "client_views_serverselect_nickname_error_alreadyinuse" msgstr "Pseudonyme déjà utilisé." #: msgid "client_views_serverselect_nickname_invalid" msgstr "Pseudonyme invalide." #: msgid "client_views_serverselect_password_incorrect" msgstr "Mot de passe incorrect." #: msgid "client_views_serverselect_connection_error" msgstr "Erreur de connexion." #: msgid "client_views_serverselect_server_notfound" msgstr "Serveur introuvable." #: msgid "client_views_serverselect_connection_refused" msgstr "Connexion refusée." #: client/assets/src/views/userbox.js msgid "client_views_userbox_op" msgstr "Op" #: msgid "client_views_userbox_deop" msgstr "Dé-op" #: msgid "client_views_userbox_voice" msgstr "Voix" #: msgid "client_views_userbox_devoice" msgstr "Dé-voix" #: msgid "client_views_userbox_kick" msgstr "Expulser" #: msgid "client_views_userbox_ban" msgstr "Bannir" #: msgid "client_views_userbox_query" msgstr "Message" #: msgid "client_views_userbox_whois" msgstr "Info" #: msgid "client_views_userbox_slap" msgstr "Gifler !" #: msgid "client_views_serverselect_ssl" msgstr "SSL" #: msgid "client_models_application_jumpserver_prepare" msgstr "Vous serez re-connecté dans 5 minutes et les canaux seront automatiquement rejoints." #: msgid "client_models_application_jumpserver_reconnect" msgstr "Re-connection en cours..." #: msgid "client_applets_settings_html5_notifications" msgstr "Notifications de bureau" #: msgid "client_applets_settings_enable_notifications" msgstr "Activer les notifications" #: msgid "client_applets_settings_emoticons" msgstr "Afficher les émoticons" #: msgid "client_applet_about" msgstr "À propos de Kiwi" #: msgid "client_applet_about_homepage" msgstr "Page d'accueil du projet" #: msgid "client_applet_about_link_channel" msgstr "Lien vers ce canal" #: msgid "client_applet_about_share_channel" msgstr "Partager ce canal" #: msgid "client_applet_fav_my_networks" msgstr "Mes réseaux" #: msgid "client_applet_fav_networks" msgstr "Réseaux favoris" #: msgid "client_applet_fav_add" msgstr "Ajouter un réseau" #: msgid "client_applet_fav_save" msgstr "Sauvegarder le réseau" #: msgid "client_applet_fav_delete" msgstr "Supprimer le réseau"