0) { $field = substr($line, 0, $pos); if (!strstr($field,' ')) { /* valid field */ $value = trim(substr($line, $pos+1)); $this->parseField($field, $value); } } } if ($this->content_type == '') { $this->parseContentType('text/plain; charset=us-ascii'); } } function stripComments($value) { $result = ''; $cnt = strlen($value); for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt; ++$i) { switch ($value{$i}) { case '"': $result .= '"'; while ((++$i < $cnt) && ($value{$i} != '"')) { if ($value{$i} == '\\') { $result .= '\\'; ++$i; } $result .= $value{$i}; } $result .= $value{$i}; break; case '(': $depth = 1; while (($depth > 0) && (++$i < $cnt)) { switch($value{$i}) { case '\\': ++$i; break; case '(': ++$depth; break; case ')': --$depth; break; default: break; } } break; default: $result .= $value{$i}; break; } } return $result; } function parseField($field, $value) { $field = strtolower($field); switch($field) { case 'date': $value = $this->stripComments($value); $d = strtr($value, array(' ' => ' ')); $d = explode(' ', $d); $this->date = getTimeStamp($d); break; case 'subject': $this->subject = $value; break; case 'from': $this->from = $this->parseAddress($value,true); break; case 'sender': $this->sender = $this->parseAddress($value); break; case 'reply-to': $this->reply_to = $this->parseAddress($value, true); break; case 'to': $this->to = $this->parseAddress($value, true); break; case 'cc': $this->cc = $this->parseAddress($value, true); break; case 'bcc': $this->bcc = $this->parseAddress($value, true); break; case 'in-reply-to': $this->in_reply_to = $value; break; case 'message-id': $value = $this->stripComments($value); $this->message_id = $value; break; case 'references': $value = $this->stripComments($value); $this->references = $value; break; case 'x-confirm-reading-to': case 'return-receipt-to': case 'disposition-notification-to': $value = $this->stripComments($value); $this->dnt = $this->parseAddress($value); break; case 'mime-version': $value = $this->stripComments($value); $value = str_replace(' ', '', $value); $this->mime = ($value == '1.0' ? true : $this->mime); break; case 'content-type': $value = $this->stripComments($value); $this->parseContentType($value); break; case 'content-disposition': $value = $this->stripComments($value); $this->parseDisposition($value); break; case 'user-agent': case 'x-mailer': $this->xmailer = $value; break; case 'x-priority': $this->priority = $value; break; case 'list-post': $value = $this->stripComments($value); $this->mlist('post', $value); break; case 'list-reply': $value = $this->stripComments($value); $this->mlist('reply', $value); break; case 'list-subscribe': $value = $this->stripComments($value); $this->mlist('subscribe', $value); break; case 'list-unsubscribe': $value = $this->stripComments($value); $this->mlist('unsubscribe', $value); break; case 'list-archive': $value = $this->stripComments($value); $this->mlist('archive', $value); break; case 'list-owner': $value = $this->stripComments($value); $this->mlist('owner', $value); break; case 'list-help': $value = $this->stripComments($value); $this->mlist('help', $value); break; case 'list-id': $value = $this->stripComments($value); $this->mlist('id', $value); break; default: break; } } /* * parseAddress: recursive function for parsing address strings and store * them in an address stucture object. * input: $address = string * $ar = boolean (return array instead of only the * first element) * $addr_ar = array with parsed addresses * $group = string * $host = string (default domainname in case of * addresses without a domainname) * $lookup = callback function (for lookup address * strings which are probably nicks * (without @ ) ) * output: array with addressstructure objects or only one * address_structure object. */ function parseAddress ($address, $ar=false, $addr_ar = array(), $group = '', $host='',$lookup=false) { $pos = 0; $j = strlen($address); $name = ''; $addr = ''; $comment = ''; while ($pos < $j) { switch ($address{$pos}) { case '"': /* get the personal name */ if ($address{++$pos} == '"') { ++$pos; } else { while ($pos < $j && $address{$pos} != '"') { if ((substr($address, $pos, 2) == '\\"') || (substr($address, $pos, 2) == '\\\\')) { $name .= $address{$pos++}; } $name .= $address{$pos++}; } } ++$pos; break; case '<': /* get email address */ $addr_start = $pos++; while ($pos < $j && $address{$pos} != '>') { $addr .= $address{$pos++}; } ++$pos; break; case '(': /* rip off comments */ $addr_start = $pos; $pos = strpos($address,')'); if ($pos !== false) { $comment = substr($address, $addr_start+1,($pos-$addr_start-1)); $address_start = substr($address, 0, $addr_start); $address_end = substr($address, $pos + 1); $address = $address_start . $address_end; } $j = strlen($address); $pos = $addr_start + 1; break; case ',': /* we reached a delimiter */ if ($addr == '') { $addr = substr($address, 0, $pos); } else if ($name == '') { $name = trim(substr($address, 0, $addr_start)); } $at = strpos($addr, '@'); $addr_structure = new AddressStructure(); if (!$name && $comment) $name = $comment; $addr_structure->personal = $name; $addr_structure->group = $group; if ($at) { $addr_structure->mailbox = substr($addr, 0, $at); $addr_structure->host = substr($addr, $at+1); } else { /* if lookup function */ if ($lookup) { $aAddr = call_user_func_array($lookup,array($addr)); if (isset($aAddr['email'])) { $at = strpos($aAddr['email'], '@'); $addr_structure->mailbox = substr($aAddr['email'], 0, $at); $addr_structure->host = substr($aAddr['email'], $at+1); if (isset($aAddr['name'])) { $addr_structure->personal = $aAddr['name']; } } } if (!$addr_structure->mailbox) { $addr_structure->mailbox = trim($addr); if ($host) { $addr_structure->host = $host; } } } $address = trim(substr($address, $pos+1)); $j = strlen($address); $pos = 0; $name = ''; $addr = ''; $addr_ar[] = $addr_structure; break; case ':': /* process the group addresses */ /* group marker */ $group = substr($address, 0, $pos); $address = substr($address, $pos+1); $result = $this->parseAddress($address, $ar, $addr_ar, $group); $addr_ar = $result[0]; $pos = $result[1]; $address = substr($address, $pos++); $j = strlen($address); $group = ''; break; case ';': if ($group) { $address = substr($address, 0, $pos - 1); } ++$pos; break; default: ++$pos; break; } } if ($addr == '') { $addr = substr($address, 0, $pos); } else if ($name == '') { $name = trim(substr($address, 0, $addr_start)); } if (!$name && $comment) $name = $comment; $at = strpos($addr, '@'); $addr_structure = new AddressStructure(); $addr_structure->group = $group; if ($at) { $addr_structure->mailbox = trim(substr($addr, 0, $at)); $addr_structure->host = trim(substr($addr, $at+1)); } else { /* if lookup function */ if ($lookup) { $aAddr = call_user_func_array($lookup,array($addr)); if (isset($aAddr['email'])) { $at = strpos($aAddr['email'], '@'); $addr_structure->mailbox = substr($aAddr['email'], 0, $at); $addr_structure->host = substr($aAddr['email'], $at+1); if (isset($aAddr['name'])) { $addr_structure->personal = $aAddr['name']; } } } if (!$addr_structure->mailbox) { $addr_structure->mailbox = trim($addr); if ($host) { $addr_structure->host = $host; } } } if ($group && $addr == '') { /* no addresses found in group */ $name = "$group"; $addr_structure->personal = $name; $addr_ar[] = $addr_structure; return (array($addr_ar,$pos+1 )); } elseif ($group) { $addr_structure->personal = $name; $addr_ar[] = $addr_structure; return (array($addr_ar,$pos+1 )); } else { $addr_structure->personal = $name; if ($name || $addr) { $addr_ar[] = $addr_structure; } } if ($ar) { return ($addr_ar); } return ($addr_ar[0]); } function parseContentType($value) { $pos = strpos($value, ';'); $props = ''; if ($pos > 0) { $type = trim(substr($value, 0, $pos)); $props = trim(substr($type, $pos+1)); } else { $type = $value; } $content_type = new ContentType($type); if ($props) { $properties = $this->parseProperties($props); if (!isset($properties['charset'])) { $properties['charset'] = 'us-ascii'; } $content_type->properties = $this->parseProperties($props); } $this->content_type = $content_type; } function parseProperties($value) { $propArray = explode(';', $value); $propResultArray = array(); foreach ($propArray as $prop) { $prop = trim($prop); $pos = strpos($prop, '='); if ($pos > 0) { $key = trim(substr($prop, 0, $pos)); $val = trim(substr($prop, $pos+1)); if ($val{0} == '"') { $val = substr($val, 1, -1); } $propResultArray[$key] = $val; } } return $propResultArray; } function parseDisposition($value) { $pos = strpos($value, ';'); $props = ''; if ($pos > 0) { $name = trim(substr($value, 0, $pos)); $props = trim(substr($value, $pos+1)); } else { $name = $value; } $props_a = $this->parseProperties($props); $disp = new Disposition($name); $disp->properties = $props_a; $this->disposition = $disp; } function mlist($field, $value) { $res_a = array(); $value_a = explode(',', $value); foreach ($value_a as $val) { $val = trim($val); if ($val{0} == '<') { $val = substr($val, 1, -1); } if (substr($val, 0, 7) == 'mailto:') { $res_a['mailto'] = substr($val, 7); } else { $res_a['href'] = $val; } } $this->mlist[$field] = $res_a; } /* * function to get the addres strings out of the header. * Arguments: string or array of strings ! * example1: header->getAddr_s('to'). * example2: header->getAddr_s(array('to', 'cc', 'bcc')) */ function getAddr_s($arr, $separator = ',') { $s = ''; if (is_array($arr)) { foreach($arr as $arg) { if ($this->getAddr_s($arg)) { $s .= $separator . $result; } } $s = ($s ? substr($s, 2) : $s); } else { eval('$addr = $this->' . $arr . ';') ; if (is_array($addr)) { foreach ($addr as $addr_o) { if (is_object($addr_o)) { $s .= $addr_o->getAddress() . $separator; } } $s = substr($s, 0, -strlen($separator)); } else { if (is_object($addr)) { $s .= $addr->getAddress(); } } } return $s; } function getAddr_a($arg, $excl_arr = array(), $arr = array()) { if (is_array($arg)) { foreach($arg as $argument) { $arr = $this->getAddr_a($argument, $excl_arr, $arr); } } else { $addr = $this->{$arg}; if (is_array($addr)) { foreach ($addr as $next_addr) { if (is_object($next_addr)) { if (isset($next_addr->host) && ($next_addr->host != '')) { $email = $next_addr->mailbox . '@' . $next_addr->host; } else { $email = $next_addr->mailbox; } $email = strtolower($email); if ($email && !isset($arr[$email]) && !isset($excl_arr[$email])) { $arr[$email] = $next_addr->personal; } } } } else { if (is_object($addr)) { $email = $addr->mailbox; $email .= (isset($addr->host) ? '@' . $addr->host : ''); $email = strtolower($email); if ($email && !isset($arr[$email]) && !isset($excl_arr[$email])) { $arr[$email] = $addr->personal; } } } } return $arr; } function findAddress($address, $recurs = false) { $result = false; if (is_array($address)) { $i=0; foreach($address as $argument) { $match = $this->findAddress($argument, true); $last = end($match); if ($match[1]) { return $i; } else { if (count($match[0]) && !$result) { $result = $i; } } ++$i; } } else { if (!is_array($this->cc)) $this->cc = array(); $srch_addr = $this->parseAddress($address); $results = array(); foreach ($this->to as $to) { if ($to->host == $srch_addr->host) { if ($to->mailbox == $srch_addr->mailbox) { $results[] = $srch_addr; if ($to->personal == $srch_addr->personal) { if ($recurs) { return array($results, true); } else { return true; } } } } } foreach ($this->cc as $cc) { if ($cc->host == $srch_addr->host) { if ($cc->mailbox == $srch_addr->mailbox) { $results[] = $srch_addr; if ($cc->personal == $srch_addr->personal) { if ($recurs) { return array($results, true); } else { return true; } } } } } if ($recurs) { return array($results, false); } elseif (count($result)) { return true; } else { return false; } } //exit; return $result; } function getContentType($type0, $type1) { $type0 = $this->content_type->type0; $type1 = $this->content_type->type1; return $this->content_type->properties; } } ?>