TemplateName = $sTemplateFile; $this->Template =& $oTemplate; $this->aErrors = array(); } /** * Sets the error template * @since 1.5.1 */ function SetTemplateFile($sTemplateFile) { $this->TemplateFile = $sTemplateFile; } /** * Custom Error handler (set with set_error_handler() ) * @private * @since 1.5.1 */ function SquirrelMailErrorhandler($iErrNo, $sErrStr, $sErrFile, $iErrLine, $aContext) { $aError = array( 'type' => SQM_NOTICE,// Error type, notice, warning or fatal error; 'category' => NULL, // SquirrelMail error category; 'message' => NULL, // Error display message; 'extra' => NULL, // Key value based array with extra error info; 'link' => NULL, // Link to help location; 'tip' => NULL // User tip. ); $iType = NULL; $aErrorCategory = array(); /** * Check error_reporting value before logging error. * Don't log errors that are disabled by @ (error_reporting = 0). Some SquirrelMail scripts * (sq_mb_list_encodings(), ldap function calls in functions/abook_ldap_server.php) * handle errors themselves and @ is used to disable generic php error messages. */ if ((bool) ini_get('error_reporting')) { /* * The following errors cannot be handled by a user defined error handler: * E_ERROR, E_PARSE, E_CORE_ERROR, E_CORE_WARNING, E_COMPILE_ERROR, E_COMPILE_WARNING */ switch ($iErrNo) { case E_STRICT: $iType = (is_null($iType)) ? SQM_STRICT : $iType; case E_NOTICE: $iType = (is_null($iType)) ? SQM_NOTICE : $iType; case E_WARNING: $iType = (is_null($iType)) ? SQM_WARNING : $iType; $aErrorCategory[] = 'PHP'; $aError['message'] = $sErrStr; $aError['extra'] = array( 'FILE' => $sErrFile, 'LINE' => $iErrLine) ;; // what todo with $aContext? break; case E_USER_ERROR: $iType = (is_null($iType)) ? SQM_ERROR : $iType; case E_USER_NOTICE: $iType = (is_null($iType)) ? SQM_NOTICE : $iType; case E_USER_WARNING: $iType = (is_null($iType)) ? SQM_WARNING : $iType; if ($sErrFile == __FILE__) { // Error is triggered in this file and probably by sqm_trigger_error $aErrorTemp = @unserialize($sErrStr); if (!is_array($aErrorTemp)) { $aError['message'] = $sErrStr; $aErrorCategory[] = 'UNDEFINED'; } else { $aError = array_merge($aError,$aErrorTemp); // special error handling below if ($aError['category'] & SQM_ERROR_IMAP) { $aErrorCategory[] = 'IMAP'; // imap related error handling inside } if ($aError['category'] & SQM_ERROR_FS) { $aErrorCategory[] = 'FILESYSTEM'; // filesystem related error handling inside } if ($aError['category'] & SQM_ERROR_SMTP) { $aErrorCategory[] = 'SMTP'; // smtp related error handling inside } if ($aError['category'] & SQM_ERROR_LDAP) { $aErrorCategory[] = 'LDAP'; // ldap related error handling inside } if ($aError['category'] & SQM_ERROR_DB) { $aErrorCategory[] = 'DATABASE'; // db related error handling inside } if ($aError['category'] & SQM_ERROR_PLUGIN) { $aErrorCategory[] = 'PLUGIN'; do_hook_function('error_handler_plugin',$aError); // plugin related error handling inside } //if ($aError['category'] & SQM_ERROR_X) { // $aErrorCategory[] = 'X'; // place holder for a new category //} } unset($aErrorTemp); } else { $aError['message'] = $sErrStr; $aErrorCategory[] = 'SQM_NOTICE'; } break; default: break; } $aErrorTpl = array( 'type' => $iType, 'category' => $aErrorCategory, 'message' => $aError['message'], 'link' => $aError['link'], 'tip' => $aError['tip'], 'extra' => $aError['extra']); // Add the notice/warning/error to the existing list of notices/warnings $this->aErrors[] = $aErrorTpl; $this->Template->assign('aErrors',$this->aErrors); } // Show the error immediate in case of fatal errors if ($iType == SQM_ERROR) { $this->DisplayErrors(); exit(_("Terminating SquirrelMail due to a fatal error")); } } /** * Display the error array in the error template * @return void * @since 1.5.1 */ function DisplayErrors() { if (count($this->aErrors)) { $this->Template->display($this->TemplateName); } } } /** * Custom Error handler for PHP version < 4.3.0 (set with set_error_handler() ) * @author Marc Groot Koerkamp * @since 1.5.1 */ function SquirrelMailErrorhandler($iErrNo, $sErrStr, $sErrFile, $iErrLine, $aContext) { global $oTemplate; static $oErrorHandler; if (!isset($oErrorHandler)) { $oErrorHandler = new ErrorHandler($oTemplate,'error_message.tpl'); } $oErrorHandler->SquirrelMailErrorhandler($iErrNo, $sErrStr, $sErrFile, $iErrLine, $aContext); } /** * Triggers an imap error. Utility function for sqm_trigger_error() * @param integer $iErrNo error number defined in errors.php * @param string $sRequest imap request string * @param string $sResponse tagged imap response * @param string $sMessage tagged imap response message * @param array $aExtra optional associative array with extra error info * @return void * @author Marc Groot Koerkamp * @since 1.5.1 */ function sqm_trigger_imap_error($iErrNo,$sRequest,$sResponse, $sMessage, $aExtra=array()) { $aError = array( 'REQUEST' => $sRequest, 'RESPONSE' => $sResponse, 'MESSAGE' => $sMessage); $aError = array_merge($aExtra,$aError); sqm_trigger_error($iErrNo,$aError); } /** * Trigger an error. * @param integer $iErrNo error number defined in errors.php * @param array $aExtra optional associative array with extra error info * @return void * @author Marc Groot Koerkamp * @since 1.5.1 */ function sqm_trigger_error($iErrNo,$aExtra=array()) { // Include the error definition file. include_once(SM_PATH.'include/errors.php'); $iPhpErr = E_USER_NOTICE; if (is_array($aErrors) && isset($aErrors[$iErrNo]['level'])) { if (is_array($aExtra) && count($aExtra)) { $aErrors[$iErrNo]['extra'] = $aExtra; } // because trigger_error can only handle a string argument for the error description // we serialize the result. $sErrString = serialize($aErrors[$iErrNo]); $iPhpErr = $aErrors[$iErrNo]['level']; } else { $sErrString = "Error number <$iErrNo> does not exist, fix the code or update the errors.php file"; $iPhpErr = E_USER_ERROR; } trigger_error($sErrString, $iPhpErr); } ?>