rfc822_header; if (count($message->entities)) { $boundary = $this->mimeBoundary(); $rfc822_header->content_type->properties['boundary']='"'.$boundary.'"'; } else { $boundary=''; } $raw_length = 0; $reply_rfc822_header = (isset($message->reply_rfc822_header) ? $message->reply_rfc822_header : ''); $header = $this->prepareRFC822_Header($rfc822_header, $reply_rfc822_header, $raw_length); if ($stream) { $this->preWriteToStream($header); $this->writeToStream($stream, $header); } $this->writeBody($message, $stream, $raw_length, $boundary); return $raw_length; } function writeBody($message, $stream, &$length_raw, $boundary='') { if ($boundary && !$message->rfc822_header) { $s = '--'.$boundary."\r\n"; $s .= $this->prepareMIME_Header($message, $boundary); $length_raw += strlen($s); if ($stream) { $this->preWriteToStream($s); $this->writeToStream($stream, $s); } } $this->writeBodyPart($message, $stream, $length_raw); $boundary_depth = substr_count($message->entity_id,'.'); if ($boundary_depth) { $boundary .= '_part'.$boundary_depth; } $last = false; for ($i=0, $entCount=count($message->entities);$i<$entCount;$i++) { $msg = $this->writeBody($message->entities[$i], $stream, $length_raw, $boundary); if ($i == $entCount-1) $last = true; } if ($boundary && $last) { $s = "--".$boundary."--\r\n\r\n"; $length_raw += strlen($s); if ($stream) { $this->preWriteToStream($s); $this->writeToStream($stream, $s); } } } function writeBodyPart($message, $stream, &$length) { if ($message->mime_header) { $type0 = $message->mime_header->type0; } else { $type0 = $message->rfc822_header->content_type->type0; } $body_part_trailing = $last = ''; switch ($type0) { case 'text': case 'message': if ($message->body_part) { $body_part = $message->body_part; $length += $this->clean_crlf($body_part); if ($stream) { $this->preWriteToStream($body_part); $this->writeToStream($stream, $body_part); } $last = $body_part; } elseif ($message->att_local_name) { $filename = $message->att_local_name; $file = fopen ($filename, 'rb'); while ($body_part = fgets($file, 4096)) { $length += $this->clean_crlf($body_part); if ($stream) { $this->preWriteToStream($body_part); $this->writeToStream($stream, $body_part); } $last = $body_part; } fclose($file); } break; default: if ($message->body_part) { $body_part = $message->body_part; $length += $this->clean_crlf($body_part); if ($stream) { $this->writeToStream($stream, $body_part); } } elseif ($message->att_local_name) { $filename = $message->att_local_name; $file = fopen ($filename, 'rb'); $encoded = ''; while ($tmp = fread($file, 570)) { $body_part = chunk_split(base64_encode($tmp)); $length += $this->clean_crlf($body_part); if ($stream) { $this->writeToStream($stream, $body_part); } } fclose($file); } break; } $body_part_trailing = ''; if ($last && substr($last,-1) != "\n") { $body_part_trailing = "\r\n"; } if ($body_part_trailing) { $length += strlen($body_part_trailing); if ($stream) { $this->preWriteToStream($body_part_trailing); $this->writeToStream($stream, $body_part_trailing); } } } function clean_crlf(&$s) { $s = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $s); $s = str_replace("\r", "\n", $s); $s = str_replace("\n", "\r\n", $s); return strlen($s); } function strip_crlf(&$s) { $s = str_replace("\r\n ", '', $s); $s = str_replace("\r", '', $s); $s = str_replace("\n", '', $s); } function preWriteToStream(&$s) { } function writeToStream($stream, $data) { fputs($stream, $data); } function initStream($message, $length=0, $host='', $port='', $user='', $pass='') { return $stream; } function getBcc() { return false; } function prepareMIME_Header($message, $boundary) { $mime_header = $message->mime_header; $rn="\r\n"; $header = array(); $contenttype = 'Content-Type: '. $mime_header->type0 .'/'. $mime_header->type1; if (count($message->entities)) { $contenttype .= ";\r\n " . 'boundary="'.$boundary.'"'; } if (isset($mime_header->parameters['name'])) { $contenttype .= '; name="'. encodeHeader($mime_header->parameters['name']). '"'; } if (isset($mime_header->parameters['charset'])) { $charset = $mime_header->parameters['charset']; $contenttype .= '; charset="'. encodeHeader($charset). '"'; } $header[] = $contenttype . $rn; if ($mime_header->description) { $header[] .= 'Content-Description: ' . $mime_header->description . $rn; } if ($mime_header->encoding) { $encoding = $mime_header->encoding; $header[] .= 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: ' . $mime_header->encoding . $rn; } else { if ($mime_header->type0 == 'text' || $mime_header->type0 == 'message') { $header[] .= 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit' . $rn; } else { $header[] .= 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64' . $rn; } } if ($mime_header->id) { $header[] .= 'Content-ID: ' . $mime_header->id . $rn; } if ($mime_header->disposition) { $disposition = $mime_header->disposition; $contentdisp = 'Content-Disposition: ' . $disposition->name; if ($disposition->getProperty('filename')) { $contentdisp .= '; filename="'. encodeHeader($disposition->getProperty('filename')). '"'; } $header[] = $contentdisp . $rn; } if ($mime_header->md5) { $header[] .= 'Content-MD5: ' . $mime_header->md5 . $rn; } if ($mime_header->language) { $header[] .= 'Content-Language: ' . $mime_header->language . $rn; } $cnt = count($header); $hdr_s = ''; for ($i = 0 ; $i < $cnt ; $i++) { $hdr_s .= $this->foldLine($header[$i], 78,str_pad('',4)); } $header = $hdr_s; $header .= $rn; /* One blank line to separate mimeheader and body-entity */ return $header; } function prepareRFC822_Header($rfc822_header, $reply_rfc822_header, &$raw_length) { global $domain, $version, $username; /* if server var SERVER_NAME not available, use $domain */ if(!sqGetGlobalVar('SERVER_NAME', $SERVER_NAME, SQ_SERVER)) { $SERVER_NAME = $domain; } sqGetGlobalVar('REMOTE_ADDR', $REMOTE_ADDR, SQ_SERVER); sqGetGlobalVar('REMOTE_PORT', $REMOTE_PORT, SQ_SERVER); sqGetGlobalVar('REMOTE_HOST', $REMOTE_HOST, SQ_SERVER); sqGetGlobalVar('HTTP_VIA', $HTTP_VIA, SQ_SERVER); sqGetGlobalVar('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR', $HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR, SQ_SERVER); $rn = "\r\n"; /* This creates an RFC 822 date */ $date = date('D, j M Y H:i:s ', mktime()) . $this->timezone(); /* Create a message-id */ $message_id = '<' . $REMOTE_PORT . '.' . $REMOTE_ADDR . '.'; $message_id .= time() . '.squirrel@' . $SERVER_NAME .'>'; /* Make an RFC822 Received: line */ if (isset($REMOTE_HOST)) { $received_from = "$REMOTE_HOST ([$REMOTE_ADDR])"; } else { $received_from = $REMOTE_ADDR; } if (isset($HTTP_VIA) || isset ($HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR)) { if (!isset($HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR) || $HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR == '') { $HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR = 'unknown'; } $received_from .= " (proxying for $HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR)"; } $header = array(); $header[] = "Received: from $received_from" . $rn; $header[] = " (SquirrelMail authenticated user $username)" . $rn; $header[] = " by $SERVER_NAME with HTTP;" . $rn; $header[] = " $date" . $rn; /* Insert the rest of the header fields */ $header[] = 'Message-ID: '. $message_id . $rn; if ($reply_rfc822_header->message_id) { $rep_message_id = $reply_rfc822_header->message_id; // $this->strip_crlf($message_id); $header[] = 'In-Reply-To: '.$rep_message_id . $rn; $references = $this->calculate_references($reply_rfc822_header); $header[] = 'References: '.$references . $rn; } $header[] = "Date: $date" . $rn; $header[] = 'Subject: '.encodeHeader($rfc822_header->subject) . $rn; $header[] = 'From: '. $rfc822_header->getAddr_s('from',',',true) . $rn; /* RFC2822 if from contains more then 1 address */ if (count($rfc822_header->from) > 1) { $header[] = 'Sender: '. $rfc822_header->getAddr_s('sender',',',true) . $rn; } if (count($rfc822_header->to)) { $header[] = 'To: '. $rfc822_header->getAddr_s('to',',',true) . $rn; } if (count($rfc822_header->cc)) { $header[] = 'Cc: '. $rfc822_header->getAddr_s('cc',',',true) . $rn; } if (count($rfc822_header->reply_to)) { $header[] = 'Reply-To: '. $rfc822_header->getAddr_s('reply_to',',',true) . $rn; } /* Sendmail should return true. Default = false */ $bcc = $this->getBcc(); if (count($rfc822_header->bcc)) { $s = 'Bcc: '. $rfc822_header->getAddr_s('bcc',',',true) . $rn; if (!$bcc) { $s = $this->foldLine($s, 78, str_pad('',4)); $raw_length += strlen($s); } else { $header[] = $s; } } /* Identify SquirrelMail */ $header[] = 'User-Agent: SquirrelMail/' . $version . $rn; /* Do the MIME-stuff */ $header[] = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . $rn; $contenttype = 'Content-Type: '. $rfc822_header->content_type->type0 .'/'. $rfc822_header->content_type->type1; if (count($rfc822_header->content_type->properties)) { foreach ($rfc822_header->content_type->properties as $k => $v) { if ($k && $v) { $contenttype .= ';' .$k.'='.$v; } } } $header[] = $contenttype . $rn; if ($encoding = $rfc822_header->encoding) { $header[] .= 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: ' . $encoding . $rn; } if ($rfc822_header->dnt) { $dnt = $rfc822_header->getAddr_s('dnt'); /* Pegasus Mail */ $header[] = 'X-Confirm-Reading-To: '.$dnt. $rn; /* RFC 2298 */ $header[] = 'Disposition-Notification-To: '.$dnt. $rn; } if ($rfc822_header->priority) { $prio = $rfc822_header->priority; $header[] = 'X-Priority: '.$prio. $rn; switch($prio) { case 1: $header[] = 'Importance: High'. $rn; break; case 3: $header[] = 'Importance: Normal'. $rn; break; case 5: $header[] = 'Importance: Low'. $rn; break; default: break; } } /* Insert headers from the $more_headers array */ if(count($rfc822_header->more_headers)) { reset($rfc822_header->more_headers); foreach ($rfc822_header->more_headers as $k => $v) { $header[] = $k.': '.$v .$rn; } } $cnt = count($header); $hdr_s = ''; for ($i = 0 ; $i < $cnt ; $i++) { $sKey = substr($header[$i],0,strpos($header[$i],':')); switch ($sKey) { case 'Message-ID': case 'In-Reply_To': $hdr_s .= $header[$i]; break; case 'References': $sRefs = substr($header[$i],12); $aRefs = explode(' ',$sRefs); $sLine = 'References:'; foreach ($aRefs as $sReference) { if (strlen($sLine)+strlen($sReference) >76) { $hdr_s .= $sLine; $sLine = $rn . ' ' . $sReference; } else { $sLine .= ' '. $sReference; } } $hdr_s .= $sLine; break; default: $hdr_s .= $this->foldLine($header[$i], 78, str_pad('',4)); break; } } $header = $hdr_s; $header .= $rn; /* One blank line to separate header and body */ $raw_length += strlen($header); return $header; } /* * function for cleanly folding of headerlines */ function foldLine($line, $length, $pre='') { $line = substr($line,0, -2); $length -= 2; /* do not fold between \r and \n */ $cnt = strlen($line); if ($cnt > $length) { /* try folding */ $fold_string = "\r\n " . $pre; $bFirstFold = false; $aFoldLine = array(); while (strlen($line) > $length) { $fold = false; /* handle encoded parts */ if (preg_match('/(=\?([^?]*)\?(Q|B)\?([^?]*)\?=)(.*)/Ui',$line,$regs)) { $fold_tmp = $regs[1]; $iPosEnc = strpos($line,$fold_tmp); $iLengthEnc = strlen($fold_tmp); $iPosEncEnd = $iPosEnc+$iLengthEnc; if ($iPosEnc < $length && (($iPosEncEnd) > $length)) { $fold = true; /* fold just before the start of the encoded string */ $aFoldLine[] = substr($line,0,$iPosEnc); $line = substr($line,$iPosEnc); if (!$bFirstFold) { $bFirstFold = true; $length -= strlen($fold_string); } if ($iLengthEnc > $length) { /* place the encoded string on a separate line and do not fold inside it*/ /* minimize foldstring */ $fold_string = "\r\n "; $aFoldLine[] = substr($line,0,$iLengthEnc); $line = substr($line,$iLengthEnc); } } else if ($iPosEnc < $length) { /* the encoded string fits into the foldlength */ /*remainder */ $sLineRem = substr($line,$iPosEncEnd,$length - $iPosEncEnd); if (preg_match('/^(=\?([^?]*)\?(Q|B)\?([^?]*)\?=)(.*)/Ui',$sLineRem) || !preg_match('/[=,;\s]/',$sLineRem)) { /*impossible to fold clean in the next part -> fold after the enc string */ $aFoldLine[] = substr($line,0,$iPosEncEnd+1); $line = substr($line,$iPosEncEnd+1); $fold = true; if (!$bFirstFold) { $bFirstFold = true; $length -= strlen($fold_string); } } } } if (!$fold) { $line_tmp = substr($line,0,$length); $iFoldPos = false; /* try to fold at logical places */ switch (true) { case ($iFoldPos = strrpos($line_tmp,',')): break; case ($iFoldPos = strrpos($line_tmp,';')): break; case ($iFoldPos = strrpos($line_tmp,' ')): break; case ($iFoldPos = strrpos($line_tmp,'=')): break; default: break; } if (!$iFoldPos) { /* clean folding didn't work */ $iFoldPos = $length; } $aFoldLine[] = substr($line,0,$iFoldPos+1); $line = substr($line,$iFoldPos+1); if (!$bFirstFold) { $bFirstFold = true; $length -= strlen($fold_string); } } } /*$reconstruct the line */ if ($line) { $aFoldLine[] = $line; } $line = implode($fold_string,$aFoldLine); } return $line."\r\n"; } function mimeBoundary () { static $mimeBoundaryString; if ( !isset( $mimeBoundaryString ) || $mimeBoundaryString == '') { $mimeBoundaryString = '----=_' . date( 'YmdHis' ) . '_' . mt_rand( 10000, 99999 ); } return $mimeBoundaryString; } /* Time offset for correct timezone */ function timezone () { global $invert_time; $diff_second = date('Z'); if ($invert_time) { $diff_second = - $diff_second; } if ($diff_second > 0) { $sign = '+'; } else { $sign = '-'; } $diff_second = abs($diff_second); $diff_hour = floor ($diff_second / 3600); $diff_minute = floor (($diff_second-3600*$diff_hour) / 60); $zonename = '('.strftime('%Z').')'; $result = sprintf ("%s%02d%02d %s", $sign, $diff_hour, $diff_minute, $zonename); return ($result); } function calculate_references($hdr) { $refer = $hdr->references; $message_id = $hdr->message_id; $in_reply_to = $hdr->in_reply_to; if (strlen($refer) > 2) { $refer .= ' ' . $message_id; } else { if ($in_reply_to) { $refer .= $in_reply_to . ' ' . $message_id; } else { $refer .= $message_id; } } trim($refer); return $refer; } } ?>