version_no; } trigger_error("Unknown version", E_USER_ERROR); exit(); } /** * Get the CMS name */ public static function findCMS() { if (defined('CIVICRM_UF')) { return CIVICRM_UF; } elseif (function_exists('drupal_bootstrap') && version_compare(VERSION, '6.0', '>=') && version_compare(VERSION, '7.0', '<')) { return 'Drupal6'; } elseif (function_exists('drupal_bootstrap') && version_compare(VERSION, '7.0', '>=') && version_compare(VERSION, '8.0', '<')) { return 'Drupal'; } else { // guess CMS name from the current path list($cmsType,) = self::findCMSRootPath(); if (!empty($cmsType)) { return $cmsType; } } } /** * Get the CMS root path and CMS name */ public static function findCMSRootPath() { $cmsPatterns = array( 'Wordpress' => array( 'wp-includes/version.php', // Future? 'vendor/civicrm/wordpress/civicrm.php' => 'wp', ), 'Joomla' => array( 'administrator/components/com_civicrm/civicrm/civicrm-version.php', ), 'Drupal' => array( 'modules/system/system.module', // D7 ), 'Drupal8' => array( 'core/', // D8 ), 'Backdrop' => array( 'core/modules/layout/layout.module', ), ); $parts = explode('/', str_replace('\\', '/', self::getSearchDir())); while (!empty($parts)) { $basePath = implode('/', $parts); foreach ($cmsPatterns as $cmsType => $relPaths) { foreach ($relPaths as $relPath) { $matches = glob("$basePath/$relPath"); if (!empty($matches)) { return [$cmsType, $basePath]; } } } array_pop($parts); } } /** * Get the current path */ public static function getSearchDir() { // getenv('PWD') works better with symlinked source trees, but it's // not portable to Windows. if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') { return getcwd(); } else { return getenv('PWD'); } } } /** * Get the CiviCRM version. * TODO : For now this function is not included in \Civi\Version class so not to break any code * which directly call civicrmVersion(). So those call need to replaced with \Civi\Version::civicrmVersion() * when included in the class */ function civicrmVersion() { return [ 'version' => \Civi\Version::findVersion(), 'cms' => \Civi\Version::findCMS(), ]; }