#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e CALLEDPATH=`dirname $0` # Convert to an absolute path if necessary case "$CALLEDPATH" in .*) CALLEDPATH="$PWD/$CALLEDPATH" ;; esac if [ ! -f "$CALLEDPATH/setup.conf" ]; then echo echo "Missing configuration file. Please copy $CALLEDPATH/setup.conf.txt to $CALLEDPATH/setup.conf and edit it." exit 1 fi source "$CALLEDPATH/setup.conf" source "$CALLEDPATH/setup.lib.sh" if [ "$1" = '-h' ] || [ "$1" = '--help' ]; then echo echo "Usage: setup.sh [options] [schema file] [database data file] [database name] [database user] [database password] [database host] [database port] [additional args]" echo "[options] is a mix of zero or more of following:" echo " -a (All) Implies -Dgsef (default)" echo " -D (Download) Download dependencies" echo " -g (GenCode) Generate DAO files, SQL files, etc" echo " -s (Schema) Load new schema in DB" echo " -d (Data-Plain) Load basic dataset in DB" echo " -e (Data-Examples) Load example dataset in DB" echo " -f (Flush) Flush caches and settings" echo echo "Example: Perform a full setup" echo " setup.sh -a" echo echo "Example: Setup all the code but leave the DB alone" echo " setup.sh -Dg" echo echo "Example: Keep the existing code but reset the DB" echo " setup.sh -sef" exit 0 fi ############################################################################### ## Parse command line options FOUND_ACTION= DO_DOWNLOAD= DO_GENCODE= DO_SCHEMA= DO_DATA= DO_FLUSH= DEFAULT_DATA= while getopts "aDgsdef" opt; do case $opt in a) DO_DOWNLOAD=1 DO_GENCODE=1 DO_SCHEMA=1 DO_DATA=1 DEFAULT_DATA=civicrm_generated.mysql DO_FLUSH=1 FOUND_ACTION=1 ;; D) DO_DOWNLOAD=1 FOUND_ACTION=1 ;; g) DO_GENCODE=1 FOUND_ACTION=1 ;; s) DO_SCHEMA=1 FOUND_ACTION=1 ;; d) DO_DATA=1 DEFAULT_DATA=civicrm_data.mysql FOUND_ACTION=1 ;; e) DO_DATA=1 DEFAULT_DATA=civicrm_generated.mysql FOUND_ACTION=1 ;; f) DO_FLUSH=1 FOUND_ACTION=1 ;; \?) echo "Invalid option: -$OPTARG" >&2 exit 1 ;; :) echo "Option -$OPTARG requires an argument." >&2 exit 1 ;; esac done if [ -z "$FOUND_ACTION" ]; then DO_DOWNLOAD=1 DO_GENCODE=1 DO_SCHEMA=1 DO_DATA=1 DO_FLUSH=1 DEFAULT_DATA=civicrm_generated.mysql fi shift $((OPTIND-1)) # fetch command line arguments if available if [ ! -z "$1" ] ; then SCHEMA="$1"; fi if [ ! -z "$2" ] ; then DBLOAD="$2"; fi if [ ! -z "$3" ] ; then DBNAME="$3"; fi if [ ! -z "$4" ] ; then DBUSER="$4"; fi if [ ! -z "$5" ] ; then DBPASS="$5"; fi if [ ! -z "$6" ] ; then DBHOST="$6"; fi if [ ! -z "$7" ] ; then DBPORT="$7"; fi # verify if we have at least DBNAME given if [ -z $DBNAME ] ; then echo "No database name defined!" exit 1 fi if [ -z $DBUSER ] ; then echo "No database username defined!" exit 1 fi if [ -z $DBPASS ] ; then read -p "Database password:" DBPASS=$REPLY fi MYSQLCMD=$(mysql_cmd) ############################################################################### ## Execute tasks set -x if [ -n "$DO_DOWNLOAD" ]; then pushd "$CALLEDPATH/.." COMPOSER=$(pickcmd composer composer.phar) $COMPOSER install if has_commands bower karma ; then ## dev dependencies have been installed globally; don't force developer to redownload npm install --production else npm install fi BOWER=$(pickcmd node_modules/bower/bin/bower bower) if [ -f "$BOWER" ]; then NODE=$(pickcmd node nodejs) BOWER="$NODE $BOWER" fi # Without the force flag, bower may not check for new versions or verify that installed software matches version specified in bower.json # With the force flag, bower will ignore all caches and download all deps. if [ -n "$OFFLINE" ]; then BOWER_OPT= elif [ ! -f "bower_components/.setupsh.ts" ]; then ## First run -- or cleanup from failed run BOWER_OPT=-f elif [ "bower.json" -nt "bower_components/.setupsh.ts" ]; then ## Bower.json has changed since last run BOWER_OPT=-f fi [ -f "bower_components/.setupsh.ts" ] && rm -f "bower_components/.setupsh.ts" $BOWER install $BOWER_OPT touch bower_components/.setupsh.ts popd fi # run code generator if it's there - which means it's # checkout, not packaged code if [ -n "$DO_GENCODE" -a -d "$CALLEDPATH/../xml" ]; then pushd "$CALLEDPATH/../xml" if [ -z "$DBPORT" ]; then PHP_MYSQL_HOSTPORT="$DBHOST" else PHP_MYSQL_HOSTPORT="$DBHOST:$DBPORT" fi "$PHP5PATH"php -d mysql.default_host="$PHP_MYSQL_HOSTPORT" -d mysql.default_user=$DBUSER -d mysql.default_password=$DBPASS GenCode.php $SCHEMA '' ${GENCODE_CMS} popd fi if [ -n "$DO_SCHEMA" ]; then pushd "$CALLEDPATH/../sql" echo; echo "Dropping civicrm_* tables from database $DBNAME" echo "SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA='${DBNAME}' AND TABLE_TYPE = 'VIEW'" \ | $MYSQLCMD \ | grep '^\(civicrm_\|log_civicrm_\)' \ | awk -v NOFOREIGNCHECK='SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;' 'BEGIN {print NOFOREIGNCHECK}{print "drop view " $1 ";"}' \ | $MYSQLCMD echo "SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA='${DBNAME}' AND TABLE_TYPE = 'BASE TABLE'" \ | $MYSQLCMD \ | grep '^\(civicrm_\|log_civicrm_\)' \ | awk -v NOFOREIGNCHECK='SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;' 'BEGIN {print NOFOREIGNCHECK}{print "drop table " $1 ";"}' \ | $MYSQLCMD echo; echo Creating database structure $MYSQLCMD < civicrm.mysql popd fi if [ -n "$DO_DATA" ]; then pushd "$CALLEDPATH/../sql" # load default data set unless system is configured with override if [ -z $DBLOAD ]; then echo; echo "Populating database with dataset - $DEFAULT_DATA" $MYSQLCMD < "$DEFAULT_DATA" else echo; echo Populating database with required data - civicrm_data.mysql $MYSQLCMD < civicrm_data.mysql echo; echo Populating database with $DBLOAD data $MYSQLCMD < $DBLOAD fi # load additional script if DBADD defined if [ ! -z $DBADD ]; then echo; echo Loading $DBADD $MYSQLCMD < $DBADD fi popd fi if [ -n "$DO_FLUSH" ]; then pushd "$CALLEDPATH/.." # reset config_backend and userFrameworkResourceURL which gets set # when config object is initialized $MYSQLCMD -e "UPDATE civicrm_domain SET config_backend = NULL; UPDATE civicrm_setting SET value = NULL WHERE name = 'userFrameworkResourceURL';" popd fi echo; echo "NOTE: Logout from your CMS to avoid session conflicts."