array(paypal_param => civicrm_field); 'contact' => array( 'salutation' => 'prefix_id', 'firstname' => 'first_name', 'lastname' => 'last_name', 'middlename' => 'middle_name', 'suffix' => 'suffix_id', 'email' => 'email', ), 'location' => array( 'shiptoname' => 'address_name', 'shiptostreet' => 'street_address', 'shiptostreet2' => 'supplemental_address_1', 'shiptocity' => 'city', 'shiptostate' => 'state_province', 'shiptozip' => 'postal_code', 'countrycode' => 'country', ), 'transaction' => array( 'amt' => 'total_amount', 'feeamt' => 'fee_amount', 'transactionid' => 'trxn_id', 'currencycode' => 'currency', 'l_name0' => 'source', 'ordertime' => 'receive_date', 'note' => 'note', 'custom' => 'note', 'l_number0' => 'note', 'is_test' => 'is_test', 'transactiontype' => 'trxn_type', 'recurrences' => 'installments', 'l_amt2' => 'amount', 'l_period2' => 'lol', 'invnum' => 'invoice_id', 'subscriptiondate' => 'start_date', 'subscriptionid' => 'processor_id', 'timestamp' => 'modified_date', ), ); static $_googleParamsMapper = array( //category => array(google_param => civicrm_field); 'contact' => array( 'first-name' => 'first_name', 'last-name' => 'last_name', 'contact-name' => 'display_name', 'email' => 'email', ), 'location' => array( 'address1' => 'street_address', 'address2' => 'supplemental_address_1', 'city' => 'city', 'postal-code' => 'postal_code', 'country-code' => 'country', ), 'transaction' => array( 'total-charge-amount' => 'total_amount', 'google-order-number' => 'trxn_id', 'currency' => 'currency', 'item-name' => 'source', 'item-description' => 'note', 'timestamp' => 'receive_date', 'latest-charge-fee' => 'fee_amount', 'net-amount' => 'net_amount', 'times' => 'installments', 'period' => 'frequency_unit', 'frequency_interval' => 'frequency_interval', 'start_date' => 'start_date', 'modified_date' => 'modified_date', 'trxn_type' => 'trxn_type', 'amount' => 'amount', ), ); static $_csvParamsMapper = array( // Note: if csv header is not present in the mapper, header itself // is considered as a civicrm field. //category => array(csv_header => civicrm_field); 'contact' => array( 'first_name' => 'first_name', 'last_name' => 'last_name', 'middle_name' => 'middle_name', 'email' => 'email', ), 'location' => array( 'street_address' => 'street_address', 'supplemental_address_1' => 'supplemental_address_1', 'city' => 'city', 'postal_code' => 'postal_code', 'country' => 'country', ), 'transaction' => array( 'total_amount' => 'total_amount', 'trxn_id' => 'trxn_id', 'currency' => 'currency', 'source' => 'source', 'receive_date' => 'receive_date', 'note' => 'note', 'is_test' => 'is_test', ), ); /** * @param $paymentProcessor * @param $paymentMode * @param $start * @param $end */ public static function paypal($paymentProcessor, $paymentMode, $start, $end) { $url = "{$paymentProcessor['url_api']}nvp"; $keyArgs = array( 'user' => $paymentProcessor['user_name'], 'pwd' => $paymentProcessor['password'], 'signature' => $paymentProcessor['signature'], 'version' => 3.0, ); $args = $keyArgs; $args += array( 'method' => 'TransactionSearch', 'startdate' => $start, 'enddate' => $end, ); require_once 'CRM/Core/Payment/PayPalImpl.php'; // as invokeAPI fetch only last 100 transactions. // we should require recursive calls to process more than 100. // first fetch transactions w/ give date intervals. // if we get error code w/ result, which means we do have more than 100 // manipulate date interval accordingly and fetch again. do { $result = CRM_Core_Payment_PayPalImpl::invokeAPI($args, $url); require_once "CRM/Contribute/BAO/Contribution/Utils.php"; $keyArgs['method'] = 'GetTransactionDetails'; foreach ($result as $name => $value) { if (substr($name, 0, 15) == 'l_transactionid') { // We don't/can't process subscription notifications, which appear // to be identified by transaction ids beginning with S- if (substr($value, 0, 2) == 'S-') { continue; } // Before we bother making a remote API call to PayPal to lookup // details about a transaction, let's make sure that it doesn't // already exist in the database. require_once 'CRM/Contribute/DAO/Contribution.php'; $dao = new CRM_Contribute_DAO_Contribution(); $dao->trxn_id = $value; if ($dao->find(TRUE)) { preg_match('/(\d+)$/', $name, $matches); $seq = $matches[1]; $email = $result["l_email{$seq}"]; $amt = $result["l_amt{$seq}"]; CRM_Core_Error::debug_log_message("Skipped (already recorded) - $email, $amt, $value ..

", TRUE); continue; } $keyArgs['transactionid'] = $value; $trxnDetails = CRM_Core_Payment_PayPalImpl::invokeAPI($keyArgs, $url); if (is_a($trxnDetails, 'CRM_Core_Error')) { echo "PAYPAL ERROR: Skipping transaction id: $value

"; continue; } // only process completed payments if (strtolower($trxnDetails['paymentstatus']) != 'completed') { continue; } // only process receipts, not payments if (strtolower($trxnDetails['transactiontype']) == 'sendmoney') { continue; } $params = self::formatAPIParams($trxnDetails, self::$_paypalParamsMapper, 'paypal' ); if ($paymentMode == 'test') { $params['transaction']['is_test'] = 1; } else { $params['transaction']['is_test'] = 0; } if (self::processAPIContribution($params)) { CRM_Core_Error::debug_log_message("Processed - {$trxnDetails['email']}, {$trxnDetails['amt']}, {$value} ..

", TRUE); } else { CRM_Core_Error::debug_log_message("Skipped - {$trxnDetails['email']}, {$trxnDetails['amt']}, {$value} ..

", TRUE); } } } if ($result['l_errorcode0'] == '11002') { $end = $result['l_timestamp99']; $end_time = strtotime("{$end}", time()); $end_date = date('Y-m-d\T00:00:00.00\Z', $end_time); $args['enddate'] = $end_date; } } while ($result['l_errorcode0'] == '11002'); } /** * @param $paymentProcessor * @param $paymentMode * @param $start * @param $end */ public static function google($paymentProcessor, $paymentMode, $start, $end) { require_once "CRM/Contribute/BAO/Contribution/Utils.php"; require_once 'CRM/Core/Payment/Google.php'; $nextPageToken = TRUE; $searchParams = array( 'start' => $start, 'end' => $end, 'notification-types' => array('charge-amount'), ); $response = CRM_Core_Payment_Google::invokeAPI($paymentProcessor, $searchParams); while ($nextPageToken) { if ($response[0] == 'error') { CRM_Core_Error::debug_log_message("GOOGLE ERROR: " . $response[1]['error']['error-message']['VALUE'], TRUE ); } $nextPageToken = isset($response[1][$response[0]]['next-page-token']['VALUE']) ? $response[1][$response[0]]['next-page-token']['VALUE'] : FALSE; if (is_array($response[1][$response[0]]['notifications']['charge-amount-notification'])) { if (array_key_exists('google-order-number', $response[1][$response[0]]['notifications']['charge-amount-notification'] )) { // sometimes 'charge-amount-notification' itself is an absolute // array and not array of arrays. This is the case when there is only one // charge-amount-notification. Hack for this special case - $chrgAmt = $response[1][$response[0]]['notifications']['charge-amount-notification']; unset($response[1][$response[0]]['notifications']['charge-amount-notification']); $response[1][$response[0]]['notifications']['charge-amount-notification'][] = $chrgAmt; } foreach ($response[1][$response[0]]['notifications']['charge-amount-notification'] as $amtData) { $searchParams = array( 'order-numbers' => array($amtData['google-order-number']['VALUE']), 'notification-types' => array('risk-information', 'new-order', 'charge-amount'), ); $response = CRM_Core_Payment_Google::invokeAPI($paymentProcessor, $searchParams ); // append amount information as well $response[] = $amtData; $params = self::formatAPIParams($response, self::$_googleParamsMapper, 'google' ); if ($paymentMode == 'test') { $params['transaction']['is_test'] = 1; } else { $params['transaction']['is_test'] = 0; } if (self::processAPIContribution($params)) { CRM_Core_Error::debug_log_message("Processed - {$params['email']}, {$amtData['total-charge-amount']['VALUE']}, {$amtData['google-order-number']['VALUE']} ..

", TRUE); } else { CRM_Core_Error::debug_log_message("Skipped - {$params['email']}, {$amtData['total-charge-amount']['VALUE']}, {$amtData['google-order-number']['VALUE']} ..

", TRUE); } } if ($nextPageToken) { $searchParams = array('next-page-token' => $nextPageToken); $response = CRM_Core_Payment_Google::invokeAPI($paymentProcessor, $searchParams); } } } } public static function csv() { $csvFile = '/home/deepak/Desktop/crm-4247.csv'; $delimiter = ";"; $row = 1; $handle = fopen($csvFile, "r"); if (!$handle) { CRM_Core_Error::fatal("Can't locate csv file."); } require_once "CRM/Contribute/BAO/Contribution/Utils.php"; while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, $delimiter)) !== FALSE) { if ($row !== 1) { $data['header'] = $header; $params = self::formatAPIParams($data, self::$_csvParamsMapper, 'csv' ); if (self::processAPIContribution($params)) { CRM_Core_Error::debug_log_message("Processed - line $row of csv file .. {$params['email']}, {$params['transaction']['total_amount']}, {$params['transaction']['trxn_id']} ..

", TRUE); } else { CRM_Core_Error::debug_log_message("Skipped - line $row of csv file .. {$params['email']}, {$params['transaction']['total_amount']}, {$params['transaction']['trxn_id']} ..

", TRUE); } // clean up memory from dao's CRM_Core_DAO::freeResult(); } else { // we assuming - first row is always the header line $header = $data; CRM_Core_Error::debug_log_message("Considering first row ( line $row ) as HEADER ..

", TRUE); if (empty($header)) { CRM_Core_Error::fatal("Header is empty."); } } $row++; } fclose($handle); } public static function process() { require_once 'CRM/Utils/Request.php'; $type = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('type', 'String', CRM_Core_DAO::$_nullObject, FALSE, 'csv', 'REQUEST'); $type = strtolower($type); switch ($type) { case 'paypal': case 'google': $start = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('start', 'String', CRM_Core_DAO::$_nullObject, FALSE, 31, 'REQUEST' ); $end = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('end', 'String', CRM_Core_DAO::$_nullObject, FALSE, 0, 'REQUEST' ); if ($start < $end) { CRM_Core_Error::fatal("Start offset can't be less than End offset."); } $start = date('Y-m-d', time() - $start * 24 * 60 * 60) . 'T00:00:00.00Z'; $end = date('Y-m-d', time() - $end * 24 * 60 * 60) . 'T23:59:00.00Z'; $ppID = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('ppID', 'Integer', CRM_Core_DAO::$_nullObject, TRUE, NULL, 'REQUEST' ); $mode = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('ppMode', 'String', CRM_Core_DAO::$_nullObject, FALSE, 'live', 'REQUEST' ); $paymentProcessor = CRM_Financial_BAO_PaymentProcessor::getPayment($ppID, $mode); CRM_Core_Error::debug_log_message("Start Date=$start, End Date=$end, ppID=$ppID, mode=$mode

", TRUE); return self::$type($paymentProcessor, $mode, $start, $end); case 'csv': return self::csv(); } } /** * @param array $apiParams * @param $mapper * @param string $type * @param bool $category * * @return array */ public static function formatAPIParams($apiParams, $mapper, $type = 'paypal', $category = TRUE) { $type = strtolower($type); if (!in_array($type, array( 'paypal', 'google', 'csv', )) ) { // return the params as is return $apiParams; } $params = $transaction = array(); if ($type == 'paypal') { foreach ($apiParams as $detail => $val) { if (isset($mapper['contact'][$detail])) { $params[$mapper['contact'][$detail]] = $val; } elseif (isset($mapper['location'][$detail])) { $params['address'][1][$mapper['location'][$detail]] = $val; } elseif (isset($mapper['transaction'][$detail])) { switch ($detail) { case 'l_period2': // Sadly, PayPal seems to send two distinct data elements in a single field, // so we break them out here. This is somewhat ugly and tragic. $freqUnits = array( 'D' => 'day', 'W' => 'week', 'M' => 'month', 'Y' => 'year', ); list($frequency_interval, $frequency_unit) = explode(' ', $val); $transaction['frequency_interval'] = $frequency_interval; $transaction['frequency_unit'] = $freqUnits[$frequency_unit]; break; case 'subscriptiondate': case 'timestamp': // PayPal dates are in ISO-8601 format. We need a format that // MySQL likes $unix_timestamp = strtotime($val); $transaction[$mapper['transaction'][$detail]] = date('YmdHis', $unix_timestamp); break; case 'note': case 'custom': case 'l_number0': if ($val) { $val = "[PayPal_field:{$detail}] {$val}"; $transaction[$mapper['transaction'][$detail]] = !empty($transaction[$mapper['transaction'][$detail]]) ? $transaction[$mapper['transaction'][$detail]] . "
" . $val : $val; } break; default: $transaction[$mapper['transaction'][$detail]] = $val; } } } if (!empty($transaction) && $category) { $params['transaction'] = $transaction; } else { $params += $transaction; } CRM_Contribute_BAO_Contribution_Utils::_fillCommonParams($params, $type); return $params; } if ($type == 'csv') { $header = $apiParams['header']; unset($apiParams['header']); foreach ($apiParams as $key => $val) { if (isset($mapper['contact'][$header[$key]])) { $params[$mapper['contact'][$header[$key]]] = $val; } elseif (isset($mapper['location'][$header[$key]])) { $params['address'][1][$mapper['location'][$header[$key]]] = $val; } elseif (isset($mapper['transaction'][$header[$key]])) { $transaction[$mapper['transaction'][$header[$key]]] = $val; } else { $params[$header[$key]] = $val; } } if (!empty($transaction) && $category) { $params['transaction'] = $transaction; } else { $params += $transaction; } CRM_Contribute_BAO_Contribution_Utils::_fillCommonParams($params, $type); return $params; } if ($type == 'google') { // return if response smell invalid if (!array_key_exists('risk-information-notification', $apiParams[1][$apiParams[0]]['notifications'])) { return FALSE; } $riskInfo = &$apiParams[1][$apiParams[0]]['notifications']['risk-information-notification']; if (array_key_exists('new-order-notification', $apiParams[1][$apiParams[0]]['notifications'])) { $newOrder = &$apiParams[1][$apiParams[0]]['notifications']['new-order-notification']; } if ($riskInfo['google-order-number']['VALUE'] == $apiParams[2]['google-order-number']['VALUE']) { foreach ($riskInfo['risk-information']['billing-address'] as $field => $info) { if (!empty($mapper['location'][$field])) { $params['address'][1][$mapper['location'][$field]] = $info['VALUE']; } elseif (!empty($mapper['contact'][$field])) { if ($newOrder && !empty($newOrder['buyer-billing-address']['structured-name'])) { foreach ($newOrder['buyer-billing-address']['structured-name'] as $namePart => $nameValue) { $params[$mapper['contact'][$namePart]] = $nameValue['VALUE']; } } else { $params[$mapper['contact'][$field]] = $info['VALUE']; } } elseif (!empty($mapper['transaction'][$field])) { $transaction[$mapper['transaction'][$field]] = $info['VALUE']; } } // Response is an huge array. Lets pickup only those which we ineterested in // using a local mapper, rather than traversing the entire array. $localMapper = array( 'google-order-number' => $riskInfo['google-order-number']['VALUE'], 'total-charge-amount' => $apiParams[2]['total-charge-amount']['VALUE'], 'currency' => $apiParams[2]['total-charge-amount']['currency'], 'item-name' => $newOrder['shopping-cart']['items']['item']['item-name']['VALUE'], 'timestamp' => $apiParams[2]['timestamp']['VALUE'], ); if (array_key_exists('latest-charge-fee', $apiParams[2])) { $localMapper['latest-charge-fee'] = $apiParams[2]['latest-charge-fee']['total']['VALUE']; $localMapper['net-amount'] = $localMapper['total-charge-amount'] - $localMapper['latest-charge-fee']; } // This is a subscription (recurring) donation. if (array_key_exists('subscription', $newOrder['shopping-cart']['items']['item'])) { $subscription = $newOrder['shopping-cart']['items']['item']['subscription']; $localMapper['amount'] = $newOrder['order-total']['VALUE']; $localMapper['times'] = $subscription['payments']['subscription-payment']['times']; // Convert Google's period to one compatible with the CiviCRM db field. $freqUnits = array( 'DAILY' => 'day', 'WEEKLY' => 'week', 'MONHTLY' => 'month', 'YEARLY' => 'year', ); $localMapper['period'] = $freqUnits[$subscription['period']]; // Unlike PayPal, Google has no concept of freq. interval, it is always 1. $localMapper['frequency_interval'] = '1'; // Google Checkout dates are in ISO-8601 format. We need a format that // MySQL likes $unix_timestamp = strtotime($localMapper['timestamp']); $mysql_date = date('YmdHis', $unix_timestamp); $localMapper['modified_date'] = $mysql_date; $localMapper['start_date'] = $mysql_date; // This is PayPal's nomenclature, but just use it for Google as well since // we act on the value of trxn_type in processAPIContribution(). $localMapper['trxn_type'] = 'subscrpayment'; } foreach ($localMapper as $localKey => $localVal) { if (!empty($mapper['transaction'][$localKey])) { $transaction[$mapper['transaction'][$localKey]] = $localVal; } } if (empty($params) && empty($transaction)) { continue; } if (!empty($transaction) && $category) { $params['transaction'] = $transaction; } else { $params += $transaction; } CRM_Contribute_BAO_Contribution_Utils::_fillCommonParams($params, $type); } return $params; } } /** * @param array $params * * @return bool */ public static function processAPIContribution($params) { if (empty($params) || array_key_exists('error', $params)) { return FALSE; } // add contact using dedupe rule $dedupeParams = CRM_Dedupe_Finder::formatParams($params, 'Individual'); $dedupeParams['check_permission'] = FALSE; $dupeIds = CRM_Dedupe_Finder::dupesByParams($dedupeParams, 'Individual'); // if we find more than one contact, use the first one if (!empty($dupeIds[0])) { $params['contact_id'] = $dupeIds[0]; } $contact = CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact::create($params); if (!$contact->id) { return FALSE; } // only pass transaction params to contribution::create, if available if (array_key_exists('transaction', $params)) { $params = $params['transaction']; $params['contact_id'] = $contact->id; } // handle contribution custom data $customFields = CRM_Core_BAO_CustomField::getFields('Contribution', FALSE, FALSE, CRM_Utils_Array::value('financial_type_id', $params ) ); $params['custom'] = CRM_Core_BAO_CustomField::postProcess($params, CRM_Utils_Array::value('id', $params, NULL), 'Contribution' ); // create contribution // if this is a recurring contribution then process it first if ($params['trxn_type'] == 'subscrpayment') { // see if a recurring record already exists $recurring = new CRM_Contribute_BAO_ContributionRecur(); $recurring->processor_id = $params['processor_id']; if (!$recurring->find(TRUE)) { $recurring = new CRM_Contribute_BAO_ContributionRecur(); $recurring->invoice_id = $params['invoice_id']; $recurring->find(TRUE); } // This is the same thing the CiviCRM IPN handler does to handle // subsequent recurring payments to avoid duplicate contribution // errors due to invoice ID. See: // ./CRM/Core/Payment/PayPalIPN.php:200 if ($recurring->id) { $params['invoice_id'] = md5(uniqid(rand(), TRUE)); } $recurring->copyValues($params); $recurring->save(); if (is_a($recurring, 'CRM_Core_Error')) { return FALSE; } else { $params['contribution_recur_id'] = $recurring->id; } } $contribution = &CRM_Contribute_BAO_Contribution::create($params, CRM_Core_DAO::$_nullArray ); if (!$contribution->id) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } } // bootstrap the environment and run the processor session_start(); require_once '../civicrm.config.php'; require_once 'CRM/Core/Config.php'; $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton(); CRM_Utils_System::authenticateScript(TRUE); //log the execution of script CRM_Core_Error::debug_log_message('ContributionProcessor.php'); $lock = Civi::service('lockManager')->acquire('worker.contribute.CiviContributeProcessor'); if ($lock->isAcquired()) { // try to unset any time limits if (!ini_get('safe_mode')) { set_time_limit(0); } CiviContributeProcessor::process(); } else { throw new Exception('Could not acquire lock, another CiviContributeProcessor process is running'); } $lock->release(); echo "Done processing
