array( '0' => 'Contact', '1' => 'Mailing', ), ); try{ $result = civicrm_api3('Mailing', 'gettokens', $params); } catch (CiviCRM_API3_Exception $e) { // Handle error here. $errorMessage = $e->getMessage(); $errorCode = $e->getErrorCode(); $errorData = $e->getExtraParams(); return array( 'error' => $errorMessage, 'error_code' => $errorCode, 'error_data' => $errorData, ); } return $result; } /** * Function returns array of result expected from previous function. * * @return array * API result array */ function mailing_gettokens_expectedresult() { $expectedResult = array( 'is_error' => 0, 'version' => 3, 'count' => 82, 'values' => array( '{action.unsubscribe}' => 'Unsubscribe via email', '{action.unsubscribeUrl}' => 'Unsubscribe via web page', '{action.resubscribe}' => 'Resubscribe via email', '{action.resubscribeUrl}' => 'Resubscribe via web page', '{action.optOut}' => 'Opt out via email', '{action.optOutUrl}' => 'Opt out via web page', '{action.forward}' => 'Forward this email (link)', '{action.reply}' => 'Reply to this email (link)', '{action.subscribeUrl}' => 'Subscribe via web page', '{}' => 'Domain name', '{domain.address}' => 'Domain (organization) address', '{}' => 'Domain (organization) phone', '{}' => 'Domain (organization) email', '{}' => 'Mailing name', '{}' => 'Mailing group', '{mailing.viewUrl}' => 'Mailing permalink', '{contact.contact_type}' => 'Contact Type', '{contact.do_not_email}' => 'Do Not Email', '{contact.do_not_phone}' => 'Do Not Phone', '{contact.do_not_mail}' => 'Do Not Mail', '{contact.do_not_sms}' => 'Do Not Sms', '{contact.do_not_trade}' => 'Do Not Trade', '{contact.is_opt_out}' => 'No Bulk Emails (User Opt Out)', '{contact.external_identifier}' => 'External Identifier', '{contact.sort_name}' => 'Sort Name', '{contact.display_name}' => 'Display Name', '{contact.nick_name}' => 'Nickname', '{contact.image_URL}' => 'Image Url', '{contact.preferred_communication_method}' => 'Preferred Communication Method', '{contact.preferred_language}' => 'Preferred Language', '{contact.preferred_mail_format}' => 'Preferred Mail Format', '{contact.hash}' => 'Contact Hash', '{contact.contact_source}' => 'Source of Contact Data', '{contact.first_name}' => 'First Name', '{contact.middle_name}' => 'Middle Name', '{contact.last_name}' => 'Last Name', '{contact.individual_prefix}' => 'Individual Prefix', '{contact.individual_suffix}' => 'Individual Suffix', '{contact.formal_title}' => 'Formal Title', '{contact.communication_style}' => 'Communication Style', '{contact.job_title}' => 'Job Title', '{contact.gender}' => 'Gender', '{contact.birth_date}' => 'Birth Date', '{contact.current_employer_id}' => 'Current Employer ID', '{contact.contact_is_deleted}' => 'Contact is in Trash', '{contact.created_date}' => 'Created Date', '{contact.modified_date}' => 'Modified Date', '{contact.addressee}' => 'Addressee', '{contact.email_greeting}' => 'Email Greeting', '{contact.postal_greeting}' => 'Postal Greeting', '{contact.current_employer}' => 'Current Employer', '{contact.location_type}' => 'Location Type', '{contact.street_address}' => 'Street Address', '{contact.street_number}' => 'Street Number', '{contact.street_number_suffix}' => 'Street Number Suffix', '{contact.street_name}' => 'Street Name', '{contact.street_unit}' => 'Street Unit', '{contact.supplemental_address_1}' => 'Supplemental Address 1', '{contact.supplemental_address_2}' => 'Supplemental Address 2', '{}' => 'City', '{contact.postal_code_suffix}' => 'Postal Code Suffix', '{contact.postal_code}' => 'Postal Code', '{contact.geo_code_1}' => 'Latitude', '{contact.geo_code_2}' => 'Longitude', '{contact.address_name}' => 'Address Name', '{contact.master_id}' => 'Master Address Belongs To', '{contact.county}' => 'County', '{contact.state_province}' => 'State', '{}' => 'Country', '{}' => 'Phone', '{contact.phone_ext}' => 'Phone Extension', '{}' => 'Email', '{contact.on_hold}' => 'On Hold', '{contact.signature_text}' => 'Signature Text', '{contact.signature_html}' => 'Signature Html', '{contact.im_provider}' => 'IM Provider', '{}' => 'IM Screen Name', '{contact.openid}' => 'OpenID', '{contact.world_region}' => 'World Region', '{contact.url}' => 'Website', '{contact.checksum}' => 'Checksum', '{contact.contact_id}' => 'Internal Contact ID', ), ); return $expectedResult; } /* * This example has been generated from the API test suite. * The test that created it is called "testMailGetTokens" * and can be found at: * * * You can see the outcome of the API tests at * * * To Learn about the API read * * * Browse the api on your own site with the api explorer * http://MYSITE.ORG/path/to/civicrm/api * * Read more about testing here * * * API Standards documentation: * */