array( 'title' => 'name of setting field', 'api.required' => 1, 'type' => CRM_Utils_Type::T_STRING), 'group' => array('title' => 'name of setting field', 'api.required' => 0, 'description' => 'Settings Group. This is required if the setting is not stored in config', 'type' => CRM_Utils_Type::T_STRING) ); return civicrm_api3_create_success($result, $params, 'setting', 'getfields'); } if(!empty($params['name'])){ //am of two minds about special handling for 'name' as opposed to other filters - but is does make most common //usage really easy $params['filters']['name'] = $params['name']; } $result = CRM_Core_BAO_Setting::getSettingSpecification( CRM_Utils_Array::value('component_id',$params), CRM_Utils_Array::value('filters', $params, array()), CRM_Utils_Array::value('domain_id', $params, null), CRM_Utils_Array::value('profile', $params, null) ); // find any supplemental information if(CRM_Utils_Array::value('action',$params)){ $specFunction = 'civicrm_api3_setting_' . $params['action'] . '_spec'; if (function_exists($specFunction)) { $specFunction($result); } } return civicrm_api3_create_success($result, $params, 'setting', 'getfields'); } /* * Alter metadata for getfields functions */ function civicrm_api3_setting_getfields_spec(&$params) { $params['filters'] = array('title' => 'Fields you wish to filter by e.g. array("group_name" => "CiviCRM Preferences")'); $params['component_id'] = array('title' => 'id of relevant component'); $params['profile'] = array('title' => 'profile is passed through to hooks & added to cachestring'); } /* * Return default values for settings. We will domain key this as it could vary by domain (ie. urls) * as we will be creating the option for a function rather than an value to be in the defaults * Note that is not in place as yet */ function civicrm_api3_setting_getdefaults(&$params){ $settings = civicrm_api('setting','getfields', $params); $domains = _civicrm_api3_setting_getDomainArray($params); $defaults = array(); foreach ($domains as $domainID){ $defaults[$domainID] = array(); $noDefaults = array(); foreach ($settings['values'] as $setting => $spec){ if(array_key_exists('default', $spec) && !is_null($spec['default'])){ $defaults[$domainID][$setting] = $spec['default']; } else{ $noDefaults[$setting] = 1; } } if(!empty($params['debug'])){ // we are only tracking 'noDefaults' to help us check the xml print_r($noDefaults); } } return civicrm_api3_create_success($defaults,$params,'setting','getfields'); } /* * Metadata for setting create function * * @param array $params parameters as passed to the API */ function civicrm_api3_setting_getdefaults_spec(&$params) { $params['domain_id'] = array( 'api.default' => 'current_domain', 'description' => 'Defaults may differ by domain - if you do not pass in a domain id this will default to the current domain an array or "all" are acceptable values for multiple domains' ); } /* * Revert settings to defaults */ function civicrm_api3_setting_revert(&$params){ $defaults = civicrm_api('setting','getdefaults', $params); $fields = civicrm_api('setting','getfields', $params); $fields = $fields['values']; $domains = _civicrm_api3_setting_getDomainArray($params); $result = array(); foreach ($domains as $domainID){ $valuesToRevert = array_intersect_key($defaults['values'][$domainID], $fields); if(!empty($valuesToRevert)){ $valuesToRevert['version'] = $params['version']; $valuesToRevert['domain_id'] = $domainID; // note that I haven't looked at how the result would appear with multiple domains in play $result = array_merge($result, civicrm_api('setting', 'create', $valuesToRevert)); } } return civicrm_api3_create_success($result, $params, 'setting', 'revert'); } /* * Alter metadata for getfields functions */ function civicrm_api3_setting_revert_spec(&$params) { $params['name'] = array('title' => 'Setting Name belongs to'); $params['component_id'] = array('title' => 'id of relevant component'); $params['domain_id'] = array( 'api.default' => 'current_domain', 'description' => 'Defaults may differ by domain - if you do not pass in a domain id this will default to the current domain an array or "all" are acceptable values for multiple domains' ); } /* * Revert settings to defaults */ function civicrm_api3_setting_fill(&$params){ $defaults = civicrm_api('setting','getdefaults', $params); $domains = _civicrm_api3_setting_getDomainArray($params); $result = array(); foreach ($domains as $domainID){ $apiArray = array( 'version' => $params['version'], 'domain_id' => $domainID ); $existing = civicrm_api('setting','get', $apiArray); $valuesToFill = array_diff_key($defaults['values'][$domainID], $existing['values'][$domainID]); if(!empty($valuesToFill)){ $result = array_merge($result, civicrm_api('setting', 'create', $valuesToFill + $apiArray)); } } return civicrm_api3_create_success($result, $params, 'setting', 'fill'); } /* * Alter metadata for getfields functions */ function civicrm_api3_setting_fill_spec(&$params) { $params['name'] = array('title' => 'Setting Name belongs to'); $params['component_id'] = array('title' => 'id of relevant component'); $params['domain_id'] = array( 'api.default' => 'current_domain', 'description' => 'Defaults may differ by domain - if you do not pass in a domain id this will default to the current domain an array or "all" are acceptable values for multiple domains' ); } /** * Create or update a setting * * @param array $params Associative array of setting * name/value pairs + other vars as applicable - see getfields for more * @example SettingCreate.php Std Create example * * @return array api result array * {@getfields setting_create} * @access public */ function civicrm_api3_setting_create($params) { $domains = _civicrm_api3_setting_getDomainArray($params); $result = CRM_Core_BAO_Setting::setItems($params, $domains); return civicrm_api3_create_success($result,$params,'setting','create'); } /* * Metadata for setting create function * * @param array $params parameters as passed to the API */ function civicrm_api3_setting_create_spec(&$params) { $params['domain_id'] = array( 'api.default' => 'current_domain', 'description' => 'if you do not pass in a domain id this will default to the current domain an array or "all" are acceptable values for multiple domains' ); $params['group'] = array( 'description' => 'if you know the group defining it will make the api more efficient' ) ; } /** * Returns array of settings matching input parameters * * @param array $params (referance) Array of one or more valid * property_name=>value pairs. * * @return array Array of matching settings * {@getfields setting_get} * @access public */ function civicrm_api3_setting_get($params) { $domains = _civicrm_api3_setting_getDomainArray($params); $result = $result = CRM_Core_BAO_Setting::getItems($params, $domains, CRM_Utils_Array::value('return', $params, array())); return civicrm_api3_create_success($result,$params,'setting','get'); } /* * Metadata for setting create function * * @param array $params parameters as passed to the API */ function civicrm_api3_setting_get_spec(&$params) { $params['domain_id'] = array( 'api.default' => 'current_domain', 'description' => 'if you do not pass in a domain id this will default to the current domain' ); $params['group'] = array( 'description' => 'if you know the group defining it will make the api more efficient' ) ; } /** * Returns value for specific parameter. Function requires more fields than 'get' but is intended for * runtime usage & should be quicker * * @param array $params (reference) Array of one or more valid * property_name=>value pairs. * * @return array Array of matching settings * {@getfields setting_get} * @access public */ function civicrm_api3_setting_getvalue($params) { $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton(); if(isset($config->$params['name'])){ return $config->$params['name']; } return CRM_Core_BAO_Setting::getItem( $params['group'], CRM_Utils_Array::value('name', $params), CRM_Utils_Array::value('component_id', $params), CRM_Utils_Array::value('default_value', $params), CRM_Utils_Array::value('contact_id', $params), CRM_Utils_Array::value('domain_id', $params) ); } /* * Metadata for setting create function * * @param array $params parameters as passed to the API */ function civicrm_api3_setting_getvalue_spec(&$params) { $params['group'] = array( 'title' => 'Settings Group', 'api.required' => TRUE, ); $params['name'] = array( 'title' => 'Setting Name', 'api.aliases' => array('return'), ); $params['default_value'] = array( 'title' => 'Default Value', ); $params['component_id'] = array( 'title' => 'Component Id', ); $params['contact_id'] = array( 'title' => 'Contact Id', ); $params['domain_id'] = array( 'description' => 'if you do not pass in a domain id this will default to the current domain' ); } /* * Converts domain input into an array. If an array is passed in this is used, if 'all' is passed * in this is converted to 'all arrays' */ function _civicrm_api3_setting_getDomainArray(&$params){ if($params['domain_id'] == 'current_domain'){ $params['domain_id'] = CRM_Core_Config::domainID(); } if($params['domain_id'] == 'all'){ $domainAPIResult = civicrm_api('domain','get',array('version' => 3, 'return' => 'id')); if (isset($domainAPIResult['values'])) { $params['domain_id'] = array_keys($domainAPIResult['values']); } else{ throw new Exception('All domains not retrieved - problem with Domain Get api call ' . $domainAPIResult['error_message']); } } if(is_array($params['domain_id'])){ $domains = $params['domain_id']; } else{ $domains = array($params['domain_id']); } return $domains; }