{{ts('The mailing must include the street address of the organization. Please insert the %1 token.', {1: '{domain.address}'})}}


{{ts('The mailing must allow recipients to (a) unsubscribe from the mailing-list or (b) completely opt-out from all mailings. Please insert an unsubscribe or opt-out token.')}}

{{ts('Via Web')}} {{ts('Via Email')}}
{{ts('Unsubscribe')}} {{ts('Unsubscribe')}}
{{ts('Opt-out')}} {{ts('Opt-out')}}
{{ts('Via Web')}} {{ts('Via Email')}}
{action.optOutUrl} {action.optOut}
{action.unsubscribeUrl} {action.unsubscribe}

{{ts('Alternatively, you may select a header or footer which includes the required tokens.')}}