#### Python API for Diaspora (unofficial) `diaspy` is a set of modules which form API for D\* social network. The API is written in Python and should be both 3.x and 2.x compatible. Test suite will cause problems when run with 2.x so testing should be done using python3 interpreter. Object oriented design of `diaspy` makes it easily reusable by other developers who want to use only part of the API. ---- #### Quick intro #### 1. Posting text to your stream You only need two objects to do this: `Stream()` and `Connection()`. >>> import diaspy >>> c = diaspy.connection.Connection(pod='https://pod.example.com', ... username='foo', ... password='bar') >>> c.login() >>> stream = diaspy.models.Stream(c) >>> stream.post('Your first post') #### 2. More features There is a special `client` module in diaspy which is an example client of D\* written using the `diapsy` API. It provides many features useful for interactions with social network like messages, mentions, likes etc. It is full of good, useful stuff. ---- To get more information about how the code works read documentation (`./doc/` directory) and manual (`./manual/` directory).