### Kiwi IRC - A hand-crafted IRC client Kiwi IRC is a fully featured IRC client that can be extended to suit almost any needs. Using the web application is extremly simple even without any IRC knowledge as all the common needs are built directly into the UI. For more information see https://kiwiirc.com or live instance of the application can be found at https://kiwiirc.com/client/. Our development IRC channel is on the Freenode network, irc.freenode.net #kiwiirc. [![Visit our IRC channel](https://kiwiirc.com/buttons/irc.freenode.net/kiwiirc.png)](https://kiwiirc.com/client/irc.freenode.net/#kiwiirc) ### Installation *Note: This requires Node.js to run. Make sure you have installed Node.js first! http://nodejs.org/download/* 1. Download the Kiwi source or clone the git repository: `$ git clone git@github.com:prawnsalad/KiwiIRC.git && cd KiwiIRC` 2. Install the dependencies: `$ npm install` 3. Copy and edit the configuration file as needed: `$ cp config.example.js config.js` `$ nano config.js` 4. Make sure the client code is built: `$ ./kiwi build` ### Running From the source folder: `$ ./kiwi start` You can also run kiwi in the foreground to see any output by using the `-f` flag. Eg: `$ ./kiwi -f` Open your new Kiwi instance in your browser. By default: http://localhost:7778/ ### Bugs Report bugs using the issue tracker on github: https://github.com/prawnsalad/KiwiIRC/issues ### Licence GNU Affero http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html ### Thanks to The KiwiIRC logo credited to Michael Drahony (www.drahony.com)