#### Unofficial Python interface for Diaspora\* social network `diaspy` is a set of modules which form an Python interface to the API of Disapora\* social network. Test suite will cause problems when run with 2.x so testing should be done using python3 interpreter. Object oriented design of `diaspy` makes it easily reusable by other developers who want to use only part of the interface and create derivative works from it. Developrs who don't like the design of `diaspy` and want to create something better can use only `diaspy.connection.Connection()` object as it is capable of doing everything. Other modules are just layers that provide easier access to parts of the Diaspora\* API. ---- #### Quick intro #### 1. Posting text to your stream You only need two objects to do this: `Stream()` and `Connection()`. >>> import diaspy >>> c = diaspy.connection.Connection(pod='https://pod.example.com', ... username='foo', ... password='bar') >>> c.login() >>> stream = diaspy.streams.Stream(c) >>> stream.post('Your first post') #### 2. Reference implementation There is no official reference implementation of D\* client using `diaspy`. The `diaspy.client` module is no longer maintained and will be removed in the future. However, there is a small script written that uses `diaspy` as its backend. Look for `diacli` in marekjm's repositories on GitHub. ---- To get more information about how the code works read documentation (`./doc/` directory) and manual (`./manual/` directory).