quote($text), 1, -1); }; return $callback(); } finally { \CRM_Core_I18n::$SQL_ESCAPER = $oldEscaper; \Civi::$statics['testPreInstall']--; if (\Civi::$statics['testPreInstall'] <= 0) { unset(\Civi::$statics['testPreInstall']); } } } /** * Get the data source used for testing. * * @param string|NULL $part * One of NULL, 'hostspec', 'port', 'username', 'password', 'database'. * @return string|array|NULL * If $part is omitted, return full DSN array. * If $part is a string, return that part of the DSN. */ public static function dsn($part = NULL) { if (!isset(self::$singletons['dsn'])) { require_once "DB.php"; self::$singletons['dsn'] = \DB::parseDSN(CIVICRM_DSN); } if ($part === NULL) { return self::$singletons['dsn']; } if (isset(self::$singletons['dsn'][$part])) { return self::$singletons['dsn'][$part]; } return NULL; } /** * Get a connection to the test database. * * @return \PDO */ public static function pdo() { if (!isset(self::$singletons['pdo'])) { $dsninfo = self::dsn(); $host = $dsninfo['hostspec']; $port = @$dsninfo['port']; try { self::$singletons['pdo'] = new PDO("mysql:host={$host}" . ($port ? ";port=$port" : ""), $dsninfo['username'], $dsninfo['password'], [PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_USE_BUFFERED_QUERY => TRUE] ); } catch (PDOException $e) { echo "Can't connect to MySQL server:" . PHP_EOL . $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL; exit(1); } } return self::$singletons['pdo']; } /** * Create a builder for the headless environment. * * @return \Civi\Test\CiviEnvBuilder * * @code * \Civi\Test::headless()->apply(); * \Civi\Test::headless()->sqlFile('ex.sql')->apply(); * @endCode */ public static function headless() { $civiRoot = dirname(__DIR__); $builder = new \Civi\Test\CiviEnvBuilder('CiviEnvBuilder'); $builder ->callback(function ($ctx) { if (CIVICRM_UF !== 'UnitTests') { throw new \RuntimeException("\\Civi\\Test::headless() requires CIVICRM_UF=UnitTests"); } $dbName = \Civi\Test::dsn('database'); echo "Installing {$dbName} schema\n"; \Civi\Test::schema()->dropAll(); }, 'headless-drop') ->coreSchema() ->sql("DELETE FROM civicrm_extension") ->callback(function ($ctx) { \Civi\Test::data()->populate(); }, 'populate'); return $builder; } /** * Create a builder for end-to-end testing on the live environment. * * @return \Civi\Test\CiviEnvBuilder * * @code * \Civi\Test::e2e()->apply(); * \Civi\Test::e2e()->install('foo.bar')->apply(); * @endCode */ public static function e2e() { $builder = new \Civi\Test\CiviEnvBuilder('CiviEnvBuilder'); $builder ->callback(function ($ctx) { if (CIVICRM_UF === 'UnitTests') { throw new \RuntimeException("\\Civi\\Test::e2e() requires a real CMS. Found CIVICRM_UF=UnitTests."); } }, 'e2e-check'); return $builder; } /** * @return \Civi\Test\Schema */ public static function schema() { if (!isset(self::$singletons['schema'])) { self::$singletons['schema'] = new \Civi\Test\Schema(); } return self::$singletons['schema']; } /** * @return \CRM_Core_CodeGen_Main */ public static function codeGen() { if (!isset(self::$singletons['codeGen'])) { $civiRoot = dirname(__DIR__); $codeGen = new \CRM_Core_CodeGen_Main("$civiRoot/CRM/Core/DAO", "$civiRoot/sql", $civiRoot, "$civiRoot/templates", NULL, "UnitTests", NULL, "$civiRoot/xml/schema/Schema.xml", NULL); $codeGen->init(); self::$singletons['codeGen'] = $codeGen; } return self::$singletons['codeGen']; } /** * @return \Civi\Test\Data */ public static function data() { if (!isset(self::$singletons['data'])) { self::$singletons['data'] = new \Civi\Test\Data('CiviTesterData'); } return self::$singletons['data']; } /** * Prepare and execute a batch of SQL statements. * * @param string $query * @return bool */ public static function execute($query) { $pdo = \Civi\Test::pdo(); $string = preg_replace("/^#[^\n]*$/m", "\n", $query); $string = preg_replace("/^(--[^-]).*/m", "\n", $string); $queries = preg_split('/;\s*$/m', $string); foreach ($queries as $query) { $query = trim($query); if (!empty($query)) { $result = $pdo->query($query); if ($pdo->errorCode() == 0) { continue; } else { var_dump($result); var_dump($pdo->errorInfo()); // die( "Cannot execute $query: " . $pdo->errorInfo() ); } } } return TRUE; } }