Array(string $hookName => string $methodName)). */ private $cache = array(); /** * @var \CRM_Core_Transaction|NULL */ private $tx; public function startTestSuite(\PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite $suite) { $byInterface = $this->indexTestsByInterface($suite->tests()); $this->validateGroups($byInterface); $this->autoboot($byInterface); } public function endTestSuite(\PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite $suite) { $this->cache = array(); } public function startTest(\PHPUnit_Framework_Test $test) { if ($this->isCiviTest($test)) { error_reporting(E_ALL); $this->errorScope = \CRM_Core_TemporaryErrorScope::useException(); } if ($test instanceof HeadlessInterface) { $this->bootHeadless($test); } if ($test instanceof HookInterface) { // Note: bootHeadless() indirectly resets any hooks, which means that hook_civicrm_config // is unsubscribable. However, after bootHeadless(), we're free to subscribe to hooks again. $this->registerHooks($test); } if ($test instanceof TransactionalInterface) { $this->tx = new \CRM_Core_Transaction(TRUE); $this->tx->rollback(); } else { $this->tx = NULL; } } public function endTest(\PHPUnit_Framework_Test $test, $time) { if ($test instanceof TransactionalInterface) { $this->tx->rollback()->commit(); $this->tx = NULL; } if ($test instanceof HookInterface) { \CRM_Utils_Hook::singleton()->reset(); } if ($this->isCiviTest($test)) { error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE); $this->errorScope = NULL; } } /** * @param HeadlessInterface|\PHPUnit_Framework_Test $test */ protected function bootHeadless($test) { if (CIVICRM_UF !== 'UnitTests') { throw new \RuntimeException('HeadlessInterface requires CIVICRM_UF=UnitTests'); } // Hrm, this seems wrong. Shouldn't we be resetting the entire session? $session = \CRM_Core_Session::singleton(); $session->set('userID', NULL); $test->setUpHeadless(); \CRM_Utils_System::flushCache(); \Civi::reset(); \CRM_Core_Session::singleton()->set('userID', NULL); $config = \CRM_Core_Config::singleton(TRUE, TRUE); // ugh, performance if (property_exists($config->userPermissionClass, 'permissions')) { $config->userPermissionClass->permissions = NULL; } } /** * @param \Civi\Test\HookInterface $test * @return array * Array(string $hookName => string $methodName)). */ protected function findTestHooks(HookInterface $test) { $class = get_class($test); if (!isset($this->cache[$class])) { $funcs = array(); foreach (get_class_methods($class) as $func) { if (preg_match('/^hook_/', $func)) { $funcs[substr($func, 5)] = $func; } } $this->cache[$class] = $funcs; } return $this->cache[$class]; } /** * @param \PHPUnit_Framework_Test $test * @return bool */ protected function isCiviTest(\PHPUnit_Framework_Test $test) { return $test instanceof HookInterface || $test instanceof HeadlessInterface; } /** * Find any hook functions in $test and register them. * * @param \Civi\Test\HookInterface $test */ protected function registerHooks(HookInterface $test) { if (CIVICRM_UF !== 'UnitTests') { // This is not ideal -- it's just a side-effect of how hooks and E2E tests work. // We can temporarily subscribe to hooks in-process, but for other processes, it gets messy. throw new \RuntimeException('CiviHookTestInterface requires CIVICRM_UF=UnitTests'); } \CRM_Utils_Hook::singleton()->reset(); /** @var \CRM_Utils_Hook_UnitTests $hooks */ $hooks = \CRM_Utils_Hook::singleton(); foreach ($this->findTestHooks($test) as $hook => $func) { $hooks->setHook($hook, array($test, $func)); } } /** * The first time we come across HeadlessInterface or EndToEndInterface, we'll * try to autoboot. * * Once the system is booted, there's nothing we can do -- we're stuck with that * environment. (Thank you, prolific define()s!) If there's a conflict between a * test-class and the active boot-level, then we'll have to bail. * * @param array $byInterface * List of test classes, keyed by major interface (HeadlessInterface vs EndToEndInterface). */ protected function autoboot($byInterface) { if (defined('CIVICRM_UF')) { // OK, nothing we can do. System has booted already. } elseif (!empty($byInterface['HeadlessInterface'])) { putenv('CIVICRM_UF=UnitTests'); eval($this->cv('php:boot --level=full', 'phpcode')); } elseif (!empty($byInterface['EndToEndInterface'])) { putenv('CIVICRM_UF='); eval($this->cv('php:boot --level=full', 'phpcode')); } $blurb = "Tip: Run the headless tests and end-to-end tests separately, e.g.\n" . " $ phpunit5 --group headless\n" . " $ phpunit5 --group e2e \n"; if (!empty($byInterface['HeadlessInterface']) && CIVICRM_UF !== 'UnitTests') { $testNames = implode(', ', array_keys($byInterface['HeadlessInterface'])); throw new \RuntimeException("Suite includes headless tests ($testNames) which require CIVICRM_UF=UnitTests.\n\n$blurb"); } if (!empty($byInterface['EndToEndInterface']) && CIVICRM_UF === 'UnitTests') { $testNames = implode(', ', array_keys($byInterface['EndToEndInterface'])); throw new \RuntimeException("Suite includes end-to-end tests ($testNames) which do not support CIVICRM_UF=UnitTests.\n\n$blurb"); } } /** * Call the "cv" command. * * This duplicates the standalone `cv()` wrapper that is recommended in bootstrap.php. * This duplication is necessary because `cv()` is optional, and downstream implementers * may alter, rename, or omit the wrapper, and (by virtue of its role in bootstrap) there * it is impossible to define it centrally. * * @param string $cmd * The rest of the command to send. * @param string $decode * Ex: 'json' or 'phpcode'. * @return string * Response output (if the command executed normally). * @throws \RuntimeException * If the command terminates abnormally. */ protected function cv($cmd, $decode = 'json') { $cmd = 'cv ' . $cmd; $descriptorSpec = array(0 => array("pipe", "r"), 1 => array("pipe", "w"), 2 => STDERR); $oldOutput = getenv('CV_OUTPUT'); putenv("CV_OUTPUT=json"); $process = proc_open($cmd, $descriptorSpec, $pipes, __DIR__); putenv("CV_OUTPUT=$oldOutput"); fclose($pipes[0]); $result = stream_get_contents($pipes[1]); fclose($pipes[1]); if (proc_close($process) !== 0) { throw new \RuntimeException("Command failed ($cmd):\n$result"); } switch ($decode) { case 'raw': return $result; case 'phpcode': // If the last output is /*PHPCODE*/, then we managed to complete execution. if (substr(trim($result), 0, 12) !== "/*BEGINPHP*/" || substr(trim($result), -10) !== "/*ENDPHP*/") { throw new \RuntimeException("Command failed ($cmd):\n$result"); } return $result; case 'json': return json_decode($result, 1); default: throw new \RuntimeException("Bad decoder format ($decode)"); } } /** * @param $tests * @return array */ protected function indexTestsByInterface($tests) { $byInterface = array('HeadlessInterface' => array(), 'EndToEndInterface' => array()); foreach ($tests as $test) { /** @var \PHPUnit_Framework_Test $test */ if ($test instanceof HeadlessInterface) { $byInterface['HeadlessInterface'][get_class($test)] = 1; } if ($test instanceof EndToEndInterface) { $byInterface['EndToEndInterface'][get_class($test)] = 1; } } return $byInterface; } /** * Ensure that any tests have sensible groups, e.g. * * `HeadlessInterface` ==> `group headless` * `EndToEndInterface` ==> `group e2e` * * @param array $byInterface */ protected function validateGroups($byInterface) { foreach ($byInterface['HeadlessInterface'] as $className => $nonce) { $clazz = new \ReflectionClass($className); $docComment = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $clazz->getDocComment()); if (strpos($docComment, "@group headless\n") === FALSE) { echo "WARNING: Class $className implements HeadlessInterface. It should declare \"@group headless\".\n"; } if (strpos($docComment, "@group e2e\n") !== FALSE) { echo "WARNING: Class $className implements HeadlessInterface. It should not declare \"@group e2e\".\n"; } } foreach ($byInterface['EndToEndInterface'] as $className => $nonce) { $clazz = new \ReflectionClass($className); $docComment = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $clazz->getDocComment()); if (strpos($docComment, "@group e2e\n") === FALSE) { echo "WARNING: Class $className implements EndToEndInterface. It should declare \"@group e2e\".\n"; } if (strpos($docComment, "@group headless\n") !== FALSE) { echo "WARNING: Class $className implements EndToEndInterface. It should not declare \"@group headless\".\n"; } } } }