1 * else provide full message * @param array $result * @param $expected * @param array $valuesToExclude * @param string $prefix * Extra test to add to message. */ public function assertAPIArrayComparison($result, $expected, $valuesToExclude = array(), $prefix = '') { $valuesToExclude = array_merge($valuesToExclude, array('debug', 'xdebug', 'sequential')); foreach ($valuesToExclude as $value) { if (isset($result[$value])) { unset($result[$value]); } if (isset($expected[$value])) { unset($expected[$value]); } } $this->assertEquals($result, $expected, "api result array comparison failed " . $prefix . print_r($result, TRUE) . ' was compared to ' . print_r($expected, TRUE)); } /** * Check that a deleted item has been deleted. * * @param $entity * @param $id */ public function assertAPIDeleted($entity, $id) { $this->callAPISuccess($entity, 'getcount', array('id' => $id), 0); } /** * Check that api returned 'is_error' => 1. * * @param array $apiResult * Api result. * @param string $prefix * Extra test to add to message. * @param null $expectedError */ public function assertAPIFailure($apiResult, $prefix = '', $expectedError = NULL) { if (!empty($prefix)) { $prefix .= ': '; } if ($expectedError && !empty($apiResult['is_error'])) { $this->assertEquals($expectedError, $apiResult['error_message'], 'api error message not as expected' . $prefix); } $this->assertEquals(1, $apiResult['is_error'], "api call should have failed but it succeeded " . $prefix . (print_r($apiResult, TRUE))); $this->assertNotEmpty($apiResult['error_message']); } /** * Check that api returned 'is_error' => 0. * * @param array $apiResult * Api result. * @param string $prefix * Extra test to add to message. */ public function assertAPISuccess($apiResult, $prefix = '') { if (!empty($prefix)) { $prefix .= ': '; } $errorMessage = empty($apiResult['error_message']) ? '' : " " . $apiResult['error_message']; if (!empty($apiResult['debug_information'])) { $errorMessage .= "\n " . print_r($apiResult['debug_information'], TRUE); } if (!empty($apiResult['trace'])) { $errorMessage .= "\n" . print_r($apiResult['trace'], TRUE); } $this->assertEquals(0, $apiResult['is_error'], $prefix . $errorMessage); } /** * This function exists to wrap api functions. * so we can ensure they fail where expected & throw exceptions without litterering the test with checks * @param string $entity * @param string $action * @param array $params * @param string $expectedErrorMessage * Error. * @param null $extraOutput * @return array|int */ public function callAPIFailure($entity, $action, $params, $expectedErrorMessage = NULL, $extraOutput = NULL) { if (is_array($params)) { $params += array( 'version' => $this->_apiversion, ); } $result = $this->civicrm_api($entity, $action, $params); $this->assertAPIFailure($result, "We expected a failure for $entity $action but got a success", $expectedErrorMessage); return $result; } /** * wrap api functions. * so we can ensure they succeed & throw exceptions without litterering the test with checks * * @param string $entity * @param string $action * @param array $params * @param mixed $checkAgainst * Optional value to check result against, implemented for getvalue,. * getcount, getsingle. Note that for getvalue the type is checked rather than the value * for getsingle the array is compared against an array passed in - the id is not compared (for * better or worse ) * * @return array|int */ public function callAPISuccess($entity, $action, $params, $checkAgainst = NULL) { $params = array_merge(array( 'version' => $this->_apiversion, 'debug' => 1, ), $params ); switch (strtolower($action)) { case 'getvalue': return $this->callAPISuccessGetValue($entity, $params, $checkAgainst); case 'getsingle': return $this->callAPISuccessGetSingle($entity, $params, $checkAgainst); case 'getcount': return $this->callAPISuccessGetCount($entity, $params, $checkAgainst); } $result = $this->civicrm_api($entity, $action, $params); $this->assertAPISuccess($result, "Failure in api call for $entity $action"); return $result; } /** * This function exists to wrap api getValue function & check the result * so we can ensure they succeed & throw exceptions without litterering the test with checks * There is a type check in this * @param string $entity * @param array $params * @param null $count * @throws \Exception * @return array|int */ public function callAPISuccessGetCount($entity, $params, $count = NULL) { $params += array( 'version' => $this->_apiversion, 'debug' => 1, ); $result = $this->civicrm_api($entity, 'getcount', $params); if (!is_int($result) || !empty($result['is_error']) || isset($result['values'])) { throw new \Exception('Invalid getcount result : ' . print_r($result, TRUE) . " type :" . gettype($result)); } if (is_int($count)) { $this->assertEquals($count, $result, "incorrect count returned from $entity getcount"); } return $result; } /** * This function exists to wrap api getsingle function & check the result * so we can ensure they succeed & throw exceptions without litterering the test with checks * * @param string $entity * @param array $params * @param array $checkAgainst * Array to compare result against. * - boolean * - integer * - double * - string * - array * - object * * @throws \Exception * @return array|int */ public function callAPISuccessGetSingle($entity, $params, $checkAgainst = NULL) { $params += array( 'version' => $this->_apiversion, ); $result = $this->civicrm_api($entity, 'getsingle', $params); if (!is_array($result) || !empty($result['is_error']) || isset($result['values'])) { throw new \Exception('Invalid getsingle result' . print_r($result, TRUE)); } if ($checkAgainst) { // @todo - have gone with the fn that unsets id? should we check id? $this->checkArrayEquals($result, $checkAgainst); } return $result; } /** * This function exists to wrap api getValue function & check the result * so we can ensure they succeed & throw exceptions without litterering the test with checks * There is a type check in this * * @param string $entity * @param array $params * @param string $type * Per http://php.net/manual/en/function.gettype.php possible types. * - boolean * - integer * - double * - string * - array * - object * * @return array|int */ public function callAPISuccessGetValue($entity, $params, $type = NULL) { $params += array( 'version' => $this->_apiversion, 'debug' => 1, ); $result = $this->civicrm_api($entity, 'getvalue', $params); if (is_array($result) && (!empty($result['is_error']) || isset($result['values']))) { throw new \Exception('Invalid getvalue result' . print_r($result, TRUE)); } if ($type) { if ($type == 'integer') { // api seems to return integers as strings $this->assertTrue(is_numeric($result), "expected a numeric value but got " . print_r($result, 1)); } else { $this->assertType($type, $result, "returned result should have been of type $type but was "); } } return $result; } /** * A stub for the API interface. This can be overriden by subclasses to change how the API is called. * * @param $entity * @param $action * @param array $params * @return array|int */ public function civicrm_api($entity, $action, $params) { return civicrm_api($entity, $action, $params); } }