checkSystem($config['file_paths']), $this->checkDatabase($config['db_config'])); } /** * Check system requirements are met, such as sufficient memory, * necessary file paths are writable and required php extensions * are available. * * @param array $file_paths * An array of file paths that will be checked to confirm they * are writable. * * @return array */ public function checkSystem(array $file_paths) { $errors = []; $errors[] = $this->checkFilepathIsWritable($file_paths); foreach ($this->system_checks as $check) { $errors[] = $this->$check(); } return $errors; } /** * Check database connection, database version and other * database requirements are met. * * @param array $db_config * An array with keys: * - host (with optional port specified eg. localhost:12345) * - database (name of database to select) * - username * - password * * @return array */ public function checkDatabase(array $db_config) { $errors = []; foreach ($this->database_checks as $check) { $errors[] = $this->$check($db_config); } return $errors; } /** * Generates a mysql connection * * @param $db_config array * @return object mysqli connection */ protected function connect($db_config) { $host = NULL; if (!empty($db_config['host'])) { $host = $db_config['host']; } elseif (!empty($db_config['server'])) { $host = $db_config['server']; } $conn = @mysqli_connect($host, $db_config['username'], $db_config['password'], $db_config['database'], !empty($db_config['port']) ? $db_config['port'] : NULL); return $conn; } /** * Check configured php Memory. * @return array */ public function checkMemory() { $min = 1024 * 1024 * 32; $recommended = 1024 * 1024 * 64; $mem = $this->getPHPMemory(); $mem_string = ini_get('memory_limit'); $results = [ 'title' => 'CiviCRM memory check', 'severity' => $this::REQUIREMENT_OK, 'details' => "You have $mem_string allocated (minimum 32Mb, recommended 64Mb)", ]; if ($mem < $min && $mem > 0) { $results['severity'] = $this::REQUIREMENT_ERROR; } elseif ($mem < $recommended && $mem != 0) { $results['severity'] = $this::REQUIREMENT_WARNING; } elseif ($mem == 0) { $results['details'] = "Cannot determine PHP memory allocation. Install only if you're sure you've allocated at least 32 MB."; $results['severity'] = $this::REQUIREMENT_WARNING; } return $results; } /** * Get Configured PHP memory. * @return float */ protected function getPHPMemory() { $memString = ini_get("memory_limit"); switch (strtolower(substr($memString, -1))) { case "k": return round(substr($memString, 0, -1) * 1024); case "m": return round(substr($memString, 0, -1) * 1024 * 1024); case "g": return round(substr($memString, 0, -1) * 1024 * 1024 * 1024); default: return round($memString); } } /** * @return array */ public function checkServerVariables() { $results = [ 'title' => 'CiviCRM PHP server variables', 'severity' => $this::REQUIREMENT_OK, 'details' => 'The required $_SERVER variables are set', ]; $required_variables = ['SCRIPT_NAME', 'HTTP_HOST', 'SCRIPT_FILENAME']; $missing = []; foreach ($required_variables as $required_variable) { if (empty($_SERVER[$required_variable])) { $missing[] = '$_SERVER[' . $required_variable . ']'; } } if ($missing) { $results['severity'] = $this::REQUIREMENT_ERROR; $results['details'] = 'The following PHP variables are not set: ' . implode(', ', $missing); } return $results; } /** * @return array */ public function checkJsonEncodeExists() { $results = [ 'title' => 'CiviCRM JSON encoding support', 'severity' => $this::REQUIREMENT_OK, 'details' => 'Function json_encode() found', ]; if (!function_exists('json_encode')) { $results['severity'] = $this::REQUIREMENT_ERROR; $results['details'] = 'Function json_encode() does not exist'; } return $results; } /** * CHeck that PHP Multibyte functions are enabled. * @return array */ public function checkMultibyteExists() { $results = [ 'title' => 'CiviCRM MultiByte encoding support', 'severity' => $this::REQUIREMENT_OK, 'details' => 'PHP Multibyte etension found', ]; if (!function_exists('mb_substr')) { $results['severity'] = $this::REQUIREMENT_ERROR; $results['details'] = 'PHP Multibyte extension has not been installed and enabled'; } return $results; } /** * @return array */ public function checkMysqlConnectExists() { $results = [ 'title' => 'CiviCRM MySQL check', 'severity' => $this::REQUIREMENT_OK, 'details' => 'Function mysqli_connect() found', ]; if (!function_exists('mysqli_connect')) { $results['severity'] = $this::REQUIREMENT_ERROR; $results['details'] = 'Function mysqli_connect() does not exist'; } return $results; } /** * @param array $db_config * * @return array */ public function checkMysqlConnection(array $db_config) { $results = [ 'title' => 'CiviCRM MySQL connection', 'severity' => $this::REQUIREMENT_OK, 'details' => "Connected", ]; $conn = $this->connect($db_config); if (!$conn) { $results['details'] = mysqli_connect_error(); $results['severity'] = $this::REQUIREMENT_ERROR; return $results; } if (!@mysqli_select_db($conn, $db_config['database'])) { $results['details'] = mysqli_error($conn); $results['severity'] = $this::REQUIREMENT_ERROR; return $results; } return $results; } /** * @param array $db_config * * @return array */ public function checkMysqlVersion(array $db_config) { if (!class_exists('\CRM_Upgrade_Incremental_General')) { require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../CRM/Upgrade/Incremental/General.php'; } $min = \CRM_Upgrade_Incremental_General::MIN_INSTALL_MYSQL_VER; $results = [ 'title' => 'CiviCRM MySQL Version', 'severity' => $this::REQUIREMENT_OK, ]; $conn = $this->connect($db_config); if (!$conn || !($info = mysqli_get_server_info($conn))) { $results['severity'] = $this::REQUIREMENT_WARNING; $results['details'] = "Cannot determine the version of MySQL installed. Please ensure at least version {$min} is installed."; return $results; } $versionDetails = mysqli_query($conn, 'SELECT version() as version')->fetch_assoc(); if (version_compare($versionDetails['version'], $min) == -1) { $results['severity'] = $this::REQUIREMENT_ERROR; $results['details'] = "MySQL version is {$info}; minimum required is {$min}"; return $results; } $results['details'] = "MySQL version is {$info}"; return $results; } /** * @param array $db_config * * @return array */ public function checkMysqlInnodb(array $db_config) { $results = [ 'title' => 'CiviCRM InnoDB support', 'severity' => $this::REQUIREMENT_ERROR, 'details' => 'Could not determine if MySQL has InnoDB support. Assuming none.', ]; $conn = $this->connect($db_config); if (!$conn) { return $results; } $innodb_support = FALSE; $result = mysqli_query($conn, "SHOW ENGINES"); while ($values = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) { if ($values['Engine'] == 'InnoDB') { if (strtolower($values['Support']) == 'yes' || strtolower($values['Support']) == 'default') { $innodb_support = TRUE; break; } } } if ($innodb_support) { $results['severity'] = $this::REQUIREMENT_OK; $results['details'] = 'MySQL supports InnoDB'; } return $results; } /** * @param array $db_config * * @return array */ public function checkMysqlTempTables(array $db_config) { $results = [ 'title' => 'CiviCRM MySQL Temp Tables', 'severity' => $this::REQUIREMENT_OK, 'details' => 'MySQL server supports temporary tables', ]; $conn = $this->connect($db_config); if (!$conn) { $results['severity'] = $this::REQUIREMENT_ERROR; $results['details'] = "Could not connect to database"; return $results; } if (!@mysqli_select_db($conn, $db_config['database'])) { $results['severity'] = $this::REQUIREMENT_ERROR; $results['details'] = "Could not select the database"; return $results; } $temporaryTableName = \CRM_Utils_SQL_TempTable::build()->setCategory('install')->getName(); $r = mysqli_query($conn, 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE ' . $temporaryTableName . ' (test text)'); if (!$r) { $results['severity'] = $this::REQUIREMENT_ERROR; $results['details'] = "Database does not support creation of temporary tables"; return $results; } mysqli_query($conn, 'DROP TEMPORARY TABLE ' . $temporaryTableName); return $results; } /** * @param $db_config * * @return array */ public function checkMysqlTrigger($db_config) { $results = [ 'title' => 'CiviCRM MySQL Trigger', 'severity' => $this::REQUIREMENT_OK, 'details' => 'Database supports MySQL triggers', ]; $conn = $this->connect($db_config); if (!$conn) { $results['severity'] = $this::REQUIREMENT_ERROR; $results['details'] = 'Could not connect to database'; return $results; } if (!@mysqli_select_db($conn, $db_config['database'])) { $results['severity'] = $this::REQUIREMENT_ERROR; $results['details'] = "Could not select the database"; return $results; } $r = mysqli_query($conn, 'CREATE TABLE civicrm_install_temp_table_test (test text)'); if (!$r) { $results['severity'] = $this::REQUIREMENT_ERROR; $results['details'] = 'Could not create a table to run test'; return $results; } $r = mysqli_query($conn, 'CREATE TRIGGER civicrm_install_temp_table_test_trigger BEFORE INSERT ON civicrm_install_temp_table_test FOR EACH ROW BEGIN END'); if (!$r) { $results['severity'] = $this::REQUIREMENT_ERROR; $results['details'] = 'Database does not support creation of triggers'; } else { mysqli_query($conn, 'DROP TRIGGER civicrm_install_temp_table_test_trigger'); } mysqli_query($conn, 'DROP TABLE civicrm_install_temp_table_test'); return $results; } /** * @param array $db_config * * @return array */ public function checkMySQLAutoIncrementIncrementOne(array $db_config) { $results = [ 'title' => 'CiviCRM MySQL AutoIncrementIncrement', 'severity' => $this::REQUIREMENT_OK, 'details' => 'MySQL server auto_increment_increment is 1', ]; $conn = $this->connect($db_config); if (!$conn) { $results['severity'] = $this::REQUIREMENT_ERROR; $results['details'] = 'Could not connect to database'; return $results; } $r = mysqli_query($conn, "SHOW variables like 'auto_increment_increment'"); if (!$r) { $results['severity'] = $this::REQUIREMENT_ERROR; $results['details'] = 'Could not query database server variables'; return $results; } $values = mysqli_fetch_row($r); if ($values[1] != 1) { $results['severity'] = $this::REQUIREMENT_ERROR; $results['details'] = 'MySQL server auto_increment_increment is not 1'; } return $results; } /** * @param $db_config * * @return array */ public function checkMysqlThreadStack($db_config) { $min_thread_stack = 192; $results = [ 'title' => 'CiviCRM Mysql thread stack', 'severity' => $this::REQUIREMENT_OK, 'details' => 'MySQL thread_stack is OK', ]; $conn = $this->connect($db_config); if (!$conn) { $results['severity'] = $this::REQUIREMENT_ERROR; $results['details'] = 'Could not connect to database'; return $results; } if (!@mysqli_select_db($conn, $db_config['database'])) { $results['severity'] = $this::REQUIREMENT_ERROR; $results['details'] = 'Could not select the database'; return $results; } // bytes => kb $r = mysqli_query($conn, "SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'thread_stack'"); if (!$r) { $results['severity'] = $this::REQUIREMENT_ERROR; $results['details'] = 'Could not query thread_stack value'; } else { $values = mysqli_fetch_row($r); if ($values[1] < (1024 * $min_thread_stack)) { $results['severity'] = $this::REQUIREMENT_ERROR; $results['details'] = 'MySQL thread_stack is ' . ($values[1] / 1024) . "kb (minimum required is {$min_thread_stack} kb"; } } return $results; } /** * @param $db_config * * @return array */ public function checkMysqlLockTables($db_config) { $results = [ 'title' => 'CiviCRM MySQL Lock Tables', 'severity' => $this::REQUIREMENT_OK, 'details' => 'Can successfully lock and unlock tables', ]; $conn = $this->connect($db_config); if (!$conn) { $results['severity'] = $this::REQUIREMENT_ERROR; $results['details'] = 'Could not connect to database'; return $results; } if (!@mysqli_select_db($conn, $db_config['database'])) { $results['severity'] = $this::REQUIREMENT_ERROR; $results['details'] = 'Could not select the database'; mysqli_close($conn); return $results; } $r = mysqli_query($conn, 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE civicrm_install_temp_table_test (test text)'); if (!$r) { $results['severity'] = $this::REQUIREMENT_ERROR; $results['details'] = 'Could not create a table'; mysqli_close($conn); return $results; } $r = mysqli_query($conn, 'LOCK TABLES civicrm_install_temp_table_test WRITE'); if (!$r) { $results['severity'] = $this::REQUIREMENT_ERROR; $results['details'] = 'Could not obtain a write lock'; mysqli_close($conn); return $results; } $r = mysqli_query($conn, 'UNLOCK TABLES'); if (!$r) { $results['severity'] = $this::REQUIREMENT_ERROR; $results['details'] = 'Could not release table lock'; } mysqli_close($conn); return $results; } /** * @param $file_paths * * @return array */ public function checkFilepathIsWritable($file_paths) { $results = [ 'title' => 'CiviCRM directories are writable', 'severity' => $this::REQUIREMENT_OK, 'details' => 'All required directories are writable: ' . implode(', ', $file_paths), ]; $unwritable_dirs = []; foreach ($file_paths as $path) { if (!is_writable($path)) { $unwritable_dirs[] = $path; } } if ($unwritable_dirs) { $results['severity'] = $this::REQUIREMENT_ERROR; $results['details'] = "The following directories need to be made writable by the webserver: " . implode(', ', $unwritable_dirs); } return $results; } /** * @param $db_config * * @return array */ public function checkMysqlUtf8mb4($db_config) { $results = [ 'title' => 'CiviCRM MySQL utf8mb4 Support', 'severity' => $this::REQUIREMENT_OK, 'details' => 'Your system supports the MySQL utf8mb4 character set.', ]; $conn = $this->connect($db_config); if (!$conn) { $results['severity'] = $this::REQUIREMENT_ERROR; $results['details'] = 'Could not connect to database'; return $results; } if (!@mysqli_select_db($conn, $db_config['database'])) { $results['severity'] = $this::REQUIREMENT_ERROR; $results['details'] = 'Could not select the database'; mysqli_close($conn); return $results; } mysqli_query($conn, 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS civicrm_utf8mb4_test'); $r = mysqli_query($conn, 'CREATE TABLE civicrm_utf8mb4_test (id VARCHAR(255), PRIMARY KEY(id(255))) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC ENGINE=INNODB'); if (!$r) { $results['severity'] = $this::REQUIREMENT_WARNING; $results['details'] = 'It is recommended, though not yet required, to configure your MySQL server for utf8mb4 support. You will need the following MySQL server configuration: innodb_large_prefix=true innodb_file_format=barracuda innodb_file_per_table=true'; mysqli_close($conn); return $results; } mysqli_query($conn, 'DROP TABLE civicrm_utf8mb4_test'); // Ensure that the MySQL driver supports utf8mb4 encoding. $version = mysqli_get_client_info(); if (strpos($version, 'mysqlnd') !== FALSE) { // The mysqlnd driver supports utf8mb4 starting at version 5.0.9. $version = preg_replace('/^\D+([\d.]+).*/', '$1', $version); if (version_compare($version, '5.0.9', '<')) { $results['severity'] = $this::REQUIREMENT_WARNING; $results['details'] = 'It is recommended, though not yet required, to upgrade your PHP MySQL driver (mysqlnd) to >= 5.0.9 for utf8mb4 support.'; mysqli_close($conn); return $results; } } else { // The libmysqlclient driver supports utf8mb4 starting at version 5.5.3. if (version_compare($version, '5.5.3', '<')) { $results['severity'] = $this::REQUIREMENT_WARNING; $results['details'] = 'It is recommended, though not yet required, to upgrade your PHP MySQL driver (libmysqlclient) to >= 5.5.3 for utf8mb4 support.'; mysqli_close($conn); return $results; } } mysqli_close($conn); return $results; } }