triggerInfo($info, $tableName, $force); \CRM_Core_I18n_Schema::triggerInfo($info, $tableName); \CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact::triggerInfo($info, $tableName); \CRM_Utils_Hook::triggerInfo($info, $tableName); // drop all existing triggers on all tables $logging->dropTriggers($tableName); // now create the set of new triggers $this->createTriggers($info, $tableName); } /** * @param array $info * per hook_civicrm_triggerInfo. * @param string $onlyTableName * the specific table requiring a rebuild; or NULL to rebuild all tables. */ public function createTriggers($info, $onlyTableName = NULL) { // Validate info array, should probably raise errors? if (is_array($info) == FALSE) { return; } $triggers = []; // now enumerate the tables and the events and collect the same set in a different format foreach ($info as $value) { // clean the incoming data, skip malformed entries // TODO: malformed entries should raise errors or get logged. if (isset($value['table']) == FALSE || isset($value['event']) == FALSE || isset($value['when']) == FALSE || isset($value['sql']) == FALSE ) { continue; } if (is_string($value['table']) == TRUE) { $tables = [$value['table']]; } else { $tables = $value['table']; } if (is_string($value['event']) == TRUE) { $events = [strtolower($value['event'])]; } else { $events = array_map('strtolower', $value['event']); } $whenName = strtolower($value['when']); foreach ($tables as $tableName) { if (!isset($triggers[$tableName])) { $triggers[$tableName] = []; } foreach ($events as $eventName) { $template_params = ['{tableName}', '{eventName}']; $template_values = [$tableName, $eventName]; $sql = str_replace($template_params, $template_values, $value['sql'] ); $variables = str_replace($template_params, $template_values, \CRM_Utils_Array::value('variables', $value) ); if (!isset($triggers[$tableName][$eventName])) { $triggers[$tableName][$eventName] = []; } if (!isset($triggers[$tableName][$eventName][$whenName])) { // We're leaving out cursors, conditions, and handlers for now // they are kind of dangerous in this context anyway // better off putting them in stored procedures $triggers[$tableName][$eventName][$whenName] = [ 'variables' => [], 'sql' => [], ]; } if ($variables) { $triggers[$tableName][$eventName][$whenName]['variables'][] = $variables; } $triggers[$tableName][$eventName][$whenName]['sql'][] = $sql; } } } // now spit out the sql foreach ($triggers as $tableName => $tables) { if ($onlyTableName != NULL && $onlyTableName != $tableName) { continue; } foreach ($tables as $eventName => $events) { foreach ($events as $whenName => $parts) { $varString = implode("\n", $parts['variables']); $sqlString = implode("\n", $parts['sql']); $validName = \CRM_Core_DAO::shortenSQLName($tableName, 48, TRUE); $triggerName = "{$validName}_{$whenName}_{$eventName}"; $triggerSQL = "CREATE TRIGGER $triggerName $whenName $eventName ON $tableName FOR EACH ROW BEGIN $varString $sqlString END"; $this->enqueueQuery("DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS $triggerName"); $this->enqueueQuery($triggerSQL); } } } } /** * Wrapper function to drop triggers. * * @param string $tableName * the specific table requiring a rebuild; or NULL to rebuild all tables. */ public function dropTriggers($tableName = NULL) { $info = []; $logging = new \CRM_Logging_Schema(); $logging->triggerInfo($info, $tableName); // drop all existing triggers on all tables $logging->dropTriggers($tableName); } /** * Enqueue a query which alters triggers. * * As this requires a high permission level we funnel the queries through here to * facilitate them being taken 'offline'. * * @param string $triggerSQL * The sql to run to create or drop the triggers. * @param array $params * Optional parameters to interpolate into the string. */ public function enqueueQuery($triggerSQL, $params = []) { if (\Civi::settings()->get('logging_no_trigger_permission')) { if (!file_exists($this->getFile())) { // Ugh. Need to let user know somehow. This is the first change. \CRM_Core_Session::setStatus(ts('The mysql commands you need to run are stored in %1', [ 1 => $this->getFile(), ]), '', 'alert', ['expires' => 0] ); } $buf = "\n"; $buf .= "DELIMITER //\n"; $buf .= \CRM_Core_DAO::composeQuery($triggerSQL, $params) . " //\n"; $buf .= "DELIMITER ;\n"; file_put_contents($this->getFile(), $buf, FILE_APPEND); } else { \CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($triggerSQL, $params, TRUE, NULL, FALSE, FALSE); } } /** * @return NULL|string */ public function getFile() { if ($this->file === NULL) { $prefix = 'trigger' . \CRM_Utils_Request::id(); $config = \CRM_Core_Config::singleton(); $this->file = "{$config->configAndLogDir}CiviCRM." . $prefix . md5($config->dsn) . '.sql'; } return $this->file; } }