'validate', 'abbr' => 'abbreviate', 'label' => 'get', ]; /** * @var string[] */ public static $pseudoConstantSuffixes = ['name', 'abbr', 'label', 'color', 'description', 'icon']; /** * Massage values into the format the BAO expects for a write operation * * @param array $params * @param array $fields * @throws \API_Exception */ public static function formatWriteParams(&$params, $fields) { foreach ($fields as $name => $field) { if (!empty($params[$name])) { $value =& $params[$name]; // Hack for null values -- see comment below if ($value === 'null') { $value = 'Null'; } self::formatInputValue($value, $name, $field); // Ensure we have an array for serialized fields if (!empty($field['serialize'] && !is_array($value))) { $value = (array) $value; } } /* * Because of the wacky way that database values are saved we need to format * some of the values here. In this strange world the string 'null' is used to * unset values. Hence if we encounter true null we change it to string 'null'. * * If we encounter the string 'null' then we assume the user actually wants to * set the value to string null. However since the string null is reserved for * unsetting values we must change it. Another quirk of the DB_DataObject is * that it allows 'Null' to be set, but any other variation of string 'null' * will be converted to true null, e.g. 'nuLL', 'NUlL' etc. so we change it to * 'Null'. */ elseif (array_key_exists($name, $params) && $params[$name] === NULL) { $params[$name] = 'null'; } } \CRM_Utils_API_HTMLInputCoder::singleton()->encodeRow($params); } /** * Transform raw api input to appropriate format for use in a SQL query. * * This is used by read AND write actions (Get, Create, Update, Replace) * * @param $value * @param string $fieldName * @param array $fieldSpec * @param string $operator (only for 'get' actions) * @param int $index (for recursive loops) * @throws \API_Exception * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public static function formatInputValue(&$value, $fieldName, $fieldSpec, &$operator = NULL, $index = NULL) { // Evaluate pseudoconstant suffix $suffix = strpos($fieldName, ':'); if ($suffix) { $options = self::getPseudoconstantList($fieldSpec, $fieldName, [], $operator ? 'get' : 'create'); $value = self::replacePseudoconstant($options, $value, TRUE); return; } elseif (is_array($value)) { $i = 0; foreach ($value as &$val) { self::formatInputValue($val, $fieldName, $fieldSpec, $operator, $i++); } return; } $fk = $fieldSpec['name'] == 'id' ? $fieldSpec['entity'] : $fieldSpec['fk_entity'] ?? NULL; if ($fk === 'Domain' && $value === 'current_domain') { $value = \CRM_Core_Config::domainID(); } if ($fk === 'Contact' && !is_numeric($value)) { $value = \_civicrm_api3_resolve_contactID($value); if ('unknown-user' === $value) { throw new \API_Exception("\"{$fieldSpec['name']}\" \"{$value}\" cannot be resolved to a contact ID", 2002, ['error_field' => $fieldSpec['name'], "type" => "integer"]); } } switch ($fieldSpec['data_type'] ?? NULL) { case 'Timestamp': $value = self::formatDateValue('Y-m-d H:i:s', $value, $operator, $index); break; case 'Date': $value = self::formatDateValue('Ymd', $value, $operator, $index); break; } $hic = \CRM_Utils_API_HTMLInputCoder::singleton(); if (is_string($value) && !$hic->isSkippedField($fieldSpec['name'])) { $value = $hic->encodeValue($value); } } /** * Parse date expressions. * * Expands relative date range expressions, modifying the sql operator if necessary * * @param $format * @param $value * @param $operator * @param $index * @return array|string */ private static function formatDateValue($format, $value, &$operator = NULL, $index = NULL) { // Non-relative dates (or if no search operator) if (!$operator || !array_key_exists($value, \CRM_Core_OptionGroup::values('relative_date_filters'))) { return date($format, strtotime($value)); } if (isset($index) && !strstr($operator, 'BETWEEN')) { throw new \API_Exception("Relative dates cannot be in an array using the $operator operator."); } [$dateFrom, $dateTo] = \CRM_Utils_Date::getFromTo($value); switch ($operator) { // Convert relative date filters to use BETWEEN/NOT BETWEEN operator case '=': case '!=': case '<>': case 'LIKE': case 'NOT LIKE': $operator = ($operator === '=' || $operator === 'LIKE') ? 'BETWEEN' : 'NOT BETWEEN'; return [self::formatDateValue($format, $dateFrom), self::formatDateValue($format, $dateTo)]; // Less-than or greater-than-equal-to comparisons use the lower value case '<': case '>=': return self::formatDateValue($format, $dateFrom); // Greater-than or less-than-equal-to comparisons use the higher value case '>': case '<=': return self::formatDateValue($format, $dateTo); // For BETWEEN expressions, we are already inside a loop of the 2 values, so give the lower value if index=0, higher value if index=1 case 'BETWEEN': case 'NOT BETWEEN': return self::formatDateValue($format, $index ? $dateTo : $dateFrom); default: throw new \API_Exception("Relative dates cannot be used with the $operator operator."); } } /** * Unserialize raw DAO values and convert to correct type * * @param array $results * @param array $fields * @param string $entity * @param string $action * @param array $selectAliases * @throws \API_Exception * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception */ public static function formatOutputValues(&$results, $fields, $entity, $action = 'get', $selectAliases = []) { $fieldOptions = []; foreach ($results as &$result) { $contactTypePaths = []; foreach ($result as $key => $value) { $fieldExpr = SqlExpression::convert($selectAliases[$key] ?? $key); $fieldName = \CRM_Utils_Array::first($fieldExpr->getFields()); $field = $fieldName && isset($fields[$fieldName]) ? $fields[$fieldName] : NULL; $dataType = $field['data_type'] ?? ($fieldName == 'id' ? 'Integer' : NULL); // If Sql Function e.g. GROUP_CONCAT or COUNT wants to do its own formatting, apply if (method_exists($fieldExpr, 'formatOutputValue') && is_string($value)) { $result[$key] = $value = $fieldExpr->formatOutputValue($value, $dataType); } if (!$field) { continue; } if (!empty($field['output_formatters'])) { self::applyFormatters($result, $fieldName, $field, $value); $dataType = NULL; } // Evaluate pseudoconstant suffixes $suffix = strrpos($fieldName, ':'); if ($suffix) { $fieldOptions[$fieldName] = $fieldOptions[$fieldName] ?? self::getPseudoconstantList($field, $fieldName, $result, $action); $dataType = NULL; } if ($fieldExpr->supportsExpansion) { if (!empty($field['serialize']) && is_string($value)) { $value = \CRM_Core_DAO::unSerializeField($value, $field['serialize']); } if (isset($fieldOptions[$fieldName])) { $value = self::replacePseudoconstant($fieldOptions[$fieldName], $value); } } // Keep track of contact types for self::contactFieldsToRemove if ($value && isset($field['entity']) && $field['entity'] === 'Contact' && $field['name'] === 'contact_type') { $prefix = strrpos($fieldName, '.'); $contactTypePaths[$prefix ? substr($fieldName, 0, $prefix + 1) : ''] = $value; } $result[$key] = self::convertDataType($value, $dataType); } // Remove inapplicable contact fields foreach ($contactTypePaths as $prefix => $contactType) { \CRM_Utils_Array::remove($result, self::contactFieldsToRemove($contactType, $prefix)); } } } /** * Retrieves pseudoconstant option list for a field. * * @param array $field * @param string $fieldAlias * Field path plus pseudoconstant suffix, e.g. 'contact.employer_id.contact_sub_type:label' * @param array $params * Other values for this object * @param string $action * @return array * @throws \API_Exception */ public static function getPseudoconstantList(array $field, string $fieldAlias, $params = [], $action = 'get') { [$fieldPath, $valueType] = explode(':', $fieldAlias); $context = self::$pseudoConstantContexts[$valueType] ?? NULL; // For create actions, only unique identifiers can be used. // For get actions any valid suffix is ok. if (($action === 'create' && !$context) || !in_array($valueType, self::$pseudoConstantSuffixes, TRUE)) { throw new \API_Exception('Illegal expression'); } $baoName = $context ? CoreUtil::getBAOFromApiName($field['entity']) : NULL; // Use BAO::buildOptions if possible if ($baoName) { $fieldName = empty($field['custom_field_id']) ? $field['name'] : 'custom_' . $field['custom_field_id']; $options = $baoName::buildOptions($fieldName, $context, self::filterByPrefix($params, $fieldPath, $field['name'])); } // Fallback for option lists that exist in the api but not the BAO if (!isset($options) || $options === FALSE) { $options = civicrm_api4($field['entity'], 'getFields', ['action' => $action, 'loadOptions' => ['id', $valueType], 'where' => [['name', '=', $field['name']]]])[0]['options'] ?? NULL; $options = $options ? array_column($options, $valueType, 'id') : $options; } if (is_array($options)) { return $options; } throw new \API_Exception("No option list found for '{$field['name']}'"); } /** * Replaces value (or an array of values) with options from a pseudoconstant list. * * The direction of lookup defaults to transforming ids to option values for api output; * for api input, set $reverse = TRUE to transform option values to ids. * * @param array $options * @param string|string[] $value * @param bool $reverse * Is this a reverse lookup (for transforming input instead of output) * @return array|mixed|null */ public static function replacePseudoconstant($options, $value, $reverse = FALSE) { $matches = []; foreach ((array) $value as $val) { if (!$reverse && isset($options[$val])) { $matches[] = $options[$val]; } elseif ($reverse && array_search($val, $options) !== FALSE) { $matches[] = array_search($val, $options); } } return is_array($value) ? $matches : $matches[0] ?? NULL; } /** * Apply a field's output_formatters callback functions * * @param array $result * @param string $fieldPath * @param array $field * @param mixed $value */ private static function applyFormatters(array $result, string $fieldPath, array $field, &$value) { $row = self::filterByPrefix($result, $fieldPath, $field['name']); foreach ($field['output_formatters'] as $formatter) { $formatter($value, $row, $field); } } /** * @param mixed $value * @param string $dataType * @return mixed */ public static function convertDataType($value, $dataType) { if (isset($value) && $dataType) { if (is_array($value)) { foreach ($value as $key => $val) { $value[$key] = self::convertDataType($val, $dataType); } return $value; } switch ($dataType) { case 'Boolean': return (bool) $value; case 'Integer': return (int) $value; case 'Money': case 'Float': return (float) $value; } } return $value; } /** * Lists all field names (including suffixed variants) that should be removed for a given contact type. * * @param string $contactType * Individual|Organization|Household * @param string $prefix * Path at which these fields are found, e.g. "address.contact." * @return array */ public static function contactFieldsToRemove($contactType, $prefix) { if (!isset(\Civi::$statics[__CLASS__][__FUNCTION__][$contactType])) { \Civi::$statics[__CLASS__][__FUNCTION__][$contactType] = []; foreach (\CRM_Contact_DAO_Contact::fields() as $field) { if (!empty($field['contactType']) && $field['contactType'] != $contactType) { \Civi::$statics[__CLASS__][__FUNCTION__][$contactType][] = $field['name']; // Include suffixed variants like prefix_id:label if (!empty($field['pseudoconstant'])) { foreach (self::$pseudoConstantSuffixes as $suffix) { \Civi::$statics[__CLASS__][__FUNCTION__][$contactType][] = $field['name'] . ':' . $suffix; } } } } } // Add prefix paths return array_map(function($name) use ($prefix) { return $prefix . $name; }, \Civi::$statics[__CLASS__][__FUNCTION__][$contactType]); } /** * Given a field belonging to either the main entity or a joined entity, * and a values array of [path => value], this returns all values which share the same root path. * * Works by filtering array keys to only include those with the same prefix as a given field, * stripping them of that prefix. * * Ex: * ``` * $values = [ * 'first_name' => 'a', * 'middle_name' => 'b', * 'related_contact.first_name' => 'c', * 'related_contact.last_name' => 'd', * 'activity.subject' => 'e', * ] * $fieldPath = 'related_contact.id' * $fieldName = 'id' * * filterByPrefix($values, $fieldPath, $fieldName) * returns [ * 'first_name' => 'c', * 'last_name' => 'd', * ] * ``` * * @param array $values * @param string $fieldPath * @param string $fieldName * @return array */ public static function filterByPrefix(array $values, string $fieldPath, string $fieldName): array { $filtered = []; $prefix = substr($fieldPath, 0, strpos($fieldPath, $fieldName)); foreach ($values as $key => $val) { if (!$prefix || strpos($key, $prefix) === 0) { $filtered[substr($key, strlen($prefix))] = $val; } } return $filtered; } }