entity = $entity; require_once 'api/v3/utils.php'; $baoName = _civicrm_api3_get_BAO($entity); $bao = new $baoName(); $this->entityFieldNames = _civicrm_api3_field_names(_civicrm_api3_build_fields_array($bao)); $this->apiFieldSpec = $this->getFields(); $this->query = \CRM_Utils_SQL_Select::from($bao->tableName() . ' ' . self::MAIN_TABLE_ALIAS); $bao->free(); // Add ACLs first to avoid redundant subclauses $this->checkPermissions = $checkPermissions; $this->query->where($this->getAclClause(self::MAIN_TABLE_ALIAS, $baoName)); } /** * Build & execute the query and return results array * * @return array|int * @throws \API_Exception * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception * @throws \Exception */ public function run() { $this->buildSelectFields(); $this->buildWhereClause(); if (in_array('count_rows', $this->select)) { $this->query->select("count(*) as c"); } else { foreach ($this->selectFields as $column => $alias) { $this->query->select("$column as `$alias`"); } // Order by $this->buildOrderBy(); } // Limit if (!empty($this->limit) || !empty($this->offset)) { $this->query->limit($this->limit, $this->offset); } $result_entities = []; $result_dao = \CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($this->query->toSQL()); while ($result_dao->fetch()) { if (in_array('count_rows', $this->select)) { $result_dao->free(); return (int) $result_dao->c; } $result_entities[$result_dao->id] = []; foreach ($this->selectFields as $column => $alias) { $returnName = $alias; $alias = str_replace('.', '_', $alias); if (property_exists($result_dao, $alias) && $result_dao->$alias != NULL) { $result_entities[$result_dao->id][$returnName] = $result_dao->$alias; } // Backward compatibility on fields names. if ($this->isFillUniqueFields && !empty($this->apiFieldSpec[$alias]['uniqueName'])) { $result_entities[$result_dao->id][$this->apiFieldSpec[$alias]['uniqueName']] = $result_dao->$alias; } foreach ($this->apiFieldSpec as $returnName => $spec) { if (empty($result_entities[$result_dao->id][$returnName]) && !empty($result_entities[$result_dao->id][$spec['name']])) { $result_entities[$result_dao->id][$returnName] = $result_entities[$result_dao->id][$spec['name']]; } } }; } $result_dao->free(); return $result_entities; } /** * @param \CRM_Utils_SQL_Select $sqlFragment * @return SelectQuery */ public function merge($sqlFragment) { $this->query->merge($sqlFragment); return $this; } /** * Joins onto an fk field * * Adds one or more joins to the query to make this field available for use in a clause. * * Enforces permissions at the api level and by appending the acl clause for that entity to the join. * * @param $fkFieldName * @param $side * * @return array|null * Returns the table and field name for adding this field to a SELECT or WHERE clause * @throws \API_Exception * @throws \Civi\API\Exception\UnauthorizedException */ protected function addFkField($fkFieldName, $side) { $stack = explode('.', $fkFieldName); if (count($stack) < 2) { return NULL; } $prev = self::MAIN_TABLE_ALIAS; foreach ($stack as $depth => $fieldName) { // Setup variables then skip the first level if (!$depth) { $fk = $fieldName; // We only join on core fields // @TODO: Custom contact ref fields could be supported too if (!in_array($fk, $this->entityFieldNames)) { return NULL; } $fkField = &$this->apiFieldSpec[$fk]; continue; } // More than 4 joins deep seems excessive - DOS attack? if ($depth > self::MAX_JOINS) { throw new UnauthorizedException("Maximum number of joins exceeded in parameter $fkFieldName"); } $subStack = array_slice($stack, 0, $depth); $this->getJoinInfo($fkField, $subStack); if (!isset($fkField['FKApiName']) || !isset($fkField['FKClassName'])) { // Join doesn't exist - might be another param with a dot in it for some reason, we'll just ignore it. return NULL; } // Ensure we have permission to access the other api if (!$this->checkPermissionToJoin($fkField['FKApiName'], $subStack)) { throw new UnauthorizedException("Authorization failed to join onto {$fkField['FKApiName']} api in parameter $fkFieldName"); } if (!isset($fkField['FKApiSpec'])) { $fkField['FKApiSpec'] = \_civicrm_api_get_fields($fkField['FKApiName']); } $fieldInfo = \CRM_Utils_Array::value($fieldName, $fkField['FKApiSpec']); $keyColumn = \CRM_Utils_Array::value('FKKeyColumn', $fkField, 'id'); if (!$fieldInfo || !isset($fkField['FKApiSpec'][$keyColumn])) { // Join doesn't exist - might be another param with a dot in it for some reason, we'll just ignore it. return NULL; } $fkTable = \CRM_Core_DAO_AllCoreTables::getTableForClass($fkField['FKClassName']); $tableAlias = implode('_to_', $subStack) . "_to_$fkTable"; // Add acl condition $joinCondition = array_merge( ["$prev.$fk = $tableAlias.$keyColumn"], $this->getAclClause($tableAlias, \_civicrm_api3_get_BAO($fkField['FKApiName']), $subStack) ); if (!empty($fkField['FKCondition'])) { $joinCondition[] = str_replace($fkTable, $tableAlias, $fkField['FKCondition']); } $this->join($side, $fkTable, $tableAlias, $joinCondition); if (strpos($fieldName, 'custom_') === 0) { list($tableAlias, $fieldName) = $this->addCustomField($fieldInfo, $side, $tableAlias); } // Get ready to recurse to the next level $fk = $fieldName; $fkField = &$fkField['FKApiSpec'][$fieldName]; $prev = $tableAlias; } return [$tableAlias, $fieldName]; } /** * Get join info for dynamically-joined fields (e.g. "entity_id", "option_group") * * @param $fkField * @param $stack */ protected function getJoinInfo(&$fkField, $stack) { if ($fkField['name'] == 'entity_id') { $entityTableParam = substr(implode('.', $stack), 0, -2) . 'table'; $entityTable = \CRM_Utils_Array::value($entityTableParam, $this->where); if ($entityTable && is_string($entityTable) && \CRM_Core_DAO_AllCoreTables::getClassForTable($entityTable)) { $fkField['FKClassName'] = \CRM_Core_DAO_AllCoreTables::getClassForTable($entityTable); $fkField['FKApiName'] = \CRM_Core_DAO_AllCoreTables::getBriefName($fkField['FKClassName']); } } if (!empty($fkField['pseudoconstant']['optionGroupName'])) { $fkField['FKClassName'] = 'CRM_Core_DAO_OptionValue'; $fkField['FKApiName'] = 'OptionValue'; $fkField['FKKeyColumn'] = 'value'; $fkField['FKCondition'] = "civicrm_option_value.option_group_id = (SELECT id FROM civicrm_option_group WHERE name = '{$fkField['pseudoconstant']['optionGroupName']}')"; } } /** * Joins onto a custom field * * Adds a join to the query to make this field available for use in a clause. * * @param array $customField * @param string $side * @param string $baseTable * @return array * Returns the table and field name for adding this field to a SELECT or WHERE clause */ protected function addCustomField($customField, $side, $baseTable = self::MAIN_TABLE_ALIAS) { $tableName = $customField["table_name"]; $columnName = $customField["column_name"]; $tableAlias = "{$baseTable}_to_$tableName"; $this->join($side, $tableName, $tableAlias, ["`$tableAlias`.entity_id = `$baseTable`.id"]); return [$tableAlias, $columnName]; } /** * Fetch a field from the getFields list * * @param string $fieldName * @return array|null */ abstract protected function getField($fieldName); /** * Perform input validation on params that use the join syntax * * Arguably this should be done at the api wrapper level, but doing it here provides a bit more consistency * in that api permissions to perform the join are checked first. * * @param $fieldName * @param $value * @throws \Exception */ protected function validateNestedInput($fieldName, &$value) { $stack = explode('.', $fieldName); $spec = $this->apiFieldSpec; $fieldName = array_pop($stack); foreach ($stack as $depth => $name) { $entity = $spec[$name]['FKApiName']; $spec = $spec[$name]['FKApiSpec']; } $params = [$fieldName => $value]; \_civicrm_api3_validate_fields($entity, 'get', $params, $spec); $value = $params[$fieldName]; } /** * Check permission to join onto another api entity * * @param string $entity * @param array $fieldStack * The stack of fields leading up to this join * @return bool */ protected function checkPermissionToJoin($entity, $fieldStack) { if (!$this->checkPermissions) { return TRUE; } // Build an array of params that relate to the joined entity $params = [ 'version' => 3, 'return' => [], 'check_permissions' => $this->checkPermissions, ]; $prefix = implode('.', $fieldStack) . '.'; $len = strlen($prefix); foreach ($this->select as $key => $ret) { if (strpos($key, $prefix) === 0) { $params['return'][substr($key, $len)] = $ret; } } foreach ($this->where as $key => $param) { if (strpos($key, $prefix) === 0) { $params[substr($key, $len)] = $param; } } return \Civi::service('civi_api_kernel')->runAuthorize($entity, 'get', $params); } /** * Get acl clause for an entity * * @param string $tableAlias * @param string $baoName * @param array $stack * @return array */ protected function getAclClause($tableAlias, $baoName, $stack = []) { if (!$this->checkPermissions) { return []; } // Prevent (most) redundant acl sub clauses if they have already been applied to the main entity. // FIXME: Currently this only works 1 level deep, but tracking through multiple joins would increase complexity // and just doing it for the first join takes care of most acl clause deduping. if (count($stack) === 1 && in_array($stack[0], $this->aclFields)) { return []; } $clauses = $baoName::getSelectWhereClause($tableAlias); if (!$stack) { // Track field clauses added to the main entity $this->aclFields = array_keys($clauses); } return array_filter($clauses); } /** * Orders the query by one or more fields * * @throws \API_Exception * @throws \Civi\API\Exception\UnauthorizedException */ protected function buildOrderBy() { $sortParams = is_string($this->orderBy) ? explode(',', $this->orderBy) : (array) $this->orderBy; foreach ($sortParams as $index => $item) { $item = trim($item); if ($item == '(1)') { continue; } $words = preg_split("/[\s]+/", $item); if ($words) { // Direction defaults to ASC unless DESC is specified $direction = strtoupper(\CRM_Utils_Array::value(1, $words, '')) == 'DESC' ? ' DESC' : ''; $field = $this->getField($words[0]); if ($field) { $this->query->orderBy(self::MAIN_TABLE_ALIAS . '.' . $field['name'] . $direction, NULL, $index); } elseif (strpos($words[0], '.')) { $join = $this->addFkField($words[0], 'LEFT'); if ($join) { $this->query->orderBy("`{$join[0]}`.`{$join[1]}`$direction", NULL, $index); } } else { throw new \API_Exception("Unknown field specified for sort. Cannot order by '$item'"); } } } } /** * @param string $side * @param string $tableName * @param string $tableAlias * @param array $conditions */ public function join($side, $tableName, $tableAlias, $conditions) { // INNER JOINs take precedence over LEFT JOINs if ($side != 'LEFT' || !isset($this->joins[$tableAlias])) { $this->joins[$tableAlias] = $side; $this->query->join($tableAlias, "$side JOIN `$tableName` `$tableAlias` ON " . implode(' AND ', $conditions)); } } /** * Populate where clauses * * @throws \Civi\API\Exception\UnauthorizedException * @throws \Exception */ abstract protected function buildWhereClause(); /** * Populate $this->selectFields * * @throws \Civi\API\Exception\UnauthorizedException */ protected function buildSelectFields() { $return_all_fields = (empty($this->select) || !is_array($this->select)); $return = $return_all_fields ? $this->entityFieldNames : $this->select; if ($return_all_fields || in_array('custom', $this->select)) { foreach (array_keys($this->apiFieldSpec) as $fieldName) { if (strpos($fieldName, 'custom_') === 0) { $return[] = $fieldName; } } } // Always select the ID if the table has one. if (array_key_exists('id', $this->apiFieldSpec)) { $this->selectFields[self::MAIN_TABLE_ALIAS . ".id"] = "id"; } // core return fields foreach ($return as $fieldName) { $field = $this->getField($fieldName); if ($field && in_array($field['name'], $this->entityFieldNames)) { $this->selectFields[self::MAIN_TABLE_ALIAS . ".{$field['name']}"] = $field['name']; } elseif (strpos($fieldName, '.')) { $fkField = $this->addFkField($fieldName, 'LEFT'); if ($fkField) { $this->selectFields[implode('.', $fkField)] = $fieldName; } } elseif ($field && strpos($fieldName, 'custom_') === 0) { list($table_name, $column_name) = $this->addCustomField($field, 'LEFT'); if ($field['data_type'] != 'ContactReference') { // 'ordinary' custom field. We will select the value as custom_XX. $this->selectFields["$table_name.$column_name"] = $fieldName; } else { // contact reference custom field. The ID will be stored in custom_XX_id. // custom_XX will contain the sort name of the contact. $this->query->join("c_$fieldName", "LEFT JOIN civicrm_contact c_$fieldName ON c_$fieldName.id = `$table_name`.`$column_name`"); $this->selectFields["$table_name.$column_name"] = $fieldName . "_id"; // We will call the contact table for the join c_XX. $this->selectFields["c_$fieldName.sort_name"] = $fieldName; } } } } /** * Load entity fields * @return array */ abstract protected function getFields(); }