[ // TODO decide if we really want to override others ['onApiResolve', Events::W_EARLY], ], Events::AUTHORIZE => [ // TODO decide if we really want to override others ['onApiAuthorize', Events::W_EARLY], ], ]; } /** * @var \Civi\API\Kernel */ private $apiKernel; /** * @var array (string $entityName => array(string $actionName)) */ private $actions; /** * @param \Civi\API\Kernel $apiKernel * The API kernel. */ public function __construct($apiKernel) { $this->apiKernel = $apiKernel; $this->actions = [ 'Entity' => ['get', 'getactions'], '*' => ['getactions'], // 'getfields' ]; } /** * @param \Civi\API\Event\ResolveEvent $event * API resolution event. */ public function onApiResolve(\Civi\API\Event\ResolveEvent $event) { $apiRequest = $event->getApiRequest(); $actions = $this->getActionNames($apiRequest['version'], $apiRequest['entity']); if (in_array($apiRequest['action'], $actions)) { $apiRequest['is_metadata'] = TRUE; $event->setApiRequest($apiRequest); $event->setApiProvider($this); $event->stopPropagation(); // TODO decide if we really want to override others } } /** * @param \Civi\API\Event\AuthorizeEvent $event * API authorization event. */ public function onApiAuthorize(\Civi\API\Event\AuthorizeEvent $event) { $apiRequest = $event->getApiRequest(); if (isset($apiRequest['is_metadata'])) { // if (\CRM_Core_Permission::check('access AJAX API') // || \CRM_Core_Permission::check('access CiviCRM')) { $event->authorize(); $event->stopPropagation(); // } } } /** * @inheritDoc * @param array $apiRequest * @return array * @throws \API_Exception */ public function invoke($apiRequest) { if (strtolower($apiRequest['entity']) == 'entity' && $apiRequest['action'] == 'get') { return civicrm_api3_create_success($this->apiKernel->getEntityNames($apiRequest['version']), $apiRequest['params'], 'entity', 'get'); } switch ($apiRequest['action']) { case 'getactions': return civicrm_api3_create_success($this->apiKernel->getActionNames($apiRequest['version'], $apiRequest['entity']), $apiRequest['params'], $apiRequest['entity'], $apiRequest['action']); //case 'getfields': // return $this->doGetFields($apiRequest); default: } // We shouldn't get here because onApiResolve() checks $this->actions throw new \API_Exception("Unsupported action (" . $apiRequest['entity'] . '.' . $apiRequest['action'] . ']'); } /** * @inheritDoc * @param int $version * @return array */ public function getEntityNames($version) { return ['Entity']; } /** * @inheritDoc * @param int $version * @param string $entity * @return array */ public function getActionNames($version, $entity) { $entity = _civicrm_api_get_camel_name($entity, $version); return isset($this->actions[$entity]) ? $this->actions[$entity] : $this->actions['*']; } }