is_drupal = FALSE; } /** * Function to create a user of Joomla. * * @param array $params associated array * @param string $mail email id for cms user * * @return uid if user exists, false otherwise * * @access public */ function createUser(&$params, $mail) { $baseDir = JPATH_SITE; require_once $baseDir . '/components/com_users/models/registration.php'; $userParams = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_users'); $model = new UsersModelRegistration(); $ufID = NULL; // get the default usertype $userType = $userParams->get('new_usertype'); if (!$userType) { $userType = 2; } if (isset($params['name'])) { $fullname = trim($params['name']); } elseif (isset($params['contactID'])) { $fullname = trim(CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact::displayName($params['contactID'])); } else { $fullname = trim($params['cms_name']); } // Prepare the values for a new Joomla user. $values = array(); $values['name'] = $fullname; $values['username'] = trim($params['cms_name']); $values['password1'] = $values['password2'] = $params['cms_pass']; $values['email1'] = $values['email2'] = trim($params[$mail]); $lang = JFactory::getLanguage(); $lang->load('com_users', $baseDir); $register = $model->register($values); $ufID = JUserHelper::getUserId($values['username']); return $ufID; } /** * Change user name in host CMS * * @param integer $ufID User ID in CMS * @param string $ufName User name */ function updateCMSName($ufID, $ufName) { $ufID = CRM_Utils_Type::escape($ufID, 'Integer'); $ufName = CRM_Utils_Type::escape($ufName, 'String'); $values = array(); $user = JUser::getInstance($ufID); $values['email'] = $ufName; $user->bind($values); $user->save(); } /** * Check if username and email exists in the Joomla! db * * @params $params array array of name and mail values * @params $errors array array of errors * @params $emailName string field label for the 'email' * * @param $params * @param $errors * @param string $emailName * * @return void */ function checkUserNameEmailExists(&$params, &$errors, $emailName = 'email') { $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton(); $dao = new CRM_Core_DAO(); $name = $dao->escape(CRM_Utils_Array::value('name', $params)); $email = $dao->escape(CRM_Utils_Array::value('mail', $params)); //don't allow the special characters and min. username length is two //regex \\ to match a single backslash would become '/\\\\/' $isNotValid = (bool) preg_match('/[\<|\>|\"|\'|\%|\;|\(|\)|\&|\\\\|\/]/im', $name); if ($isNotValid || strlen($name) < 2) { $errors['cms_name'] = ts('Your username contains invalid characters or is too short'); } $JUserTable = &JTable::getInstance('User', 'JTable'); $db = $JUserTable->getDbo(); $query = $db->getQuery(TRUE); $query->select('username, email'); $query->from($JUserTable->getTableName()); $query->where('(LOWER(username) = LOWER(\'' . $name . '\')) OR (LOWER(email) = LOWER(\'' . $email . '\'))'); $db->setQuery($query, 0, 10); $users = $db->loadAssocList(); $row = array();; if (count($users)) { $row = $users[0]; } if (!empty($row)) { $dbName = CRM_Utils_Array::value('username', $row); $dbEmail = CRM_Utils_Array::value('email', $row); if (strtolower($dbName) == strtolower($name)) { $errors['cms_name'] = ts('The username %1 is already taken. Please select another username.', array(1 => $name) ); } if (strtolower($dbEmail) == strtolower($email)) { $resetUrl = str_replace('administrator/', '', $config->userFrameworkBaseURL) . 'index.php?option=com_users&view=reset'; $errors[$emailName] = ts('The email address %1 is already registered. Have you forgotten your password?', array(1 => $email, 2 => $resetUrl) ); } } } /** * sets the title of the page * * @param string $title title to set * @param string $pageTitle * * @return void * @access public */ function setTitle($title, $pageTitle = NULL) { if (!$pageTitle) { $pageTitle = $title; } $template = CRM_Core_Smarty::singleton(); $template->assign('pageTitle', $pageTitle); $document = JFactory::getDocument(); $document->setTitle($title); return; } /** * Append an additional breadcrumb tag to the existing breadcrumb * * @param $breadCrumbs * * @internal param string $title * @internal param string $url * * @return void * @access public */ function appendBreadCrumb($breadCrumbs) { $template = CRM_Core_Smarty::singleton(); $bc = $template->get_template_vars('breadcrumb'); if (is_array($breadCrumbs)) { foreach ($breadCrumbs as $crumbs) { if (stripos($crumbs['url'], 'id%%')) { $args = array('cid', 'mid'); foreach ($args as $a) { $val = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve($a, 'Positive', CRM_Core_DAO::$_nullObject, FALSE, NULL, $_GET ); if ($val) { $crumbs['url'] = str_ireplace("%%{$a}%%", $val, $crumbs['url']); } } } $bc[] = $crumbs; } } $template->assign_by_ref('breadcrumb', $bc); return; } /** * Reset an additional breadcrumb tag to the existing breadcrumb * * @internal param string $bc the new breadcrumb to be appended * * @return void * @access public */ function resetBreadCrumb() { return; } /** * Append a string to the head of the html file * * @param null $string * * @internal param string $head the new string to be appended * * @return void * @access public */ static function addHTMLHead($string = NULL) { if ($string) { $document = JFactory::getDocument(); $document->addCustomTag($string); } } /** * Add a script file * * @param $url: string, absolute path to file * @param $region string, location within the document: 'html-header', 'page-header', 'page-footer' * * Note: This function is not to be called directly * @see CRM_Core_Region::render() * * @return bool TRUE if we support this operation in this CMS, FALSE otherwise * @access public */ public function addScriptUrl($url, $region) { return FALSE; } /** * Add an inline script * * @param $code: string, javascript code * @param $region string, location within the document: 'html-header', 'page-header', 'page-footer' * * Note: This function is not to be called directly * @see CRM_Core_Region::render() * * @return bool TRUE if we support this operation in this CMS, FALSE otherwise * @access public */ public function addScript($code, $region) { return FALSE; } /** * Add a css file * * @param $url: string, absolute path to file * @param $region string, location within the document: 'html-header', 'page-header', 'page-footer' * * Note: This function is not to be called directly * @see CRM_Core_Region::render() * * @return bool TRUE if we support this operation in this CMS, FALSE otherwise * @access public */ public function addStyleUrl($url, $region) { if ($region == 'html-header') { $document = JFactory::getDocument(); $document->addStyleSheet($url); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /** * Add an inline style * * @param $code: string, css code * @param $region string, location within the document: 'html-header', 'page-header', 'page-footer' * * Note: This function is not to be called directly * @see CRM_Core_Region::render() * * @return bool TRUE if we support this operation in this CMS, FALSE otherwise * @access public */ public function addStyle($code, $region) { if ($region == 'html-header') { $document = JFactory::getDocument(); $document->addStyleDeclaration($code); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /** * Generate an internal CiviCRM URL * * @param $path string The path being linked to, such as "civicrm/add" * @param $query string A query string to append to the link. * @param $absolute boolean Whether to force the output to be an absolute link (beginning with http:). * Useful for links that will be displayed outside the site, such as in an * RSS feed. * @param $fragment string A fragment identifier (named anchor) to append to the link. * @param $htmlize boolean whether to convert to html eqivalant * @param $frontend boolean a gross joomla hack * * @param bool $forceBackend * * @return string an HTML string containing a link to the given path. * @access public */ function url($path = NULL, $query = NULL, $absolute = TRUE, $fragment = NULL, $htmlize = TRUE, $frontend = FALSE, $forceBackend = FALSE ) { $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton(); $separator = $htmlize ? '&' : '&'; $Itemid = ''; $script = ''; $path = CRM_Utils_String::stripPathChars($path); if ($config->userFrameworkFrontend) { $script = 'index.php'; if (JRequest::getVar("Itemid")) { $Itemid = "{$separator}Itemid=" . JRequest::getVar("Itemid"); } } if (isset($fragment)) { $fragment = '#' . $fragment; } if (!isset($config->useFrameworkRelativeBase)) { $base = parse_url($config->userFrameworkBaseURL); $config->useFrameworkRelativeBase = $base['path']; } $base = $absolute ? $config->userFrameworkBaseURL : $config->useFrameworkRelativeBase; if (!empty($query)) { $url = "{$base}{$script}?option=com_civicrm{$separator}task={$path}{$Itemid}{$separator}{$query}{$fragment}"; } else { $url = "{$base}{$script}?option=com_civicrm{$separator}task={$path}{$Itemid}{$fragment}"; } // gross hack for joomla, we are in the backend and want to send a frontend url if ($frontend && $config->userFramework == 'Joomla') { // handle both joomla v1.5 and v1.6, CRM-7939 $url = str_replace('/administrator/index2.php', '/index.php', $url); $url = str_replace('/administrator/index.php', '/index.php', $url); // CRM-8215 $url = str_replace('/administrator/', '/index.php', $url); } elseif ($forceBackend) { if (defined('JVERSION')) { $joomlaVersion = JVERSION; } else { $jversion = new JVersion; $joomlaVersion = $jversion->getShortVersion(); } if (version_compare($joomlaVersion, '1.6') >= 0) { $url = str_replace('/index.php', '/administrator/index.php', $url); } } return $url; } /** * rewrite various system urls to https * * @return void * access public */ function mapConfigToSSL() { // dont need to do anything, let CMS handle their own switch to SSL return; } /** * figure out the post url for the form * * @param $action the default action if one is pre-specified * * @return string the url to post the form * @access public */ function postURL($action) { if (!empty($action)) { return $action; } return $this->url(CRM_Utils_Array::value('task', $_GET), NULL, TRUE, NULL, FALSE ); } /** * Function to set the email address of the user * * @param object $user handle to the user object * * @return void * @access public */ function setEmail(&$user) { global $database; $query = "SELECT email FROM #__users WHERE id='$user->id'"; $database->setQuery($query); $user->email = $database->loadResult(); } /** * Authenticate the user against the joomla db * * @param string $name the user name * @param string $password the password for the above user name * @param $loadCMSBootstrap boolean load cms bootstrap? * * @return mixed false if no auth * array( contactID, ufID, unique string ) if success * @access public */ function authenticate($name, $password, $loadCMSBootstrap = FALSE) { require_once 'DB.php'; $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton(); $user = NULL; if ($loadCMSBootstrap) { $bootStrapParams = array(); if ($name && $password) { $bootStrapParams = array( 'name' => $name, 'pass' => $password, ); } CRM_Utils_System::loadBootStrap($bootStrapParams, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE); } jimport('joomla.application.component.helper'); jimport('joomla.database.table'); jimport('joomla.user.helper'); $JUserTable = JTable::getInstance('User', 'JTable'); $db = $JUserTable->getDbo(); $query = $db->getQuery(TRUE); $query->select('id, name, username, email, password'); $query->from($JUserTable->getTableName()); $query->where('(LOWER(username) = LOWER(\'' . $name . '\')) AND (block = 0)'); $db->setQuery($query, 0, 0); $users = $db->loadObjectList(); $row = array(); if (count($users)) { $row = $users[0]; } $joomlaBase = dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))))))); if ( !defined('JVERSION') ) { require $joomlaBase . '/libraries/cms/version/version.php'; $jversion = new JVersion; define('JVERSION', $jversion->getShortVersion()); } if (!empty($row)) { $dbPassword = $row->password; $dbId = $row->id; $dbEmail = $row->email; if ( version_compare(JVERSION, '2.5.18', 'lt') || ( version_compare(JVERSION, '3.0', 'ge') && version_compare(JVERSION, '3.2.1', 'lt') ) ) { // now check password if (strpos($dbPassword, ':') === FALSE) { if ($dbPassword != md5($password)) { return FALSE; } } else { list($hash, $salt) = explode(':', $dbPassword); $cryptpass = md5($password . $salt); if ($hash != $cryptpass) { return FALSE; } } } else { if (!JUserHelper::verifyPassword($password, $dbPassword, $dbId)) return FALSE; //include additional files required by Joomla 3.2.1+ if ( version_compare(JVERSION, '3.2.1', 'ge') ) { require $joomlaBase . '/libraries/cms/application/helper.php'; require $joomlaBase . '/libraries/cms/application/cms.php'; require $joomlaBase . '/libraries/cms/application/administrator.php'; } } CRM_Core_BAO_UFMatch::synchronizeUFMatch($row, $dbId, $dbEmail, 'Joomla'); $contactID = CRM_Core_BAO_UFMatch::getContactId($dbId); if (!$contactID) { return FALSE; } return array($contactID, $dbId, mt_rand()); } return FALSE; } /** * Set a init session with user object * * @param array $data array with user specific data * * @access public */ function setUserSession($data) { list($userID, $ufID) = $data; $user = new JUser( $ufID ); $session = JFactory::getSession(); $session->set('user', $user); parent::setUserSession($data); } /** * Set a message in the UF to display to a user * * @param string $message the message to set * * @access public */ function setMessage($message) { return; } /** * @param $user * * @return bool */ function loadUser($user) { return TRUE; } function permissionDenied() { CRM_Core_Error::fatal(ts('You do not have permission to access this page')); } function logout() { session_destroy(); header("Location:index.php"); } /** * Get the locale set in the hosting CMS * * @return string the used locale or null for none */ function getUFLocale() { if (defined('_JEXEC')) { $conf = JFactory::getConfig(); $locale = $conf->get('language'); return str_replace('-', '_', $locale); } return NULL; } /** * @return string */ function getVersion() { if (class_exists('JVersion')) { $version = new JVersion; return $version->getShortVersion(); } else { return 'Unknown'; } } /** * load joomla bootstrap * * @param $params array with uid or name and password * @param $loadUser boolean load cms user? * @param bool|\throw $throwError throw error on failure? * @param null $realPath * @param bool $loadDefines * * @return bool */ function loadBootStrap($params = array(), $loadUser = TRUE, $throwError = TRUE, $realPath = NULL, $loadDefines = TRUE) { // Setup the base path related constant. $joomlaBase = dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))))))); // load BootStrap here if needed // We are a valid Joomla entry point. if ( ! defined( '_JEXEC' ) && $loadDefines ) { define('_JEXEC', 1); define('DS', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); define('JPATH_BASE', $joomlaBase . '/administrator'); require $joomlaBase . '/administrator/includes/defines.php'; } // Get the framework. if (file_exists($joomlaBase . '/libraries/import.legacy.php')) { require $joomlaBase . '/libraries/import.legacy.php'; } require $joomlaBase . '/libraries/import.php'; require $joomlaBase . '/libraries/joomla/event/dispatcher.php'; require $joomlaBase . '/configuration.php'; // Files may be in different places depending on Joomla version if ( !defined('JVERSION') ) { require $joomlaBase . '/libraries/cms/version/version.php'; $jversion = new JVersion; define('JVERSION', $jversion->getShortVersion()); } if( version_compare(JVERSION, '3.0', 'lt') ) { require $joomlaBase . '/libraries/joomla/environment/uri.php'; require $joomlaBase . '/libraries/joomla/application/component/helper.php'; } else { require $joomlaBase . '/libraries/cms.php'; require $joomlaBase . '/libraries/joomla/uri/uri.php'; } jimport('joomla.application.cli'); // CRM-14281 Joomla wasn't available during bootstrap, so hook_civicrm_config never executes. $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton(); CRM_Utils_Hook::config($config); return TRUE; } /** * check is user logged in. * * @return boolean true/false. */ public function isUserLoggedIn() { $user = JFactory::getUser(); return ($user->guest) ? FALSE : TRUE; } /** * Get currently logged in user uf id. * * @return int logged in user uf id. */ public function getLoggedInUfID() { $user = JFactory::getUser(); return ($user->guest) ? NULL : $user->id; } /** * Get currently logged in user unique identifier - this tends to be the email address or user name. * * @return string $userID logged in user unique identifier */ function getLoggedInUniqueIdentifier() { $user = JFactory::getUser(); return $this->getUniqueIdentifierFromUserObject($user); } /** * Get User ID from UserFramework system (Joomla) * @param object $user object as described by the CMS * @return mixed */ function getUserIDFromUserObject($user) { return !empty($user->id) ? $user->id : NULL; } /** * Get Unique Identifier from UserFramework system (CMS) * @param object $user object as described by the User Framework * @return mixed $uniqueIdentifer Unique identifier from the user Framework system * */ function getUniqueIdentifierFromUserObject($user) { return ($user->guest) ? NULL : $user->email; } /** * Get a list of all installed modules, including enabled and disabled ones * * @return array CRM_Core_Module */ function getModules() { $result = array(); $db = JFactory::getDbo(); $query = $db->getQuery(true); $query->select('type, folder, element, enabled') ->from('#__extensions') ->where('type =' . $db->Quote('plugin')); $plugins = $db->setQuery($query)->loadAssocList(); foreach ($plugins as $plugin) { // question: is the folder really a critical part of the plugin's name? $name = implode('.', array('joomla', $plugin['type'], $plugin['folder'], $plugin['element'])); $result[] = new CRM_Core_Module($name, $plugin['enabled'] ? TRUE : FALSE); } return $result; } /** * Get user login URL for hosting CMS (method declared in each CMS system class) * * @param string $destination - if present, add destination to querystring (works for Drupal only) * * @return string - loginURL for the current CMS * @static */ public function getLoginURL($destination = '') { $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton(); $loginURL = $config->userFrameworkBaseURL; $loginURL = str_replace('administrator/', '', $loginURL); $loginURL .= 'index.php?option=com_users&view=login'; //CRM-14872 append destination if ( !empty($destination) ) { $loginURL .= '&return='.urlencode(base64_encode($destination)); } return $loginURL; } /** * @param $form */ public function getLoginDestination(&$form) { $args = NULL; $id = $form->get('id'); if ($id) { $args .= "&id=$id"; } else { $gid = $form->get('gid'); if ($gid) { $args .= "&gid=$gid"; } else { // Setup Personal Campaign Page link uses pageId $pageId = $form->get('pageId'); if ($pageId) { $component = $form->get('component'); $args .= "&pageId=$pageId&component=$component&action=add"; } } } $destination = NULL; if ($args) { // append destination so user is returned to form they came from after login $args = 'reset=1'.$args; $destination = CRM_Utils_System::url(CRM_Utils_System::currentPath(), $args, TRUE, NULL, TRUE, TRUE); } return $destination; } /** * Return default Site Settings * * @param $dir * * @return array array * - $url, (Joomla - non admin url) * - $siteName, * - $siteRoot */ function getDefaultSiteSettings($dir){ $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton(); $url = preg_replace( '|/administrator|', '', $config->userFrameworkBaseURL ); $siteRoot = preg_replace( '|/media/civicrm/.*$|', '', $config->imageUploadDir ); return array($url, NULL, $siteRoot); } /** * Get Url to view user record * @param integer $contactID Contact ID * * @return string */ function getUserRecordUrl($contactID) { $uid = CRM_Core_BAO_UFMatch::getUFId($contactID); $userRecordUrl = NULL; // if logged in user is super user, then he can view other users joomla profile if (JFactory::getUser()->authorise('core.admin')) { return CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->userFrameworkBaseURL . "index.php?option=com_users&view=user&task=user.edit&id=" . $uid; } elseif (CRM_Core_Session::singleton()->get('userID') == $contactID) { return CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->userFrameworkBaseURL . "index.php?option=com_admin&view=profile&layout=edit&id=" . $uid; } } /** * Is the current user permitted to add a user * @return bool */ function checkPermissionAddUser() { if (JFactory::getUser()->authorise('core.create', 'com_users')) { return TRUE; } } /** * output code from error function * @param string $content */ function outputError($content) { if (class_exists('JErrorPage')) { $error = new Exception($content); JErrorPage::render($error); } else if (class_exists('JError')) { JError::raiseError('CiviCRM-001', $content); } else { parent::outputError($content); } } }