is_drupal = TRUE; $this->supports_form_extensions = TRUE; } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function getDefaultSiteSettings($dir) { $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton(); $siteName = $siteRoot = NULL; $matches = array(); if (preg_match( '|/sites/([\w\.\-\_]+)/|', $config->templateCompileDir, $matches )) { $siteName = $matches[1]; if ($siteName) { $siteName = "/sites/$siteName/"; $siteNamePos = strpos($dir, $siteName); if ($siteNamePos !== FALSE) { $siteRoot = substr($dir, 0, $siteNamePos); } } } $url = $config->userFrameworkBaseURL; return array($url, $siteName, $siteRoot); } /** * Check if a resource url is within the drupal directory and format appropriately. * * @param $url (reference) * * @return bool * TRUE for internal paths, FALSE for external. The drupal_add_js fn is able to add js more * efficiently if it is known to be in the drupal site */ public function formatResourceUrl(&$url) { $internal = FALSE; $base = CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->resourceBase; global $base_url; // Handle absolute urls // compares $url (which is some unknown/untrusted value from a third-party dev) to the CMS's base url (which is independent of civi's url) // to see if the url is within our drupal dir, if it is we are able to treated it as an internal url if (strpos($url, $base_url) === 0) { $internal = TRUE; $url = trim(str_replace($base_url, '', $url), '/'); } // Handle relative urls that are within the CiviCRM module directory elseif (strpos($url, $base) === 0) { $internal = TRUE; $url = $this->appendCoreDirectoryToResourceBase(substr(drupal_get_path('module', 'civicrm'), 0, -6)) . trim(substr($url, strlen($base)), '/'); } // Strip query string $q = strpos($url, '?'); if ($q && $internal) { $url = substr($url, 0, $q); } return $internal; } /** * In instance where civicrm folder has a drupal folder & a civicrm core folder @ the same level append the * civicrm folder name to the url * See CRM-13737 for discussion of how this allows implementers to alter the folder structure * @todo - this only provides a limited amount of flexiblity - it still expects a 'civicrm' folder with a 'drupal' folder * and is only flexible as to the name of the civicrm folder. * * @param string $url * Potential resource url based on standard folder assumptions. * @return string * with civicrm-core directory appended if not standard civi dir */ public function appendCoreDirectoryToResourceBase($url) { global $civicrm_root; $lastDirectory = basename($civicrm_root); if ($lastDirectory != 'civicrm') { return $url .= $lastDirectory . '/'; } return $url; } /** * Generate an internal CiviCRM URL (copied from DRUPAL/includes/ * * @inheritDoc */ public function url( $path = NULL, $query = NULL, $absolute = FALSE, $fragment = NULL, $htmlize = TRUE, $frontend = FALSE, $forceBackend = FALSE ) { $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton(); $script = 'index.php'; $path = CRM_Utils_String::stripPathChars($path); if (isset($fragment)) { $fragment = '#' . $fragment; } $base = $absolute ? $config->userFrameworkBaseURL : $config->useFrameworkRelativeBase; $separator = $htmlize ? '&' : '&'; if (!$config->cleanURL) { if (isset($path)) { if (isset($query)) { return $base . $script . '?q=' . $path . $separator . $query . $fragment; } else { return $base . $script . '?q=' . $path . $fragment; } } else { if (isset($query)) { return $base . $script . '?' . $query . $fragment; } else { return $base . $fragment; } } } else { if (isset($path)) { if (isset($query)) { return $base . $path . '?' . $query . $fragment; } else { return $base . $path . $fragment; } } else { if (isset($query)) { return $base . $script . '?' . $query . $fragment; } else { return $base . $fragment; } } } } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function getUserIDFromUserObject($user) { return !empty($user->uid) ? $user->uid : NULL; } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function setMessage($message) { drupal_set_message($message); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function getUniqueIdentifierFromUserObject($user) { return empty($user->mail) ? NULL : $user->mail; } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function getLoggedInUniqueIdentifier() { global $user; return $this->getUniqueIdentifierFromUserObject($user); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function permissionDenied() { drupal_access_denied(); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function getUserRecordUrl($contactID) { $uid = CRM_Core_BAO_UFMatch::getUFId($contactID); if (CRM_Core_Session::singleton() ->get('userID') == $contactID || CRM_Core_Permission::checkAnyPerm(array( 'cms:administer users', 'cms:view user account', )) ) { return CRM_Utils_System::url('user/' . $uid); }; } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function checkPermissionAddUser() { return CRM_Core_Permission::check('administer users'); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function logger($message) { if (CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->userFrameworkLogging && function_exists('watchdog')) { watchdog('civicrm', '%message', array('%message' => $message), NULL, WATCHDOG_DEBUG); } } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function clearResourceCache() { _drupal_flush_css_js(); } /** * Append Drupal js to coreResourcesList. */ public function appendCoreResources(&$list) { $list[] = 'js/crm.drupal.js'; } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function flush() { drupal_flush_all_caches(); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function getModules() { $result = array(); $q = db_query('SELECT name, status FROM {system} WHERE type = \'module\' AND schema_version <> -1'); foreach ($q as $row) { $result[] = new CRM_Core_Module('drupal.' . $row->name, ($row->status == 1) ? TRUE : FALSE); } return $result; } /** * Find any users/roles/security-principals with the given permission * and replace it with one or more permissions. * * @param string $oldPerm * @param array $newPerms * Array, strings. * * @return void */ public function replacePermission($oldPerm, $newPerms) { $roles = user_roles(FALSE, $oldPerm); if (!empty($roles)) { foreach (array_keys($roles) as $rid) { user_role_revoke_permissions($rid, array($oldPerm)); user_role_grant_permissions($rid, $newPerms); } } } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function languageNegotiationURL($url, $addLanguagePart = TRUE, $removeLanguagePart = FALSE) { if (empty($url)) { return $url; } //CRM-7803 -from d7 onward. $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton(); if (function_exists('variable_get') && module_exists('locale') && function_exists('language_negotiation_get') ) { global $language; //does user configuration allow language //support from the URL (Path prefix or domain) if (language_negotiation_get('language') == 'locale-url') { $urlType = variable_get('locale_language_negotiation_url_part'); //url prefix if ($urlType == LOCALE_LANGUAGE_NEGOTIATION_URL_PREFIX) { if (isset($language->prefix) && $language->prefix) { if ($addLanguagePart) { $url .= $language->prefix . '/'; } if ($removeLanguagePart) { $url = str_replace("/{$language->prefix}/", '/', $url); } } } //domain if ($urlType == LOCALE_LANGUAGE_NEGOTIATION_URL_DOMAIN) { if (isset($language->domain) && $language->domain) { if ($addLanguagePart) { $url = (CRM_Utils_System::isSSL() ? 'https' : 'http') . '://' . $language->domain . base_path(); } if ($removeLanguagePart && defined('CIVICRM_UF_BASEURL')) { $url = str_replace('\\', '/', $url); $parseUrl = parse_url($url); //kinda hackish but not sure how to do it right //hope http_build_url() will help at some point. if (is_array($parseUrl) && !empty($parseUrl)) { $urlParts = explode('/', $url); $hostKey = array_search($parseUrl['host'], $urlParts); $ufUrlParts = parse_url(CIVICRM_UF_BASEURL); $urlParts[$hostKey] = $ufUrlParts['host']; $url = implode('/', $urlParts); } } } } } } return $url; } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function getVersion() { return defined('VERSION') ? VERSION : 'Unknown'; } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function updateCategories() { // copied this from profile.module. Seems a bit inefficient, but i don't know a better way cache_clear_all(); menu_rebuild(); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function getUFLocale() { // return CiviCRM’s xx_YY locale that either matches Drupal’s Chinese locale // (for CRM-6281), Drupal’s xx_YY or is retrieved based on Drupal’s xx // sometimes for CLI based on order called, this might not be set and/or empty global $language; if (empty($language)) { return NULL; } if ($language->language == 'zh-hans') { return 'zh_CN'; } if ($language->language == 'zh-hant') { return 'zh_TW'; } if (preg_match('/^.._..$/', $language->language)) { return $language->language; } return CRM_Core_I18n_PseudoConstant::longForShort(substr($language->language, 0, 2)); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function setUFLocale($civicrm_language) { global $language; $langcode = substr($civicrm_language, 0, 2); $languages = language_list(); if (isset($languages[$langcode])) { $language = $languages[$langcode]; // Config must be re-initialized to reset the base URL // otherwise links will have the wrong language prefix/domain. $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton(); $config->free(); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /** * Perform any post login activities required by the UF - * e.g. for drupal: records a watchdog message about the new session, saves the login timestamp, * calls hook_user op 'login' and generates a new session. * * @param array $params * * FIXME: Document values accepted/required by $params */ public function userLoginFinalize($params = array()) { user_login_finalize($params); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function getLoginDestination(&$form) { $args = NULL; $id = $form->get('id'); if ($id) { $args .= "&id=$id"; } else { $gid = $form->get('gid'); if ($gid) { $args .= "&gid=$gid"; } else { // Setup Personal Campaign Page link uses pageId $pageId = $form->get('pageId'); if ($pageId) { $component = $form->get('component'); $args .= "&pageId=$pageId&component=$component&action=add"; } } } $destination = NULL; if ($args) { // append destination so user is returned to form they came from after login $destination = CRM_Utils_System::currentPath() . '?reset=1' . $args; } return $destination; } /** * Fixme: Why are we overriding the parent function? Seems inconsistent. * This version supplies slightly different params to $this->url (not absolute and html encoded) but why? */ public function postURL($action) { if (!empty($action)) { return $action; } return $this->url($_GET['q']); } /** * Get an array of user details for a contact, containing at minimum the user ID & name. * * @param int $contactID * * @return array * CMS user details including * - id * - name (ie the system user name. */ public function getUser($contactID) { $userDetails = parent::getUser($contactID); $user = $this->getUserObject($userDetails['id']); $userDetails['name'] = $user->name; $userDetails['email'] = $user->mail; return $userDetails; } /** * Load the user object. * * Note this function still works in drupal 6, 7 & 8 but is deprecated in Drupal 8. * * @param $userID * * @return object */ public function getUserObject($userID) { return user_load($userID); } public function parseDrupalSiteName($civicrm_root) { $siteName = NULL; if (strpos($civicrm_root, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'sites' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'all' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'modules' ) === FALSE ) { $startPos = strpos($civicrm_root, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'sites' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ); $endPos = strpos($civicrm_root, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'modules' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ); if ($startPos && $endPos) { // if component is in sites/SITENAME/modules $siteName = substr($civicrm_root, $startPos + 7, $endPos - $startPos - 7 ); } } return $siteName; } }