escape SQL * prefix '#' => literal number, skip escaping but do validation * prefix '!' => literal, skip escaping and validation * if a value is an array, then it will be imploded * * PHP NULL's will be treated as SQL NULL's. The PHP string "null" will be treated as a string. * * @return string */ public static function interpolate($expr, $args) { if (!isset(Civi::$statics[__CLASS__][__FUNCTION__])) { Civi::$statics[__CLASS__][__FUNCTION__] = new class extends CRM_Utils_SQL_BaseParamQuery { public function __construct() { $this->mode = CRM_Utils_SQL_BaseParamQuery::INTERPOLATE_INPUT; $this->strict(); } }; } /** @var \CRM_Utils_SQL_BaseParamQuery $qb */ $qb = Civi::$statics[__CLASS__][__FUNCTION__]; return $qb->strict()->interpolate($expr, $args); } /** * Helper function for adding the permissioned subquery from one entity onto another * * @param string $entity * @param string $joinColumn * @return array */ public static function mergeSubquery($entity, $joinColumn = 'id') { require_once 'api/v3/utils.php'; $baoName = _civicrm_api3_get_BAO($entity); $bao = new $baoName(); $clauses = $subclauses = []; foreach ((array) $bao->addSelectWhereClause() as $field => $vals) { if ($vals && $field == $joinColumn) { $clauses = array_merge($clauses, (array) $vals); } elseif ($vals) { $subclauses[] = "$field " . implode(" AND $field ", (array) $vals); } } if ($subclauses) { $clauses[] = "IN (SELECT `$joinColumn` FROM `" . $bao->tableName() . "` WHERE " . implode(' AND ', $subclauses) . ")"; } return $clauses; } /** * Get current sqlModes of the session * @return array */ public static function getSqlModes() { $sqlModes = explode(',', CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery('SELECT @@sql_mode')); return $sqlModes; } /** * Checks if this system enforce the MYSQL mode ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY. * This function should be named supportsAnyValueAndEnforcesFullGroupBY(), * but should be deprecated instead. * * @return mixed * @deprecated */ public static function supportsFullGroupBy() { // CRM-21455 MariaDB 10.2 does not support ANY_VALUE $version = self::getDatabaseVersion(); if (stripos($version, 'mariadb') !== FALSE) { return FALSE; } return version_compare($version, '5.7', '>='); } /** * Disable ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY for MySQL versions lower then 5.7 * * @return bool */ public static function disableFullGroupByMode() { $sqlModes = self::getSqlModes(); // Disable only_full_group_by mode for lower sql versions. if (!self::supportsFullGroupBy() || (!empty($sqlModes) && !in_array('ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY', $sqlModes))) { if ($key = array_search('ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY', $sqlModes)) { unset($sqlModes[$key]); CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery("SET SESSION sql_mode = '" . implode(',', $sqlModes) . "'"); } return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /** * CHeck if ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY is in the global sql_modes * @return bool */ public static function isGroupByModeInDefault() { $sqlModes = explode(',', CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery('SELECT @@global.sql_mode')); if (!in_array('ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY', $sqlModes)) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /** * Does the DB version support mutliple locks per * * * * This is a conservative measure to introduce the change which we expect to deprecate later. * * @todo we only check mariadb & mysql right now but maybe can add percona. */ public static function supportsMultipleLocks() { static $isSupportLocks = NULL; if (!isset($isSupportLocks)) { $version = self::getDatabaseVersion(); if (stripos($version, 'mariadb') !== FALSE) { $isSupportLocks = version_compare($version, '10.0.2', '>='); } else { $isSupportLocks = version_compare($version, '5.7.5', '>='); } } return $isSupportLocks; } /** * Get the version string for the database. * * @return string */ public static function getDatabaseVersion() { return CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery('SELECT VERSION()'); } /** * Does the DSN indicate the connection should use ssl. * * @param string $dsn * * @return bool */ public static function isSSLDSN(string $dsn):bool { // Note that ssl= below is not an official PEAR::DB option. It doesn't know // what to do with it. We made it up because it's not required // to have client-side certificates to use ssl, so here you can specify // you want that by putting ssl=1 in the DSN string. // // Cast to bool in case of error which we interpret as no ssl. return (bool) preg_match('/[\?&](key|cert|ca|capath|cipher|ssl)=/', $dsn); } /** * If DB_DSN_MODE is auto then we should replace mysql with mysqli if mysqli is available or the other way around as appropriate * @param string $dsn * * @return string */ public static function autoSwitchDSN($dsn) { if (defined('DB_DSN_MODE') && DB_DSN_MODE === 'auto') { if (extension_loaded('mysqli')) { $dsn = preg_replace('/^mysql:/', 'mysqli:', $dsn); } else { $dsn = preg_replace('/^mysqli:/', 'mysql:', $dsn); } } return $dsn; } /** * Filter out Emojis in where clause if the database (determined by checking the create table for civicrm_contact) * cannot support emojis * @param mixed $criteria - filter criteria to check * * @return bool|string */ public static function handleEmojiInQuery($criteria) { if (!CRM_Core_BAO_SchemaHandler::databaseSupportsUTF8MB4()) { foreach ((array) $criteria as $criterion) { if (!empty($criterion) && !is_numeric($criterion) // The first 2 criteria are redundant but are added as they // seem like they would // be quicker than this 3rd check. && max(array_map('ord', str_split($criterion))) >= 240) { // String contains unsupported emojis. // We return a clause that resolves to false as an emoji string by definition cannot be saved. // note that if we return just 0 for false if gets lost in empty checks. // return '0 = 1'; } } return TRUE; } } }