join('absence', 'inner join civicrm_activity absence on = act.source_record_id') * ->where('activity_type_id = #type', array('#type' => 234)) * ->where('status_id IN (#statuses)', array('#statuses' => array(1,2,3)) * ->where('subject like @subj', array('@subj' => '%hello%')) * ->where('!dynamicColumn = 1', array('!dynamicColumn' => 'coalesce(is_active,0)')) * ->where('!column = @value', array( * '!column' => $customField->column_name, * '@value' => $form['foo'] * )) * echo $select->toSQL(); * * Design principles: * - Portable * - No knowledge of the underlying SQL API (except for escaping -- CRM_Core_DAO::escapeString) * - No knowledge of the underlying data model * - Single file * - SQL clauses correspond to PHP functions ($select->where("foo_id=123")) * - Variable escaping is concise and controllable based on prefixes, eg * - similar to Drupal's t() * - use "@varname" to insert the escaped value * - use "!varname" to insert raw (unescaped) values * - use "#varname" to insert a numerical value (these are validated but not escaped) * - to disable any preprocessing, simply omit the variable list * - Variables may be individual values or arrays; arrays are imploded with commas * - Conditionals are AND'd; if you need OR's, do it yourself * - Use classes/functions with documentation (rather than undocumented array-trees) */ class CRM_Utils_SQL_Select { private $selects = array(); private $from; private $joins = array(); private $wheres = array(); private $groupBys = array(); private $havings = array(); private $orderBys = array(); private $limit = NULL; private $offset = NULL; /** * Create a new SELECT query * * @param string $from table-name and optional alias * @return CRM_Utils_SQL_Select */ public static function from($from) { return new self($from); } /** * Create a new SELECT query * * @param string $from table-name and optional alias */ public function __construct($from) { $this->from = $from; } /** * Add a new JOIN clause * * @param string $name the effective alias of the joined table * @param string $expr the complete join expression (eg "INNER JOIN mytable myalias ON = maintable.foo_id") * @param array|null $args * @return CRM_Utils_SQL_Select */ public function join($name, $expr, $args = NULL) { $this->joins[$name] = $this->interpolate($expr, $args); return $this; } /** * Specify the column(s)/value(s) to return by adding to the SELECT clause * * @param string|array $exprs list of SQL expressions * @param null|array $args use NULL to disable interpolation; use an array of variables to enable * @return CRM_Utils_SQL_Select */ public function select($exprs, $args = NULL) { $exprs = (array) $exprs; foreach ($exprs as $expr) { $this->selects[$expr] = $this->interpolate($expr, $args); } return $this; } /** * Limit results by adding extra condition(s) to the WHERE clause * * @param string|array $exprs list of SQL expressions * @param null|array $args use NULL to disable interpolation; use an array of variables to enable * @return CRM_Utils_SQL_Select */ public function where($exprs, $args = NULL) { $exprs = (array) $exprs; foreach ($exprs as $expr) { $this->wheres[$expr] = $this->interpolate($expr, $args); } return $this; } /** * Group results by adding extra items to the GROUP BY clause * * @param string|array $exprs list of SQL expressions * @param null|array $args use NULL to disable interpolation; use an array of variables to enable * @return CRM_Utils_SQL_Select */ public function groupBy($exprs, $args = NULL) { $exprs = (array) $exprs; foreach ($exprs as $expr) { $this->groupBys[$expr] = $this->interpolate($expr, $args); } return $this; } /** * Limit results by adding extra condition(s) to the HAVING clause * * @param string|array $exprs list of SQL expressions * @param null|array $args use NULL to disable interpolation; use an array of variables to enable * @return CRM_Utils_SQL_Select */ public function having($exprs, $args = NULL) { $exprs = (array) $exprs; foreach ($exprs as $expr) { $this->havings[$expr] = $this->interpolate($expr, $args); } return $this; } /** * Sort results by adding extra items to the ORDER BY clause * * @param string|array $exprs list of SQL expressions * @param null|array $args use NULL to disable interpolation; use an array of variables to enable * @return CRM_Utils_SQL_Select */ public function orderBy($exprs, $args = NULL) { $exprs = (array) $exprs; foreach ($exprs as $expr) { $this->orderBys[$expr] = $this->interpolate($expr, $args); } return $this; } /** * Set a limit on the number of records to return * * @param int $limit * @param int $offset * @return CRM_Utils_SQL_Select * @throws CRM_Core_Exception */ public function limit($limit, $offset = 0) { if ($limit !== NULL && !is_numeric($limit)) { throw new CRM_Core_Exception("Illegal limit"); } if ($offset !== NULL && !is_numeric($offset)) { throw new CRM_Core_Exception("Illegal offset"); } $this->limit = $limit; $this->offset = $offset; return $this; } /** * Given a string like "field_name = @value", replace "@value" with an escaped SQL string * * @param string SQL expression * @param null|array $args a list of values to insert into the SQL expression; keys are prefix-coded: * prefix '@' => escape SQL * prefix '#' => literal number, skip escaping but do validation * prefix '!' => literal, skip escaping and validation * if a value is an array, then it will be imploded * * PHP NULL's will be treated as SQL NULL's. The PHP string "null" will be treated as a string. * * @return string SQL expression */ public function interpolate($expr, $args) { if ($args === NULL) { return $expr; } else { foreach (array_keys($args) as $key) { $values = is_array($args[$key]) ? $args[$key] : array($args[$key]); if ($key{0} == '@') { $parts = array_map(array($this, 'escapeString'), $values); $args[$key] = implode(', ', $parts); } elseif ($key{0} == '!') { $args[$key] = implode(', ', $values); } elseif ($key{0} == '#') { foreach ($values as $valueKey => $value) { if ($value === NULL) { $values[$valueKey] = 'NULL'; } elseif (!is_numeric($value)) { //throw new API_Exception("Failed encoding non-numeric value" . var_export(array($key => $args[$key]), TRUE)); throw new CRM_Core_Exception("Failed encoding non-numeric value"); } } $args[$key] = implode(', ', $values); } else { throw new CRM_Core_Exception("Bad SQL parameter key: $key"); } } return strtr($expr, $args); } } /** * @param string|NULL $value * @return string SQL expression, e.g. "it\'s great" (with-quotes) or NULL (without-quotes) */ protected function escapeString($value) { return $value === NULL ? 'NULL' : '"' . CRM_Core_DAO::escapeString($value) . '"'; } /** * @return string SQL statement */ public function toSQL() { if ($this->selects) { $sql = 'SELECT ' . implode(', ', $this->selects) . "\n"; } else { $sql = 'SELECT *' . "\n"; } $sql .= 'FROM ' . $this->from . "\n"; foreach ($this->joins as $join) { $sql .= $join . "\n"; } if ($this->wheres) { $sql .= 'WHERE (' . implode(') AND (', $this->wheres) . ")\n"; } if ($this->groupBys) { $sql .= 'GROUP BY ' . implode(', ', $this->groupBys) . "\n"; } if ($this->havings) { $sql .= 'HAVING (' . implode(') AND (', $this->havings) . ")\n"; } if ($this->orderBys) { $sql .= 'ORDER BY ' . implode(', ', $this->orderBys) . "\n"; } if ($this->limit !== NULL) { $sql .= 'LIMIT ' . $this->limit . "\n"; if ($this->offset !== NULL) { $sql .= 'OFFSET ' . $this->offset . "\n"; } } return $sql; } }