$yVal) { $yValues[] = (double)$yVal; // we has to have x values as string. $xValues[] = (string)$xVal; } $chartTitle = CRM_Utils_Array::value('legend', $params) ? $params['legend'] : ts('Bar Chart'); //set y axis parameters. $yMin = 0; // calculate max scale for graph. $yMax = ceil(max($yValues)); if ($mod = $yMax % (str_pad(5, strlen($yMax) - 1, 0))) { $yMax += str_pad(5, strlen($yMax) - 1, 0) - $mod; } $ySteps = $yMax / 5; // $bar = new bar( ); // glass seem to be more cool $bar = new bar_glass(); //set values. $bar->set_values($yValues); // call user define function to handle on click event. if ($onClickFunName = CRM_Utils_Array::value('on_click_fun_name', $params)) { $bar->set_on_click($onClickFunName); } // get the currency. $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton(); $symbol = $config->defaultCurrencySymbol; // set the tooltip. $tooltip = CRM_Utils_Array::value('tip', $params, "$symbol #val#"); $bar->set_tooltip($tooltip); // create x axis label obj. $xLabels = new x_axis_labels(); $xLabels->set_labels($xValues); // set angle for labels. if ($xLabelAngle = CRM_Utils_Array::value('xLabelAngle', $params)) { $xLabels->rotate($xLabelAngle); } // create x axis obj. $xAxis = new x_axis(); $xAxis->set_labels($xLabels); //create y axis and set range. $yAxis = new y_axis(); $yAxis->set_range($yMin, $yMax, $ySteps); // create chart title obj. $title = new title($chartTitle); // create chart. $chart = new open_flash_chart(); // add x axis w/ labels to chart. $chart->set_x_axis($xAxis); // add y axis values to chart. $chart->add_y_axis($yAxis); // set title to chart. $chart->set_title($title); // add bar element to chart. $chart->add_element($bar); // add x axis legend. if ($xName = CRM_Utils_Array::value('xname', $params)) { $xLegend = new x_legend($xName); $xLegend->set_style("{font-size: 13px; color:#000000; font-family: Verdana; text-align: center;}"); $chart->set_x_legend($xLegend); } // add y axis legend. if ($yName = CRM_Utils_Array::value('yname', $params)) { $yLegend = new y_legend($yName); $yLegend->set_style("{font-size: 13px; color:#000000; font-family: Verdana; text-align: center;}"); $chart->set_y_legend($yLegend); } return $chart; } /** * Build The Pie Gharph. * * @param array $params assoc array of name/value pairs * * @return object $chart object of open flash chart. * @static */ static function &pieChart(&$params) { $chart = NULL; if (empty($params)) { return $chart; } $allValues = CRM_Utils_Array::value('values', $params); if (!is_array($allValues) || empty($allValues)) { return $chart; } // get the required data. $values = array(); foreach ($allValues as $label => $value) { $values[] = new pie_value((double)$value, $label); } $graphTitle = CRM_Utils_Array::value('legend', $params) ? $params['legend'] : ts('Pie Chart'); //get the currency. $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton(); $symbol = $config->defaultCurrencySymbol; $pie = new pie(); $pie->radius(100); // call user define function to handle on click event. if ($onClickFunName = CRM_Utils_Array::value('on_click_fun_name', $params)) { $pie->on_click($onClickFunName); } $pie->set_start_angle(35); $pie->add_animation(new pie_fade()); $pie->add_animation(new pie_bounce(2)); // set the tooltip. $tooltip = CRM_Utils_Array::value('tip', $params, "Amount is $symbol #val# of $symbol #total#
#percent#"); $pie->set_tooltip($tooltip); // set colours. $pie->set_colours(self::$_colours); $pie->set_values($values); //create chart. $chart = new open_flash_chart(); // create chart title obj. $title = new title($graphTitle); $chart->set_title($title); $chart->add_element($pie); $chart->x_axis = NULL; return $chart; } /** * Build The 3-D Bar Gharph. * * @param array $params assoc array of name/value pairs * * @return object $chart object of open flash chart. * @static */ static function &bar_3dChart(&$params) { $chart = NULL; if (empty($params)) { return $chart; } // $params['values'] should contains the values for each // criteria defined in $params['criteria'] $values = CRM_Utils_Array::value('values', $params); $criterias = CRM_Utils_Array::value('criteria', $params); if (!is_array($values) || empty($values) || !is_array($criterias) || empty($criterias)) { return $chart; } // get the required data. $xReferences = $xValueLabels = $xValues = $yValues = array(); foreach ($values as $xVal => $yVal) { if (!is_array($yVal) || empty($yVal)) { continue; } $xValueLabels[] = (string)$xVal; foreach ($criterias as $criteria) { $xReferences[$criteria][$xVal] = (double)CRM_Utils_Array::value($criteria, $yVal, 0); $yValues[] = (double)CRM_Utils_Array::value($criteria, $yVal, 0); } } if (empty($xReferences)) { return $chart; } // get the currency. $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton(); $symbol = $config->defaultCurrencySymbol; // set the tooltip. $tooltip = CRM_Utils_Array::value('tip', $params, "$symbol #val#"); $count = 0; foreach ($xReferences as $criteria => $values) { $toolTipVal = $tooltip; // for seperate tooltip for each criteria if (is_array($tooltip)) { $toolTipVal = CRM_Utils_Array::value($criteria, $tooltip, "$symbol #val#"); } // create bar_3d object $xValues[$count] = new bar_3d(); // set colour pattel $xValues[$count]->set_colour(self::$_colours[$count]); // define colur pattel with bar criterias $xValues[$count]->key((string)$criteria, 12); // define bar chart values $xValues[$count]->set_values(array_values($values)); // set tooltip $xValues[$count]->set_tooltip($toolTipVal); $count++; } $chartTitle = CRM_Utils_Array::value('legend', $params) ? $params['legend'] : ts('Bar Chart'); //set y axis parameters. $yMin = 0; // calculate max scale for graph. $yMax = ceil(max($yValues)); if ($mod = $yMax % (str_pad(5, strlen($yMax) - 1, 0))) { $yMax += str_pad(5, strlen($yMax) - 1, 0) - $mod; } // if max value of y-axis <= 0, then set default values if ($yMax <= 0) { $ySteps = 1; $yMax = 5; } else { $ySteps = $yMax / 5; } // create x axis label obj. $xLabels = new x_axis_labels(); $xLabels->set_labels($xValueLabels); // set angle for labels. if ($xLabelAngle = CRM_Utils_Array::value('xLabelAngle', $params)) { $xLabels->rotate($xLabelAngle); } // create x axis obj. $xAxis = new x_axis(); $xAxis->set_labels($xLabels); //create y axis and set range. $yAxis = new y_axis(); $yAxis->set_range($yMin, $yMax, $ySteps); // create chart title obj. $title = new title($chartTitle); // create chart. $chart = new open_flash_chart(); // add x axis w/ labels to chart. $chart->set_x_axis($xAxis); // add y axis values to chart. $chart->add_y_axis($yAxis); // set title to chart. $chart->set_title($title); foreach ($xValues as $bar) { // add bar element to chart. $chart->add_element($bar); } // add x axis legend. if ($xName = CRM_Utils_Array::value('xname', $params)) { $xLegend = new x_legend($xName); $xLegend->set_style("{font-size: 13px; color:#000000; font-family: Verdana; text-align: center;}"); $chart->set_x_legend($xLegend); } // add y axis legend. if ($yName = CRM_Utils_Array::value('yname', $params)) { $yLegend = new y_legend($yName); $yLegend->set_style("{font-size: 13px; color:#000000; font-family: Verdana; text-align: center;}"); $chart->set_y_legend($yLegend); } return $chart; } static function chart($rows, $chart, $interval) { $chartData = array(); switch ($interval) { case 'Month': foreach ($rows['receive_date'] as $key => $val) { list($year, $month) = explode('-', $val); $graph[substr($rows['Month'][$key], 0, 3) . ' ' . $year] = $rows['value'][$key]; } $chartData = array( 'values' => $graph, 'legend' => ts('Monthly Contribution Summary'), ); break; case 'Quarter': foreach ($rows['receive_date'] as $key => $val) { list($year, $month) = explode('-', $val); $graph['Quarter ' . $rows['Quarter'][$key] . ' of ' . $year] = $rows['value'][$key]; } $chartData = array( 'values' => $graph, 'legend' => ts('Quarterly Contribution Summary'), ); break; case 'Week': foreach ($rows['receive_date'] as $key => $val) { list($year, $month) = explode('-', $val); $graph['Week ' . $rows['Week'][$key] . ' of ' . $year] = $rows['value'][$key]; } $chartData = array( 'values' => $graph, 'legend' => ts('Weekly Contribution Summary'), ); break; case 'Year': foreach ($rows['receive_date'] as $key => $val) { list($year, $month) = explode('-', $val); $graph[$year] = $rows['value'][$key]; } $chartData = array( 'values' => $graph, 'legend' => ts('Yearly Contribution Summary'), ); break; } // rotate the x labels. $chartData['xLabelAngle'] = CRM_Utils_Array::value('xLabelAngle', $rows, 20); if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('tip', $rows)) { $chartData['tip'] = $rows['tip']; } //legend $chartData['xname'] = CRM_Utils_Array::value('xname', $rows); $chartData['yname'] = CRM_Utils_Array::value('yname', $rows); // carry some chart params if pass. foreach (array( 'xSize', 'ySize', 'divName') as $f) { if (CRM_Utils_Array::value($f, $rows)) { $chartData[$f] = $rows[$f]; } } return self::buildChart($chartData, $chart); } static function reportChart($rows, $chart, $interval, &$chartInfo) { foreach ($interval as $key => $val) { $graph[$val] = $rows['value'][$key]; } $chartData = array( 'values' => $graph, 'legend' => $chartInfo['legend'], 'xname' => $chartInfo['xname'], 'yname' => $chartInfo['yname'], ); // rotate the x labels. $chartData['xLabelAngle'] = CRM_Utils_Array::value('xLabelAngle', $chartInfo, 20); if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('tip', $chartInfo)) { $chartData['tip'] = $chartInfo['tip']; } // carry some chart params if pass. foreach (array( 'xSize', 'ySize', 'divName') as $f) { if (CRM_Utils_Array::value($f, $rows)) { $chartData[$f] = $rows[$f]; } } return self::buildChart($chartData, $chart); } static function buildChart(&$params, $chart) { $openFlashChart = array(); if ($chart && is_array($params) && !empty($params)) { // build the chart objects. $chartObj = CRM_Utils_OpenFlashChart::$chart($params); $openFlashChart = array(); if ($chartObj) { // calculate chart size. $xSize = CRM_Utils_Array::value('xSize', $params, 400); $ySize = CRM_Utils_Array::value('ySize', $params, 300); if ($chart == 'barChart') { $ySize = CRM_Utils_Array::value('ySize', $params, 250); $xSize = 60 * count($params['values']); //hack to show tooltip. if ($xSize < 200) { $xSize = (count($params['values']) > 1) ? 100 * count($params['values']) : 170; } elseif ($xSize > 600 && count($params['values']) > 1) { $xSize = (count($params['values']) + 400 / count($params['values'])) * count($params['values']); } } // generate unique id for this chart instance $uniqueId = md5(uniqid(rand(), TRUE)); $openFlashChart["chart_{$uniqueId}"]['size'] = array('xSize' => $xSize, 'ySize' => $ySize); $openFlashChart["chart_{$uniqueId}"]['object'] = $chartObj; // assign chart data to template $template = CRM_Core_Smarty::singleton(); $template->assign('uniqueId', $uniqueId); $template->assign("openFlashChartData", json_encode($openFlashChart)); } } return $openFlashChart; } }