0; $i--) { if (preg_match($closing, $scripts[$i - 1]) && preg_match($opening, $scripts[$i])) { $scripts[$i - 1] = preg_replace($closing, '', $scripts[$i - 1]); $scripts[$i] = preg_replace($opening, '', $scripts[$i]); } } return $scripts; } /** * This is a primitive comment stripper. It doesn't catch all comments * and falls short of minification, but it doesn't munge Angular injections * and is fast enough to run synchronously (without caching). * * At time of writing, running this against the Angular modules, this impl * of stripComments currently adds 10-20ms and cuts ~7%. * * Please be extremely cautious about extending this. If you want better * minification, you should probably remove this implementation, * import a proper JSMin implementation, and cache its output. * * @param string $script * @return string */ public static function stripComments($script) { return preg_replace("#^\\s*//[^\n]*$(?:\r\n|\n)?#m", "", $script); } /** * Decodes a js variable (not necessarily strict json but valid js) into a php variable. * * This is similar to using json_decode($js, TRUE) but more forgiving about syntax. * * ex. {a: 'Apple', 'b': "Banana", c: [1, 2, 3]} * Returns: [ * 'a' => 'Apple', * 'b' => 'Banana', * 'c' => [1, 2, 3], * ] * * @param string $js * @param bool $throwException * @return mixed * @throws CRM_Core_Exception */ public static function decode($js, $throwException = FALSE) { $js = trim($js); $first = substr($js, 0, 1); $last = substr($js, -1); if ($first === "'" && $last === "'") { $js = self::convertSingleQuoteString($js, $throwException); } elseif (($first === '{' && $last === '}') || ($first === '[' && $last === ']')) { $obj = self::getRawProps($js); foreach ($obj as $idx => $item) { $obj[$idx] = self::decode($item, $throwException); } return $obj; } $result = json_decode($js); if ($throwException && $result === NULL && $js !== 'null') { throw new CRM_Core_Exception(json_last_error_msg()); } return $result; } /** * @param string $str * @param bool $throwException * @return string|null * @throws CRM_Core_Exception */ public static function convertSingleQuoteString(string $str, $throwException) { // json_decode can only handle double quotes around strings, so convert single-quoted strings $backslash = chr(0) . 'backslash' . chr(0); $str = str_replace(['\\\\', '\\"', '"', '\\&', '\\/', $backslash], [$backslash, '"', '\\"', '&', '/', '\\'], substr($str, 1, -1)); // Ensure the string doesn't terminate early by checking that all single quotes are escaped $pos = -1; while (($pos = strpos($str, "'", $pos + 1)) !== FALSE) { if (($pos - strlen(rtrim(substr($str, 0, $pos)))) % 2) { if ($throwException) { throw new CRM_Core_Exception('Invalid string passed to CRM_Utils_JS::decode'); } return NULL; } } return '"' . $str . '"'; } /** * Encodes a variable to js notation (not strict json) suitable for e.g. an angular attribute. * * Like json_encode() but the output looks more like native javascript, * with single quotes around strings and no unnecessary quotes around object keys. * * Ex input: [ * 'a' => 'Apple', * 'b' => 'Banana', * 'c' => [1, 2, 3], * ] * Ex output: {a: 'Apple', b: 'Banana', c: [1, 2, 3]} * * @param mixed $value * @return string */ public static function encode($value) { if (is_array($value)) { return self::writeObject($value, TRUE); } $result = json_encode($value, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES); // Convert double-quotes around string to single quotes if (is_string($value) && substr($result, 0, 1) === '"' && substr($result, -1) === '"') { $backslash = chr(0) . 'backslash' . chr(0); return "'" . str_replace(['\\\\', '\\"', "'", $backslash], [$backslash, '"', "\\'", '\\\\'], substr($result, 1, -1)) . "'"; } return $result; } /** * Gets the properties of a javascript object/array WITHOUT decoding them. * * Useful when the object might contain js functions, expressions, etc. which cannot be decoded. * Returns an array with keys as property names and values as raw strings of js. * * Ex Input: {foo: getFoo(arg), 'bar': function() {return "bar";}} * Returns: [ * 'foo' => 'getFoo(arg)', * 'bar' => 'function() {return "bar";}', * ] * * @param $js * @return array * @throws Exception */ public static function getRawProps($js) { $js = trim($js); if (!is_string($js) || $js === '' || !($js[0] === '{' || $js[0] === '[')) { throw new Exception("Invalid js object string passed to CRM_Utils_JS::getRawProps"); } $chars = str_split(substr($js, 1)); $isEscaped = $quote = NULL; $type = $js[0] === '{' ? 'object' : 'array'; $key = $type == 'array' ? 0 : NULL; $item = ''; $end = strlen($js) - 2; $quotes = ['"', "'", '/']; $brackets = [ '}' => '{', ')' => '(', ']' => '[', ':' => '?', ]; $enclosures = array_fill_keys($brackets, 0); $result = []; foreach ($chars as $index => $char) { if (!$isEscaped && in_array($char, $quotes, TRUE)) { // Open quotes, taking care not to mistake the division symbol for opening a regex if (!$quote && !($char == '/' && preg_match('{[\w)]\s*$}', $item))) { $quote = $char; } // Close quotes elseif ($char === $quote) { $quote = NULL; } } if (!$quote) { // Delineates property key if ($char == ':' && !array_filter($enclosures) && !$key) { $key = $item; $item = ''; continue; } // Delineates property value if (($char == ',' || $index == $end) && !array_filter($enclosures) && isset($key) && trim($item) !== '') { // Trim, unquote, and unescape characters in key if ($type == 'object') { $key = trim($key); $key = in_array($key[0], $quotes) ? self::decode($key) : $key; } $result[$key] = trim($item); $key = $type == 'array' ? $key + 1 : NULL; $item = ''; continue; } // Open brackets - we'll ignore delineators inside if (isset($enclosures[$char])) { $enclosures[$char]++; } // Close brackets if (isset($brackets[$char]) && $enclosures[$brackets[$char]]) { $enclosures[$brackets[$char]]--; } } $item .= $char; // We are escaping the next char if this is a backslash not preceded by an odd number of backslashes $isEscaped = $char === '\\' && ((strlen($item) - strlen(rtrim($item, '\\'))) % 2); } return $result; } /** * Converts a php array to javascript object/array notation (not strict JSON). * * Does not encode keys unless they contain special characters. * Does not encode values by default, so either specify $encodeValues = TRUE, * or pass strings of valid js/json as values (per output from getRawProps). * @see CRM_Utils_JS::getRawProps * * @param array $obj * @param bool $encodeValues * @return string */ public static function writeObject($obj, $encodeValues = FALSE) { $js = []; $brackets = isset($obj[0]) && array_keys($obj) === range(0, count($obj) - 1) ? ['[', ']'] : ['{', '}']; foreach ($obj as $key => $val) { if ($encodeValues) { $val = self::encode($val); } if ($brackets[0] == '{') { // Enclose the key in quotes unless it is purely alphanumeric if (preg_match('/\W/', $key)) { // Prefer single quotes $key = preg_match('/^[\w "]+$/', $key) ? "'" . $key . "'" : json_encode($key, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES); } $js[] = "$key: $val"; } else { $js[] = $val; } } return $brackets[0] . implode(', ', $js) . $brackets[1]; } }