userHookClass */ public static function singleton($fresh = FALSE) { if (self::$_singleton == NULL || $fresh) { $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton(); $class = $config->userHookClass; require_once (str_replace('_', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $config->userHookClass) . '.php'); self::$_singleton = new $class(); } return self::$_singleton; } /** *Invoke hooks * * @param int $numParams Number of parameters to pass to the hook * @param mixed $arg1 parameter to be passed to the hook * @param mixed $arg2 parameter to be passed to the hook * @param mixed $arg3 parameter to be passed to the hook * @param mixed $arg4 parameter to be passed to the hook * @param mixed $arg5 parameter to be passed to the hook * @param mixed $arg6 parameter to be passed to the hook * @param string $fnSuffix function suffix, this is effectively the hook name * * @return mixed */ abstract function invoke($numParams, &$arg1, &$arg2, &$arg3, &$arg4, &$arg5, &$arg6, $fnSuffix ); /** * @param array $numParams * @param $arg1 * @param $arg2 * @param $arg3 * @param $arg4 * @param $arg5 * @param $arg6 * @param $fnSuffix * @param $fnPrefix * * @return array|bool */ function commonInvoke($numParams, &$arg1, &$arg2, &$arg3, &$arg4, &$arg5, &$arg6, $fnSuffix, $fnPrefix ) { $this->commonBuildModuleList($fnPrefix); return $this->runHooks($this->commonCiviModules, $fnSuffix, $numParams, $arg1, $arg2, $arg3, $arg4, $arg5, $arg6 ); } /** * Build the list of modules to be processed for hooks. * * @param string $fnPrefix */ public function commonBuildModuleList($fnPrefix) { if (!$this->commonIncluded) { // include external file $this->commonIncluded = TRUE; $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton(); if (!empty($config->customPHPPathDir) && file_exists("{$config->customPHPPathDir}/civicrmHooks.php") ) { @include_once ("civicrmHooks.php"); } if (!empty($fnPrefix)) { $this->commonCiviModules[$fnPrefix] = $fnPrefix; } $this->requireCiviModules($this->commonCiviModules); } } /** * @param $civiModules * @param $fnSuffix * @param array $numParams * @param $arg1 * @param $arg2 * @param $arg3 * @param $arg4 * @param $arg5 * @param $arg6 * * @return array|bool */ function runHooks($civiModules, $fnSuffix, $numParams, &$arg1, &$arg2, &$arg3, &$arg4, &$arg5, &$arg6 ) { // $civiModules is *not* passed by reference because runHooks // must be reentrant. PHP is finicky about running // multiple loops over the same variable. The circumstances // to reproduce the issue are pretty intricate. $result = array(); if ($civiModules !== NULL) { foreach ($civiModules as $module) { $fnName = "{$module}_{$fnSuffix}"; if (function_exists($fnName)) { $fResult = array(); switch ($numParams) { case 0: $fResult = $fnName(); break; case 1: $fResult = $fnName($arg1); break; case 2: $fResult = $fnName($arg1, $arg2); break; case 3: $fResult = $fnName($arg1, $arg2, $arg3); break; case 4: $fResult = $fnName($arg1, $arg2, $arg3, $arg4); break; case 5: $fResult = $fnName($arg1, $arg2, $arg3, $arg4, $arg5); break; case 6: $fResult = $fnName($arg1, $arg2, $arg3, $arg4, $arg5, $arg6); break; default: CRM_Core_Error::fatal(ts('Invalid hook invocation')); break; } if (!empty($fResult) && is_array($fResult)) { $result = array_merge($result, $fResult); } } } } return empty($result) ? TRUE : $result; } /** * @param $moduleList */ public function requireCiviModules(&$moduleList) { $civiModules = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getModuleExtensions(); foreach ($civiModules as $civiModule) { if (!file_exists($civiModule['filePath'])) { CRM_Core_Session::setStatus( ts( 'Error loading module file (%1). Please restore the file or disable the module.', array(1 => $civiModule['filePath']) ), ts( 'Warning'), 'error'); continue; } include_once $civiModule['filePath']; $moduleList[$civiModule['prefix']] = $civiModule['prefix']; } } /** * This hook is called before a db write on some core objects. * This hook does not allow the abort of the operation * * @param string $op the type of operation being performed * @param string $objectName the name of the object * @param int $id the object id if available * @param array $params the parameters used for object creation / editing * * @return null the return value is ignored */ public static function pre($op, $objectName, $id, &$params) { $event = new \Civi\Core\Event\PreEvent($op, $objectName, $id, $params); \Civi\Core\Container::singleton()->get('dispatcher')->dispatch("hook_civicrm_pre", $event); \Civi\Core\Container::singleton()->get('dispatcher')->dispatch("hook_civicrm_pre::$objectName", $event); return self::singleton()->invoke(4, $op, $objectName, $id, $params, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_pre'); } /** * This hook is called after a db write on some core objects. * * @param string $op the type of operation being performed * @param string $objectName the name of the object * @param int $objectId the unique identifier for the object * @param object $objectRef the reference to the object if available * * @return mixed based on op. pre-hooks return a boolean or * an error message which aborts the operation */ public static function post($op, $objectName, $objectId, &$objectRef) { $event = new \Civi\Core\Event\PostEvent($op, $objectName, $objectId, $objectRef); \Civi\Core\Container::singleton()->get('dispatcher')->dispatch("hook_civicrm_post", $event); \Civi\Core\Container::singleton()->get('dispatcher')->dispatch("hook_civicrm_post::$objectName", $event); return self::singleton()->invoke(4, $op, $objectName, $objectId, $objectRef, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_post'); } /** * This hook retrieves links from other modules and injects it into * the view contact tabs * * @param string $op the type of operation being performed * @param string $objectName the name of the object * @param int $objectId the unique identifier for the object * @param array $links (optional) the links array (introduced in v3.2) * @param int $mask (optional) the bitmask to show/hide links * @param array $values (optional) the values to fill the links * * @return null the return value is ignored */ public static function links($op, $objectName, &$objectId, &$links, &$mask = NULL, &$values = array()) { return self::singleton()->invoke(6, $op, $objectName, $objectId, $links, $mask, $values, 'civicrm_links'); } /** * This hook is invoked during the CiviCRM form preProcess phase. * * @param string $formName the name of the form * @param CRM_Core_Form $form reference to the form object * * @return null the return value is ignored */ public static function preProcess($formName, &$form) { return self::singleton()->invoke(2, $formName, $form, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_preProcess'); } /** * This hook is invoked when building a CiviCRM form. This hook should also * be used to set the default values of a form element * * @param string $formName the name of the form * @param CRM_Core_Form $form reference to the form object * * @return null the return value is ignored */ public static function buildForm($formName, &$form) { return self::singleton()->invoke(2, $formName, $form, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_buildForm'); } /** * This hook is invoked when a CiviCRM form is submitted. If the module has injected * any form elements, this hook should save the values in the database * * @param string $formName the name of the form * @param CRM_Core_Form $form reference to the form object * * @return null the return value is ignored */ public static function postProcess($formName, &$form) { return self::singleton()->invoke(2, $formName, $form, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_postProcess'); } /** * This hook is invoked during all CiviCRM form validation. An array of errors * detected is returned. Else we assume validation succeeded. * * @param string $formName the name of the form * @param array &$fields the POST parameters as filtered by QF * @param array &$files the FILES parameters as sent in by POST * @param array &$form the form object * * @return mixed formRule hooks return a boolean or * an array of error messages which display a QF Error */ public static function validate($formName, &$fields, &$files, &$form) { return self::singleton()->invoke(4, $formName, $fields, $files, $form, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_validate'); } /** * This hook is invoked during all CiviCRM form validation. An array of errors * detected is returned. Else we assume validation succeeded. * * @param string $formName the name of the form * @param array &$fields the POST parameters as filtered by QF * @param array &$files the FILES parameters as sent in by POST * @param array &$form the form object * @param array &$errors the array of errors. * * @return mixed formRule hooks return a boolean or * an array of error messages which display a QF Error */ public static function validateForm($formName, &$fields, &$files, &$form, &$errors) { return self::singleton()->invoke(5, $formName, $fields, $files, $form, $errors, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_validateForm'); } /** * This hook is called before a db write on a custom table * * @param string $op the type of operation being performed * @param string $groupID the custom group ID * @param object $entityID the entityID of the row in the custom table * @param array $params the parameters that were sent into the calling function * * @return null the return value is ignored */ public static function custom($op, $groupID, $entityID, &$params) { return self::singleton()->invoke(4, $op, $groupID, $entityID, $params, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_custom'); } /** * This hook is called when composing the ACL where clause to restrict * visibility of contacts to the logged in user * * @param int $type the type of permission needed * @param array $tables (reference ) add the tables that are needed for the select clause * @param array $whereTables (reference ) add the tables that are needed for the where clause * @param int $contactID the contactID for whom the check is made * @param string $where the currrent where clause * * @return null the return value is ignored */ public static function aclWhereClause($type, &$tables, &$whereTables, &$contactID, &$where) { return self::singleton()->invoke(5, $type, $tables, $whereTables, $contactID, $where, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_aclWhereClause'); } /** * This hook is called when composing the ACL where clause to restrict * visibility of contacts to the logged in user * * @param int $type the type of permission needed * @param int $contactID the contactID for whom the check is made * @param string $tableName the tableName which is being permissioned * @param array $allGroups the set of all the objects for the above table * @param array $currentGroups the set of objects that are currently permissioned for this contact * * @return null the return value is ignored */ public static function aclGroup($type, $contactID, $tableName, &$allGroups, &$currentGroups) { return self::singleton()->invoke(5, $type, $contactID, $tableName, $allGroups, $currentGroups, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_aclGroup'); } /** * This hook is called when building the menu table * * @param array $files The current set of files to process * * @return null the return value is ignored */ public static function xmlMenu(&$files) { return self::singleton()->invoke(1, $files, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_xmlMenu' ); } /** * This hook is called for declaring managed entities via API * * @param array $entities List of pending entities * * @return null the return value is ignored */ public static function managed(&$entities) { return self::singleton()->invoke(1, $entities, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_managed' ); } /** * This hook is called when rendering the dashboard (q=civicrm/dashboard) * * @param int $contactID - the contactID for whom the dashboard is being rendered * @param int $contentPlacement - (output parameter) where should the hook content be displayed * relative to the activity list * * @return string the html snippet to include in the dashboard */ public static function dashboard($contactID, &$contentPlacement = self::DASHBOARD_BELOW) { $retval = self::singleton()->invoke(2, $contactID, $contentPlacement, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_dashboard' ); /* * Note we need this seemingly unnecessary code because in the event that the implementation * of the hook declares the second parameter but doesn't set it, then it comes back unset even * though we have a default value in this function's declaration above. */ if (!isset($contentPlacement)) { $contentPlacement = self::DASHBOARD_BELOW; } return $retval; } /** * This hook is called before storing recently viewed items. * * @param array $recentArray - an array of recently viewed or processed items, for in place modification * * @return array */ public static function recent(&$recentArray) { return self::singleton()->invoke(1, $recentArray, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_recent' ); } /** * Determine how many other records refer to a given record * * @param CRM_Core_DAO $dao the item for which we want a reference count * @param array $refCounts each item in the array is an array with keys: * - name: string, eg "sql:civicrm_email:contact_id" * - type: string, eg "sql" * - count: int, eg "5" if there are 5 email addresses that refer to $dao * @return void */ public static function referenceCounts($dao, &$refCounts) { return self::singleton()->invoke(2, $dao, $refCounts, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_referenceCounts' ); } /** * This hook is called when building the amount structure for a Contribution or Event Page * * @param int $pageType - is this a contribution or event page * @param CRM_Core_Form $form - reference to the form object * @param array $amount - the amount structure to be displayed * * @return null */ public static function buildAmount($pageType, &$form, &$amount) { return self::singleton()->invoke(3, $pageType, $form, $amount, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_buildAmount'); } /** * This hook is called when building the state list for a particular country. * * @param array $countryID * The country id whose states are being selected. * @param $states * * @return null */ public static function buildStateProvinceForCountry($countryID, &$states) { return self::singleton()->invoke(2, $countryID, $states, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_buildStateProvinceForCountry' ); } /** * This hook is called when rendering the tabs for a contact (q=civicrm/contact/view)c * * @param array $tabs - the array of tabs that will be displayed * @param int $contactID - the contactID for whom the dashboard is being rendered * * @return null */ public static function tabs(&$tabs, $contactID) { return self::singleton()->invoke(2, $tabs, $contactID, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_tabs' ); } /** * This hook is called when rendering the tabs used for events and potentially * contribution pages, etc. * * @param string $tabsetName * Name of the screen or visual element. * @param array $tabs * Tabs that will be displayed. * @param array $context * Extra data about the screen or context in which the tab is used. * * @return null */ public static function tabset($tabsetName, &$tabs, $context) { return self::singleton()->invoke(3, $tabsetName, $tabs, $context, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_tabset' ); } /** * This hook is called when sending an email / printing labels * * @param array $tokens - the list of tokens that can be used for the contact * * @return null */ public static function tokens(&$tokens) { return self::singleton()->invoke(1, $tokens, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_tokens' ); } /** * This hook is called when sending an email / printing labels to get the values for all the * tokens returned by the 'tokens' hook * * @param array $details - the array to store the token values indexed by contactIDs (unless it a single) * @param array $contactIDs - an array of contactIDs * @param int $jobID - the jobID if this is associated with a CiviMail mailing * @param array $tokens - the list of tokens associated with the content * @param string $className - the top level className from where the hook is invoked * * @return null */ static function tokenValues(&$details, $contactIDs, $jobID = NULL, $tokens = array(), $className = NULL ) { return self::singleton()->invoke(5, $details, $contactIDs, $jobID, $tokens, $className, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_tokenValues'); } /** * This hook is called before a CiviCRM Page is rendered. You can use this hook to insert smarty variables * in a template * * @param object $page - the page that will be rendered * * @return null */ public static function pageRun(&$page) { return self::singleton()->invoke(1, $page, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_pageRun' ); } /** * This hook is called after a copy of an object has been made. The current objects are * Event, Contribution Page and UFGroup * * @param string $objectName - name of the object * @param object $object - reference to the copy * * @return null */ public static function copy($objectName, &$object) { return self::singleton()->invoke(2, $objectName, $object, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_copy' ); } /** * This hook is called when a contact unsubscribes from a mailing. It allows modules * to override what the contacts are removed from. * * @param string $op * Ignored for now * @param int $mailingId * The id of the mailing to unsub from * @param int $contactId * The id of the contact who is unsubscribing * @param array|int $groups * Groups the contact will be removed from. * @param array|int $baseGroups * Base groups (used in smart mailings) the contact will be removed from. * * * @return mixed */ public static function unsubscribeGroups($op, $mailingId, $contactId, &$groups, &$baseGroups) { return self::singleton()->invoke(5, $op, $mailingId, $contactId, $groups, $baseGroups, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_unsubscribeGroups'); } /** * This hook is called when CiviCRM needs to edit/display a custom field with options (select, radio, checkbox, * adv multiselect) * * @param int $customFieldID - the custom field ID * @param array $options - the current set of options for that custom field. * You can add/remove existing options. * Important: This array may contain meta-data about the field that is needed elsewhere, so it is important * to be careful to not overwrite the array. * Only add/edit/remove the specific field options you intend to affect. * @param boolean $detailedFormat - if true, * the options are in an ID => array ( 'id' => ID, 'label' => label, 'value' => value ) format * @param array $selectAttributes contain select attribute(s) if any * * @return mixed */ public static function customFieldOptions($customFieldID, &$options, $detailedFormat = FALSE, $selectAttributes = array()) { return self::singleton()->invoke(3, $customFieldID, $options, $detailedFormat, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_customFieldOptions' ); } /** * * This hook is called to display the list of actions allowed after doing a search. * This allows the module developer to inject additional actions or to remove existing actions. * * @param string $objectType - the object type for this search * - activity, campaign, case, contact, contribution, event, grant, membership, and pledge are supported. * @param array $tasks - the current set of tasks for that custom field. * You can add/remove existing tasks. * Each task needs to have a title (eg 'title' => ts( 'Add Contacts to Group')) and a class * (eg 'class' => 'CRM_Contact_Form_Task_AddToGroup'). * Optional result (boolean) may also be provided. Class can be an array of classes (not sure what that does :( ). * The key for new Task(s) should not conflict with the keys for core tasks of that $objectType, which can be * found in CRM/$objectType/Task.php. * * @return mixed */ public static function searchTasks($objectType, &$tasks) { return self::singleton()->invoke(2, $objectType, $tasks, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_searchTasks' ); } /** * @param mixed $form * @param array $params * * @return mixed */ public static function eventDiscount(&$form, &$params) { return self::singleton()->invoke(2, $form, $params, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_eventDiscount' ); } /** * This hook is called when composing a mailing. You can include / exclude other groups as needed. * * @param mixed $form * The form object for which groups / mailings being displayed * @param array $groups * The list of groups being included / excluded * @param array $mailings * The list of mailings being included / excluded * * @return mixed */ public static function mailingGroups(&$form, &$groups, &$mailings) { return self::singleton()->invoke(3, $form, $groups, $mailings, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_mailingGroups' ); } /** * This hook is called when composing the array of membershipTypes and their cost during a membership registration * (new or renewal). * Note the hook is called on initial page load and also reloaded after submit (PRG pattern). * You can use it to alter the membership types when first loaded, or after submission * (for example if you want to gather data in the form and use it to alter the fees). * * @param mixed $form * The form object that is presenting the page * @param array $membershipTypes * The array of membership types and their amount * * @return mixed */ public static function membershipTypeValues(&$form, &$membershipTypes) { return self::singleton()->invoke(2, $form, $membershipTypes, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_membershipTypeValues' ); } /** * This hook is called when rendering the contact summary * * @param int $contactID * The contactID for whom the summary is being rendered * @param mixed $content * @param int $contentPlacement * Specifies where the hook content should be displayed relative to the * existing content * * @return string * The html snippet to include in the contact summary */ public static function summary($contactID, &$content, &$contentPlacement = self::SUMMARY_BELOW) { return self::singleton()->invoke(3, $contactID, $content, $contentPlacement, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_summary' ); } /** * Use this hook to populate the list of contacts returned by Contact Reference custom fields. * By default, Contact Reference fields will search on and return all CiviCRM contacts. * If you want to limit the contacts returned to a specific group, or some other criteria * - you can override that behavior by providing a SQL query that returns some subset of your contacts. * The hook is called when the query is executed to get the list of contacts to display. * * @param mixed $query - - the query that will be executed (input and output parameter); * It's important to realize that the ACL clause is built prior to this hook being fired, * so your query will ignore any ACL rules that may be defined. * Your query must return two columns: * the contact 'data' to display in the autocomplete dropdown (usually contact.sort_name - aliased as 'data') * the contact IDs * @param string $name - the name string to execute the query against (this is the value being typed in by the user) * @param string $context - the context in which this ajax call is being made (for example: 'customfield', 'caseview') * @param int $id - the id of the object for which the call is being made. * For custom fields, it will be the custom field id * * @return mixed */ public static function contactListQuery(&$query, $name, $context, $id) { return self::singleton()->invoke(4, $query, $name, $context, $id, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_contactListQuery' ); } /** * Hook definition for altering payment parameters before talking to a payment processor back end. * * Definition will look like this: * * function hook_civicrm_alterPaymentProcessorParams($paymentObj, * &$rawParams, &$cookedParams); * * @param string $paymentObj * instance of payment class of the payment processor invoked (e.g., 'CRM_Core_Payment_Dummy') * @param array &$rawParams * array of params as passed to to the processor * @param array &$cookedParams * params after the processor code has translated them into its own key/value pairs * * @return mixed */ static function alterPaymentProcessorParams($paymentObj, &$rawParams, &$cookedParams ) { return self::singleton()->invoke(3, $paymentObj, $rawParams, $cookedParams, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_alterPaymentProcessorParams' ); } /** * This hook is called when an email is about to be sent by CiviCRM. * * @param array $params * Array fields include: groupName, from, toName, toEmail, subject, cc, bcc, text, html, * returnPath, replyTo, headers, attachments (array) * @param string $context - the context in which the hook is being invoked, eg 'civimail' * * @return mixed */ public static function alterMailParams(&$params, $context = NULL) { return self::singleton()->invoke(2, $params, $context, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_alterMailParams' ); } /** * This hook is called when membership status is being calculated * * @param array $membershipStatus membership status details as determined - alter if required * @param array $arguments arguments passed in to calculate date * - 'start_date' * - 'end_date' * - 'status_date' * - 'join_date' * - 'exclude_is_admin' * - 'membership_type_id' * @param array $membership membership details from the calling function * * @return mixed */ public static function alterCalculatedMembershipStatus(&$membershipStatus, $arguments, $membership) { return self::singleton()->invoke(3, $membershipStatus, $arguments, $membership, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_alterCalculatedMembershipStatus' ); } /** * This hook is called when rendering the Manage Case screen * * @param int $caseID - the case ID * * @return array of data to be displayed, where the key is a unique id to be used for styling (div id's) * and the value is an array with keys 'label' and 'value' specifying label/value pairs */ public static function caseSummary($caseID) { return self::singleton()->invoke(1, $caseID, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_caseSummary' ); } /** * This hook is called when locating CiviCase types. * * @param array $caseTypes * * @return mixed */ public static function caseTypes(&$caseTypes) { return self::singleton()->invoke(1, $caseTypes, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_caseTypes'); } /** * This hook is called soon after the CRM_Core_Config object has ben initialized. * You can use this hook to modify the config object and hence behavior of CiviCRM dynamically. * * @param CRM_Core_Config|array $config * The config object * * @return mixed */ public static function config(&$config) { return self::singleton()->invoke(1, $config, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_config' ); } /** * @param $recordBAO * @param int $recordID * @param $isActive * * @return mixed */ public static function enableDisable($recordBAO, $recordID, $isActive) { return self::singleton()->invoke(3, $recordBAO, $recordID, $isActive, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_enableDisable' ); } /** * This hooks allows to change option values * * @param array $options * Associated array of option values / id * @param string $name * Option group name * * @return mixed */ public static function optionValues(&$options, $name) { return self::singleton()->invoke(2, $options, $name, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_optionValues' ); } /** * This hook allows modification of the navigation menu. * * @param array $params * Associated array of navigation menu entry to Modify/Add * * @return mixed */ public static function navigationMenu(&$params) { return self::singleton()->invoke(1, $params, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_navigationMenu' ); } /** * This hook allows modification of the data used to perform merging of duplicates. * * @param string $type the type of data being passed (cidRefs|eidRefs|relTables|sqls) * @param array $data the data, as described in $type * @param int $mainId contact_id of the contact that survives the merge * @param int $otherId contact_id of the contact that will be absorbed and deleted * @param array $tables when $type is "sqls", an array of tables as it may have been handed to the calling function * * @return mixed */ public static function merge($type, &$data, $mainId = NULL, $otherId = NULL, $tables = NULL) { return self::singleton()->invoke(5, $type, $data, $mainId, $otherId, $tables, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_merge'); } /** * This hook provides a way to override the default privacy behavior for notes. * * @param array &$noteValues * Associative array of values for this note * * @return mixed */ public static function notePrivacy(&$noteValues) { return self::singleton()->invoke(1, $noteValues, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_notePrivacy' ); } /** * This hook is called before record is exported as CSV * * @param string $exportTempTable - name of the temporary export table used during export * @param array $headerRows - header rows for output * @param array $sqlColumns - SQL columns * @param int $exportMode - export mode ( contact, contribution, etc...) * * @return mixed */ public static function export(&$exportTempTable, &$headerRows, &$sqlColumns, &$exportMode) { return self::singleton()->invoke(4, $exportTempTable, $headerRows, $sqlColumns, $exportMode, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_export' ); } /** * This hook allows modification of the queries constructed from dupe rules. * * @param string $obj object of rulegroup class * @param string $type type of queries e.g table / threshold * @param array $query set of queries * * @return mixed */ public static function dupeQuery($obj, $type, &$query) { return self::singleton()->invoke(3, $obj, $type, $query, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_dupeQuery' ); } /** * This hook is called AFTER EACH email has been processed by the script bin/EmailProcessor.php * * @param string $type type of mail processed: 'activity' OR 'mailing' * @param array &$params the params that were sent to the CiviCRM API function * @param object $mail the mail object which is an ezcMail class * @param array &$result the result returned by the api call * @param string $action (optional ) the requested action to be performed if the types was 'mailing' * * @return mixed */ public static function emailProcessor($type, &$params, $mail, &$result, $action = NULL) { return self::singleton()->invoke(5, $type, $params, $mail, $result, $action, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_emailProcessor'); } /** * This hook is called after a row has been processed and the * record (and associated records imported * * @param string $object - object being imported (for now Contact only, later Contribution, Activity, * Participant and Member) * @param string $usage - hook usage/location (for now process only, later mapping and others) * @param string $objectRef - import record object * @param array $params - array with various key values: currently * contactID - contact id * importID - row id in temp table * importTempTable - name of tempTable * fieldHeaders - field headers * fields - import fields * * @return void */ public static function import($object, $usage, &$objectRef, &$params) { return self::singleton()->invoke(4, $object, $usage, $objectRef, $params, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_import' ); } /** * This hook is called when API permissions are checked (cf. civicrm_api3_api_check_permission() * in api/v3/utils.php and _civicrm_api3_permissions() in CRM/Core/DAO/permissions.php). * * @param string $entity the API entity (like contact) * @param string $action the API action (like get) * @param array &$params the API parameters * @param array &$permissions the associative permissions array (probably to be altered by this hook) * * @return mixed */ public static function alterAPIPermissions($entity, $action, &$params, &$permissions) { return self::singleton()->invoke(4, $entity, $action, $params, $permissions, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_alterAPIPermissions' ); } /** * @param CRM_Core_DAO $dao * * @return mixed */ public static function postSave(&$dao) { $hookName = 'civicrm_postSave_' . $dao->getTableName(); return self::singleton()->invoke(1, $dao, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, $hookName ); } /** * This hook allows user to customize context menu Actions on contact summary page. * * @param array $actions Array of all Actions in contextmenu. * @param int $contactID ContactID for the summary page * * @return mixed */ public static function summaryActions(&$actions, $contactID = NULL) { return self::singleton()->invoke(2, $actions, $contactID, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_summaryActions' ); } /** * This hook is called from CRM_Core_Selector_Controller through which all searches in civicrm go. * This enables us hook implementors to modify both the headers and the rows * * The BIGGEST drawback with this hook is that you may need to modify the result template to include your * fields. The result files are CRM/{Contact,Contribute,Member,Event...}/Form/Selector.tpl * * However, if you use the same number of columns, you can overwrite the existing columns with the values that * you want displayed. This is a hackish, but avoids template modification. * * @param string $objectName the component name that we are doing the search * activity, campaign, case, contact, contribution, event, grant, membership, and pledge * @param array &$headers the list of column headers, an associative array with keys: ( name, sort, order ) * @param array &$rows the list of values, an associate array with fields that are displayed for that component * @param $selector * * @internal param array $seletor the selector object. Allows you access to the context of the search * * @return void modify the header and values object to pass the data u need */ public static function searchColumns($objectName, &$headers, &$rows, &$selector) { return self::singleton()->invoke(4, $objectName, $headers, $rows, $selector, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_searchColumns' ); } /** * This hook is called when uf groups are being built for a module. * * @param string $moduleName module name. * @param array $ufGroups array of ufgroups for a module. * * @return null */ public static function buildUFGroupsForModule($moduleName, &$ufGroups) { return self::singleton()->invoke(2, $moduleName, $ufGroups, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_buildUFGroupsForModule' ); } /** * This hook is called when we are determining the contactID for a specific * email address * * @param string $email the email address * @param int $contactID the contactID that matches this email address, IF it exists * @param array $result (reference) has two fields * contactID - the new (or same) contactID * action - 3 possible values: * CRM_Utils_Mail_Incoming::EMAILPROCESSOR_CREATE_INDIVIDUAL - create a new contact record * CRM_Utils_Mail_Incoming::EMAILPROCESSOR_OVERRIDE - use the new contactID * CRM_Utils_Mail_Incoming::EMAILPROCESSOR_IGNORE - skip this email address * * @return null */ public static function emailProcessorContact($email, $contactID, &$result) { return self::singleton()->invoke(3, $email, $contactID, $result, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_emailProcessorContact' ); } /** * Hook definition for altering the generation of Mailing Labels * * @param array $args an array of the args in the order defined for the tcpdf multiCell api call * with the variable names below converted into string keys (ie $w become 'w' * as the first key for $args) * float $w Width of cells. If 0, they extend up to the right margin of the page. * float $h Cell minimum height. The cell extends automatically if needed. * string $txt String to print * mixed $border Indicates if borders must be drawn around the cell block. The value can * be either a number:or * a string containing some or all of the following characters (in any order): * * string $align Allows to center or align the text. Possible values are: * int $fill Indicates if the cell background must be painted (1) or transparent (0). Default value: 0. * int $ln Indicates where the current position should go after the call. Possible values are: * float $x x position in user units * float $y y position in user units * boolean $reseth if true reset the last cell height (default true). * int $stretch stretch carachter mode: * boolean $ishtml set to true if $txt is HTML content (default = false). * boolean $autopadding if true, uses internal padding and automatically adjust it to account for line width. * float $maxh maximum height. It should be >= $h and less then remaining space to the bottom of the page, * or 0 for disable this feature. This feature works only when $ishtml=false. * * @return mixed */ public static function alterMailingLabelParams(&$args) { return self::singleton()->invoke(1, $args, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_alterMailingLabelParams' ); } /** * This hooks allows alteration of generated page content * * @param $content previously generated content * @param $context context of content - page or form * @param $tplName the file name of the tpl * @param $object a reference to the page or form object * * @return mixed */ public static function alterContent(&$content, $context, $tplName, &$object) { return self::singleton()->invoke(4, $content, $context, $tplName, $object, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_alterContent' ); } /** * This hooks allows alteration of the tpl file used to generate content. It differs from the * altercontent hook as the content has already been rendered through the tpl at that point * * @param $formName previously generated content * @param $form reference to the form object * @param $context context of content - page or form * @param $tplName reference the file name of the tpl * * @return mixed */ public static function alterTemplateFile($formName, &$form, $context, &$tplName) { return self::singleton()->invoke(4, $formName, $form, $context, $tplName, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_alterTemplateFile' ); } /** * This hook collects the trigger definition from all components * * @param $info * @param string $tableName (optional) the name of the table that we are interested in only * * @internal param \reference $triggerInfo to an array of trigger information * each element has 4 fields: * table - array of tableName * when - BEFORE or AFTER * event - array of eventName - INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE * sql - array of statements optionally terminated with a ; * a statement can use the tokes {tableName} and {eventName} * to do token replacement with the table / event. This allows * templatizing logging and other hooks * @return mixed */ public static function triggerInfo(&$info, $tableName = NULL) { return self::singleton()->invoke(2, $info, $tableName, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_triggerInfo' ); } /** * This hook is called when a module-extension is installed. * Each module will receive hook_civicrm_install during its own installation (but not during the * installation of unrelated modules). */ public static function install() { return self::singleton()->invoke(0, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_install' ); } /** * This hook is called when a module-extension is uninstalled. * Each module will receive hook_civicrm_uninstall during its own uninstallation (but not during the * uninstallation of unrelated modules). */ public static function uninstall() { return self::singleton()->invoke(0, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_uninstall' ); } /** * This hook is called when a module-extension is re-enabled. * Each module will receive hook_civicrm_enable during its own re-enablement (but not during the * re-enablement of unrelated modules). */ public static function enable() { return self::singleton()->invoke(0, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_enable' ); } /** * This hook is called when a module-extension is disabled. * Each module will receive hook_civicrm_disable during its own disablement (but not during the * disablement of unrelated modules). */ public static function disable() { return self::singleton()->invoke(0, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_disable' ); } /** * @param $varType * @param $var * @param $object * * @return mixed */ public static function alterReportVar($varType, &$var, &$object) { return self::singleton()->invoke(3, $varType, $var, $object, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_alterReportVar' ); } /** * This hook is called to drive database upgrades for extension-modules. * * @param string $op * The type of operation being performed; 'check' or 'enqueue'. * @param CRM_Queue_Queue $queue * (for 'enqueue') the modifiable list of pending up upgrade tasks. * * @return bool|null * NULL, if $op is 'enqueue'. * TRUE, if $op is 'check' and upgrades are pending. * FALSE, if $op is 'check' and upgrades are not pending. */ public static function upgrade($op, CRM_Queue_Queue $queue = NULL) { return self::singleton()->invoke(2, $op, $queue, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_upgrade' ); } /** * This hook is called when an email has been successfully sent by CiviCRM, but not on an error. * * @param array $params * The mailing parameters. Array fields include: groupName, from, toName, * toEmail, subject, cc, bcc, text, html, returnPath, replyTo, headers, * attachments (array) * * @return mixed */ public static function postEmailSend(&$params) { return self::singleton()->invoke(1, $params, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_postEmailSend' ); } /** * This hook is called when Settings specifications are loaded * * @param array $settingsFolders * List of paths from which to derive metadata * * @return mixed */ public static function alterSettingsFolders(&$settingsFolders) { return self::singleton()->invoke(1, $settingsFolders, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_alterSettingsFolders' ); } /** * This hook is called when Settings have been loaded from the xml * It is an opportunity for hooks to alter the data * * @param array $settingsMetaData - Settings Metadata * @param int $domainID * @param mixed $profile * * @return mixed */ public static function alterSettingsMetaData(&$settingsMetaData, $domainID, $profile) { return self::singleton()->invoke(3, $settingsMetaData, $domainID, $profile, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_alterSettingsMetaData' ); } /** * This hook is called before running an api call. * * @param API_Wrapper[] $wrappers * (see CRM_Utils_API_ReloadOption as an example) * @param mixed $apiRequest * * @return null * The return value is ignored */ public static function apiWrappers(&$wrappers, $apiRequest) { return self::singleton() ->invoke(2, $wrappers, $apiRequest, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_apiWrappers' ); } /** * This hook is called before running pending cron jobs. * * @param CRM_Core_JobManager $jobManager * * @return null * The return value is ignored. */ public static function cron($jobManager) { return self::singleton()->invoke(1, $jobManager, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_cron' ); } /** * This hook is called when loading CMS permissions; use this hook to modify * the array of system permissions for CiviCRM. * * @param array $permissions * Array of permissions. See CRM_Core_Permission::getCorePermissions() for * the format of this array. * * @return null * The return value is ignored */ public static function permission(&$permissions) { return self::singleton()->invoke(1, $permissions, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_permission' ); } /** * @param CRM_Core_Exception Exception $exception * @param mixed $request reserved for future use */ static function unhandledException($exception, $request = NULL) { self::singleton()->invoke(2, $exception, $request, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject,'civicrm_unhandled_exception'); // == 4.4 == //$event = new stdClass(); //$event->exception = $exception; //CRM_Core_LegacyErrorHandler::handleException($event); // == 4.5+ == $event = new \Civi\Core\Event\UnhandledExceptionEvent($exception, self::$_nullObject); \Civi\Core\Container::singleton()->get('dispatcher')->dispatch("hook_civicrm_unhandled_exception", $event); } /** * This hook is called for declaring managed entities via API * * @param array[] $entityTypes * List of entity types; each entity-type is an array with keys: * - name: string, a unique short name (e.g. "ReportInstance") * - class: string, a PHP DAO class (e.g. "CRM_Report_DAO_Instance") * - table: string, a SQL table name (e.g. "civicrm_report_instance") * * @return null * The return value is ignored */ public static function entityTypes(&$entityTypes) { return self::singleton()->invoke(1, $entityTypes, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_entityTypes' ); } /** * This hook is called while preparing a profile form * * @param string $name * @return mixed */ public static function buildProfile($name) { return self::singleton()->invoke(1, $name, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_buildProfile'); } /** * This hook is called while validating a profile form submission * * @param string $name * @return mixed */ public static function validateProfile($name) { return self::singleton()->invoke(1, $name, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_validateProfile'); } /** * This hook is called processing a valid profile form submission * * @param string $name * @return mixed */ public static function processProfile($name) { return self::singleton()->invoke(1, $name, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_processProfile'); } /** * This hook is called while preparing a read-only profile screen * * @param string $name * @return mixed */ public static function viewProfile($name) { return self::singleton()->invoke(1, $name, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_viewProfile'); } /** * This hook is called while preparing a list of contacts (based on a profile) * * @param string $name * @return mixed */ public static function searchProfile($name) { return self::singleton()->invoke(1, $name, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_searchProfile'); } /** * This hook is invoked when building a CiviCRM name badge. * * @param string $labelName string referencing name of badge format * @param object $label reference to the label object * @param array $format array of format data * @param array $participant array of participant values * * @return null the return value is ignored */ public static function alterBadge($labelName, &$label, &$format, &$participant) { return self::singleton()->invoke(4, $labelName, $label, $format, $participant, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_alterBadge'); } /** * This hook is called before encoding data in barcode * * @param array $data associated array of values available for encoding * @param string $type type of barcode, classic barcode or QRcode * @param string $context where this hooks is invoked. * * @return mixed */ public static function alterBarcode( &$data, $type = 'barcode', $context = 'name_badge' ) { return self::singleton()->invoke(3, $data, $type, $context, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_alterBarcode'); } /** * Modify or replace the Mailer object used for outgoing mail. * * @param object $mailer * The default mailer produced by normal configuration; a PEAR "Mail" class (like those returned by Mail::factory) * @param string $driver * The type of the default mailer (eg "smtp", "sendmail", "mock", "CRM_Mailing_BAO_Spool") * @param array $params * The default mailer config options * * @return mixed * @see Mail::factory */ public static function alterMail(&$mailer, $driver, $params) { return self::singleton() ->invoke(3, $mailer, $driver, $params, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_alterMailer'); } /** * This hook is called while building the core search query, * so hook implementers can provide their own query objects which alters/extends core search. * * @param array $queryObjects * @param string $type * * @return mixed */ public static function queryObjects(&$queryObjects, $type = 'Contact') { return self::singleton()->invoke(2, $queryObjects, $type, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_queryObjects'); } /** * This hook is called while viewing contact dashboard * * @param array $availableDashlets * List of dashlets; each is formatted per api/v3/Dashboard * @param array $defaultDashlets * List of dashlets; each is formatted per api/v3/DashboardContact * * @return mixed */ public static function dashboard_defaults($availableDashlets, &$defaultDashlets) { return self::singleton()->invoke(2, $availableDashlets, $defaultDashlets, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_dashboard_defaults'); } /** * This hook is called before a case merge (or a case reassign) * * @param integer $mainContactId * @param integer $mainCaseId * @param integer $otherContactId * @param integer $otherCaseId * @param bool $changeClient * * @return void */ public static function pre_case_merge($mainContactId, $mainCaseId = NULL, $otherContactId = NULL, $otherCaseId = NULL, $changeClient = FALSE) { return self::singleton()->invoke(5, $mainContactId, $mainCaseId, $otherContactId, $otherCaseId, $changeClient, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_pre_case_merge'); } /** * This hook is called after a case merge (or a case reassign) * * @param integer $mainContactId * @param integer $mainCaseId * @param integer $otherContactId * @param integer $otherCaseId * @param bool $changeClient * * @return void */ public static function post_case_merge($mainContactId, $mainCaseId = NULL, $otherContactId = NULL, $otherCaseId = NULL, $changeClient = FALSE) { return self::singleton()->invoke(5, $mainContactId, $mainCaseId, $otherContactId, $otherCaseId, $changeClient, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_post_case_merge'); } /** * Issue CRM-14276 * Add a hook for altering the display name * * hook_civicrm_contact_get_displayname(&$display_name, $objContact) * * @param string $displayName * @param int $contactId * @param object $dao the contact object * * @return mixed */ public static function alterDisplayName($displayName, $contactId, $dao) { return self::singleton()->invoke(3, $displayName, $contactId, $dao, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_contact_get_displayname' ); } /** * EXPERIMENTAL: This hook allows one to register additional Angular modules * * @param array $angularModules list of modules * @return null the return value is ignored * * @code * function mymod_civicrm_angularModules(&$angularModules) { * $angularModules['myAngularModule'] = array('ext' => 'org.example.mymod', 'js' => array('js/myAngularModule.js')); * $angularModules['myBigAngularModule'] = array('ext' => 'org.example.mymod', 'js' => array('js/part1.js', 'js/part2.js'), 'css' => array('css/myAngularModule.css')); * } * @endcode */ public static function angularModules(&$angularModules) { return self::singleton()->invoke(1, $angularModules, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_angularModules' ); } /** * This hook fires whenever a record in a case changes. * * @param \Civi\CCase\Analyzer $analyzer */ public static function caseChange(\Civi\CCase\Analyzer $analyzer) { $event = new \Civi\CCase\Event\CaseChangeEvent($analyzer); \Civi\Core\Container::singleton()->get('dispatcher')->dispatch("hook_civicrm_caseChange", $event); return self::singleton()->invoke(1, $angularModules, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_caseChange' ); } /** * Generate a default CRUD URL for an entity * * @param array $spec with keys: * - action: int, eg CRM_Core_Action::VIEW or CRM_Core_Action::UPDATE * - entity_table: string * - entity_id: int * @param CRM_Core_DAO $bao * @param array $link to define the link, add these keys to $link: * - title: string * - path: string * - query: array * - url: string (used in lieu of "path"/"query") * Note: if making "url" CRM_Utils_System::url(), set $htmlize=false * @return mixed */ public static function crudLink($spec, $bao, &$link) { return self::singleton()->invoke(3, $spec, $bao, $link, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_crudLink' ); } /** * @param array $fileSearches * @return mixed */ public static function fileSearches(&$fileSearches) { return self::singleton()->invoke(1, $fileSearches, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, self::$_nullObject, 'civicrm_fileSearches' ); } }