2999) { return $invalidDate; } if (array_key_exists('m', $date)) { $date['M'] = $date['m']; } elseif (array_key_exists('F', $date)) { $date['M'] = $date['F']; } if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('M', $date)) { $date['M'] = (int ) $date['M']; if ($date['M'] < 1 || $date['M'] > 12) { return $invalidDate; } } else { $date['M'] = 1; } if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('d', $date)) { $date['d'] = (int ) $date['d']; } else { $date['d'] = 1; } if (!checkdate($date['M'], $date['d'], $date['Y'])) { return $invalidDate; } $date['M'] = sprintf('%02d', $date['M']); $date['d'] = sprintf('%02d', $date['d']); $time = ''; if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('H', $date) != NULL || CRM_Utils_Array::value('h', $date) != NULL || CRM_Utils_Array::value('i', $date) != NULL || CRM_Utils_Array::value('s', $date) != NULL ) { // we have time too.. if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('h', $date)) { if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('A', $date) == 'PM' or CRM_Utils_Array::value('a', $date) == 'pm') { if ($date['h'] != 12) { $date['h'] = $date['h'] + 12; } } if ((CRM_Utils_Array::value('A', $date) == 'AM' or CRM_Utils_Array::value('a', $date) == 'am') && CRM_Utils_Array::value('h', $date) == 12 ) { $date['h'] = '00'; } $date['h'] = (int ) $date['h']; } else { $date['h'] = 0; } // in 24-hour format the hour is under the 'H' key if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('H', $date)) { $date['H'] = (int) $date['H']; } else { $date['H'] = 0; } if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('i', $date)) { $date['i'] = (int ) $date['i']; } else { $date['i'] = 0; } if ($date['h'] == 0 && $date['H'] != 0) { $date['h'] = $date['H']; } if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('s', $date)) { $date['s'] = (int ) $date['s']; } else { $date['s'] = 0; } $date['h'] = sprintf('%02d', $date['h']); $date['i'] = sprintf('%02d', $date['i']); $date['s'] = sprintf('%02d', $date['s']); if ($separator) { $time = ' '; } $time .= $date['h'] . $separator . $date['i'] . $separator . $date['s']; } return $date['Y'] . $separator . $date['M'] . $separator . $date['d'] . $time; } /** * return abbreviated weekday names according to the locale * * @return array 0-based array with abbreviated weekday names * * @static */ static function &getAbbrWeekdayNames() { static $abbrWeekdayNames; if (!isset($abbrWeekdayNames)) { // set LC_TIME and build the arrays from locale-provided names // June 1st, 1970 was a Monday CRM_Core_I18n::setLcTime(); for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) { $abbrWeekdayNames[$i] = strftime('%a', mktime(0, 0, 0, 6, $i, 1970)); } } return $abbrWeekdayNames; } /** * return full weekday names according to the locale * * @return array 0-based array with full weekday names * * @static */ static function &getFullWeekdayNames() { static $fullWeekdayNames; if (!isset($fullWeekdayNames)) { // set LC_TIME and build the arrays from locale-provided names // June 1st, 1970 was a Monday CRM_Core_I18n::setLcTime(); for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) { $fullWeekdayNames[$i] = strftime('%A', mktime(0, 0, 0, 6, $i, 1970)); } } return $fullWeekdayNames; } /** * return abbreviated month names according to the locale * * @return array 1-based array with abbreviated month names * * @static */ static function &getAbbrMonthNames($month = FALSE) { static $abbrMonthNames; if (!isset($abbrMonthNames)) { // set LC_TIME and build the arrays from locale-provided names CRM_Core_I18n::setLcTime(); for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) { $abbrMonthNames[$i] = strftime('%b', mktime(0, 0, 0, $i, 10, 1970)); } } if ($month) { return $abbrMonthNames[$month]; } return $abbrMonthNames; } /** * return full month names according to the locale * * @return array 1-based array with full month names * * @static */ static function &getFullMonthNames() { static $fullMonthNames; if (!isset($fullMonthNames)) { // set LC_TIME and build the arrays from locale-provided names CRM_Core_I18n::setLcTime(); for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) { $fullMonthNames[$i] = strftime('%B', mktime(0, 0, 0, $i, 10, 1970)); } } return $fullMonthNames; } static function unixTime($string) { if (empty($string)) { return 0; } $parsedDate = date_parse($string); return mktime(CRM_Utils_Array::value('hour', $parsedDate), CRM_Utils_Array::value('minute', $parsedDate), 59, CRM_Utils_Array::value('month', $parsedDate), CRM_Utils_Array::value('day', $parsedDate), CRM_Utils_Array::value('year', $parsedDate) ); } /** * create a date and time string in a provided format * * %b - abbreviated month name ('Jan'..'Dec') * %B - full month name ('January'..'December') * %d - day of the month as a decimal number, 0-padded ('01'..'31') * %e - day of the month as a decimal number, blank-padded (' 1'..'31') * %E - day of the month as a decimal number ('1'..'31') * %f - English ordinal suffix for the day of the month ('st', 'nd', 'rd', 'th') * %H - hour in 24-hour format, 0-padded ('00'..'23') * %I - hour in 12-hour format, 0-padded ('01'..'12') * %k - hour in 24-hour format, blank-padded (' 0'..'23') * %l - hour in 12-hour format, blank-padded (' 1'..'12') * %m - month as a decimal number, 0-padded ('01'..'12') * %M - minute, 0-padded ('00'..'60') * %p - lowercase ante/post meridiem ('am', 'pm') * %P - uppercase ante/post meridiem ('AM', 'PM') * %Y - year as a decimal number including the century ('2005') * * @param string $date date and time in 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss' format * @param string $format the output format * @param array $dateParts an array with the desired date parts * * @return string the $format-formatted $date * * @static */ static function customFormat($dateString, $format = NULL, $dateParts = NULL) { // 1-based (January) month names arrays $abbrMonths = self::getAbbrMonthNames(); $fullMonths = self::getFullMonthNames(); if (!$format) { $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton(); if ($dateParts) { if (array_intersect(array('h', 'H'), $dateParts)) { $format = $config->dateformatDatetime; } elseif (array_intersect(array('d', 'j'), $dateParts)) { $format = $config->dateformatFull; } elseif (array_intersect(array('m', 'M'), $dateParts)) { $format = $config->dateformatPartial; } else { $format = $config->dateformatYear; } } else { if (strpos($dateString, '-')) { $month = (int) substr($dateString, 5, 2); $day = (int) substr($dateString, 8, 2); } else { $month = (int) substr($dateString, 4, 2); $day = (int) substr($dateString, 6, 2); } if (strlen($dateString) > 10) { $format = $config->dateformatDatetime; } elseif ($day > 0) { $format = $config->dateformatFull; } elseif ($month > 0) { $format = $config->dateformatPartial; } else { $format = $config->dateformatYear; } } } if ($dateString) { if (strpos($dateString, '-')) { $year = (int) substr($dateString, 0, 4); $month = (int) substr($dateString, 5, 2); $day = (int) substr($dateString, 8, 2); $hour24 = (int) substr($dateString, 11, 2); $minute = (int) substr($dateString, 14, 2); } else { $year = (int) substr($dateString, 0, 4); $month = (int) substr($dateString, 4, 2); $day = (int) substr($dateString, 6, 2); $hour24 = (int) substr($dateString, 8, 2); $minute = (int) substr($dateString, 10, 2); } if ($day % 10 == 1 and $day != 11) { $suffix = 'st'; } elseif ($day % 10 == 2 and $day != 12) { $suffix = 'nd'; } elseif ($day % 10 == 3 and $day != 13) { $suffix = 'rd'; } else { $suffix = 'th'; } if ($hour24 < 12) { if ($hour24 == 00) { $hour12 = 12; } else { $hour12 = $hour24; } $type = 'AM'; } else { if ($hour24 == 12) { $hour12 = 12; } else { $hour12 = $hour24 - 12; } $type = 'PM'; } $date = array( '%b' => CRM_Utils_Array::value($month, $abbrMonths), '%B' => CRM_Utils_Array::value($month, $fullMonths), '%d' => $day > 9 ? $day : '0' . $day, '%e' => $day > 9 ? $day : ' ' . $day, '%E' => $day, '%f' => $suffix, '%H' => $hour24 > 9 ? $hour24 : '0' . $hour24, '%h' => $hour12 > 9 ? $hour12 : '0' . $hour12, '%I' => $hour12 > 9 ? $hour12 : '0' . $hour12, '%k' => $hour24 > 9 ? $hour24 : ' ' . $hour24, '%l' => $hour12 > 9 ? $hour12 : ' ' . $hour12, '%m' => $month > 9 ? $month : '0' . $month, '%M' => $minute > 9 ? $minute : '0' . $minute, '%i' => $minute > 9 ? $minute : '0' . $minute, '%p' => strtolower($type), '%P' => $type, '%A' => $type, '%Y' => $year, ); return strtr($format, $date); } else { return ''; } } /** * converts the date/datetime from MySQL format to ISO format * * @param string $mysql date/datetime in MySQL format * * @return string date/datetime in ISO format * @static */ static function mysqlToIso($mysql) { $year = substr($mysql, 0, 4); $month = substr($mysql, 4, 2); $day = substr($mysql, 6, 2); $hour = substr($mysql, 8, 2); $minute = substr($mysql, 10, 2); $second = substr($mysql, 12, 2); $iso = ''; if ($year) { $iso .= "$year"; } if ($month) { $iso .= "-$month"; if ($day) { $iso .= "-$day"; } } if ($hour) { $iso .= " $hour"; if ($minute) { $iso .= ":$minute"; if ($second) { $iso .= ":$second"; } } } return $iso; } /** * converts the date/datetime from ISO format to MySQL format * Note that until CRM-14986/ 4.4.7 this was required whenever the pattern $dao->find(TRUE): $dao->save(); was * used to update an object with a date field was used. The DAO now checks for a '-' in date field strings * & runs this function if the - appears - meaning it is likely redundant in the form & BAO layers * * @param string $iso date/datetime in ISO format * * @return string date/datetime in MySQL format * @static */ static function isoToMysql($iso) { $dropArray = array('-' => '', ':' => '', ' ' => ''); return strtr($iso, $dropArray); } /** * converts the any given date to default date format. * * @param array $params has given date-format * @param int $dateType type of date * @param string $dateParam index of params * @static */ static function convertToDefaultDate(&$params, $dateType, $dateParam) { $now = getDate(); $cen = substr($now['year'], 0, 2); $prevCen = $cen - 1; $value = NULL; if (CRM_Utils_Array::value($dateParam, $params)) { // suppress hh:mm or hh:mm:ss if it exists CRM-7957 $value = preg_replace("/(\s(([01]\d)|[2][0-3])(:([0-5]\d)){1,2})$/", "", $params[$dateParam]); } switch ($dateType) { case 1: if (!preg_match('/^\d\d\d\d-?(\d|\d\d)-?(\d|\d\d)$/', $value)) { return FALSE; } break; case 2: if (!preg_match('/^(\d|\d\d)[-\/](\d|\d\d)[-\/]\d\d$/', $value)) { return FALSE; } break; case 4: if (!preg_match('/^(\d|\d\d)[-\/](\d|\d\d)[-\/]\d\d\d\d$/', $value)) { return FALSE; } break; case 8: if (!preg_match('/^[A-Za-z]*.[ \t]?\d\d\,[ \t]?\d\d\d\d$/', $value)) { return FALSE; } break; case 16: if (!preg_match('/^\d\d-[A-Za-z]{3}.*-\d\d$/', $value) && !preg_match('/^\d\d[-\/]\d\d[-\/]\d\d$/', $value)) { return FALSE; } break; case 32: if (!preg_match('/^(\d|\d\d)[-\/](\d|\d\d)[-\/]\d\d\d\d/', $value)) { return FALSE; } break; } if ($dateType == 1) { $formattedDate = explode("-", $value); if (count($formattedDate) == 3) { $year = (int) $formattedDate[0]; $month = (int) $formattedDate[1]; $day = (int) $formattedDate[2]; } elseif (count($formattedDate) == 1 && (strlen($value) == 8)) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } if ($dateType == 2 || $dateType == 4) { $formattedDate = explode("/", $value); if (count($formattedDate) != 3) { $formattedDate = explode("-", $value); } if (count($formattedDate) == 3) { $year = (int) $formattedDate[2]; $month = (int) $formattedDate[0]; $day = (int) $formattedDate[1]; } else { return FALSE; } } if ($dateType == 8) { $dateArray = explode(' ', $value); // ignore comma(,) $dateArray[1] = (int) substr($dateArray[1], 0, 2); $monthInt = 0; $fullMonths = self::getFullMonthNames(); foreach ($fullMonths as $key => $val) { if (strtolower($dateArray[0]) == strtolower($val)) { $monthInt = $key; break; } } if (!$monthInt) { $abbrMonths = self::getAbbrMonthNames(); foreach ($abbrMonths as $key => $val) { if (strtolower(trim($dateArray[0], ".")) == strtolower($val)) { $monthInt = $key; break; } } } $year = (int) $dateArray[2]; $day = (int) $dateArray[1]; $month = (int) $monthInt; } if ($dateType == 16) { $dateArray = explode('-', $value); if (count($dateArray) != 3) { $dateArray = explode('/', $value); } if (count($dateArray) == 3) { $monthInt = 0; $fullMonths = self::getFullMonthNames(); foreach ($fullMonths as $key => $val) { if (strtolower($dateArray[1]) == strtolower($val)) { $monthInt = $key; break; } } if (!$monthInt) { $abbrMonths = self::getAbbrMonthNames(); foreach ($abbrMonths as $key => $val) { if (strtolower(trim($dateArray[1], ".")) == strtolower($val)) { $monthInt = $key; break; } } } if (!$monthInt) { $monthInt = $dateArray[1]; } $year = (int) $dateArray[2]; $day = (int) $dateArray[0]; $month = (int) $monthInt; } else { return FALSE; } } if ($dateType == 32) { $formattedDate = explode("/", $value); if (count($formattedDate) == 3) { $year = (int) $formattedDate[2]; $month = (int) $formattedDate[1]; $day = (int) $formattedDate[0]; } else { return FALSE; } } $month = ($month < 10) ? "0" . "$month" : $month; $day = ($day < 10) ? "0" . "$day" : $day; $year = (int ) $year; // simple heuristic to determine what century to use // 00 - 20 is always 2000 - 2020 // 21 - 99 is always 1921 - 1999 if ($year < 21) { $year = (strlen($year) == 1) ? $cen . '0' . $year : $cen . $year; } elseif ($year < 100) { $year = $prevCen . $year; } if ($params[$dateParam]) { $params[$dateParam] = "$year$month$day"; } //if month is invalid return as error if ($month !== '00' && $month <= 12) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static function isDate(&$date) { if (CRM_Utils_System::isNull($date)) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static function currentDBDate($timeStamp = NULL) { return $timeStamp ? date('YmdHis', $timeStamp) : date('YmdHis'); } static function overdue($date, $now = NULL) { $mysqlDate = self::isoToMysql($date); if (!$now) { $now = self::currentDBDate(); } else { $now = self::isoToMysql($now); } return ($mysqlDate >= $now) ? FALSE : TRUE; } /** * Function to get customized today * * This function is used for getting customized today. To get * actuall today pass 'dayParams' as null. or else pass the day, * month, year values as array values * Example: $dayParams = array( 'day' => '25', 'month' => '10', * 'year' => '2007' ); * * @param Array $dayParams Array of the day, month, year * values. * @param string $format expected date format( default * format is 2007-12-21 ) * * @return string Return the customized todays date (Y-m-d) * @static */ static function getToday($dayParams = NULL, $format = "Y-m-d") { if (is_null($dayParams) || empty($dayParams)) { $today = date($format); } else { $today = date($format, mktime(0, 0, 0, $dayParams['month'], $dayParams['day'], $dayParams['year'] )); } return $today; } /** * Function to find whether today's date lies in * the given range * * @param date $startDate start date for the range * @param date $endDate end date for the range * * @return true todays date is in the given date range * @static */ static function getRange($startDate, $endDate) { $today = date("Y-m-d"); $mysqlStartDate = self::isoToMysql($startDate); $mysqlEndDate = self::isoToMysql($endDate); $mysqlToday = self::isoToMysql($today); if ((isset($mysqlStartDate) && isset($mysqlEndDate)) && (($mysqlToday >= $mysqlStartDate) && ($mysqlToday <= $mysqlEndDate))) { return TRUE; } elseif ((isset($mysqlStartDate) && !isset($mysqlEndDate)) && (($mysqlToday >= $mysqlStartDate))) { return TRUE; } elseif ((!isset($mysqlStartDate) && isset($mysqlEndDate)) && (($mysqlToday <= $mysqlEndDate))) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /** * Function to get start date and end from * the given relative term and unit * * @param date $relative eg: term.unit * * @return array start date, end date * @static */ static function getFromTo($relative, $from, $to) { if ($relative) { list($term, $unit) = explode('.', $relative); $dateRange = self::relativeToAbsolute($term, $unit); $from = $dateRange['from']; //Take only Date Part, Sometime Time part is also present in 'to' $to = substr($dateRange['to'], 0, 8); } $from = self::processDate($from); $to = self::processDate($to, '235959'); return array($from, $to); } /** * Function to calculate Age in Years if greater than one year else in months * * @param date $birthDate Birth Date * * @return int array $results contains years or months * @access public * @static */ static public function calculateAge($birthDate) { $results = array(); $formatedBirthDate = CRM_Utils_Date::customFormat($birthDate, '%Y-%m-%d'); $bDate = explode('-', $formatedBirthDate); $birthYear = $bDate[0]; $birthMonth = $bDate[1]; $birthDay = $bDate[2]; $year_diff = date("Y") - $birthYear; // don't calculate age CRM-3143 if ($birthYear == '1902') { return $results; } switch ($year_diff) { case 1: $month = (12 - $birthMonth) + date("m"); if ($month < 12) { if (date("d") < $birthDay) { $month--; } $results['months'] = $month; } elseif ($month == 12 && (date("d") < $birthDay)) { $results['months'] = $month - 1; } else { $results['years'] = $year_diff; } break; case 0: $month = date("m") - $birthMonth; $results['months'] = $month; break; default: $results['years'] = $year_diff; if ((date("m") < $birthMonth) || (date("m") == $birthMonth) && (date("d") < $birthDay)) { $results['years']--; } } return $results; } /** * Function to calculate next payment date according to provided unit & interval * * @param string $unit frequency unit like year,month, week etc.. * * @param int $interval frequency interval. * * @param array $date start date of pledge. * * @return array $result contains new date with added interval * @access public */ static function intervalAdd($unit, $interval, $date, $dontCareTime = FALSE) { if (is_array($date)) { $hour = CRM_Utils_Array::value('H', $date); $minute = CRM_Utils_Array::value('i', $date); $second = CRM_Utils_Array::value('s', $date); $month = CRM_Utils_Array::value('M', $date); $day = CRM_Utils_Array::value('d', $date); $year = CRM_Utils_Array::value('Y', $date); } else { extract(date_parse($date)); } $date = mktime($hour, $minute, $second, $month, $day, $year); switch ($unit) { case 'year': $date = mktime($hour, $minute, $second, $month, $day, $year + $interval); break; case 'month': $date = mktime($hour, $minute, $second, $month + $interval, $day, $year); break; case 'week': $interval = $interval * 7; $date = mktime($hour, $minute, $second, $month, $day + $interval, $year); break; case 'day': $date = mktime($hour, $minute, $second, $month, $day + $interval, $year); break; case 'second': $date = mktime($hour, $minute, $second + $interval, $month, $day, $year); break; } $scheduleDate = explode("-", date("n-j-Y-H-i-s", $date)); $date = array(); $date['M'] = $scheduleDate[0]; $date['d'] = $scheduleDate[1]; $date['Y'] = $scheduleDate[2]; if ($dontCareTime == FALSE) { $date['H'] = $scheduleDate[3]; $date['i'] = $scheduleDate[4]; $date['s'] = $scheduleDate[5]; } return $date; } /** * function to check given format is valid for bith date. * and retrun supportable birth date format w/ qf mapping. * * @param $format given format ( eg 'M Y', 'Y M' ) * return array of qfMapping and date parts for date format. */ static function &checkBirthDateFormat($format = NULL) { $birthDateFormat = NULL; if (!$format) { $birthDateFormat = self::getDateFormat('birth'); } $supportableFormats = array( 'mm/dd' => '%B %E%f', 'dd-mm' => '%E%f %B', 'yy-mm' => '%Y %B', 'M yy' => '%b %Y', 'yy' => '%Y', 'dd/mm/yy' => '%E%f %B %Y', ); if (array_key_exists($birthDateFormat, $supportableFormats)) { $birthDateFormat = array('qfMapping' => $supportableFormats[$birthDateFormat]); } return $birthDateFormat; } /** * resolves the given relative time interval into finite time limits * * @param array $relativeTerm relative time frame like this, previous, etc * @param int $unit frequency unit like year, month, week etc.. * * @return array $dateRange start date and end date for the relative time frame * @static */ static function relativeToAbsolute($relativeTerm, $unit) { $now = getDate(); $from = $to = $dateRange = array(); $from['H'] = $from['i'] = $from['s'] = 0; switch ($unit) { case 'year': switch ($relativeTerm) { case 'this': $from['d'] = $from['M'] = 1; $to['d'] = 31; $to['M'] = 12; $to['Y'] = $from['Y'] = $now['year']; break; case 'previous': $from['M'] = $from['d'] = 1; $to['d'] = 31; $to['M'] = 12; $to['Y'] = $from['Y'] = $now['year'] - 1; break; case 'previous_before': $from['M'] = $from['d'] = 1; $to['d'] = 31; $to['M'] = 12; $to['Y'] = $from['Y'] = $now['year'] - 2; break; case 'previous_2': $from['M'] = $from['d'] = 1; $to['d'] = 31; $to['M'] = 12; $from['Y'] = $now['year'] - 2; $to['Y'] = $now['year'] - 1; break; case 'earlier': $to['d'] = 31; $to['M'] = 12; $to['Y'] = $now['year'] - 1; unset($from); break; case 'greater': $from['M'] = $from['d'] = 1; $from['Y'] = $now['year']; unset($to); break; case 'ending': $to['d'] = $now['mday']; $to['M'] = $now['mon']; $to['Y'] = $now['year']; $to['H'] = 23; $to['i'] = $to['s'] = 59; $from = self::intervalAdd('year', -1, $to); $from = self::intervalAdd('second', 1, $from); break; case 'current': $from['M'] = $from['d'] = 1; $from['Y'] = $now['year']; $to['H'] = 23; $to['i'] = $to['s'] = 59; $to['d'] = $now['mday']; $to['M'] = $now['mon']; $to['Y'] = $now['year']; break; case 'ending_2': $to['d'] = $now['mday']; $to['M'] = $now['mon']; $to['Y'] = $now['year']; $to['H'] = 23; $to['i'] = $to['s'] = 59; $from = self::intervalAdd('year', -2, $to); $from = self::intervalAdd('second', 1, $from); break; case 'ending_3': $to['d'] = $now['mday']; $to['M'] = $now['mon']; $to['Y'] = $now['year']; $to['H'] = 23; $to['i'] = $to['s'] = 59; $from = self::intervalAdd('year', -3, $to); $from = self::intervalAdd('second', 1, $from); break; } break; case 'fiscal_year': $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton(); $from['d'] = $config->fiscalYearStart['d']; $from['M'] = $config->fiscalYearStart['M']; $fYear = self::calculateFiscalYear($from['d'], $from['M']); switch ($relativeTerm) { case 'this': $from['Y'] = $fYear; $fiscalYear = mktime(0, 0, 0, $from['M'], $form['d'], $from['Y'] + 1); $fiscalEnd = explode('-', date("Y-m-d", $fiscalYear)); $to['d'] = $fiscalEnd['2']; $to['M'] = $fiscalEnd['1']; $to['Y'] = $fiscalEnd['0']; break; case 'previous': $from['Y'] = $fYear - 1; $fiscalYear = mktime(0, 0, 0, $from['M'], $form['d'], $from['Y'] + 1); $fiscalEnd = explode('-', date("Y-m-d", $fiscalYear)); $to['d'] = $fiscalEnd['2']; $to['M'] = $fiscalEnd['1']; $to['Y'] = $fiscalEnd['0']; break; } break; case 'quarter': switch ($relativeTerm) { case 'this': $quarter = ceil($now['mon'] / 3); $from['d'] = 1; $from['M'] = (3 * $quarter) - 2; $to['M'] = 3 * $quarter; $to['Y'] = $from['Y'] = $now['year']; $to['d'] = date('t', mktime(0, 0, 0, $to['M'], 1, $now['year'])); break; case 'previous': $difference = 1; $quarter = ceil($now['mon'] / 3); $quarter = $quarter - $difference; $subtractYear = 0; if ($quarter <= 0) { $subtractYear = 1; $quarter += 4; } $from['d'] = 1; $from['M'] = (3 * $quarter) - 2; $to['M'] = 3 * $quarter; $to['Y'] = $from['Y'] = $now['year'] - $subtractYear; $to['d'] = date('t', mktime(0, 0, 0, $to['M'], 1, $to['Y'])); break; case 'previous_before': $difference = 2; $quarter = ceil($now['mon'] / 3); $quarter = $quarter - $difference; if ($quarter <= 0) { $subtractYear = 1; $quarter += 4; } $from['d'] = 1; $from['M'] = (3 * $quarter) - 2; $to['M'] = 3 * $quarter; $to['Y'] = $from['Y'] = $now['year'] - $subtractYear; $to['d'] = date('t', mktime(0, 0, 0, $to['M'], 1, $to['Y'])); break; case 'previous_2': $difference = 2; $quarter = ceil($now['mon'] / 3); $current_quarter = $quarter; $quarter = $quarter - $difference; $subtractYear = 0; if ($quarter <= 0) { $subtractYear = 1; $quarter += 4; } $from['d'] = 1; $from['M'] = (3 * $quarter) - 2; switch ($current_quarter) { case 1: $to['M'] = (4 * $quarter); break; case 2: $to['M'] = (4 * $quarter) + 3; break; case 3: $to['M'] = (4 * $quarter) + 2; break; case 4: $to['M'] = (4 * $quarter) + 1; break; } $to['Y'] = $from['Y'] = $now['year'] - $subtractYear; if ($to['M'] > 12) { $to['M'] = 3 * ($quarter - 3); $to['Y'] = $now['year']; } $to['d'] = date('t', mktime(0, 0, 0, $to['M'], 1, $to['Y'])); break; case 'earlier': $quarter = ceil($now['mon'] / 3) - 1; if ($quarter <= 0) { $subtractYear = 1; $quarter += 4; } $to['M'] = 3 * $quarter; $to['Y'] = $from['Y'] = $now['year'] - $subtractYear; $to['d'] = date('t', mktime(0, 0, 0, $to['M'], 1, $to['Y'])); unset($from); break; case 'greater': $quarter = ceil($now['mon'] / 3); $from['d'] = 1; $from['M'] = (3 * $quarter) - 2; $from['Y'] = $now['year']; unset($to); break; case 'ending': $to['d'] = $now['mday']; $to['M'] = $now['mon']; $to['Y'] = $now['year']; $to['H'] = 23; $to['i'] = $to['s'] = 59; $from = self::intervalAdd('month', -3, $to); $from = self::intervalAdd('second', 1, $from); break; case 'current': $quarter = ceil($now['mon'] / 3); $from['d'] = 1; $from['M'] = (3 * $quarter) - 2; $from['Y'] = $now['year']; $to['d'] = $now['mday']; $to['M'] = $now['mon']; $to['Y'] = $now['year']; $to['H'] = 23; $to['i'] = $to['s'] = 59; break; } break; case 'month': switch ($relativeTerm) { case 'this': $from['d'] = 1; $to['d'] = date('t', mktime(0, 0, 0, $now['mon'], 1, $now['year'])); $from['M'] = $to['M'] = $now['mon']; $from['Y'] = $to['Y'] = $now['year']; break; case 'previous': $from['d'] = 1; if ($now['mon'] == 1) { $from['M'] = $to['M'] = 12; $from['Y'] = $to['Y'] = $now['year'] - 1; } else { $from['M'] = $to['M'] = $now['mon'] - 1; $from['Y'] = $to['Y'] = $now['year']; } $to['d'] = date('t', mktime(0, 0, 0, $to['M'], 1, $to['Y'])); break; case 'previous_before': $from['d'] = 1; if ($now['mon'] < 3) { $from['M'] = $to['M'] = 10 + $now['mon']; $from['Y'] = $to['Y'] = $now['year'] - 1; } else { $from['M'] = $to['M'] = $now['mon'] - 2; $from['Y'] = $to['Y'] = $now['year']; } $to['d'] = date('t', mktime(0, 0, 0, $to['M'], 1, $to['Y'])); break; case 'previous_2': $from['d'] = 1; if ($now['mon'] < 3) { $from['M'] = 10 + $now['mon']; $from['Y'] = $now['year'] - 1; } else { $from['M'] = $now['mon'] - 2; $from['Y'] = $now['year']; } if ($now['mon'] == 1) { $to['M'] = 12; $to['Y'] = $now['year'] - 1; } else { $to['M'] = $now['mon'] - 1; $to['Y'] = $now['year']; } $to['d'] = date('t', mktime(0, 0, 0, $to['M'], 1, $to['Y'])); break; case 'earlier': //before end of past month if ($now['mon'] == 1) { $to['M'] = 12; $to['Y'] = $now['year'] - 1; } else { $to['M'] = $now['mon'] - 1; $to['Y'] = $now['year']; } $to['d'] = date('t', mktime(0, 0, 0, $to['M'], 1, $to['Y'])); unset($from); break; case 'greater': $from['d'] = 1; $from['M'] = $now['mon'];; $from['Y'] = $now['year']; unset($to); break; case 'ending': $to['d'] = $now['mday']; $to['M'] = $now['mon']; $to['Y'] = $now['year']; $to['H'] = 23; $to['i'] = $to['s'] = 59; $from = self::intervalAdd('month', -1, $to); $from = self::intervalAdd('second', 1, $from); break; case 'current': $from['d'] = 1; $from['M'] = $now['mon'];; $from['Y'] = $now['year']; $to['d'] = $now['mday']; $to['M'] = $now['mon']; $to['Y'] = $now['year']; $to['H'] = 23; $to['i'] = $to['s'] = 59; break; } break; case 'week': switch ($relativeTerm) { case 'this': $from['d'] = $now['mday']; $from['M'] = $now['mon']; $from['Y'] = $now['year']; $from = self::intervalAdd('day', -1 * ($now['wday']), $from); $to = self::intervalAdd('day', 6, $from); break; case 'previous': $from['d'] = $now['mday']; $from['M'] = $now['mon']; $from['Y'] = $now['year']; $from = self::intervalAdd('day', -1 * ($now['wday']) - 7, $from); $to = self::intervalAdd('day', 6, $from); break; case 'previous_before': $from['d'] = $now['mday']; $from['M'] = $now['mon']; $from['Y'] = $now['year']; $from = self::intervalAdd('day', -1 * ($now['wday']) - 14, $from); $to = self::intervalAdd('day', 6, $from); break; case 'previous_2': $from['d'] = $now['mday']; $from['M'] = $now['mon']; $from['Y'] = $now['year']; $from = self::intervalAdd('day', -1 * ($now['wday']) - 14, $from); $to = self::intervalAdd('day', 13, $from); break; case 'earlier': $to['d'] = $now['mday']; $to['M'] = $now['mon']; $to['Y'] = $now['year']; $to = self::intervalAdd('day', -1 * ($now['wday']) - 1, $to); unset($from); break; case 'greater': $from['d'] = $now['mday']; $from['M'] = $now['mon']; $from['Y'] = $now['year']; $from = self::intervalAdd('day', -1 * ($now['wday']), $from); unset($to); break; case 'ending': $to['d'] = $now['mday']; $to['M'] = $now['mon']; $to['Y'] = $now['year']; $to['H'] = 23; $to['i'] = $to['s'] = 59; $from = self::intervalAdd('day', -7, $to); $from = self::intervalAdd('second', 1, $from); break; case 'current': $from['d'] = $now['mday']; $from['M'] = $now['mon']; $from['Y'] = $now['year']; $from = self::intervalAdd('day', -1 * ($now['wday']), $from); $to['d'] = $now['mday']; $to['M'] = $now['mon']; $to['Y'] = $now['year']; $to['H'] = 23; $to['i'] = $to['s'] = 59; break; } break; case 'day': switch ($relativeTerm) { case 'this': $from['d'] = $to['d'] = $now['mday']; $from['M'] = $to['M'] = $now['mon']; $from['Y'] = $to['Y'] = $now['year']; break; case 'previous': $from['d'] = $now['mday']; $from['M'] = $now['mon']; $from['Y'] = $now['year']; $from = self::intervalAdd('day', -1, $from); $to['d'] = $from['d']; $to['M'] = $from['M']; $to['Y'] = $from['Y']; break; case 'previous_before': $from['d'] = $now['mday']; $from['M'] = $now['mon']; $from['Y'] = $now['year']; $from = self::intervalAdd('day', -2, $from); $to['d'] = $from['d']; $to['M'] = $from['M']; $to['Y'] = $from['Y']; break; case 'previous_2': $from['d'] = $to['d'] = $now['mday']; $from['M'] = $to['M'] = $now['mon']; $from['Y'] = $to['Y'] = $now['year']; $from = self::intervalAdd('day', -2, $from); $to = self::intervalAdd('day', -1, $to); break; case 'earlier': $to['d'] = $now['mday']; $to['M'] = $now['mon']; $to['Y'] = $now['year']; unset($from); break; case 'greater': $from['d'] = $now['mday']; $from['M'] = $now['mon'];; $from['Y'] = $now['year']; unset($to); break; } break; } foreach (array( 'from', 'to') as $item) { if (!empty($$item)) { $dateRange[$item] = self::format($$item); } else { $dateRange[$item] = NULL; } } return $dateRange; } /** * Function to calculate current fiscal year based on the fiscal month and day * * @param int $fyDate Fiscal start date * * @param int $fyMonth Fiscal Start Month * * @return int $fy Current Fiscl Year * @access public * @static */ static function calculateFiscalYear($fyDate, $fyMonth) { $date = date("Y-m-d"); $currentYear = date("Y"); //recalculate the date because month 4::04 make the difference $fiscalYear = explode('-', date("Y-m-d", mktime(0, 0, 0, $fyMonth, $fyDate, $currentYear))); $fyDate = $fiscalYear[2]; $fyMonth = $fiscalYear[1]; $fyStartDate = date("Y-m-d", mktime(0, 0, 0, $fyMonth, $fyDate, $currentYear)); if ($fyStartDate > $date) { $fy = intval(intval($currentYear) - 1); } else { $fy = intval($currentYear); } return $fy; } /** * Function to process date, convert to mysql format * * @param string $date date string * @param string $time time string * @param string $returnNullString 'null' needs to be returned * so that db oject will set null in db * @param string $format expected return date format.( default is mysql ) * * @return string $mysqlDate date format that is excepted by mysql */ static function processDate($date, $time = NULL, $returnNullString = FALSE, $format = 'YmdHis') { $mysqlDate = NULL; if ($returnNullString) { $mysqlDate = 'null'; } if (trim($date)) { $mysqlDate = date($format, strtotime($date . ' ' . $time)); } return $mysqlDate; } /** * Function to convert mysql to date plugin format * * @param string $mysqlDate date string * * @return array $date and time */ static function setDateDefaults($mysqlDate = NULL, $formatType = NULL, $format = NULL, $timeFormat = NULL) { // if date is not passed assume it as today if (!$mysqlDate) { $mysqlDate = date('Y-m-d G:i:s'); } $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton(); if ($formatType) { // get actual format $params = array('name' => $formatType); $values = array(); CRM_Core_DAO::commonRetrieve('CRM_Core_DAO_PreferencesDate', $params, $values); if ($values['date_format']) { $format = $values['date_format']; } if (isset($values['time_format'])) { $timeFormat = $values['time_format']; } } // now we set display date using js, hence we should always setdefault // 'm/d/Y' format. So that submitted value is alwats mm/dd/YY format // note that for date display we dynamically create text field /* if ( !$format ) { $format = $config->dateInputFormat; } // get actual format $actualPHPFormats = CRM_Core_SelectValues::datePluginToPHPFormats( ); $dateFormat = CRM_Utils_Array::value( $format, $actualPHPFormats ); */ $dateFormat = 'm/d/Y'; $date = date($dateFormat, strtotime($mysqlDate)); if (!$timeFormat) { $timeFormat = $config->timeInputFormat; } $actualTimeFormat = "g:iA"; $appendZeroLength = 7; if ($timeFormat > 1) { $actualTimeFormat = "G:i"; $appendZeroLength = 5; } $time = date($actualTimeFormat, strtotime($mysqlDate)); // need to append zero for hours < 10 if (strlen($time) < $appendZeroLength) { $time = '0' . $time; } return array($date, $time); } /** * Function get date format * * @param string $formatType Date name e.g. birth * * @return string $format */ static function getDateFormat($formatType = NULL) { $format = NULL; if ($formatType) { $format = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Core_DAO_PreferencesDate', $formatType, 'date_format', 'name' ); } if (!$format) { $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton(); $format = $config->dateInputFormat; } return $format; } /** * Get the time in UTC for the current time. You can optionally send an offset from the current time if needed * * @param $offset int the offset from the current time in seconds * * @return the time in UTC * @static * @public */ static function getUTCTime($offset = 0) { $originalTimezone = date_default_timezone_get(); date_default_timezone_set('UTC'); $time = time() + $offset; $now = date('YmdHis', $time); date_default_timezone_set($originalTimezone); return $now; } static function formatDate($date, $dateType) { $formattedDate = NULL; if (empty($date)) { return $formattedDate; } //1. first convert date to default format. //2. append time to default formatted date (might be removed during format) //3. validate date / date time. //4. If date and time then convert to default date time format. $dateKey = 'date'; $dateParams = array($dateKey => $date); if (CRM_Utils_Date::convertToDefaultDate($dateParams, $dateType, $dateKey)) { $dateVal = $dateParams[$dateKey]; $ruleName = 'date'; if ($dateType == 1) { $matches = array(); if (preg_match("/(\s(([01]\d)|[2][0-3]):([0-5]\d))$/", $date, $matches)) { $ruleName = 'dateTime'; if (strpos($date, '-') !== FALSE) { $dateVal .= array_shift($matches); } } } // validate date. $valid = CRM_Utils_Rule::$ruleName($dateVal); if ($valid) { //format date and time to default. if ($ruleName == 'dateTime') { $dateVal = CRM_Utils_Date::customFormat(preg_replace("/(:|\s)?/", "", $dateVal), '%Y%m%d%H%i'); //hack to add seconds $dateVal .= '00'; } $formattedDate = $dateVal; } } return $formattedDate; } }