$value) { $xml .= str_repeat(' ', $depth * 4); if (is_array($value)) { $xml .= "<{$name}>{$seperator}"; $xml .= self::xml($value, $depth + 1, $seperator); $xml .= str_repeat(' ', $depth * 4); $xml .= "{$seperator}"; } else { // make sure we escape value $value = self::escapeXML($value); $xml .= "<{$name}>$value{$seperator}"; } } return $xml; } static function escapeXML($value) { static $src = NULL; static $dst = NULL; if (!$src) { $src = array('&', '<', '>', ''); $dst = array('&', '<', '>', ','); } return str_replace($src, $dst, $value); } /** * Convert an array-tree to a flat array * * @param array $list the original, tree-shaped list * @param array $flat the flat list to which items will be copied * @param string $prefix * @param string $seperator */ static function flatten(&$list, &$flat, $prefix = '', $seperator = ".") { foreach ($list as $name => $value) { $newPrefix = ($prefix) ? $prefix . $seperator . $name : $name; if (is_array($value)) { self::flatten($value, $flat, $newPrefix, $seperator); } else { if (!empty($value)) { $flat[$newPrefix] = $value; } } } } /** * Convert an array with path-like keys into a tree of arrays * * @param $delim A path delimiter * @param $arr A one-dimensional array indexed by string keys * * @return array-encoded tree */ function unflatten($delim, &$arr) { $result = array(); foreach ($arr as $key => $value) { $path = explode($delim, $key); $node = &$result; while (count($path) > 1) { $key = array_shift($path); if (!isset($node[$key])) { $node[$key] = array(); } $node = &$node[$key]; } // last part of path $key = array_shift($path); $node[$key] = $value; } return $result; } /** * Funtion to merge to two arrays recursively * * @param array $a1 * @param array $a2 * * @return $a3 * @static */ static function crmArrayMerge($a1, $a2) { if (empty($a1)) { return $a2; } if (empty($a2)) { return $a1; } $a3 = array(); foreach ($a1 as $key => $value) { if (array_key_exists($key, $a2) && is_array($a2[$key]) && is_array($a1[$key]) ) { $a3[$key] = array_merge($a1[$key], $a2[$key]); } else { $a3[$key] = $a1[$key]; } } foreach ($a2 as $key => $value) { if (array_key_exists($key, $a1)) { // already handled in above loop continue; } $a3[$key] = $a2[$key]; } return $a3; } static function isHierarchical(&$list) { foreach ($list as $n => $v) { if (is_array($v)) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } /** * Array deep copy * * @params array $array * @params int $maxdepth * @params int $depth * * @return array copy of the array * * @static * @access public */ static function array_deep_copy(&$array, $maxdepth = 50, $depth = 0) { if ($depth > $maxdepth) { return $array; } $copy = array(); foreach ($array as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value)) { array_deep_copy($value, $copy[$key], $maxdepth, ++$depth); } else { $copy[$key] = $value; } } return $copy; } /** * In some cases, functions return an array by reference, but we really don't * want to receive a reference. * * @param $array * @return mixed */ static function breakReference($array) { $copy = $array; return $copy; } /** * Array splice function that preserves associative keys * defauly php array_splice function doesnot preserve keys * So specify start and end of the array that you want to remove * * @param array $params array to slice * @param Integer $start * @param Integer $end * * @return void * @static */ static function crmArraySplice(&$params, $start, $end) { // verify start and end date if ($start < 0) { $start = 0; } if ($end > count($params)) { $end = count($params); } $i = 0; // procees unset operation foreach ($params as $key => $value) { if ($i >= $start && $i < $end) { unset($params[$key]); } $i++; } } /** * Function for case insensitive in_array search * * @param $value value or search string * @param $params array that need to be searched * @param $caseInsensitive boolean true or false * * @static */ static function crmInArray($value, $params, $caseInsensitive = TRUE) { foreach ($params as $item) { if (is_array($item)) { $ret = crmInArray($value, $item, $caseInsensitive); } else { $ret = ($caseInsensitive) ? strtolower($item) == strtolower($value) : $item == $value; if ($ret) { return $ret; } } } return FALSE; } /** * This function is used to convert associative array names to values * and vice-versa. * * This function is used by both the web form layer and the api. Note that * the api needs the name => value conversion, also the view layer typically * requires value => name conversion */ static function lookupValue(&$defaults, $property, $lookup, $reverse) { $id = $property . '_id'; $src = $reverse ? $property : $id; $dst = $reverse ? $id : $property; if (!array_key_exists(strtolower($src), array_change_key_case($defaults, CASE_LOWER))) { return FALSE; } $look = $reverse ? array_flip($lookup) : $lookup; //trim lookup array, ignore . ( fix for CRM-1514 ), eg for prefix/suffix make sure Dr. and Dr both are valid $newLook = array(); foreach ($look as $k => $v) { $newLook[trim($k, ".")] = $v; } $look = $newLook; if (is_array($look)) { if (!array_key_exists(trim(strtolower($defaults[strtolower($src)]), '.'), array_change_key_case($look, CASE_LOWER))) { return FALSE; } } $tempLook = array_change_key_case($look, CASE_LOWER); $defaults[$dst] = $tempLook[trim(strtolower($defaults[strtolower($src)]), '.')]; return TRUE; } /** * Function to check if give array is empty * @param array $array array to check for empty condition * * @return boolean true is array is empty else false * @static */ static function crmIsEmptyArray($array = array()) { if (!is_array($array)) { return TRUE; } foreach ($array as $element) { if (is_array($element)) { if (!self::crmIsEmptyArray($element)) { return FALSE; } } elseif (isset($element)) { return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } /** * Function to determine how many levels in array for multidimensional arrays * * @param array $array * * @return integer $levels containing number of levels in array * @static */ static function getLevelsArray($array) { if (!is_array($array)) { return 0; } $jsonString = json_encode($array); $parts = explode("}", $jsonString); $max = 0; foreach ($parts as $part) { $countLevels = substr_count($part, "{"); if ($countLevels > $max) { $max = $countLevels; } } return $max; } /** * Function to sort an associative array of arrays by an attribute using natural string compare * * @param array $array Array to be sorted * @param string $field Name of the attribute you want to sort by * * @return array $array Sorted array * @static */ static function crmArraySortByField($array, $field) { $code = "return strnatcmp(\$a['$field'], \$b['$field']);"; uasort($array, create_function('$a,$b', $code)); return $array; } /** * Recursively removes duplicate values from an multi-dimensional array. * * @param array $array The input array possibly containing duplicate values. * * @return array $array The array with duplicate values removed. * @static */ static function crmArrayUnique($array) { $result = array_map("unserialize", array_unique(array_map("serialize", $array))); foreach ($result as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value)) { $result[$key] = self::crmArrayUnique($value); } } return $result; } /** * Sort an array and maintain index association, use Collate from the * PECL "intl" package, if available, for UTF-8 sorting (ex: list of countries). * On Debian/Ubuntu: apt-get install php5-intl * * @param array $array array of values * * @return array Sorted array * @static */ static function asort($array = array()) { $lcMessages = CRM_Utils_System::getUFLocale(); if ($lcMessages && $lcMessages != 'en_US' && class_exists('Collator')) { $collator = new Collator($lcMessages . '.utf8'); $collator->asort($array); } else { asort($array); } return $array; } /** * Convenient way to unset a bunch of items from an array * * @param array $items (reference) * @param string/int/array $itemN: other params to this function will be treated as keys * (or arrays of keys) to unset */ static function remove(&$items) { foreach (func_get_args() as $n => $key) { if ($n && is_array($key)) { foreach($key as $k) { unset($items[$k]); } } elseif ($n) { unset($items[$key]); } } } /** * Build an array-tree which indexes the records in an array * * @param $keys array of string (properties by which to index) * @param $records array of records (objects or assoc-arrays) * @return array; multi-dimensional, with one layer for each key */ static function index($keys, $records) { $final_key = array_pop($keys); $result = array(); foreach ($records as $record) { $node = &$result; foreach ($keys as $key) { if (is_array($record)) { $keyvalue = $record[$key]; } else { $keyvalue = $record->{$key}; } if (isset($node[$keyvalue]) && !is_array($node[$keyvalue])) { $node[$keyvalue] = array(); } $node = &$node[$keyvalue]; } if (is_array($record)) { $node[ $record[$final_key] ] = $record; } else { $node[ $record->{$final_key} ] = $record; } } return $result; } /** * Iterate through a list of records and grab the value of some property * * @param string $prop * @param array $records a list of records (object|array) * @return array keys are the original keys of $records; values are the $prop values */ static function collect($prop, $records) { $result = array(); foreach ($records as $key => $record) { if (is_object($record)) { $result[$key] = $record->{$prop}; } else { $result[$key] = $record[$prop]; } } return $result; } /** * Given a list of key-value pairs, combine thme into a single string * @param array $pairs e.g. array('a' => '1', 'b' => '2') * @param string $l1Delim e.g. ',' * @param string $l2Delim e.g. '=' * @return string e.g. 'a=1,b=2' */ static function implodeKeyValue($l1Delim, $l2Delim, $pairs) { $exprs = array(); foreach ($pairs as $key => $value) { $exprs[] = $key . $l2Delim . $value; } return implode($l1Delim, $exprs); } /** * Like explode() but assumes that the $value is padded with $delim on left and right * * @param mixed $values * @param string $delim * @return array|NULL */ static function explodePadded($values, $delim = CRM_Core_DAO::VALUE_SEPARATOR) { if ($values === NULL) { return NULL; } // If we already have an array, no need to continue if (is_array($values)) { return $values; } return explode($delim, trim((string) $values, $delim)); } /** * Like implode() but creates a string that is padded with $delim on left and right * * @param mixed $values * @param string $delim * @return string|NULL */ static function implodePadded($values, $delim = CRM_Core_DAO::VALUE_SEPARATOR) { if ($values === NULL) { return NULL; } // If we already have a string, strip $delim off the ends so it doesn't get added twice if (is_string($values)) { $values = trim($values, $delim); } return $delim . implode($delim, (array) $values) . $delim; } /** * Function to modify the key in an array without actually changing the order * By default when you add an element it is added at the end * * @param array $elementArray associated array element * @param string $oldKey old key * @param string $newKey new key * * @return array */ static function crmReplaceKey(&$elementArray, $oldKey, $newKey) { $keys = array_keys($elementArray); if (FALSE === $index = array_search($oldKey, $keys)) { throw new Exception(sprintf('key "%s" does not exit', $oldKey)); } $keys[$index] = $newKey; $elementArray = array_combine($keys, array_values($elementArray)); return $elementArray; } /* * function to get value of first matched * regex key element of an array */ static function valueByRegexKey($regexKey, $list, $default = NULL) { if (is_array($list) && $regexKey) { $matches = preg_grep($regexKey, array_keys($list)); $key = reset($matches); return ($key && array_key_exists($key, $list)) ? $list[$key] : $default; } return $default; } /** * Generate the Cartesian product of zero or more vectors * * @param array $dimensions list of dimensions to multiply; each key is a dimension name; each value is a vector * @param array $template a base set of values included in every output * @return array each item is a distinct combination of values from $dimensions * * For example, the product of * { * fg => {red, blue}, * bg => {white, black} * } * would be * { * {fg => red, bg => white}, * {fg => red, bg => black}, * {fg => blue, bg => white}, * {fg => blue, bg => black} * } */ static function product($dimensions, $template = array()) { if (empty($dimensions)) { return array($template); } foreach ($dimensions as $key => $value) { $firstKey = $key; $firstValues = $value; break; } unset($dimensions[$key]); $results = array(); foreach ($firstValues as $firstValue) { foreach (self::product($dimensions, $template) as $result) { $result[$firstKey] = $firstValue; $results[] = $result; } } return $results; } }