get('address_format'); } if ($mailing) { $format = Civi::settings()->get('mailing_format'); } $formatted = $format; $fullPostalCode = $fields['postal_code'] ?? NULL; if (!empty($fields['postal_code_suffix'])) { $fullPostalCode .= "-$fields[postal_code_suffix]"; } // make sure that some of the fields do have values $emptyFields = [ 'supplemental_address_1', 'supplemental_address_2', 'supplemental_address_3', 'state_province_name', 'county', ]; foreach ($emptyFields as $f) { if (!isset($fields[$f])) { $fields[$f] = NULL; } } //CRM-16876 Display countries in all caps when in mailing mode. if ($mailing && !empty($fields['country'])) { if (Civi::settings()->get('hideCountryMailingLabels')) { $domain = CRM_Core_BAO_Domain::getDomain(); $domainLocation = CRM_Core_BAO_Location::getValues(['contact_id' => $domain->contact_id]); $domainAddress = $domainLocation['address'][1]; $domainCountryId = $domainAddress['country_id']; if ($fields['country'] == CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::country($domainCountryId)) { $fields['country'] = NULL; } else { //Capitalization display on uppercase to contries with special characters $fields['country'] = mb_convert_case($fields['country'], MB_CASE_UPPER, "UTF-8"); } } else { $fields['country'] = mb_convert_case($fields['country'], MB_CASE_UPPER, "UTF-8"); } } if (!$microformat) { // replacements in case of Individual Name Format $replacements = [ 'contact.display_name' => $fields['display_name'] ?? NULL, 'contact.individual_prefix' => $fields['individual_prefix'] ?? NULL, 'contact.formal_title' => $fields['formal_title'] ?? NULL, 'contact.first_name' => $fields['first_name'] ?? NULL, 'contact.middle_name' => $fields['middle_name'] ?? NULL, 'contact.last_name' => $fields['last_name'] ?? NULL, 'contact.individual_suffix' => $fields['individual_suffix'] ?? NULL, 'contact.address_name' => $fields['address_name'] ?? NULL, 'contact.street_address' => $fields['street_address'] ?? NULL, 'contact.supplemental_address_1' => $fields['supplemental_address_1'] ?? NULL, 'contact.supplemental_address_2' => $fields['supplemental_address_2'] ?? NULL, 'contact.supplemental_address_3' => $fields['supplemental_address_3'] ?? NULL, '' => $fields['city'] ?? NULL, 'contact.state_province_name' => $fields['state_province_name'] ?? NULL, 'contact.county' => $fields['county'] ?? NULL, 'contact.state_province' => $fields['state_province'] ?? NULL, 'contact.postal_code' => $fullPostalCode, '' => $fields['country'] ?? NULL, 'contact.world_region' => $fields['world_region'] ?? NULL, 'contact.geo_code_1' => $fields['geo_code_1'] ?? NULL, 'contact.geo_code_2' => $fields['geo_code_2'] ?? NULL, 'contact.current_employer' => $fields['current_employer'] ?? NULL, 'contact.nick_name' => $fields['nick_name'] ?? NULL, '' => $fields['email'] ?? NULL, '' => $fields['im'] ?? NULL, 'contact.do_not_email' => $fields['do_not_email'] ?? NULL, 'contact.do_not_phone' => $fields['do_not_phone'] ?? NULL, 'contact.do_not_mail' => $fields['do_not_mail'] ?? NULL, 'contact.do_not_sms' => $fields['do_not_sms'] ?? NULL, 'contact.do_not_trade' => $fields['do_not_trade'] ?? NULL, 'contact.job_title' => $fields['job_title'] ?? NULL, 'contact.birth_date' => $fields['birth_date'] ?? NULL, 'contact.gender' => $fields['gender'] ?? NULL, 'contact.is_opt_out' => $fields['is_opt_out'] ?? NULL, 'contact.preferred_mail_format' => $fields['preferred_mail_format'] ?? NULL, '' => $fields['phone'] ?? NULL, 'contact.home_URL' => $fields['home_URL'] ?? NULL, 'contact.contact_source' => $fields['contact_source'] ?? NULL, 'contact.external_identifier' => $fields['external_identifier'] ?? NULL, 'contact.contact_id' => $fields['id'] ?? NULL, 'contact.household_name' => $fields['display_name'] ?? NULL, 'contact.organization_name' => $fields['display_name'] ?? NULL, 'contact.legal_name' => $fields['legal_name'] ?? NULL, 'contact.preferred_communication_method' => $fields['preferred_communication_method'] ?? NULL, 'contact.communication_style' => $fields['communication_style'] ?? NULL, 'contact.addressee' => $fields['addressee_display'] ?? NULL, 'contact.email_greeting' => $fields['email_greeting_display'] ?? NULL, 'contact.postal_greeting' => $fields['postal_greeting_display'] ?? NULL, ]; } else { $replacements = [ 'contact.address_name' => "" . $fields['address_name'] . "", 'contact.street_address' => "" . $fields['street_address'] . "", 'contact.supplemental_address_1' => "" . $fields['supplemental_address_1'] . "", 'contact.supplemental_address_2' => $fields['supplemental_address_2'], 'contact.supplemental_address_3' => $fields['supplemental_address_3'], '' => "" . $fields['city'] . "", 'contact.state_province_name' => "" . $fields['state_province_name'] . "", 'contact.county' => "" . $fields['county'], 'contact.state_province' => "" . $fields['state_province'] . "", 'contact.postal_code' => "" . $fullPostalCode . "", '' => "" . $fields['country'] . "", 'contact.world_region' => "" . $fields['world_region'] . "", ]; // erase all empty ones, so we dont get blank lines foreach (array_keys($replacements) as $key) { $exactKey = substr($key, 0, 8) == 'contact.' ? substr($key, 8) : $key; if ($key != 'contact.postal_code' && CRM_Utils_Array::value($exactKey, $fields) == NULL ) { $replacements[$key] = ''; } } if (empty($fullPostalCode)) { $replacements['contact.postal_code'] = ''; } } // replacements in case of Custom Token if (stristr($formatted, 'custom_')) { $customToken = array_keys($fields); foreach ($customToken as $value) { if (substr($value, 0, 7) == 'custom_') { $replacements["contact.{$value}"] = $fields["{$value}"]; } } } // also sub all token fields if ($tokenFields) { foreach ($tokenFields as $token) { $replacements["{$token}"] = $fields["{$token}"] ?? NULL; } } // for every token, replace {fooTOKENbar} with fooVALUEbar if // the value is not empty, otherwise drop the whole {fooTOKENbar} foreach ($replacements as $token => $value) { if ($value && is_string($value) || is_numeric($value)) { $formatted = preg_replace("/{([^{}]*)\b{$token}\b([^{}]*)}/u", "\${1}{$value}\${2}", $formatted); } else { $formatted = preg_replace("/{[^{}]*\b{$token}\b[^{}]*}/u", '', $formatted); } } // drop any {...} constructs from lines' ends if (!$microformat) { $formatted = "\n$formatted\n"; } else { if ($microformat == 1) { $formatted = "\n
\n"; } else { $formatted = "\n
\n"; } } $formatted = preg_replace('/\n{[^{}]*}/u', "\n", $formatted); $formatted = preg_replace('/{[^{}]*}\n/u', "\n", $formatted); // if there are any 'sibling' {...} constructs, replace them with the // contents of the first one; for example, when there's no state_province: // 1. {city}{, }{state_province}{ }{postal_code} // 2. San Francisco{, }{ }12345 // 3. San Francisco, 12345 $formatted = preg_replace('/{([^{}]*)}({[^{}]*})+/u', '\1', $formatted); // drop any remaining curly braces leaving their contents $formatted = str_replace(['{', '}'], '', $formatted); // drop any empty lines left after the replacements $formatted = preg_replace('/^[ \t]*[\r\n]+/m', '', $formatted); if (!$microformat) { $finalFormatted = $formatted; } else { // remove \n from each line and only add at the end // this hack solves formatting issue, when we convert nl2br $lines = []; $count = 1; $finalFormatted = NULL; $formattedArray = explode("\n", $formatted); $formattedArray = array_filter($formattedArray); foreach ($formattedArray as $line) { $line = trim($line); if ($line) { if ($count > 1 && $count < count($formattedArray)) { $line = "$line\n"; } $finalFormatted .= $line; $count++; } } } return $finalFormatted; } /** * @param $format * * @return array */ public static function sequence($format) { // also compute and store the address sequence $addressSequence = [ 'address_name', 'street_address', 'supplemental_address_1', 'supplemental_address_2', 'supplemental_address_3', 'city', 'county', 'state_province', 'postal_code', 'country', ]; // get the field sequence from the format $newSequence = []; foreach ($addressSequence as $field) { if (substr_count($format, $field)) { $newSequence[strpos($format, $field)] = $field; } } ksort($newSequence); // add the addressSequence fields that are missing in the addressFormat // to the end of the list, so that (for example) if state_province is not // specified in the addressFormat it's still in the address-editing form $newSequence = array_merge($newSequence, $addressSequence); $newSequence = array_unique($newSequence); return $newSequence; } /** * Extract the billing fields from the form submission and format them for display. * * @param array $params * @param int $billingLocationTypeID * * @return string */ public static function getFormattedBillingAddressFieldsFromParameters($params, $billingLocationTypeID) { $addressParts = [ "street_address" => "billing_street_address-{$billingLocationTypeID}", "city" => "billing_city-{$billingLocationTypeID}", "postal_code" => "billing_postal_code-{$billingLocationTypeID}", "state_province" => "state_province-{$billingLocationTypeID}", "country" => "country-{$billingLocationTypeID}", ]; $addressFields = []; foreach ($addressParts as $name => $field) { $value = $params[$field] ?? NULL; $alternateName = 'billing_' . $name . '_id-' . $billingLocationTypeID; $alternate2 = 'billing_' . $name . '-' . $billingLocationTypeID; if (isset($params[$alternate2]) && !isset($params[$alternateName])) { $alternateName = $alternate2; } //Include values which prepend 'billing_' to country and state_province. if (!empty($params[$alternateName])) { if (empty($value) || !is_numeric($value)) { $value = $params[$alternateName]; } } if (is_numeric($value) && ($name == 'state_province' || $name == 'country')) { if ($name == 'state_province') { $addressFields[$name] = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::stateProvinceAbbreviation($value); $addressFields[$name . '_name'] = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::stateProvince($value); } if ($name == 'country') { $addressFields[$name] = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::countryIsoCode($value); } } else { $addressFields[$name] = $value; } } return CRM_Utils_Address::format($addressFields); } }