-- CRM-7494 -- update navigation. UPDATE civicrm_navigation SET name = 'Survey Report (Detail)', label = 'Survey Report (Detail)' WHERE name LIKE 'Walk List Survey Report'; -- update report instance. UPDATE civicrm_report_instance SET title = 'Survey Report (Detail)', description = 'Detailed report for canvassing, phone-banking, walk lists or other surveys.' WHERE report_id LIKE 'survey/detail'; -- update report template option values. {if $multilingual} {foreach from=$locales item=loc} UPDATE civicrm_option_value val INNER JOIN civicrm_option_group grp ON ( grp.id = val.option_group_id ) SET val.label_{$loc} = '{ts escape="sql"}Survey Report (Detail){/ts}', val.description_{$loc} = '{ts escape="sql"}Detailed report for canvassing, phone-banking, walk lists or other surveys.{/ts}' WHERE val.name = 'CRM_Report_Form_Campaign_SurveyDetails' AND grp.name = 'report_template'; {/foreach} {else} UPDATE civicrm_option_value val INNER JOIN civicrm_option_group grp ON ( grp.id = val.option_group_id ) SET val.label = '{ts escape="sql"}Survey Report (Detail){/ts}', val.description = '{ts escape="sql"}Detailed report for canvassing, phone-banking, walk lists or other surveys.{/ts}' WHERE val.name = 'CRM_Report_Form_Campaign_SurveyDetails' AND grp.name = 'report_template'; {/if} -- get rid of standalone tables CRM-7672 DROP TABLE IF EXISTS civicrm_openid_associations; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS civicrm_openid_nonces; -- insert 5395 Logo style event name badge CRM-7695 SELECT @option_group_id_eventBadge := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'event_badge'; {if $multilingual} INSERT INTO civicrm_option_value (option_group_id, {foreach from=$locales item=locale}label_{$locale}, description_{$locale}, {/foreach} value, name, weight, is_active, component_id ) VALUES (@option_group_id_eventBadge , {foreach from=$locales item=locale}'5395 with Logo', 'Avery 5395 compatible labels with logo (4 up by 2, 59.2mm x 85.7mm)', {/foreach} '4', 'CRM_Event_Badge_Logo5395', 1, 1, NULL ); {else} INSERT INTO civicrm_option_value (option_group_id, label, description, value, name, weight, is_active, component_id ) VALUES (@option_group_id_eventBadge , '{ts escape="sql"}5395 with Logo{/ts}', '{ts escape="sql"}Avery 5395 compatible labels with logo (4 up by 2, 59.2mm x 85.7mm){/ts}', '4', 'CRM_Event_Badge_Logo5395', 1, 1, NULL ); {/if}