-- CRM-6400 INSERT INTO civicrm_uf_group (name, group_type, {localize field='title'}title{/localize}, is_reserved ) VALUES ('summary_overlay', 'Contact', {localize}'Summary Overlay'{/localize}, 1 ); SELECT @uf_group_id_summary := max(id) from civicrm_uf_group where name = 'summary_overlay'; INSERT INTO civicrm_uf_join (is_active,module,entity_table,entity_id,weight,uf_group_id) VALUES (1, 'Profile', NULL, NULL, 6, @uf_group_id_summary ); INSERT INTO civicrm_uf_field ( uf_group_id, field_name, is_required, is_reserved, weight, visibility, in_selector, is_searchable, location_type_id, {localize field='label'}label{/localize},field_type ) VALUES ( @uf_group_id_summary, 'phone' ,1, 0, 1, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, 1, {localize}'Home Phone'{/localize}, 'Contact'), ( @uf_group_id_summary, 'phone' ,1, 0, 2, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, 2, {localize}'Home Mobile'{/localize}, 'Contact' ), ( @uf_group_id_summary, 'street_address', 1, 0, 3, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, NULL, {localize}'Primary Address'{/localize}, 'Contact' ), ( @uf_group_id_summary, 'city', 1, 0, 4, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, NULL, {localize}'City'{/localize}, 'Contact' ), ( @uf_group_id_summary, 'state_province', 1, 0, 5, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, NULL, {localize}'State'{/localize}, 'Contact' ), ( @uf_group_id_summary, 'postal_code', 1, 0, 6, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, NULL, {localize}'Postal Code'{/localize}, 'Contact' ), ( @uf_group_id_summary, 'email', 1, 0, 7, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, NULL, {localize}'Primary Email'{/localize}, 'Contact' ), ( @uf_group_id_summary, 'group', 1, 0, 8, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, NULL, {localize}'Groups'{/localize}, 'Contact' ), ( @uf_group_id_summary, 'tag', 1, 0, 9, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, NULL, {localize}'Tags'{/localize}, 'Contact' ), ( @uf_group_id_summary, 'gender', 1, 0, 10, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, NULL, {localize}'Gender'{/localize}, 'Individual' ), ( @uf_group_id_summary, 'birth_date', 1, 0, 11, 'User and User Admin Only', 0, 0, NULL, {localize}'Date of Birth'{/localize}, 'Individual' ); -- CRM-6416 SELECT @option_group_id_ceOpt := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'contact_edit_options'; SELECT @option_value_ceOpt := max(round(value)) from civicrm_option_value where option_group_id = @option_group_id_ceOpt; SELECT @option_weight_ceOpt := max(round(weight)) from civicrm_option_value where option_group_id = @option_group_id_ceOpt; INSERT INTO civicrm_option_value (`option_group_id`, {localize field='label'}`label`{/localize}, `value`, `name`, `grouping`, `filter`, `is_default`, `weight`, `is_optgroup`, `is_reserved`, `is_active`, `component_id`, `domain_id`, `visibility_id`) VALUES( @option_group_id_ceOpt, {localize}'Website'{/localize}, @option_value_ceOpt+1, 'Website', NULL, 1, NULL, @option_weight_ceOpt+1, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL ); UPDATE civicrm_preferences SET contact_edit_options = CONCAT(contact_edit_options, @option_value_ceOpt+1, ''); -- CRM-6410 SELECT @bounceTypeID := MAX(id) FROM civicrm_mailing_bounce_type WHERE name = 'Invalid'; INSERT INTO civicrm_mailing_bounce_pattern (bounce_type_id, pattern) VALUES (@bounceTypeID, '^Validation failed for:');