-- schema changes for 3.2 alpha4 tag -- change is_hidden to is_tagset in civicrm_tag ALTER TABLE `civicrm_tag` CHANGE `is_hidden` `is_tagset` TINYINT( 4 ) NULL DEFAULT '0'; -- CRM-6229 ALTER TABLE `civicrm_event` CHANGE `is_template` `is_template` TINYINT( 4 ) NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'whether the event has template'; UPDATE `civicrm_event` SET `is_template` = 0 WHERE `is_template` IS NULL ; -- CRM-5970 ALTER TABLE `civicrm_financial_account` ADD `contact_id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT 'FK to civicrm_contact' AFTER `id` ; ALTER TABLE `civicrm_financial_account` ADD CONSTRAINT `FK_civicrm_financial_account_contact_id` FOREIGN KEY (`contact_id`) REFERENCES `civicrm_contact` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- CRM-6294 (event badge support) {if $multilingual} INSERT INTO civicrm_option_group ( name, {foreach from=$locales item=locale}description_{$locale}, {/foreach} is_reserved, is_active) VALUES ( 'event_badge', {foreach from=$locales item=locale}'Event Badge', {/foreach} 0, 1 ); {else} INSERT INTO civicrm_option_group (name, description, is_reserved, is_active ) VALUES ('event_badge', 'event_badge', 0, 1 ); {/if} SELECT @option_group_id_eventBadge := max(id) from civicrm_option_group where name = 'event_badge'; {if $multilingual} INSERT INTO civicrm_option_value (option_group_id, {foreach from=$locales item=locale}label_{$locale}, description_{$locale}, {/foreach} value, name, weight, is_active, component_id ) VALUES (@option_group_id_eventBadge , {foreach from=$locales item=locale}'Name Only', 'Simple Event Name Badge', {/foreach} '1', 'CRM_Event_Badge_Simple', 1, 1, NULL ), (@option_group_id_eventBadge , {foreach from=$locales item=locale}'Name Tent', 'Name Tent', {/foreach} '2', 'CRM_Event_Badge_NameTent', 1, 1, NULL ); {else} INSERT INTO civicrm_option_value (option_group_id, label, description, value, name, weight, is_active, component_id ) VALUES (@option_group_id_eventBadge , '{ts escape="sql"}Name Only{/ts}', '{ts escape="sql"}Simple Event Name Badge{/ts}', '1', 'CRM_Event_Badge_Simple', 1, 1, NULL ), (@option_group_id_eventBadge , '{ts escape="sql"}Name Tent{/ts}', '{ts escape="sql"}Name Tent{/ts}', '2', 'CRM_Event_Badge_NameTent', 1, 1, NULL ); {/if}