' . ts('This webserver is running an outdated version of PHP (%1). The recommended version is %2 or later.', array( 1 => phpversion(), 2 => self::MIN_RECOMMENDED_PHP_VER, )) . '
' . ts('You may proceed with the upgrade and CiviCRM %1 will continue working normally, but future releases will require PHP %2.', array( 1 => $latestVer, 2 => self::MIN_RECOMMENDED_PHP_VER, )); } // http://issues.civicrm.org/jira/browse/CRM-13572 // Depending on how the code was upgraded, some sites may still have copies of old // source files left behind. This is often a forgivable offense, but it's quite // dangerous for CIVI-SA-2013-001. global $civicrm_root; $ofcFile = "$civicrm_root/packages/OpenFlashChart/php-ofc-library/ofc_upload_image.php"; if (file_exists($ofcFile)) { if (@unlink($ofcFile)) { $preUpgradeMessage .= '
' . ts('This system included an outdated, insecure script (%1). The file was automatically deleted.', array( 1 => $ofcFile, )); } else { $preUpgradeMessage .= '
' . ts('This system includes an outdated, insecure script (%1). Please delete it.', array( 1 => $ofcFile, )); } } if (CRM_Core_BAO_Setting::getItem(CRM_Core_BAO_Setting::SEARCH_PREFERENCES_NAME, 'enable_innodb_fts', NULL, FALSE)) { // The FTS indexing feature dynamically manipulates the schema which could // cause conflicts with other layers that manipulate the schema. The // simplest thing is to turn it off and back on. // It may not always be necessary to do this -- but I doubt we're going to test // systematically in future releases. When it is necessary, one could probably // ignore the matter and simply run CRM_Core_InnoDBIndexer::fixSchemaDifferences // after the upgrade. But that's speculative. For now, we'll leave this // advanced feature in the hands of the sysadmin. $preUpgradeMessage .= '
' . ts('This database uses InnoDB Full Text Search for optimized searching. The upgrade procedure has not been tested with this feature. You should disable (and later re-enable) the feature by navigating to "Administer => System Settings => Miscellaneous".'); } } /** * @param $message * @param $latestVer * @param $currentVer */ public static function checkMessageTemplate(&$message, $latestVer, $currentVer) { $sql = "SELECT orig.workflow_id as workflow_id, orig.msg_title as title FROM civicrm_msg_template diverted JOIN civicrm_msg_template orig ON ( diverted.workflow_id = orig.workflow_id AND orig.is_reserved = 1 AND ( diverted.msg_subject != orig.msg_subject OR diverted.msg_text != orig.msg_text OR diverted.msg_html != orig.msg_html ) )"; $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql); while ($dao->fetch()) { $workflows[$dao->workflow_id] = $dao->title; } if (empty($workflows)) { return; } $html = NULL; $pathName = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)); $flag = FALSE; foreach ($workflows as $workflow => $title) { $name = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Core_DAO_OptionValue', $workflow, 'name', 'id' ); // check if file exists locally $textFileName = implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array( $pathName, "{$latestVer}.msg_template", 'message_templates', "{$name}_text.tpl", ) ); $htmlFileName = implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array( $pathName, "{$latestVer}.msg_template", 'message_templates', "{$name}_html.tpl", ) ); if (file_exists($textFileName) || file_exists($htmlFileName) ) { $flag = TRUE; $html .= "
  • {$title}
  • "; } } if ($flag == TRUE) { $html = "