* $Id$ */ /** * Business objects for Line Items generated by monetary transactions */ class CRM_Price_BAO_LineItem extends CRM_Price_DAO_LineItem { /** * Creates a new entry in the database. * * @param array $params * (reference) an assoc array of name/value pairs. * * @return CRM_Price_DAO_LineItem */ public static function create(&$params) { $id = CRM_Utils_Array::value('id', $params); if ($id) { CRM_Utils_Hook::pre('edit', 'LineItem', $id, $params); $op = CRM_Core_Action::UPDATE; } else { CRM_Utils_Hook::pre('create', 'LineItem', $params['entity_id'], $params); $op = CRM_Core_Action::ADD; } // unset entity table and entity id in $params // we never update the entity table and entity id during update mode if ($id) { unset($params['entity_id'], $params['entity_table']); } if (CRM_Financial_BAO_FinancialType::isACLFinancialTypeStatus() && CRM_Utils_Array::value('check_permissions', $params)) { if (empty($params['financial_type_id'])) { throw new Exception('Mandatory key(s) missing from params array: financial_type_id'); } CRM_Financial_BAO_FinancialType::getAvailableFinancialTypes($types, $op); if (!in_array($params['financial_type_id'], array_keys($types))) { throw new Exception('You do not have permission to create this line item'); } } $lineItemBAO = new CRM_Price_BAO_LineItem(); $lineItemBAO->copyValues($params); $return = $lineItemBAO->save(); if ($lineItemBAO->entity_table == 'civicrm_membership' && $lineItemBAO->contribution_id && $lineItemBAO->entity_id) { $membershipPaymentParams = array( 'membership_id' => $lineItemBAO->entity_id, 'contribution_id' => $lineItemBAO->contribution_id, ); if (!civicrm_api3('MembershipPayment', 'getcount', $membershipPaymentParams)) { civicrm_api3('MembershipPayment', 'create', $membershipPaymentParams); } } if ($id) { CRM_Utils_Hook::post('edit', 'LineItem', $id, $lineItemBAO); } else { CRM_Utils_Hook::post('create', 'LineItem', $lineItemBAO->id, $lineItemBAO); } return $return; } /** * Retrieve DB object based on input parameters. * * It also stores all the retrieved values in the default array. * * @param array $params * (reference ) an assoc array of name/value pairs. * @param array $defaults * (reference ) an assoc array to hold the flattened values. * * @return CRM_Price_BAO_LineItem */ public static function retrieve(&$params, &$defaults) { $lineItem = new CRM_Price_BAO_LineItem(); $lineItem->copyValues($params); if ($lineItem->find(TRUE)) { CRM_Core_DAO::storeValues($lineItem, $defaults); return $lineItem; } return NULL; } /** * Modifies $params array for filtering financial types. * * @param array $params * (reference ) an assoc array of name/value pairs. * */ public static function getAPILineItemParams(&$params) { CRM_Financial_BAO_FinancialType::getAvailableFinancialTypes($types); if ($types && empty($params['financial_type_id'])) { $params['financial_type_id'] = array('IN' => array_keys($types)); } elseif ($types) { if (is_array($params['financial_type_id'])) { $invalidFts = array_diff($params['financial_type_id'], array_keys($types)); } elseif (!in_array($params['financial_type_id'], array_keys($types))) { $invalidFts = $params['financial_type_id']; } if ($invalidFts) { $params['financial_type_id'] = array('NOT IN' => $invalidFts); } } else { $params['financial_type_id'] = 0; } } /** * @param int $entityId * @param $entityTable * * @return null|string */ public static function getLineTotal($entityId, $entityTable) { $sqlLineItemTotal = "SELECT SUM(li.line_total + COALESCE(li.tax_amount,0)) FROM civicrm_line_item li WHERE li.entity_table = '{$entityTable}' AND li.entity_id = {$entityId} "; $lineItemTotal = CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery($sqlLineItemTotal); return $lineItemTotal; } /** * Wrapper for line item retrieval when contribution ID is known. * @param int $contributionID * * @return array */ public static function getLineItemsByContributionID($contributionID) { return self::getLineItems($contributionID, 'contribution', NULL, TRUE, TRUE, " WHERE contribution_id = " . (int) $contributionID); } /** * Given a participant id/contribution id, * return contribution/fee line items * * @param int $entityId * participant/contribution id. * @param string $entity * participant/contribution. * * @param null $isQuick * @param bool $isQtyZero * @param bool $relatedEntity * * @param string $overrideWhereClause * E.g "WHERE contribution id = 7 " per the getLineItemsByContributionID wrapper. * this function precedes the convenience of the contribution id but since it does quite a bit more than just a db retrieval we need to be able to use it even * when we don't want it's entity-id magix * * @param bool $invoice * @return array * Array of line items */ public static function getLineItems($entityId, $entity = 'participant', $isQuick = NULL, $isQtyZero = TRUE, $relatedEntity = FALSE, $overrideWhereClause = '', $invoice = FALSE) { $whereClause = $fromClause = NULL; $selectClause = " SELECT li.id, li.label, li.contribution_id, li.qty, li.unit_price, li.line_total, li.entity_table, li.entity_id, pf.label as field_title, pf.html_type, pfv.membership_type_id, pfv.membership_num_terms, li.price_field_id, li.participant_count, li.price_field_value_id, li.financial_type_id, li.tax_amount, pfv.description"; $condition = "li.entity_id = %2.id AND li.entity_table = 'civicrm_%2'"; if ($relatedEntity) { $condition = "li.contribution_id = %2.id "; } $fromClause = " FROM civicrm_%2 as %2 LEFT JOIN civicrm_line_item li ON ({$condition}) LEFT JOIN civicrm_price_field_value pfv ON ( pfv.id = li.price_field_value_id ) LEFT JOIN civicrm_price_field pf ON (pf.id = li.price_field_id )"; $whereClause = " WHERE %2.id = %1"; // CRM-16250 get additional participant's fee selection details only for invoice PDF (if any) if ($entity == 'participant' && $invoice) { $additionalParticipantIDs = CRM_Event_BAO_Participant::getAdditionalParticipantIds($entityId); if (!empty($additionalParticipantIDs)) { $whereClause = "WHERE %2.id IN (%1, " . implode(', ', $additionalParticipantIDs) . ")"; } } $orderByClause = " ORDER BY pf.weight, pfv.weight"; if ($isQuick) { $fromClause .= " LEFT JOIN civicrm_price_set cps on cps.id = pf.price_set_id "; $whereClause .= " and cps.is_quick_config = 0"; } if (!$isQtyZero) { $whereClause .= " and li.qty != 0"; } $lineItems = array(); if (!$entityId || !$entity || !$fromClause) { return $lineItems; } $params = array( 1 => array($entityId, 'Integer'), 2 => array($entity, 'Text'), ); $getTaxDetails = FALSE; $invoiceSettings = Civi::settings()->get('contribution_invoice_settings'); $invoicing = CRM_Utils_Array::value('invoicing', $invoiceSettings); if ($overrideWhereClause) { $whereClause = $overrideWhereClause; } $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery("$selectClause $fromClause $whereClause $orderByClause", $params); while ($dao->fetch()) { if (!$dao->id) { continue; } $lineItems[$dao->id] = array( 'qty' => (float) $dao->qty, 'label' => $dao->label, 'unit_price' => $dao->unit_price, 'line_total' => $dao->line_total, 'price_field_id' => $dao->price_field_id, 'participant_count' => $dao->participant_count, 'price_field_value_id' => $dao->price_field_value_id, 'field_title' => $dao->field_title, 'html_type' => $dao->html_type, 'description' => $dao->description, // the entity id seems prone to randomness but not sure if it has a reason - so if we are overriding the Where clause we assume // we also JUST WANT TO KNOW the the entity_id in the DB 'entity_id' => empty($overrideWhereClause) ? $entityId : $dao->entity_id, 'entity_table' => $dao->entity_table, 'contribution_id' => $dao->contribution_id, 'financial_type_id' => $dao->financial_type_id, 'membership_type_id' => $dao->membership_type_id, 'membership_num_terms' => $dao->membership_num_terms, 'tax_amount' => $dao->tax_amount, ); $lineItems[$dao->id]['tax_rate'] = CRM_Price_BAO_LineItem::calculateTaxRate($lineItems[$dao->id]); $lineItems[$dao->id]['subTotal'] = $lineItems[$dao->id]['qty'] * $lineItems[$dao->id]['unit_price']; if ($lineItems[$dao->id]['tax_amount'] != '') { $getTaxDetails = TRUE; } } if ($invoicing) { $taxTerm = CRM_Utils_Array::value('tax_term', $invoiceSettings); $smarty = CRM_Core_Smarty::singleton(); $smarty->assign('taxTerm', $taxTerm); $smarty->assign('getTaxDetails', $getTaxDetails); } return $lineItems; } /** * This method will create the lineItem array required for * processAmount method * * @param int $fid * Price set field id. * @param array $params * Reference to form values. * @param array $fields * Array of fields belonging to the price set used for particular event * @param array $values * Reference to the values array(. * this is * lineItem array) * @param string $amount_override */ public static function format($fid, $params, $fields, &$values, $amount_override = NULL) { if (empty($params["price_{$fid}"])) { return; } //lets first check in fun parameter, //since user might modified w/ hooks. $options = array(); if (array_key_exists('options', $fields)) { $options = $fields['options']; } else { CRM_Price_BAO_PriceFieldValue::getValues($fid, $options, 'weight', TRUE); } $fieldTitle = CRM_Utils_Array::value('label', $fields); if (!$fieldTitle) { $fieldTitle = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Price_DAO_PriceField', $fid, 'label'); } foreach ($params["price_{$fid}"] as $oid => $qty) { $price = $amount_override === NULL ? $options[$oid]['amount'] : $amount_override; // lets clean the price in case it is not yet cleant // CRM-10974 $price = CRM_Utils_Rule::cleanMoney($price); $participantsPerField = CRM_Utils_Array::value('count', $options[$oid], 0); $values[$oid] = array( 'price_field_id' => $fid, 'price_field_value_id' => $oid, 'label' => CRM_Utils_Array::value('label', $options[$oid]), 'field_title' => $fieldTitle, 'description' => CRM_Utils_Array::value('description', $options[$oid]), 'qty' => $qty, 'unit_price' => $price, 'line_total' => $qty * $price, 'participant_count' => $qty * $participantsPerField, 'max_value' => CRM_Utils_Array::value('max_value', $options[$oid]), 'membership_type_id' => CRM_Utils_Array::value('membership_type_id', $options[$oid]), 'membership_num_terms' => CRM_Utils_Array::value('membership_num_terms', $options[$oid]), 'auto_renew' => CRM_Utils_Array::value('auto_renew', $options[$oid]), 'html_type' => $fields['html_type'], 'financial_type_id' => CRM_Utils_Array::value('financial_type_id', $options[$oid]), 'tax_amount' => CRM_Utils_Array::value('tax_amount', $options[$oid]), ); if ($values[$oid]['membership_type_id'] && empty($values[$oid]['auto_renew'])) { $values[$oid]['auto_renew'] = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Member_DAO_MembershipType', $values[$oid]['membership_type_id'], 'auto_renew'); } } } /** * Delete line items for given entity. * * @param int $entityId * @param int $entityTable * * @return bool */ public static function deleteLineItems($entityId, $entityTable) { if (!$entityId || !$entityTable) { return FALSE; } if ($entityId && !is_array($entityId)) { $entityId = array($entityId); } $query = "DELETE FROM civicrm_line_item where entity_id IN ('" . implode("','", $entityId) . "') AND entity_table = '$entityTable'"; $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query); return TRUE; } /** * Process price set and line items. * * @param int $entityId * @param array $lineItem * Line item array. * @param object $contributionDetails * @param string $entityTable * Entity table. * * @param bool $update * * @return void */ public static function processPriceSet($entityId, $lineItem, $contributionDetails = NULL, $entityTable = 'civicrm_contribution', $update = FALSE) { if (!$entityId || !is_array($lineItem) || CRM_Utils_system::isNull($lineItem) ) { return; } foreach ($lineItem as $priceSetId => &$values) { if (!$priceSetId) { continue; } foreach ($values as &$line) { $line['entity_table'] = $entityTable; if (empty($line['entity_id'])) { $line['entity_id'] = $entityId; } if (!empty($line['membership_type_id'])) { $line['entity_table'] = 'civicrm_membership'; } if (!empty($contributionDetails->id)) { $line['contribution_id'] = $contributionDetails->id; if ($line['entity_table'] == 'civicrm_contribution') { $line['entity_id'] = $contributionDetails->id; } } // if financial type is not set and if price field value is NOT NULL // get financial type id of price field value if (!empty($line['price_field_value_id']) && empty($line['financial_type_id'])) { $line['financial_type_id'] = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Price_DAO_PriceFieldValue', $line['price_field_value_id'], 'financial_type_id'); } $lineItems = CRM_Price_BAO_LineItem::create($line); if (!$update && $contributionDetails) { $financialItem = CRM_Financial_BAO_FinancialItem::add($lineItems, $contributionDetails); $line['financial_item_id'] = $financialItem->id; if (!empty($line['tax_amount'])) { CRM_Financial_BAO_FinancialItem::add($lineItems, $contributionDetails, TRUE); } } } } if (!$update && $contributionDetails) { CRM_Core_BAO_FinancialTrxn::createDeferredTrxn($lineItem, $contributionDetails); } } /** * @param int $entityId * @param string $entityTable * @param $amount * @param array $otherParams */ public static function syncLineItems($entityId, $entityTable = 'civicrm_contribution', $amount, $otherParams = NULL) { if (!$entityId || CRM_Utils_System::isNull($amount)) { return; } $from = " civicrm_line_item li LEFT JOIN civicrm_price_field pf ON pf.id = li.price_field_id LEFT JOIN civicrm_price_set ps ON ps.id = pf.price_set_id "; $set = " li.unit_price = %3, li.line_total = %3 "; $where = " li.entity_id = %1 AND li.entity_table = %2 "; $params = array( 1 => array($entityId, 'Integer'), 2 => array($entityTable, 'String'), 3 => array($amount, 'Float'), ); if ($entityTable == 'civicrm_contribution') { $entityName = 'default_contribution_amount'; $where .= " AND ps.name = %4 "; $params[4] = array($entityName, 'String'); } elseif ($entityTable == 'civicrm_participant') { $from .= " LEFT JOIN civicrm_price_set_entity cpse ON cpse.price_set_id = ps.id LEFT JOIN civicrm_price_field_value cpfv ON cpfv.price_field_id = pf.id and cpfv.label = %4 "; $set .= " ,li.label = %4, li.price_field_value_id = cpfv.id "; $where .= " AND cpse.entity_table = 'civicrm_event' AND cpse.entity_id = %5 "; $amount = empty($amount) ? 0 : $amount; $params += array( 4 => array($otherParams['fee_label'], 'String'), 5 => array($otherParams['event_id'], 'String'), ); } $query = " UPDATE $from SET $set WHERE $where "; CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query, $params); } /** * Build line items array. * * @param array $params * Form values. * * @param string $entityId * Entity id. * * @param string $entityTable * Entity Table. * * @param bool $isRelatedID */ public static function getLineItemArray(&$params, $entityId = NULL, $entityTable = 'contribution', $isRelatedID = FALSE) { if (!$entityId) { $priceSetDetails = CRM_Price_BAO_PriceSet::getDefaultPriceSet($entityTable); $totalAmount = CRM_Utils_Array::value('total_amount', $params); $financialType = CRM_Utils_Array::value('financial_type_id', $params); foreach ($priceSetDetails as $values) { if ($entityTable == 'membership') { if ($isRelatedID != $values['membership_type_id']) { continue; } if (!$totalAmount) { $totalAmount = $values['amount']; } $financialType = $values['financial_type_id']; } $params['line_item'][$values['setID']][$values['priceFieldID']] = array( 'price_field_id' => $values['priceFieldID'], 'price_field_value_id' => $values['priceFieldValueID'], 'label' => $values['label'], 'qty' => 1, 'unit_price' => $totalAmount, 'line_total' => $totalAmount, 'financial_type_id' => $financialType, 'membership_type_id' => $values['membership_type_id'], ); break; } } else { $setID = NULL; $totalEntityId = count($entityId); if ($entityTable == 'contribution') { $isRelatedID = TRUE; } foreach ($entityId as $id) { $lineItems = CRM_Price_BAO_LineItem::getLineItems($id, $entityTable, NULL, TRUE, $isRelatedID); foreach ($lineItems as $key => $values) { if (!$setID && $values['price_field_id']) { $setID = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Price_DAO_PriceField', $values['price_field_id'], 'price_set_id'); $params['is_quick_config'] = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Price_DAO_PriceSet', $setID, 'is_quick_config'); } if (!empty($params['is_quick_config']) && array_key_exists('total_amount', $params) && $totalEntityId == 1 ) { $values['line_total'] = $values['unit_price'] = $params['total_amount']; } $values['id'] = $key; $params['line_item'][$setID][$key] = $values; } } } } /** * Calculate tax rate in percentage. * * @param array $lineItemId * An assoc array of lineItem. * * @return int|void * tax rate */ public static function calculateTaxRate($lineItemId) { if ($lineItemId['unit_price'] == 0 || $lineItemId['qty'] == 0) { return FALSE; } if ($lineItemId['html_type'] == 'Text') { $tax = round($lineItemId['tax_amount'] / ($lineItemId['unit_price'] * $lineItemId['qty']) * 100, 2); } else { $tax = round(($lineItemId['tax_amount'] / $lineItemId['unit_price']) * 100, 2); } return $tax; } }