fetch()) { $paymentDetails[$payment->id]['scheduled_amount'] = $payment->scheduled_amount; $paymentDetails[$payment->id]['scheduled_date'] = $payment->scheduled_date; $paymentDetails[$payment->id]['reminder_date'] = $payment->reminder_date; $paymentDetails[$payment->id]['reminder_count'] = $payment->reminder_count; $paymentDetails[$payment->id]['total_amount'] = $payment->actual_amount; $paymentDetails[$payment->id]['receive_date'] = $payment->receive_date; $paymentDetails[$payment->id]['status'] = $payment->status; $paymentDetails[$payment->id]['label'] = $payment->label; $paymentDetails[$payment->id]['id'] = $payment->id; $paymentDetails[$payment->id]['contribution_id'] = $payment->contribution_id; $paymentDetails[$payment->id]['currency'] = $payment->currency; } return $paymentDetails; } /** * @param array $params * * @return pledge */ public static function create($params) { $transaction = new CRM_Core_Transaction(); $contributionStatus = CRM_Contribute_PseudoConstant::contributionStatus(NULL, 'name'); //calculate the scheduled date for every installment $now = date('Ymd') . '000000'; $statues = $prevScheduledDate = array(); $prevScheduledDate[1] = CRM_Utils_Date::processDate($params['scheduled_date']); if (CRM_Utils_Date::overdue($prevScheduledDate[1], $now)) { $statues[1] = array_search('Overdue', $contributionStatus); } else { $statues[1] = array_search('Pending', $contributionStatus); } for ($i = 1; $i < $params['installments']; $i++) { $prevScheduledDate[$i + 1] = self::calculateNextScheduledDate($params, $i); if (CRM_Utils_Date::overdue($prevScheduledDate[$i + 1], $now)) { $statues[$i + 1] = array_search('Overdue', $contributionStatus); } else { $statues[$i + 1] = array_search('Pending', $contributionStatus); } } if ($params['installment_amount']) { $params['scheduled_amount'] = $params['installment_amount']; } else { $params['scheduled_amount'] = round(($params['amount'] / $params['installments']), 2); } for ($i = 1; $i <= $params['installments']; $i++) { // calculate the scheduled amount for every installment. if ($i == $params['installments']) { $params['scheduled_amount'] = $params['amount'] - ($i - 1) * $params['scheduled_amount']; } if (!isset($params['contribution_id']) && $params['installments'] > 1) { $params['status_id'] = $statues[$i]; } $params['scheduled_date'] = $prevScheduledDate[$i]; $payment = self::add($params); if (is_a($payment, 'CRM_Core_Error')) { $transaction->rollback(); return $payment; } // we should add contribution id to only first payment record if (isset($params['contribution_id'])) { unset($params['contribution_id']); unset($params['actual_amount']); } } // update pledge status self::updatePledgePaymentStatus($params['pledge_id']); $transaction->commit(); return $payment; } /** * Add pledge payment. * * @param array $params * Associate array of field. * * @return CRM_Pledge_DAO_PledgePayment * pledge payment id */ public static function add($params) { if (!empty($params['id'])) { CRM_Utils_Hook::pre('edit', 'PledgePayment', $params['id'], $params); } else { CRM_Utils_Hook::pre('create', 'PledgePayment', NULL, $params); } $payment = new CRM_Pledge_DAO_PledgePayment(); $payment->copyValues($params); // set currency for CRM-1496 if (!isset($payment->currency)) { $payment->currency = CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->defaultCurrency; } $result = $payment->save(); if (!empty($params['id'])) { CRM_Utils_Hook::post('edit', 'PledgePayment', $payment->id, $payment); } else { CRM_Utils_Hook::post('create', 'PledgePayment', $payment->id, $payment); } return $result; } /** * Retrieve DB object based on input parameters. * * It also stores all the retrieved values in the default array. * * @param array $params * (reference ) an assoc array of name/value pairs. * @param array $defaults * (reference ) an assoc array to hold the flattened values. * * @return CRM_Pledge_BAO_PledgePayment */ public static function retrieve(&$params, &$defaults) { $payment = new CRM_Pledge_BAO_PledgePayment(); $payment->copyValues($params); if ($payment->find(TRUE)) { CRM_Core_DAO::storeValues($payment, $defaults); return $payment; } return NULL; } /** * Delete pledge payment. * * @param int $id * * @return int * pledge payment id */ public static function del($id) { $payment = new CRM_Pledge_DAO_PledgePayment(); $payment->id = $id; if ($payment->find()) { $payment->fetch(); CRM_Utils_Hook::pre('delete', 'PledgePayment', $id, $payment); $result = $payment->delete(); CRM_Utils_Hook::post('delete', 'PledgePayment', $id, $payment); return $result; } else { return FALSE; } } /** * Delete all pledge payments. * * @param int $id * Pledge id. * * @return bool */ public static function deletePayments($id) { if (!CRM_Utils_Rule::positiveInteger($id)) { return FALSE; } $transaction = new CRM_Core_Transaction(); $payment = new CRM_Pledge_DAO_PledgePayment(); $payment->pledge_id = $id; if ($payment->find()) { while ($payment->fetch()) { //also delete associated contribution. if ($payment->contribution_id) { CRM_Contribute_BAO_Contribution::deleteContribution($payment->contribution_id); } self::del($payment->id); } } $transaction->commit(); return TRUE; } /** * On delete contribution record update associated pledge payment and pledge. * * @param int $contributionID * Contribution id. * * @return bool */ public static function resetPledgePayment($contributionID) { // get all status $allStatus = CRM_Contribute_PseudoConstant::contributionStatus(NULL, 'name'); $transaction = new CRM_Core_Transaction(); $payment = new CRM_Pledge_DAO_PledgePayment(); $payment->contribution_id = $contributionID; if ($payment->find(TRUE)) { $payment->contribution_id = 'null'; $payment->status_id = array_search('Pending', $allStatus); $payment->scheduled_date = NULL; $payment->reminder_date = NULL; $payment->scheduled_amount = $payment->actual_amount; $payment->actual_amount = 'null'; $payment->save(); //update pledge status. $pledgeID = $payment->pledge_id; $pledgeStatusID = self::calculatePledgeStatus($pledgeID); CRM_Core_DAO::setFieldValue('CRM_Pledge_DAO_Pledge', $pledgeID, 'status_id', $pledgeStatusID); $payment->free(); } $transaction->commit(); return TRUE; } /** * Update Pledge Payment Status. * * @param int $pledgeID * , id of pledge. * @param array $paymentIDs * , ids of pledge payment(s) to update. * @param int $paymentStatusID * , payment status to set. * @param int $pledgeStatusID * Pledge status to change (if needed). * @param float|int $actualAmount , actual amount being paid * @param bool $adjustTotalAmount * , is amount being paid different from scheduled amount?. * @param bool $isScriptUpdate * , is function being called from bin script?. * * @return int * $newStatus, updated status id (or 0) */ public static function updatePledgePaymentStatus( $pledgeID, $paymentIDs = NULL, $paymentStatusID = NULL, $pledgeStatusID = NULL, $actualAmount = 0, $adjustTotalAmount = FALSE, $isScriptUpdate = FALSE ) { $totalAmountClause = ''; $paymentContributionId = NULL; $editScheduled = FALSE; // get all statuses $allStatus = CRM_Contribute_PseudoConstant::contributionStatus(NULL, 'name'); // if we get do not get contribution id means we are editing the scheduled payment. if (!empty($paymentIDs)) { $editScheduled = FALSE; $payments = implode(',', $paymentIDs); $paymentContributionId = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Pledge_DAO_PledgePayment', $payments, 'contribution_id', 'id' ); if (!$paymentContributionId) { $editScheduled = TRUE; } } // if payment ids are passed, we update payment table first, since payments statuses are not dependent on pledge status if ((!empty($paymentIDs) || $pledgeStatusID == array_search('Cancelled', $allStatus)) && (!$editScheduled || $isScriptUpdate)) { if ($pledgeStatusID == array_search('Cancelled', $allStatus)) { $paymentStatusID = $pledgeStatusID; } self::updatePledgePayments($pledgeID, $paymentStatusID, $paymentIDs, $actualAmount, $paymentContributionId, $isScriptUpdate); } if (!empty($paymentIDs) && $actualAmount) { $payments = implode(',', $paymentIDs); $pledgeScheduledAmount = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Pledge_DAO_PledgePayment', $payments, 'scheduled_amount', 'id' ); $pledgeStatusId = self::calculatePledgeStatus($pledgeID); // Actual Pledge Amount $actualPledgeAmount = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Pledge_DAO_Pledge', $pledgeID, 'amount', 'id' ); // while editing scheduled we need to check if we are editing last pending $lastPending = FALSE; if (!$paymentContributionId) { $checkPendingCount = self::getOldestPledgePayment($pledgeID, 2); if ($checkPendingCount['count'] == 1) { $lastPending = TRUE; } } // check if this is the last payment and adjust the actual amount. if ($pledgeStatusId && $pledgeStatusId == array_search('Completed', $allStatus) || $lastPending) { // last scheduled payment if ($actualAmount >= $pledgeScheduledAmount) { $adjustTotalAmount = TRUE; } elseif (!$adjustTotalAmount) { // actual amount is less than the scheduled amount, so enter new pledge payment record $pledgeFrequencyUnit = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Pledge_DAO_Pledge', $pledgeID, 'frequency_unit', 'id'); $pledgeFrequencyInterval = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Pledge_DAO_Pledge', $pledgeID, 'frequency_interval', 'id'); $pledgeScheduledDate = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Pledge_DAO_PledgePayment', $payments, 'scheduled_date', 'id'); $scheduled_date = CRM_Utils_Date::processDate($pledgeScheduledDate); $date['year'] = (int) substr($scheduled_date, 0, 4); $date['month'] = (int) substr($scheduled_date, 4, 2); $date['day'] = (int) substr($scheduled_date, 6, 2); $newDate = date('YmdHis', mktime(0, 0, 0, $date['month'], $date['day'], $date['year'])); $ScheduledDate = CRM_Utils_Date::format(CRM_Utils_Date::intervalAdd($pledgeFrequencyUnit, $pledgeFrequencyInterval, $newDate )); $pledgeParams = array( 'status_id' => array_search('Pending', $allStatus), 'pledge_id' => $pledgeID, 'scheduled_amount' => ($pledgeScheduledAmount - $actualAmount), 'scheduled_date' => $ScheduledDate, ); $payment = self::add($pledgeParams); // while editing schedule, after adding a new pledge payemnt update the scheduled amount of the current payment if (!$paymentContributionId) { CRM_Core_DAO::setFieldValue('CRM_Pledge_DAO_PledgePayment', $payments, 'scheduled_amount', $actualAmount); } } } elseif (!$adjustTotalAmount) { // not last schedule amount and also not selected to adjust Total $paymentContributionId = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Pledge_DAO_PledgePayment', $payments, 'contribution_id', 'id' ); self::adjustPledgePayment($pledgeID, $actualAmount, $pledgeScheduledAmount, $paymentContributionId, $payments, $paymentStatusID); // while editing schedule, after adding a new pledge payemnt update the scheduled amount of the current payment if (!$paymentContributionId) { CRM_Core_DAO::setFieldValue('CRM_Pledge_DAO_PledgePayment', $payments, 'scheduled_amount', $actualAmount); } // after adjusting all payments check if the actual amount was greater than the actual remaining amount , if so then update the total pledge amount. $pledgeStatusId = self::calculatePledgeStatus($pledgeID); $balanceQuery = " SELECT sum( civicrm_pledge_payment.actual_amount ) FROM civicrm_pledge_payment WHERE civicrm_pledge_payment.pledge_id = %1 AND civicrm_pledge_payment.status_id = 1 "; $totalPaidParams = array(1 => array($pledgeID, 'Integer')); $totalPaidAmount = CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery($balanceQuery, $totalPaidParams); $remainingTotalAmount = ($actualPledgeAmount - $totalPaidAmount); if (($pledgeStatusId && $pledgeStatusId == array_search('Completed', $allStatus)) && (($actualAmount > $remainingTotalAmount) || ($actualAmount >= $actualPledgeAmount))) { $totalAmountClause = ", civicrm_pledge.amount = {$totalPaidAmount}"; } } if ($adjustTotalAmount) { $newTotalAmount = ($actualPledgeAmount + ($actualAmount - $pledgeScheduledAmount)); $totalAmountClause = ", civicrm_pledge.amount = {$newTotalAmount}"; if (!$paymentContributionId) { CRM_Core_DAO::setFieldValue('CRM_Pledge_DAO_PledgePayment', $payments, 'scheduled_amount', $actualAmount); } } } $cancelDateClause = $endDateClause = NULL; // update pledge and payment status if status is Completed/Cancelled. if ($pledgeStatusID && $pledgeStatusID == array_search('Cancelled', $allStatus)) { $paymentStatusID = $pledgeStatusID; $cancelDateClause = ", civicrm_pledge.cancel_date = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP "; } else { // get pledge status $pledgeStatusID = self::calculatePledgeStatus($pledgeID); } if ($pledgeStatusID == array_search('Completed', $allStatus)) { $endDateClause = ", civicrm_pledge.end_date = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP "; } // update pledge status $query = " UPDATE civicrm_pledge SET civicrm_pledge.status_id = %1 {$cancelDateClause} {$endDateClause} {$totalAmountClause} WHERE civicrm_pledge.id = %2 "; $params = array( 1 => array($pledgeStatusID, 'Integer'), 2 => array($pledgeID, 'Integer'), ); $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query, $params); return $pledgeStatusID; } /** * Calculate the base scheduled date. This function effectively 'rounds' the $params['scheduled_date'] value * to the first payment date with respect to the frequency day - ie. if payments are on the 15th of the month the date returned * will be the 15th of the relevant month. Then to calculate the payments you can use intervalAdd ie. * CRM_Utils_Date::intervalAdd( $params['frequency_unit'], $i * ($params['frequency_interval']) , calculateBaseScheduledDate( &$params ))) * * @param array $params * * @return array * Next scheduled date as an array */ public static function calculateBaseScheduleDate(&$params) { $date = array(); $scheduled_date = CRM_Utils_Date::processDate($params['scheduled_date']); $date['year'] = (int) substr($scheduled_date, 0, 4); $date['month'] = (int) substr($scheduled_date, 4, 2); $date['day'] = (int) substr($scheduled_date, 6, 2); // calculation of schedule date according to frequency day of period // frequency day is not applicable for daily installments if ($params['frequency_unit'] != 'day' && $params['frequency_unit'] != 'year') { if ($params['frequency_unit'] != 'week') { // CRM-18316: To calculate pledge scheduled dates at the end of a month. $date['day'] = $params['frequency_day']; $lastDayOfMonth = date('t', mktime(0, 0, 0, $date['month'], 1, $date['year'])); if ($lastDayOfMonth < $date['day']) { $date['day'] = $lastDayOfMonth; } } elseif ($params['frequency_unit'] == 'week') { // for week calculate day of week ie. Sunday,Monday etc. as next payment date $dayOfWeek = date('w', mktime(0, 0, 0, $date['month'], $date['day'], $date['year'])); $frequencyDay = $params['frequency_day'] - $dayOfWeek; $scheduleDate = explode("-", date('n-j-Y', mktime(0, 0, 0, $date['month'], $date['day'] + $frequencyDay, $date['year'] ))); $date['month'] = $scheduleDate[0]; $date['day'] = $scheduleDate[1]; $date['year'] = $scheduleDate[2]; } } $newdate = date('YmdHis', mktime(0, 0, 0, $date['month'], $date['day'], $date['year'])); return $newdate; } /** * Calculate next scheduled pledge payment date. Function calculates next pledge payment date. * * @param array $params * must include frequency unit & frequency interval * @param int $paymentNo * number of payment in sequence (e.g. 1 for first calculated payment (treat initial payment as 0) * @param string $basePaymentDate * date to calculate payments from. This would normally be the * first day of the pledge (default) & is calculated off the 'scheduled date' param. Returned date will * be equal to basePaymentDate normalised to fit the 'pledge pattern' + number of installments * * @return string * formatted date */ public static function calculateNextScheduledDate(&$params, $paymentNo, $basePaymentDate = NULL) { $interval = $paymentNo * ($params['frequency_interval']); if (!$basePaymentDate) { $basePaymentDate = self::calculateBaseScheduleDate($params); } //CRM-18316 - change $basePaymentDate for the end dates of the month eg: 29, 30 or 31. if ($params['frequency_unit'] == 'month' && in_array($params['frequency_day'], array(29, 30, 31))) { $frequency = $params['frequency_day']; extract(date_parse($basePaymentDate)); $lastDayOfMonth = date('t', mktime($hour, $minute, $second, $month + $interval, 1, $year)); // Take the last day in case the current month is Feb or frequency_day is set to 31. if (in_array($lastDayOfMonth, array(28, 29)) || $frequency == 31) { $frequency = 0; $interval++; } $basePaymentDate = array( 'M' => $month, 'd' => $frequency, 'Y' => $year, ); } return CRM_Utils_Date::format( CRM_Utils_Date::intervalAdd( $params['frequency_unit'], $interval, $basePaymentDate ) ); } /** * Calculate the pledge status. * * @param int $pledgeId * Pledge id. * * @return int * $statusId calculated status id of pledge */ public static function calculatePledgeStatus($pledgeId) { $paymentStatusTypes = CRM_Contribute_PseudoConstant::contributionStatus(NULL, 'name'); //return if the pledge is cancelled. $currentPledgeStatus = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Pledge_DAO_Pledge', $pledgeId, 'status_id', 'id', TRUE); if ($currentPledgeStatus == array_search('Cancelled', $paymentStatusTypes)) { return $currentPledgeStatus; } // retrieve all pledge payments for this particular pledge $allPledgePayments = $allStatus = array(); $returnProperties = array('status_id'); CRM_Core_DAO::commonRetrieveAll('CRM_Pledge_DAO_PledgePayment', 'pledge_id', $pledgeId, $allPledgePayments, $returnProperties); // build pledge payment statuses foreach ($allPledgePayments as $key => $value) { $allStatus[$value['id']] = $paymentStatusTypes[$value['status_id']]; } if (array_search('Overdue', $allStatus)) { $statusId = array_search('Overdue', $paymentStatusTypes); } elseif (array_search('Completed', $allStatus)) { if (count(array_count_values($allStatus)) == 1) { $statusId = array_search('Completed', $paymentStatusTypes); } else { $statusId = array_search('In Progress', $paymentStatusTypes); } } else { $statusId = array_search('Pending', $paymentStatusTypes); } return $statusId; } /** * Update pledge payment table. * * @param int $pledgeId * Pledge id. * @param int $paymentStatusId * Payment status id to set. * @param array $paymentIds * Payment ids to be updated. * @param float|int $actualAmount , actual amount being paid * @param int $contributionId * , Id of associated contribution when payment is recorded. * @param bool $isScriptUpdate * , is function being called from bin script?. * */ public static function updatePledgePayments( $pledgeId, $paymentStatusId, $paymentIds = NULL, $actualAmount = 0, $contributionId = NULL, $isScriptUpdate = FALSE ) { $allStatus = CRM_Contribute_PseudoConstant::contributionStatus(NULL, 'name'); $paymentClause = NULL; if (!empty($paymentIds)) { $payments = implode(',', $paymentIds); $paymentClause = " AND civicrm_pledge_payment.id IN ( {$payments} )"; } elseif ($paymentStatusId == array_search('Cancelled', $allStatus)) { $completedStatus = array_search('Completed', $allStatus); $paymentClause = " AND civicrm_pledge_payment.status_id != {$completedStatus}"; } $actualAmountClause = NULL; $contributionIdClause = NULL; if (isset($contributionId) && !$isScriptUpdate) { $contributionIdClause = ", civicrm_pledge_payment.contribution_id = {$contributionId}"; $actualAmountClause = ", civicrm_pledge_payment.actual_amount = {$actualAmount}"; } $query = " UPDATE civicrm_pledge_payment SET civicrm_pledge_payment.status_id = {$paymentStatusId} {$actualAmountClause} {$contributionIdClause} WHERE civicrm_pledge_payment.pledge_id = %1 {$paymentClause} "; // get all status $params = array(1 => array($pledgeId, 'Integer')); $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query, $params); } /** * Update pledge payment table when reminder is sent. * * @param int $paymentId * Payment id. */ public static function updateReminderDetails($paymentId) { $query = " UPDATE civicrm_pledge_payment SET civicrm_pledge_payment.reminder_date = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, civicrm_pledge_payment.reminder_count = civicrm_pledge_payment.reminder_count + 1 WHERE civicrm_pledge_payment.id = {$paymentId} "; $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query); } /** * Get oldest pending or in progress pledge payments. * * @param int $pledgeID * Pledge id. * * @param int $limit * * @return array * associated array of pledge details */ public static function getOldestPledgePayment($pledgeID, $limit = 1) { // get pending / overdue statuses $pledgeStatuses = CRM_Contribute_PseudoConstant::contributionStatus(NULL, 'name'); // get pending and overdue payments $status[] = array_search('Pending', $pledgeStatuses); $status[] = array_search('Overdue', $pledgeStatuses); $statusClause = " IN (" . implode(',', $status) . ")"; $query = " SELECT civicrm_pledge_payment.id id, civicrm_pledge_payment.scheduled_amount amount, civicrm_pledge_payment.currency, civicrm_pledge_payment.scheduled_date,civicrm_pledge.financial_type_id FROM civicrm_pledge, civicrm_pledge_payment WHERE civicrm_pledge.id = civicrm_pledge_payment.pledge_id AND civicrm_pledge_payment.status_id {$statusClause} AND civicrm_pledge.id = %1 ORDER BY civicrm_pledge_payment.scheduled_date ASC LIMIT 0, %2 "; $params[1] = array($pledgeID, 'Integer'); $params[2] = array($limit, 'Integer'); $payment = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query, $params); $count = 1; $paymentDetails = array(); while ($payment->fetch()) { $paymentDetails[] = array( 'id' => $payment->id, 'amount' => $payment->amount, 'currency' => $payment->currency, 'schedule_date' => $payment->scheduled_date, 'financial_type_id' => $payment->financial_type_id, 'count' => $count, ); $count++; } return end($paymentDetails); } /** * @param int $pledgeID * @param $actualAmount * @param $pledgeScheduledAmount * @param int $paymentContributionId * @param int $pPaymentId * @param int $paymentStatusID */ public static function adjustPledgePayment($pledgeID, $actualAmount, $pledgeScheduledAmount, $paymentContributionId = NULL, $pPaymentId = NULL, $paymentStatusID = NULL) { $allStatus = CRM_Contribute_PseudoConstant::contributionStatus(NULL, 'name'); if ($paymentStatusID == array_search('Cancelled', $allStatus) || $paymentStatusID == array_search('Refunded', $allStatus)) { $query = " SELECT civicrm_pledge_payment.id id FROM civicrm_pledge_payment WHERE civicrm_pledge_payment.contribution_id = {$paymentContributionId} "; $paymentsAffected = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query); $paymentIDs = array(); while ($paymentsAffected->fetch()) { $paymentIDs[] = $paymentsAffected->id; } // Reset the affected values by the amount paid more than the scheduled amount foreach ($paymentIDs as $key => $value) { $payment = new CRM_Pledge_DAO_PledgePayment(); $payment->id = $value; if ($payment->find(TRUE)) { $payment->contribution_id = 'null'; $payment->status_id = array_search('Pending', $allStatus); $payment->scheduled_date = NULL; $payment->reminder_date = NULL; $payment->scheduled_amount = $pledgeScheduledAmount; $payment->actual_amount = 'null'; $payment->save(); } } // Cancel the initial paid amount CRM_Core_DAO::setFieldValue('CRM_Pledge_DAO_PledgePayment', reset($paymentIDs), 'status_id', $paymentStatusID, 'id'); CRM_Core_DAO::setFieldValue('CRM_Pledge_DAO_PledgePayment', reset($paymentIDs), 'actual_amount', $actualAmount, 'id'); // Add new payment after the last payment for the pledge $allPayments = self::getPledgePayments($pledgeID); $lastPayment = array_pop($allPayments); $pledgeFrequencyUnit = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Pledge_DAO_Pledge', $pledgeID, 'frequency_unit', 'id'); $pledgeFrequencyInterval = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Pledge_DAO_Pledge', $pledgeID, 'frequency_interval', 'id'); $pledgeScheduledDate = $lastPayment['scheduled_date']; $scheduled_date = CRM_Utils_Date::processDate($pledgeScheduledDate); $date['year'] = (int) substr($scheduled_date, 0, 4); $date['month'] = (int) substr($scheduled_date, 4, 2); $date['day'] = (int) substr($scheduled_date, 6, 2); $newDate = date('YmdHis', mktime(0, 0, 0, $date['month'], $date['day'], $date['year'])); $ScheduledDate = CRM_Utils_Date::format(CRM_Utils_Date::intervalAdd($pledgeFrequencyUnit, $pledgeFrequencyInterval, $newDate)); $pledgeParams = array( 'status_id' => array_search('Pending', $allStatus), 'pledge_id' => $pledgeID, 'scheduled_amount' => $pledgeScheduledAmount, 'scheduled_date' => $ScheduledDate, ); $payment = self::add($pledgeParams); } else { $oldestPayment = self::getOldestPledgePayment($pledgeID); if (!$paymentContributionId) { // means we are editing payment scheduled payment, so get the second pending to update. $oldestPayment = self::getOldestPledgePayment($pledgeID, 2); if (($oldestPayment['count'] != 1) && ($oldestPayment['id'] == $pPaymentId)) { $oldestPayment = self::getOldestPledgePayment($pledgeID); } } if ($oldestPayment) { // not the last scheduled payment and the actual amount is less than the expected , add it to oldest pending. if (($actualAmount != $pledgeScheduledAmount) && (($actualAmount < $pledgeScheduledAmount) || (($actualAmount - $pledgeScheduledAmount) < $oldestPayment['amount']))) { $oldScheduledAmount = $oldestPayment['amount']; $newScheduledAmount = $oldScheduledAmount + ($pledgeScheduledAmount - $actualAmount); // store new amount in oldest pending payment record. CRM_Core_DAO::setFieldValue('CRM_Pledge_DAO_PledgePayment', $oldestPayment['id'], 'scheduled_amount', $newScheduledAmount ); if (CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Pledge_DAO_PledgePayment', $oldestPayment['id'], 'contribution_id', 'id')) { CRM_Core_DAO::setFieldValue('CRM_Pledge_DAO_PledgePayment', $oldestPayment['id'], 'contribution_id', $paymentContributionId ); } } elseif (($actualAmount > $pledgeScheduledAmount) && (($actualAmount - $pledgeScheduledAmount) >= $oldestPayment['amount'])) { // here the actual amount is greater than expected and also greater than the next installment amount, so update the next installment as complete and again add it to next subsequent pending payment // set the actual amount of the next pending to '0', set contribution Id to current contribution Id and status as completed $paymentId = array($oldestPayment['id']); self::updatePledgePayments($pledgeID, array_search('Completed', $allStatus), $paymentId, 0, $paymentContributionId); CRM_Core_DAO::setFieldValue('CRM_Pledge_DAO_PledgePayment', $oldestPayment['id'], 'scheduled_amount', 0, 'id'); $oldestPayment = self::getOldestPledgePayment($pledgeID); if (!$paymentContributionId) { // means we are editing payment scheduled payment. $oldestPaymentAmount = self::getOldestPledgePayment($pledgeID, 2); } $newActualAmount = ($actualAmount - $pledgeScheduledAmount); $newPledgeScheduledAmount = $oldestPayment['amount']; if (!$paymentContributionId) { $newActualAmount = ($actualAmount - $pledgeScheduledAmount); $newPledgeScheduledAmount = $oldestPaymentAmount['amount']; // means we are editing payment scheduled payment, so update scheduled amount. CRM_Core_DAO::setFieldValue('CRM_Pledge_DAO_PledgePayment', $oldestPaymentAmount['id'], 'scheduled_amount', $newActualAmount ); } if ($newActualAmount > 0) { self::adjustPledgePayment($pledgeID, $newActualAmount, $newPledgeScheduledAmount, $paymentContributionId); } } } } } /** * Override buildOptions to hack out some statuses. * * @todo instead of using & hacking the shared optionGroup contribution_status use a separate one. * * @param string $fieldName * @param string $context * @param array $props * * @return array|bool */ public static function buildOptions($fieldName, $context = NULL, $props = array()) { $result = parent::buildOptions($fieldName, $context, $props); if ($fieldName == 'status_id') { $result = array_diff($result, array('Failed', 'In Progress')); } return $result; } }